Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Oct 1926, p. 26

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26 WI 'LMETTE LIFE October 29, 1926 News o¥ the North Shore Clubs Wilmette Wom, an's Club to Hold Open Meeting Wednesday Hear of Chinese Art Jlusic Society Meets The second meeting this season of the North Shore ~ usical society was held Octoher 25, at the home of Mrs. Fred B. Ahara, 735 Eighth street. The program of Rus sian -Polish character, was as follows : 1. Biographies 1 Jane Addams on Open M eetin~ Program of the Winnetka Club On Tuesday, November 2, at 2 :30 o'cluck. ~fiss Jane Addams will speak hefon· the \Vinnetka Woman's club. Thi:; meeting is not limited to member~. hut i:-. open to all who care to attend . The program is in charg-e of the ci,·ic- -. and philanthropy committee. ~~iss Addam s' subject wi11 be "Dublin, last July: Geneva, in Set)temher." The title maY seem a hit cryptic t n tho~e \\'ho ar~ uninitiated, hut to tho:;,· who kno\\', it means that Miss Ad dam ~ \\·ill have n1anv interesting things to Sa\' about the \Vo~· Jd Congress of the \Yo man's International League for PeaCt' and Freedom, which met in Dublin in July, and· whose international pre si(len t ~!iss Addams is. In her ofticial capacity ~~iss Add ampr\·:-.id(' <l over th es e meetings at whic ~1 \H're representatives of t wcnty-iou :cuuntrie s. ~1 iss Addams visited (~en eva in September. so hrin1rc:; th" latt·-: word fr om the League of Natiot~s. The meeting at which Miss Addan lj, to sneak is being arranged by t h'· \Vinnetka \Voman's club , in co -op cr;t · tion with the vVoman's Tnternati ' 111:1 : League for Peace and Freedom . "In temple, garden, house or painting, The Wot~1an's club of Wilmette wm have its next regular meeting on Vved- line is the wonderful thing in Chinese nesday, November 3. The morning art," Mrs. Charles Hubbard of Hubhard Woods singled out as the salient session will open at 11 o'clock with a characteristics of Chinese art in her lecture on "Bible Literature" by Dr. talk on that subject and on Chinese Ernest Fremont Tittle of Evanston. life before the Woman's club of \VilThis will be the final talk in this. two- mette \Vednesday, October 20. In telling ol the Chinese custom s lecture course, the first of which was she encountered during her stay in ginn by the Rev. George Craig Stew- Peking, "Mrs. Hubbard told them in a art of Evanston. . charming manner that made them a Luncheon will be served at 1 o'clock. series of fairy tales. Supplementing In the afternoon, which is an open her stories with a number of object s meeting, Mrs. \·V inifred Mason Huck of art, Mrs. Hubbard spoke about the Mrs. Huck, Chinese theater, language, literature, will address the club. daughter of the late Senator Mason atmosphere, and mythology in addition of Illinois, and the first ·woman to to ;lrt and customs. preside over the United States House of Representative:,, caused her own "The best Chinese art is capable of conviction and sentence to the Ohio IH';IH! etched," Mrs. Huhbard continu ·Jwr tl)Ciint. "Balance, scale and line state penitentiary ·to find an answer eel · · · to the question, "Can a woman convict til composttton are put together to make one perfect whole." Tn all of the come back?" . . . · . many phases of art in China have a . . Thts nnprtsonment was accomplished things hold true. The Chinese have a m su~h a manner _that even the prison \\';:IV of handling materials of various supenntendent belteved lier to be a real kinds ~nd welding them together. lawbreaker. She will t-o. rrivc her 0\"tl . T he C'htne · se arttst · never goes back. · · · adeals upon the preventton of cnme H f tl t' Her stor · f 1 .11 · e orms 1c en tre ou tl'me o f a f ace absorbingy ~d~~~t~re t -~:His, _pathlods,. and in one brush stroke. The eye is one 111 a strnke.. IS !0 He can never go back to work . . ' . f ascmatmg most and mterestmg man· nam · t'mg. H e mus t 1 ner over 1 11s earn 1 10w ·. . . . to clio his brush in naint to get the . Mtss Ltlhan ~ehberg, cellist, who de- shading along the edg-e of a petal or h~hted an audtence last. year, again to spread the shape of a leaf: u H 11 d · 1 th t ·· d wtll appear hefore the club and play Several musical selections. .vt rc:;. ~) )ar sal( a 111 our mo ern Amrncan _ art of crooked houses, strange strrets, and weird-face<i people WP. are trying to get back to the same Local Guilds at Work thing-not to work over a picture. for St. Mary's Bazaar The shadow' pi.cfure shmv of · the 'fhe third annual bazaar given for Chinese th('atrr. whirh dates from the the benefit of St. ~1ary's Home for fifth centurv. Mrs. Hubbard spoke of Children, which bas the enthusiastic at length, illustrating her dec:;criptions support of the entire Episcopal diocese with amusing paper mannikins. An of Chicago, will be held in the ballroom apprentice in the art of disolavi,,g of the Palmer House, Thursday, No- these fi{Yures sturlies twenty years. The vember 4. properties include Chinese concentions Mrs: I. K. S~over is representing the of the approach of a storm, the enAssoctated gutlcls of St. Augustine's t r a n c e s . to heaven and to hell, the Episcopal church, for the ba·z aar, Mrs. oce::~n, a bride and her train of at·W yndham H. Channer is chairman of t<'nrlants. and pot of flowers that exthe committee from the Woman 's pl;lin-· the season of the nlav's setting. 1 gu!Id of Christ church, Winnetka. The 'Like a great chord played bv a gmlds of the Church of the Holy Com- ·woodwind orchestra" is the sound of forter in Kenilworth and the Church the whistles that an' att;lrhPd to the of St. Elisabeth in Glencoe are also piQ'eons of Pekini!. Mrs. H ubhard had represented. snme of the whistles in her collection. There ""·as an old Chinese banner of ?'Old and silk, a part of those US<'cl to BUSINESS CLUB OPENS Following the serving of a delicious line the . ~strrets 'when the emperor dinner at 6:30 o'clock, Thursday eve- passes to shield him from the eves of n in~ of last week, members of the tllf' common people. A hroc<hle of w.hirh the making is a Club for Business and Professional Women of \Vilmette, who gathered to- lost art. v.·as the lovrlie"t of the thinrrs gether for the first time in this new wh;~"11 Mrs. Huh hard h:J.d to disnlay. ·A season, heard a talk bv Miss Esther bridal bedspread which the bride and Dunshee on the candidates for the p-room use on the weddinrr night held on it a hundred sons doing all the coming election. The next club program on tlw third th;nQ's model sons sl,oulrl do. for the :rhursday of Kovember is already be- first thing that is wishf'd a hridr and There mg planned tentatively with an inter- groom is one hundred sons. esting travelogue as the special feature. \\'Pre several wrouQ'llt iron pirtur<'s, outlines of flowers flncl sretH' S in irnn suc:;nendecl in ~ wno(kn fr..,nv·. wl,;"h The Wilrnette Rebekah lodge num- Mlhrre to the Chinese feeling for line. ber 610 will give a bazaar anrl dinner Thrc:;e nicturrs :-tr<' u ~ "d in 1he windows Thursdav, No\'ember 4, in Odd Fellow's anrl other sn~res in the Chinese houses hall, 1217 \Vilmette avenue, Wilmette. wl·~>re pnssihle. The bazaar opens at 1 :30 ~./clock and 'rhe evil snirits of China find it dinner will be served from 5 :30 'until difficult avoidin!! the devires the Chi~ :30 in the evening. tH'sr use tn ward them off. A drag-on srrPPil aerO"" the doorway ke~"OS the . The Friendship circle of the First snirit ont wlH·n he rushes ag-a;nc:;t it. Congregational church will meet Fri- ()ff<:f'ts in the hrirlges do away with the dav afternoon with Mrs. F. A. Rve, spirits, {()r thrv ran't turn corners. l015 Chestnut avenue, to sew for the ancl tumble int() the w~ter. ~hurch .Bazaar. · : · ·_ 'A m·an .s peaking twenty-two dialects Ethel l<'lt!nlyt: :\one l3ut th <· Lonely Heart . . .. · ··· ·· . ... . . . . ... . . . . . .'.: .. ..... TsclHti:ww:,;l\y Til e ;-;ig-htingalt- and th<' Ho::w . ... · ... ... , . , ... , ........ . . . Rim::;ky-Korsa!\ow Un·r th t· Sl t> pJWS ....... <:reehaninO\' :\Irs . .-\. H. Ruth :L I Tumoi'\' S((U<' ... . , . ...... Rachmaninoff )Taiden's vVish .... . .. . . . < 'hopin-I..iszt I. Tlw Tinw of Parti.ng .. ....... . H ~tdl e y .. Ragamuffin ...... .. . ... . . . .... Ire land ' · ~had ow Danvt· . ....... . .. . :\lacDow t: ll l Tung:trian EtudP .... .. . .. M ~wDow e ll ~I :o;ong of Tndia · .. .. . . Riin!-;ky-Korsakow Song· of tilt- Sht·pht>rs Lt>hl .......... · .. . . . . .. ·. .. .. ... .. . .. H.imsky- Korsakow )frs. Franct·S Evans r:-: . (;t·org-t· Orr ·. Urit·ntalt· ... , . , . , . , .. ...... . Cesar Cui Pot·m . , . . . . , . . ...... ·... Zdt·nko Fihich ~ra:o:url'a .. .. . ... .......... Wieniawski ~ln~. B ~> rtha Duhhs 7. .A Russian Folk Song .