26 WILMETTE LIFE November 12, 1926· Society Girls Will Act as Models at Fashion Revue Style Show Will Be [ . Midnight Feature of Leads Grand March Large Military Ball By JEAN TEN BROECK . The Military halt for which the ChicaR"O committee of the Arden Shore association has issued invitations, will he more than just a ball with dancing its only proffered pleasure. Sensing the increasing trend of all ages of society to seek varied diversion, the committee is arranging midnight entertainment. one feature of which will he a fashion revue . Charle s A. Ste\'cns and Brothers is fnrni~hing the .gO\Yns for the sixteen girls and young matrons of Chicago and north shore society who have been chosen for their attractiveness, their charm of carriage, and their ability to wear clothes stvlishh·. as models for the occa~ion. · · Miss Beatrice Burnett is in charge of the revue, and those who will display the st\'lcs of the hour will be Miss Ruth Elting, Miss Pauline \~olf, Miss Doroth\' Rend. Miss Kathryn Thayer, Yiss Ch<lrlotte Drum. Miss Beatrice Burnett. Miss Catherine Crerar, Miss Dorothy Reay, Miss J can Logan, Miss Helen Farnum. '!\'liss 'Mildred Allen, Yiss Jane Schuettler, Miss LaVerne Louer, ~{ rs. Lnwell Seeburg, Mrs. Char Irs R . Lind. ay, III. and Mrs. Calvin Smith (] canette Reynolds). ~fi;-;s Car o 1v n Case of Hubbard \Voods, who is. to be introduced to society December 11, has been very busy with her work of placing on the north shore the utterly charm in~ posters which have been contributed to the committee. The officers of the Chicago committee that will give the halt in the Grand ballroom of the Hotel Sherman Friday evenin~. November 26, arc Mrs. Lloyda Smith Shaw, chairman; Mrs. Albert S. Gardner (Carol deWindt of \Vinnetka), vice chairman; Mrs. Alvin Joy Schiffman, recording secretary; Mi ss Doroth y Peacock, corresponding secret a r y ; Mrs. Edgar Burch, Jr., treasurer; Mrs. Albert Bruce \Vegener, chairman of publicity. Engaged Committee at Work to Make Charity · Ball Huge Success· The philanthropy department of the · .;; Vvoman's Catholic club of Wilmette i . planning a large Charity ball Friday evening, November 26, at the Ouilmctte Country club. An affair of the same nature given last year was a decided succe <;s and the committee is desirous of making the Lall of this season even a greater one. Mrs. Frank J. Oelerich, president of the club, will lead the grand march, assisted by Mrs. Samuel H. :Moore. Mrs. George E. Ludwig is the ball chairman and ·her committee is composed of: Miss Gertrude Ketchum and M csdames G. E. Fouts, E. J. McArdle , B. 11. Conley, J. E Dempsey, Carl S. Schroeder, Mrs. H. J. Naper, Mrs . H . H.· McDermott, R. C. Ross, James F . _ B\'rncs, Henry Schmidt, F. J. Selinger ~ Ti1eodore Adams, A. F. Reichmann, A. Borlston, L. H. Sherwin, T. Tarleton r and C. C. vVieland. Holbrook Photo 1\1 rs. Frank Oelerich, 1201 Greenwood avenue, president of the Woman's Catholic club of Wilmette, will lead the Grand march at the Charitv ball the -philanthropy department the club is arranging for Friday evening, November 26. ~latzt"nc Photo of Mr. and Mrs. John Melangton of 60() Lake avenue, \Vilmette announce the engagement of their daughter, Phoebe, to Arner H. · I~oherg of Chicago. North Shore Women Work Church Group Sets Day for Christmas ·Bazaar for Junior School Party The North End braPch, Friends of the Chicago Junior school, will give