22 Wl-LMB TTE LlF.E · October 29, 1926. . f· VOTE .STRAIGHT Vote for all &Ye c:aaciHiatea ' for Coaat7 Boartl and also for FRANCIS L. BOUTELL for Preaideat Declares Small Property New Methodist Minister and Family Entertained Owner'· Burden Too ~eavy Mrs. Horace G. Smith, · wife of the new pastor of the Methodist church, was the guest of honor at a reception given by the Friendly circle of that ,;- church Tuesday evening at the Young People's house. The hostesses for the evening were Mrs. ]. Kletzing, Mrs. ]. D. Cox, Mrs. H. 0. Crews and Mrs. C. B. Cochran. Mrs. Fred P. Proctor eutertained during- the evening with a few readings. The Re,·. and Mrs. H. G. Smith a·nu their family \Yill be the guests of honor at a harvest h~me dinner and reception tgnight at the church. Mrs. J. T. Ed\\'ards is chairman of the occasion, and J. R. Harper, toastmaster. .Dr. Odgers, district superintendent of the Rock Rinr conference, i ~ speak ing. Mr. Smith will respond with an address. Miss Grace Gilson of the Northwe stern School of Speech is giving some reading. . There will be comnmnity singing and some vocal solos. Matthew A. Berg, Jr., city treasurer of Berwyn, ·Ill., is making a .strenuous campaign as democratic ~andidate for county assessor. In his addresses before political meet ings Mr. ·Berg stated that there is to( great a tendency all over the country to make the property owner of mod erate means bear the brunt of taxa - · tion and payment of public improvements. "It is the duty of a county assc;..sor," said Mr. Berg, "to see that th t· spreading of assessments is ' don e ~b equitably as possible and it is to th i:-end that I intend to devot~ ~. my in terests if I am elected next month ." Mr. Berg ha$ a long record of pub .. lie service in Berwyn and his 'friend" point to his banking experience th ere as an added qualification 'which hl' posses cs for the position which h(· seek. · ; ~ I ®REPUBLICAN . .: J·· . I. . ~. . ~· .; i. l ~ .. l ~ .· .. ' . 1l r. and ).lr:- Lewis B. Springt:r, ..JJU ~faple an.!ll lll', :1n' Jea ving next week to spend a il'\Y \\'eeb in Florid a. --o- I ' 'Miss ).fary Cru sh, ilO I.aurd a\'l'nue, spent the \\·eek-end at Ann Arbor, wh~rc .she went to :lttend th e ).Jichigan -IIImots game. and ~~ r:-;. Georg~· Lans tcr ui ih,·auket :-. pt: n t the week-end · with ~· ~rr. and }.frs. ~f. -R. \" enabl e', <)OR C~rt'l'l\leaf aY c nue. . -o\I 1" !-. J. II. Fu .~ tcr. 921 C t"l'l'lllca i a \'t' j llllt', ~Ia:- left the. St. Franci s ho!:>pital and b rccuperatmg at the hom e oi 1 !\Ir~ . H.. Harmon on S~\vard avenu e in Evanston. . I }.[ I ~I r. :HPM E RULE :! Continued Prosperity HE SERVES YOU BEST Roben M. Sweitzer, who is finishing his fourth term as county clerk and clerk of the county court, is a candidate for re-election. It is need less to say that this announcement will meet with 'general approval, not only from those in~ereste~ in politics, but from the general public as well. Seldom has a publtc offictal been as well thought of as Mr. Sweitzer, not o~ly by ~hose of his own party, but the opposition as well. His unfatl~ng ktndness, genial personality, .and 'his insrstence upon being accesstble to any and all callers have . tn the years in which he has held office, endeared him to all. . When Mr. Sweitzer first ran for office he was general salesman for the John V. Farwell company, where he established a record for dry goods sales of over a million dollars. Immediately upon being elected County Clerk he instituted several reforms tha.t were st~nling. He a.bolished the practice of the marrying justices whtch were tn ~ffect makmg the office a second _ Gretna Green . FOR MORE AND WIDER HARD ROADS FOR PRESIDENT : of the Board of County, Commi..ioners of Cook County _.. [RJ FRANCIS L. BOUTELL FOR MEMBERS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS . (From County Towns) ~ [RJ WILLIAM BUSSE _.. [RJ OSCAR W. SCHMIDT ~ [RJ FRANK J. KRIZ _. [RJJOSEPH P. CAROLAN ~ [RJ JOHN W. JARANOWSKl ELECTION TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1926 RE-ELECT Gene HON. ROBERT M. SWEITZER Clerk of Cook County CANDIDATE FOR RE-ELECTION Oliver Assessor As Comptroller he refused to. al~ow the loan sharks to prey upon the e~ployees of the County. He · tnststed that the ux payers comply strictly wttb the rules of the office. He urged that a public official was servant of the people and shou.ld at all times be accessible, and he said that as Ion~ as he held .office hts doot would be open to all callers, a resolution whtch he h~s fatt.hful!y k.ept, and any person in Cook County, no matterd what hts statton m ltf~, can wal.k into this democratic man's office an get ~ re.spectful heanng, and judging by the number of people gfthered 10 hts office, day after day, it is plain indication that the people ~ our fo~nty are fully alive to the fact that they know where they adve a ne~~ who will lend a helping hand in their many troubles · an perp extttes. No question of politics enters here but rather the friendly greeting. "How can I best serve you?" 1