Oc tober 29~ 1926 WILM ETTE LI FE 47 B~ptist Church . At the Baptist church on Sunday m~· :at:~· th e ~a~ mgs of ~~·1ll ~peak on the ~heme, ".Strait is.. the the pastor, Rev. Francis C. Stifter, morn-~ IRobert fourth m a serJe.s of The Jesus." The ch01r will render T. T. Noble's "Souls of the Right~-'ous," and there will be a solo by Ma<l!"'me Scott. William H. Barnc·s will JWt·~Jd\· al the ergan. Tht· Runday !'irhool, bl·ginning· at ~~ ::3 0 at'for<l~ g-radt·d inRtruf'tion for all age~ a nd t hc·n · an· cla~H<·R for mt>n n nd womc· n. Burns will b \-' th·· lt·a dt> r High HC"hool H. Y . P. r. which lllt>t·t:-: at 5::.:0 :o;unday aftPrnoon in <:hil :\lis!-; H t- tt y hall. F . A . S . ( F t' llOwship and f.;\'l·,·ict') f'u t' tlw drt· n·~ Th~""" nlng· <.lt:·Votional !wr\'i ce at thP hom£· of Pt· . .Juliu!:l R ohrhac·h, 1123 T...in<l(·n aH·nut· . Tht' nwt>ting- will Ht:ut at :i n'dork and <'io~t' at li. will ln t't' t for thPir rto~ular Sunday f· Yt·- This ehun·h ('(>-(JJit'ratt·s with th· · Sunday E\'f· ning dub whi c h }ll't>SI· tHs at tla· t'ong-rt'g-ational c·hurch at 7 ::w tht· noh·d .\r··th- Explort"r, Vilhjahmur StPfanHHon . :\1 r. and M r !' . George Zabri:;kit:. II .\f:11lanw Edith Ri<.lt·au :-.!ornwlli will sin~ . arl..' receiving th e (:ongratulations of 1'ht· Camp Fir,· GirlH m eet at :1 ::HI on their friends upon the birth of a son .\loJHlay aft(· rnoon at tht· church undt>t' Sunday, October 24, at the Evanston th·· dirHtion (,f -;\Irs. ~1. E. R eid . hospital. Before her marriage :M rs. Zabriskie was }.1 is s Dorotll\· Yonkers. Til\' Young Muth ers' club will lllt'i't )londay evening at 8 o'clock at th(> honH· She is the daughter of Mr: and Mrs. r, f -;\Irs. \-V. M. Burns, 727 Laur(·l aYe- Edward H. Yonker=- oi 911 Sheridan 1\Ut". Th e topic for the f'Vf!ning will b £> road. "Th·· Child's Impulses and JnstinctH," h·d by Mrfl. Howard Duncan. Mrs. c· . H . .lonf's will read. Tu.-~day e\·ening, Sel'mHl s~·ssiun of tlw \\.ilmett e School of Hf'ligiou:-: Edw·<~ t ion at tht;' Byron Stolp school. Robert Hudson. aged 43 years, passed away at his home 886 Willow · ' road, W tnnetka, Sunday afternoon, October 24. For more than three years he had been suffering from heart trouble and at different times during that period had been confined to his home. Funeral services were conducted from the home Wednesday, hy the Rev. Jame!' Au~tin Richards of the Winnetka Congregational church. Burial was at 'NJ emorial Park cemetery. Mr. Hudson was horn February 14. 1883, and ha. resided in \Vinnetka for more than fourteen years. He was a past grand master of the Independent Order of Odd Felto,,·s , A. L. Sherman Lodge, of the north shore. He is survived by his wiic. and two daughters, Ruth and Puella. Hudson, Former I·Q·0 · F · Master ' Dead PROTECT YOUR. HOME . 'from MOTHS for Life! use the Moth--No--Mor Service (one treatment w iU do it) PHONE SHELDRAKE 8 23 7 or see our WILMETTE representative Renneckar Drug Co. Central Ave. Phone 28 Tlw )fission Study c·lasst:>s continu· · ··ll \\' ... thwsday ev£>nlng at 7 :45 and will b\· t'nllowl'd at 8 :30 with an a<.ldreHs by ])r. C'ono Ciufla, who iH in charge of the Italian work in Highwood unclt:r th·· :\[dhodist denomination. Dr. Ciufia ha~ a wry brilliant pt>rsona lity and it is hop(·d that a great many will tak· · ad\·antag-\· M this c.pportunity to lwar him. I The Local Telephone Directory nlt::t-ling of th·· \\' oman's will be h t> ld Thursday , Xo\·... mlkr -1 . The re will IH! ".hit£> Cross sewing· at 10, Junchron at 12 :30, and th(' aftt·rnoon program will start at 1 :30 . -;\Trs . \V. J. Weldon is in chargt· of th\· pru~ram. Mrs. C. P. Dubbs will 11lay :wd tlw addrt·ss ,..,· ill h·· gi\·1'11 by )frH. T.r·t tit· Holman O'Xt·ill, Htatc n·Jlrl'~t· nta t i ,.,. from the 41st Congr<>sl'iona 1 distrier. She will spt·ak on "Thf· f'hri H tian·~ 1~· · :-JH·nsibilitY a~ a C'itizt·n." Til· · ~uvt· mbt:· r ~of' idy Goes to Press Soon lntheinterestofgood service subscribers are-requested to call 'f']J ,. w····kly d1oir will nwt-t for th· ·ir r· ·gulctl n·hearsal Thurs·h·Y at :-\ p't'lock al 'l'h·· \\.ilmt::tt~' Baptist ehurch i~ lo!·at··\l thl· corner of F(ll'\·St antl \-Vilnwtt \' a n ·nu··:-t. The pastul', H.e\·. Francis t' . Stlftt'l·, may b(> seen during- 1lw morning· ~ nf tht' week f'XCt·pt )[on<.lays and at other i? tinks by appointment. 'l'lw church (lfftel! in charge of Miss ::\Tahell(> Rt' tma<'kPl' nnd is open daily from ~~ until 12 anrl fJ'(·Jll 1 until 5, closing at 12 on Saturdays. Office ])hone, Wilmette 22:::.. Sneary Family Via its Missouri Plantation < ~I r. and ~hs. B. Haven ~nean·. 322 )ak circle, returned last week · from a t~n-day vacation spent on their plantation in southern 'Missouri. Mr. Sneary reports a fine crop of corn and cotton. He is nm,· having four thousand r<·ach trees set out on other land ht· has purchased there. Before they left for ~fissouri, ~Irs. Sneary and her daughter, Miss Sina Sneary, enjoyed a motor trip through the East, v isiting Cle,·elan<l, Philade lph ia, and Trenton. They visited many historical points. including V a lley Forge. The Telephone Company and give notice of any changes or correctio.ns that should be made · tn their listings ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE Th e ·v H OVSEHOL Radio Servic .e A plan worked out by the He useholq Appl iance Shop 6 0 7 M ai n Street. W il mette COMPANY Cures Temperamental Radio (Details- Page 1.0 )