a benefit card party Thursday, November 18, at 8 :30 o'clock in the evening, in the Salle Royale of the Sovereign hotel. A prize will he given for each of the tables of bridge, five-hundred and bunco. There will be entertainment given and refreshments wilt be served. Tickets for the affair can be obtained from members. Mrs. Emma F. Stross of the Sover. cign hotel, is general chairman of the party, assisted by Mrs. James E. Purnell, also of the Sovereign. Mrs. A. E. Bnesch, 1\1 rs. Lester G. Singer of Evanston, Mr~. M. W. Zablc, Mrs. A. J. 1\'ystrom of Vvilmette, Mrs. George Karnes, Mrs. Edgar Foster Alden of \ Yinnetka ar<' among the active north shore memb ers of the organization. Arthur. M. Millard is president. "From the proceeds of last year's ball," an announcement from the chairman of the philanthropy department reads, "we maclc fifty children happy. took care of three elderly women, gavC" the ).larv Bartelmc home several won deriul sttitcases for the girls, donated t o St. : M argaret's Home and gave oyer 250 pieces of clothing to the poor. vV egavc Chri stmas baskets to seventeen poor .families and would like to do just three times as much this year." Chica~o is agog with. the coming of Queen Marie and her train of Eoumanian guests, her son and daughter, and her suite of attendants. The north ,!Jore ha s not been neglected ·when it comes to those appointed on the official committee announced bv the executive committee to \\·e lcome the Queen. :\1 r. and Mr s. \Yilliam C. Bo\'clen of 725 Pine street, have received this honor . :\fr. and ~frs. B. F. Affleck of o95 Lincoln ayenue, who attended the banquet in i\ew York City, given hy the Iron and Steel institute for the Queen, over which Judge Gary presided, have also heen invited to attend the recep tion to he gi\'en Saturda,· night, No\'Cm her 13, at die Drake l~otel. North Shore Residents Will Greet Queen Marie McCo.vs Give Dinner for Miss Bowes and Fiance Mr. and '!\f rs . Charles S. M cCnY of 730 Ashland avenur, \Vilmet1e, rJ~tcr t:titwcl sixtC'rn guests at ctinnrr Friclav rvening, No\'emhcr 5, at their hom~. 'r'hr dinner \\·as gi\'rn in honor of Miss Ka I brr\'11 P. Bm\·es. cl;nH~hter of ).f r. f1nd Mn. Edward J. Bowes. Jr .. of Fvanston. whose marriage to the Rev. Fghert Bailev ('lark. Tr., \Yilt take nlarr at St. 1f ark's Eniscopa 1 church in Evanston on 't\o\'emher ltl. The guests included a group of old f··iends frnm Chicago and the north shorr. :Miss Bowes and :Ur. Clark, ).{ r. and Mrs. Prml Gerhardt . .T r., of ('hic<tg-o, ~1 r. and Mrs. Charles Sproule 0f Chicago, ).fiss Neola Northam of Evanston. .T ohn Lasier of Winnetka. .\fr. and Mrs. Donald K. Morrison of l-luhhard Woons. Mr. and Mrs. Tames l-hrris, Jr., of Vv'innctka, Miss Florida \Vaple s of Downers Grove, David T asier of \Vinnetka, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley R. Cta(TUC, and the Misses j .ouise and Pauline McCoy, composed the list of guests. For manv weeks members of the Associated . guild~ of St. Augustine's Episcopal church have been directing Bowes-Clark Wedding to their time and cffo'rts toward the mak,.,ak.r~ Pla · C'n at St. "A.Iark.