Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Sep 1926, p. 28

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28 WILMETTE LIFE September 3, 1926 I Did Y Olt KnowThat Ed11a Ferber actuallv lived on a show boat for a 'J'Cari JR.®Wll®W~ ©rr Willlmm®tttt® 1Lnil»Ir<a1IrY New Song Books for Children One of the most popular books in the children's department last year was "\Vhen We \Vere Very Young." One Saturday morning at the Story-Hour, Miss Marjorie Day sang some of the songs that Mr. Fraser-Simson has !'et to music, to th~ great joy of the children. There were numerous requc:o;ts after that for the songs and the children gathered around the piano and sang them together. Owing to the popularity of this book. there ha\·c been several new song book s added to the collection. .I!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII'I WIIIIIII IIII N ®W !ffi©©OC~ Our Tha.t an unpublished manuscript of Olive Scherciner's has been disCO'l'cred-"From. Man to Man/' which will be published soon! That Uzc Edward !. Clode prize of $2,500 has been awarded to Paul Kimball for his novel, "Jfrs. llfen.'alt." (There were 6,700 manuscn'pts .wbmittrd.) That 1Vill Dumut spmt eleven -years i11 t!tr prcparatilm of his "Story of Philosophy" mrd three .wars writi11g it? That "Oh Genteel Lady" is the latest choice of tire "Book of the Jf onth" club critics? Book Shop suggests the following books to while away dull hours, entertainingly and profitably: Bellarion Rafatl Sabatini Houghton Mifflin Co. . . . . $2.50 A Romance of the Italian "PERF.LLA"-Hl-i/liam J. Locke. The setting of this typical Locke nove] is in Florence and his characters are as whimsical and say exceedingly clever things as usual. Perella is an elfin like creature \\·ho is in love with an arti st but marries a man much older than herself and realize her mistake later in life. 111111 11111101111111111:'1 "FAR Exu"-JJay Si11clair. The late st novel of ~la\· Sinclair has for 'its theme the e~trangc-ment bet\reen a husband and wiie during the years when her time is so largely devoted to the care of her children. This is not her be t work although a noYel hy her is ah,·ays worth reading. 1111111111111111111111111! "Tnr: Kr :\G 's I3REA 'KFA sr"-F rn.r:~· r Simson. Thi s is perhaps the mo:o;t loved pntlll from "\Vhen \\'e \Vere Ven· Young." and :\f r . Fraser- Simson has- compo~td some jolb· music that exactly fit s the words. ~fr. ~filne ha :-; writt<'n a de lightiul introducti on t o the snng that you will enjoy immcn:.tly. 11111111111111111111111111 "T111~ BAnY's 0J>Elc\, .. "Tm·: B . \HY'.., Bm·Qt'ET"-lf"nltrr (rant'. Renaissance. Her Son's Wife Dorothy Canfield Harcourt Brace f1 Co . . . . . $2.00 EYerything in : M ary Bascom's comfortable universe revolved about her until her son brought home a wife. Perella William J. Locke Dodd Mead f1 Co. . ..... $2.00 "\VAYS oF. EscAPE"-Xod Forrst. Christopher ~forlcy has fini shed the A fir st no\·et which has hecn ach·ermanuscript of a nc\-\' novel which as tised by the publisher:-; as being an yet has no title. outstanding hook. . The theme is <·xcellent as is also his characterization Shen\'oocl Anderson has just sent of Stephen Heath, who rule~ his iamily to hi s publi hers the Jnanuscript of with an iron hand but it is doubtful if his nC'\\' book, "Tar, a Midwest Child- a hook which is not het ter ,,:ritten \\'ill hood" \\'hich is to be published this he found among the bc:-.t seller :-;. i a 11. He is 110\\. deYoting his entire 11111111111111111 111111111 time to a ne\\' no\·el which \vill he published in 1927. ' · "l\yc;r.r:R HEAn::\ "-Cnr/ Van T'ahft' ll. The Harlem district of ~C\\' York where live the neg·r nrs and a sprinkOne of F arnot's ling lli other ran·s i~ the Sl'tt ing ior Van V cchten 's late st hook. "Xiggcr Best Novels Hcan:n." He gin·s us a realistic picture oi negro Iiie \\·ith a n:~ in of comedy running t hrnugh out the story. 