·· Rachmaninoff Floods of Sp1·ing ....... Rachmaninoff To the Sun . . ... . ... . ... . .... Curran Adt>laide .Tones ~. Lt·gt:"nd ..... .... . .. ,........ Wit"niawski -:\Irs. Winifred Tmvnse nd Crct~ ~~- Es Hlinkt dt·J' 'l'h ~tu . ... . . Rub cn!'lteln ..\. Pipe r ... .. ........... 1-fiha£"1 . H ead Tn tlw ~ilt·net· of the Nig-ht . . , . . . . . · . ....... ......... . ....... Rachmaninoff H OJl::t<'k ... .. .. .. . . .. .... . Moussorp;sky ...\1\·e nt~ :\In:. R essPg-ui e Dr. Hubert L. Willett to Speak at Church Society At the meeting of the Woman's so ci e ty oi the \Vinnetka Congregation al Library Club Will Be Tenth District Hostess November 4 The Tenth eli trict, Illinois Federation of Women' clubs, will meet with tbe Woman's Library cluh of Glenroe on Thursday, November 4, Mrs. William F. Farrell, president, presiding. The morning session, which convenes at 10 o'clock. will be opr.nPd with greetings by Mrs. Andrew MacLei"h, president of'the \Voman' Lisbrflry club of Glenroe. and the resoonse g-iven hv Mrs. William F. Farrell. president of the district. This being "District dav." the deJ>fl rtment chairmen of the district. each \\'ill Drrsent her work in a t\\·entv-fivc word talk. · Mrs. Rufus C. Dawes, chairman of '·International Rcl::~tions" of the general federation. will be the speaker of the morning. Luncheon will he served by the ho.,tess club anrl the aft~-rnoon sec:;sion will hr onened hv an ori!:Jn recital bv :M r-:. Dwi~"Yht Or~utt of Glencoe. Shopping at Tile addr" . s of the aft~'rnoon will be Early given lw Hor"~'e J. Bridges, his stthBazaar to Benefit Home iect hrinrr, · "Th~ Art of Renewing One of the fir:;t bazaars of the season One' Youth." will be held at the home of ~[r~. Frederick Rye, 1015 Chestnut avenue . RECIPROCITY DAY AT CLUl\ \Vi 1m c t t e, Thursday. November 4. (),, tllf' at".ornr>~"., nt 'fllf'S(b" . }.. {1- Many beautiful handmade articles will Vember 2. ·The Neighbors anticipate he on sale, as well as homemade cake!;:~ V<'rY iqtl·rf'!'tinQ" program. \brstro and preserves. The sale will he held Gionro Polarrt>. conductor general of in the interest of the Presbyterian Old the Chic;.wo Civic 0Dera companv. will Peoplt:'s Ilumc in Evanston. dve a t;1lk on grand opera, and M ::tThe notice reads: 11 Vv'il1 vou come cl:~me Edith Nf;1son, a soprano '"ith and bring your friends and help us the same company, will sing. The make it a success?" prn{Yram will bt> given in observance The bazaar will he open from 10 in nf Recinrocity clay. the morning until 5 in the afternoon. church. \\'L'dnesday, Kovember 3, Dr. Huh(:rt L. \\'illett, professor of orienta l languages and literature in the l:ni,·er sity of Chicago, will speak on "Pick and Spade in Bible Lands." The talk will immediately follow the luncheon. Many persons feel there is nothing from which one can obtain more of a thrill at present than from recent e)\ cavations. They cast such new lights upon history, injecting so much of drama and romance. As Dr. Willett has but recently returned from the latest of his many trips to the Orient. he will bring the last word in the "t: discoveries. The interest of the theme with so many discoveries being· made daily, ad ded to the well-known fa'Ct that Dr. Willett is a fascinating speaker, is expected to bring a large attendance. The morning session will he de voted to sewing and social intercourse. At 12 o'clock Mrs. John S. ::\[ontgomery will lead the devotions. Xmas + could not conv~r:-.e with a b()v from an evPn different part of ('hina. Mrs. Huhhrinl mentioned in telling of the rnmplicated nature of the langttri~Ye. The writing and lan~ua{!e of the Chinese are so senarated as to al!e that the effect is the qme as a persnn's spea,kinQ' modern Eng-Jish and writing in the English of Beowulf. LECTURES TODAY The i'J orth Shore Catholic Woman· s league announces the first of a series of book talks to be given by Mrs. Anthony Fnatch Merrill on Fr1day, October 29, at 2 :30 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. John J atwtte, 315 Abbottsford ·road, Keni~worth.

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