Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Sep 1926, p. 40

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WILMETTE LIFE September 17, 1926 Kenilworth Happenings Residents of Kenilworth to Winter in California Great Special Offer · Limited Time Only for tlae UJOrlJ-Iamoa· Grand Prae The opportunity of a lffetfmel Get a brand oew, genuine Orand PriM Eureka Vacuum Cleaner loronly$2.00 flown/ This astonishingly small down payment puts thta creat cleaner richt In your · own home-and eztremely easy termt will quickly make it youra. Think of itl GREAT SPECIAL TERMS Offer Positively for Complete $850 Set el ··H~Ia- V·e··m" Alf·elamenta Limited Time Only But you must hurry! This utonlshint special terms educational offer ends soon. Upon request we will deliver a brand new Eureka with complete attachments f;:or FRES trial. Then, if you decide to keep them, pay only $2.00 down. Act now -and enjoy many, many yean ofthe beat bomecleaning service money can buyl FREE with each Eureka purc:haaed (TWa elfer ....,. H withclrawa at aa~ tl.ae) Write, Phone or Call Today EVANSTON .BRANCH 1235 Chicago Avenue Greenleaf 17 3 4 Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hannah of 256 f Woodstock road, Kenilworth, who le t Monday, September 13,. wit~ , the_ir family to spend the enttre wmter tn Pasadena, have been guests of 'honor at several affairs. Mrs. Percy B. Eckhart, 206 Cumberland avenue, gave a -oluncheon at Indian Hill club Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. \Villiam ]. Englar .of September 7. Mrs. A. D. Hannah, 417 Pasadena, spent last week-end wtth Abbottsford road, was hostess at a Mr. and Mrs. Charle R. . Bull, 61.2 luncheon at Indian Hill Thursday, Sep- Essex road, Kenilworth, wlule on thetr tember 9. Mrs. Frederick Little of 154 return to Pasadena from Tomahawk. Essex road, entertained at a luncheon Wis., where Mrs. Englar spent the Friday, September 10, and Mrs. Claude summer. G. Burnham of Roslyn road, gave a -odinner party f<?r Mr. and Mrs. Hannah Donald McLaughlin returned Sunday Saturday evenmg~from the Black. Hills . in Dakota to . spend a week 111 Kemlworth at the The Kenilworth Garden club wtlll Percv B. Eckharts' home before he and meet with Mr~. Mark Cr.esap, 239 Es-~ his ,~· ife and baby son return ·to Camsex road, Keml~vorth, Fnday, S.epte!ll- bridge, Mass. her 17. Mrs. Stdney Y. Ball wtll gtve _ 0_ a t~lk on "!he Remaking of the PerMrs. Fred Bulley and Miss Bernice enmal Bed. Bullev 220 Sheridan road, Kenilworth,-oare ct~tertaining MoiHlay afternoon · Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Comly of Ev- September 20, at a kitchen. shower in anston have returned from ·a fort- honor of ~~iss Cornelia Ketth. night's visit in New York City, where _ _ 0 they were guests of the former's par~J iss ).[ argaret Keith. 310 \\' arwick ents. Mr. and Mrs. \Valter Comly. road. Kenilworth. '"ho has been tra_vel-o-ing in Europe for the summer, arrt\'C·d Douglas Crooks, 615. Cumnor road, home Tuesday, September 1-t. \Vho has returned to Kenilworth after -ospending the summer in Indiana. will Miss l\Iuriel Badger of Detroit is leave soon for Knox college, Gales- visiting 11 iss Cornelia Keith, 310 \Varburg, III. wick road. Kenilworth, oYer the weck-oend. -oMr. and Mrs. Burt A. Crowe and their children, 234 Raleigh road, Kenil- · Miss Helen T~ylor, 310 Cumnor road, worth, have also returned from a trip has returne~ to Kenil\\'orth from Ceto Yellowstone Park. darhurg, W1s. . Mrs. Sidney C. Eastman, 255 Melrose avenue, and Mrs. ?enry Taylor, Jr., 431 Essex road, Kemlworth, ente~ tained at the home of the for!ner Frtday afternoon, September 10, m honor of Mrs. Hartley D. Harper of Pas~dena, who. forn:erly had been .th~tr neighbors 111 Chtcago. M.utual frtends of tlle hostesses ,nre thetr guests. I I'RBDBRICK B. LEWIS Resident North Shore Funeral Director 'l'wenty-two years of successful professional service.' Personally recommended by Chas. A. Stevens of Chicago and a host of .others whom we have served on the north shore. · We personally attend all calls, rendering the most careful, courteous and conscientious . service. Mrs. Lewis attends to all ladies' and children's calls. The Mcllvaine Oil Burner Continuous oil burning has been proved to be 11.1 per cent more efficient than intermittent burning. The ~lcllvaine Burner operates continuously. · Private· De Luxe Ambulance Service The growing demand for prompt and reasonable ambulance service has made it neccessary for us to add to our Limousine Equipment, an Invalid Coach which is the last word in Ambulance Service. Located in Wilmette. Our Display Rooms Are Complet Our Motto: "Golden Rule" MciLVAINE OtL . BuRNER SALEs MRS. F. E. LEWIS Ltuly Atttndtant Rtsidtnct Phone Wilmtrtt 3 SS 1 FREDERICK E. LEWIS Parlor Phone Wilmtttt 3551 Phone Winn. 147 788 Elm St. I WINNETKA

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