~ ing of article~ attractive as well as .1. ~ «:«:1Yl4 useful, which will he on sale during the The marriage of Miss Katheryn annual Christmas bazaar, which takes Bowes, daughter of 11 r. and ~~ r s. place this season, \~ednesday, Decem- Edward J. Bo\\'cs, Jr., of Evan ston and ber 1, commencing at 10 o'clock in the Glencoe, to the Rev . Egbert Bailr~morning and continuing throughout Cl ar k , J r., son o f "I ·1 ('~ · ·v rs. E '.g 1 >er t I' )a 1 the day, in the clubhouse. At 6 and Clark of Hermosa Beach, Cal., wilT again at 7 o'clock in the evening, a take place Tu es day evening, NovC'm turkey dinner \\·ill he served in the her lo, at 8:30 o'clock in St. Mark\ Parish House. Episcopal church, E\~ an-;ton, ,..,-ith Dr Mrs. Joseph C. Comfort, 812 Prairie Arthur Rogers officiating. The n· avenue, is in charge of dinner re se rva- ccption following the ceremony will he tions which arc to he made not later given at the home of Miss Bowc·<;· than Monday, November 29', the com- aunt, Mrs. Frederick 1£. Bo\n·~. 71 -1 mittec announces. Ashland avenue, \Vilmette. Mrs. Thomas S. Hardwick will he in Mrs. Sterling '?\faxwell of Jiin,dak· charge of the candy; ).[rs. F. \V. Fucr- \\'itt he matron of honor, tlw hrid(" . . mann, pillpws: ).frs. Jay Brown, hags ; sister. ~[iss ~fary Gertrude Bmvvs . " ·ill Mrs. Robert E. Ken~·o n, dolls; 1hs. be maid of honor, and Mr!'. llugh Huh~'rt Carle~~~~. luncheon. sets; M ~s. McCulloch of Evans t 0 n and \1 rs . R. N. Ball, ut!lJtH.·s : :\Irs. Rtchard \Vtl - · Charles St roule of .C hicago '"ill at son, collars ancl cuff..; : ~f r;o;. I. K. Stov- tend her as bridesmaids. cr, food table; ~Ir s . James Brown, rem e 111 h ran c e table: Mrs. F. B. Jame s \Y. Prindiville of \Vinnctk ;t. :\'lacKinnon, painted articles: Mrs. brother-in-law of :\1r. CI<Jrk, will "ern· ~lClrtnn B. Skinner. comforter:-;; Mrs. as best man, and the ush ers will h( tlw Lester \Vood, aprons. bride's brother s, Lawrenn· ancl \Vii liam K. Bmn.·s of San Franciscn, · and two cou sins of the bridegroom, Dwigh 1 1 1ri Delt Benefit and Frederick Cnssitt of La Grant!e . On the evening of Saturday, Non'mher 20. and for the benefit of the Delta Delta Delta sorority house fund, Mrs. Eastern Star Sale in George Gonsalves of 919 Hill road, Winnetka Open to All \Vinnctka, will open her home for one The vVinnetka chapter of Order nl of the series of card parties given by the North Shore alliance of the Delta Eastern Star is working for an apron. towel and novelty sale for the ·after Delta Delta. noon and evening of November 1R, in This evening at 8 o'clock the Wil- the Winnetka Masonic tempi<>, com mette chapter of the Order of Eastern mencing at 1 o'clqck. Star will give a dance and card party An unique feature of the day witt he in the new Masonic temple for the a Plunkett dinner at 6 :30 o'clock. benefit of the organ fund. Art Umen- Reservations may he made by calling hofer's Blue Dragon orchestra of Chi- Winnetka ~61-J. A style show will be cago will play for the dancing. Prizes put on for the guests at 8 :30 o'clock. will be given for dancing, bridge, five Everyone is invited to attend the sale, hundred and bunco. which is open to the public. Bazaar and Open House at Church on Wednefday \Vedne sday, November 17. is the day of the annual bazaar 'and Christmas ~;ale at the Congregational church, as well as the occasion of "open house." 'Many attractive and useful gifts arc heing contributed for the aU-day sale hy the \Voman's guild. Luncheon will be served at 12 o'clock, and a splendid turkey din11er at 6 :30 o'clock in the church parlors will be followed by an amusing and clever entertainment pro~ded under the auspices of the Men's dub.