1111111111111111111111111 The. L' are t\\·o hook:-; c'i ~ong-., iPr H: ry littk pc·oplc, the first is -. lHH1k c1i old rhymes with nc\\· dre . sc:o; , and tht :o;econd, "a frc~h hunch oi ole! rhYnlc:ancl tutH."·" Both hClob an.: h c:aut~ fnlly illustrattd hy \\'alter Crane. !1 111111111111111111111111'1 .. ~() :\ (; s FRo ~r ~rOT III·: R Co()..,,.: .. -.-.:..,:irl1/{'_\' I I! Mncr. THE HIGH ADVENTURE By JEFFERY FARNOL A romantic tale of lusty adventure by the famous author of "T h e B r o a d Highway." $2. o o at all Booksellers They wen· writtt·n in rc"Jl(lth<: to a reque st irom thl' rotnp,,:-.n'.., \\· iiL·. ~flllt . ll ollll'r. ic1r "Clllll' .,ongs '"that tht' \\'hole iamily cou'lrl :-in~ t()gcthtr ." \\'c feel sure that th i~ h1HJk \\'ill pron: popular \\'ith c)lildren 11i ;til agt::-. "SL\DIEJ.: B:\Cl!E!.OR~"-Tf"arncr Fa- bian. A . pleasing, ea:o;y to rt:ad, iaintly moralistic novel has \ Yarn er Fabian gin·n us in thiS, his latest brain-child. The snmmer hachL"Ior:-; are the men whose selfish \\·iyes could not concl'i,·e a summer spent in the sweltering city, so hence the\· \\'id o\\' their husband s \vho needs n;ust seck companionship with the demoiselles \\'ho are ah\'ays to he found at home. jl!llllll;lll!llllllllll l ·'Ot ·R Or.JJ :\t· RsERY RTIY~a: s " - .1/ frtd .1! (I [(at. This hook ha..: n·n· attractive illu-trations h_,. \Yill;tlJcck . I. e ~1 air. and "ill he eager!~· \\'C'lcomecl In· rhildrC"n \\' JJ! , IO\'C' ).f other r.oo. r, as ,·Yell ;tS 1)\· th<,-e some\\'hat older. · - \Yinnifrr<l Bright I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIIIIIIIIIIII IJI J :\. young architect escapes from the drudgery of an office, and Perella earning a precarious living as a copyist in the great picture galleries, meet in an old Florentine pension. LITTLE, BROWN & CO. ;Publishers, Boston Leif The Lucky Clara Sharpe Hough Century Co. E. Their N etv Books! TI:;~,rrington - Thr . ......·... $2.oc A Romantic Novel of the Norseman in the days of Eric the Red. SCHOOL BOOKS 5% Discount A discount of 5% will be allowed on all school books purchased on or before Saturday, September 11th. We have a limited number of second-hand school books at a good saving. R(·X F .rrpdsilr Rf·aeh-l'adlrwkrrl p, olit·1 Barry B f· nf·fi··ld - R710rl Tur11s J . D. RNrisford- A lmost J>aqmt .T . H. Callt>II- Thr Sil, ·u .":tallion Dorothy CanfiE·ld-llrT .\;rm',q ll'ifr R . \V. C'hamhNioi-Thc Mn11 Thr ,;J Tlltll . ll' d Ci. I<. C'hPstE>rton-Tiic lllC?'Cdlllify (I{ Pathr1· Rrull'tL Miss Tiverton Goes Out Anonymous Bobbs Merrill ..·....... $2.5 o lr\'ing- 8 . C'ohb- Jl?·os and C'ol!s James OJi\·pr C'urwood-Tl1c Rlad.,· nun~nn:; - 7'/ir ('llm·1/'(J1llfll1's TTICIIft r .":had(l!l' Tells the story of a relentless hate by a horrid man for someone he has never seen. Yet it IS a pleasant tale. Edna Ft>rb(·r- Show Ro(/f BE>n HE·rht-r'ount RrurJa !\[ary .Tohn~ton-TlH' Gn·ot VallCJJ PE>tf'r B. Kyne-Thc fTnflerstmtlling Hratt Ring Ln.rdnt-r-The Lo1'C Nest mul Otll("r Stories The Blue Castle L. M. Montgomery Stocks . . . . . . . . . . . · . . . . $2.00 Wilmette Stationery & Gift Shop (Opposite Village Theatre) New Address Stf'plwn LE>aC'o<'k-1Fi1111()!Crrl lrisflom Sinclair Lewis-Mantrap Josenh Lincoln-The Big Jfngul WillJam Lock<o-Pcrelln Andre ~Taurois- Mope, the ll"ol'ld of Illusion At twenty-nine, Valancy Sterling is told she has only one year to Jive, and determines to have one fling at romance before she dies. 115 5 Wilmette Avenue Phone Wilmette 3051 Comnton Mackenzie-Fai?"Y Goltl L. M. Montgomc·ry-Tllr Rlue Castle Rafael Sabatini-Bellario?t May Sinclair-Pn1· F.·ul Carl Van Vechten-Nigqr1· JTearr 11 Henry K. Wehstf'r--Thr Corbin X('('klace l\largaret ·wilson-The Paint e(l Room, P. C. Wren-Bean Sab1·eur

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