Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Sep 1926, p. 31

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'September 10, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE '31 ORNER URGES HASTE T· IN I OTH S 1 PAVING 1 Orville J. Borchers to Direct Methodist Music - · ... ·· Orville Jennings Borchers has been secured by the music committee of the a Wilmette Rotary Club Told lm· Wilmette Parish Methodist church as director. He begins his work mediate Stepa Muat Be Taken choir Sunday.J September 12. It will be reto Open North Artery · membered that Mt. Borchers built up WILMETI'E, ILL a great choir for this church and effiPrompt action to have Tenth street cien~ly directed it for two years. He Tenth Street aad Ceatral AYeaue -paved from Chestnut avenue through has completed two years' teaching in to Sheridan road should be taken by . the State college of Texas. SERVICES the Village board, President Orner deSUNDAY SERVICES-II A.. M. clared this week in a. talk on village af- Birk Brothe. rs Bowlers Wednesday Testimonial Sunday School Exercises fairs before the Wilmette Rotary club. Take Match from Locals Tenth street, he continued, is the Meeting--8 P. M. 9 :45 A. M. natural artery into the central busiFollowing a session of the Wilmette ness district from the north and should Business Men's Bowling league ThursSubject of tbe Leaaoa Sermoa be improved without delay. The town- day evening: September 2, a picked ship · highway commissioner, he ex- team under the leadership of Oscar W. plained, has in readiness a fund espe- Schmidt bowled an exhibition match cially reserved for the improvement of with the famous Birk Brothers team of READING ROOM-1163 WILMETTE AVE. that portion of the street which is out- Chicago, at the Goodwin alleys. The HOURS: The B1ble and Works of Kal7 side the limits of Wilmette. The prin- Chicagoans won the contest with 'l!J27 Daily (except Wednesday and Baker Eddy and all other cipal property owners, who must bear pins, as against 2670 pins for the loSaturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. authorized Chrlatlan Science the greater portion of the assessment cals. Wednesday 9 A.M. to '1 :45 P.M. Literature may be read. bor· burden, are anxious for the improveSaturday 9 A.M. te 9 P.M. rowed or purchased. ment in the interest of the welfare of be a revenue producing departmentthe community as a whole. The Pubiic ia cordiall:r iaYitetl to att.ead tlut Claurcla Senicea as it was at one time in the history Citea lmDrovementa aad Yiait the ReacliDI' Roo· · of the · village and felt that it should In his talk President Orner enum- he- and is now an efficiency producing erated numerous improvements, some organization. -..IIIIJIIHIIIftlltftiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiUIIII.UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIftiiiiii'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIUIJIIIIIIIIHIIIIa':i small· and some large, but all of which, he pointed out, have combined to bring Vv"ilmette up to the very pinnacle of standard as a suburban community. "And in this," President Orner dea face staring at him clared. "we should not stop short of through the glass . · · a sinisthe goal of making our village the queen of the north shore." ter, li'Yid f~tce, in which was He said he hoped to live to see a \Vilmette \vith a population of 50,000 set a of glittering black which is predicted by 1950. eyes · · · In the development of the village thus far, President Orner dwelt upon the benefits of co-operation which has been given to the authorities by various Improvement associations, in former years. In the more recent years he referred to the rapid growth of that portion of the village west of the tracks, where active co-operation of Improvement .as sociations in stimulating- the high grade civic development which ha resulted. ·h~· the awarding of prizes for the be st lawns and garden s. This friendly rivalry not only became contagious, in the matter of pride in beautifying lawns and home sites, hut also proved an attraction to Yisitors to the village and instilled in those who afterwards came here to live, the sam~ determination to mainIt is magically and vividly writt~n, packed ing story of mystery, love and money tain the high standard and to even excel. He referred to the highly restrictwith startling situations and bold graphic that has appeared in years, moving ed and beautiful sections adjoining the strokes of description so that you will tensely and breathlessly through scenes village to the northwest, in the Indian find almost as much to g.rip you in the of thriUing drama to a soul-shaking Hilt section. style as in the story. The most fascinat- climax. . Improve Alleys Another evidence of the progress of the village in the way of improvement, Appearing Exclusi'Yely in the American Weekly Section of the ,\·as given in brief reference to the large number of paved alleys, and President Orner said that the vitlage contemplates next spring adding perAND THESE EXCLUSIVE FEATURES: haps twenty-fi ·e additional blocks of paved alleys. How to LoJe 11 Woman' J LMe Arthur Brisbtme Praiaea Pol:ce In brief reference to the efficiency Alice M. Wtlliamaon gives 12 sure Author of "Today," one of t .. rules, guaranteed to cause any of the police department, President Orwlaeet and pointedly written tdl· woman to cease lovtng a man. A torial columna anywhere. One cl ner paid glowing tribute to the methpre-eminent article by a noted the aurest aids of the well-informe4 ods of Charles W. Leggett, who, he woman writer. man. said, without an increase in the perPrudence Penny sonnel of the force, has been able to Th~ OulliM of the Ar11 Thousands of women have benegive Wilmette the most efficient deH. G. Wells, the world's leader of fited from the advice of this famous partment it has ever had. Substanthoul'ht, continues hia enliglrl...aalq home and household expert. Many tiating this statement he referred to liistory of man·a artistic prorreH housewives have found thep1selves with a diseourae on Indian archlteo· actually able to a fiord luxuries by the fact that within the past few following her suggestions. ture and music. months there have been Jess than a half dozen arrests for violation of traffic rules, due solely to the efficiency of the organization which Chief Leggett has established, and the resultant heartly co-operation among citizens. Chief Leggett, in a recent survey of the streets of the Yillage during which time every hour of the day was covered, found the very minimum of in·The Largest Circulation of Any Chicttgo NewsJHiper-1,151,J'1B fractions, for the most part of a most trivial nature. The police department, President Orner said, has ceased to Dr. and Mrs. C. G. Smith and their lend motor trip to Iowa. Miss Lola daughter, Marjorie, 1325 Greenwood Smith, Dr. and Mrs. Smith's niece, is avenue, have returned after a week- spending a week with them. First Church of Christ, Scientist I ! September 12-"Substance" - u·. · · ·pais· , A Super ~riller by JOHN HAMMOND - ~ t!t!'fhe Mystery of 'The Jade Cuff Links" Sunday Herald and Examiner SUNDAY Herald and Examiner ... . .

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