November 26, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 21 .Open Clinic to Correct Pe~al and Spinal Trouble A class for correcting flat feet and for straightening crooked hacks among the poor children of Chicago-children whose parents cannot afford ·a physician and who must face the world for work in their early teens-is soon to be established by Northwestern university Medical school in the big clinic in the Ward building · on the McKin lock campus, Chicago. In beginning the class, 1fiss Zoe Harpster, director of the social service department, will take only the little fellows whose parents arc so poorly circum sta nced thit the iHs of the children may not be corrected by privately employed physicians. She also wilt select bon who must soo n start working and ~\"110 ""ill bring certificates, attesting their circumstances, from Dr. E. M. Appell, of the Ch icago board of education. On ce th ese harri ers arc taken. the class for correcti,·e treatment will he opened. \fi :--s Harpster al read\' has several youngsters chosen but \\~ ill not have a suff1c ient number until earl\· in Decem her. She has he en in iormeJ ln· Dr. Appell that Chicago last year scn.t 18,000 youngsters into the working worlcl and that at least 40 percent of these children were in need of treatment of some sort. Because mo. t of the lad s come from districts somewhat adjacent to the Korthwcstern do,,·ntown campus. Dr. Appell " ·ill ·end near!~· all of the ailing boys to the McKinl ock campus dispensary ior treatment. Mr. and ~f rs. \ Viltiam ~fcGibbon, formerly of 924 Chestnut annuc, are now stopping at the Orrington hotel until their departure for San Francisco the fir st of the Year. \\'here the,· " ·ilt reside permanent-ly. · C hri$tian Science Churches "Soul and Body" was the subject of the Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, Sunday, November 21. The Golden Text was from Psalms 34:22, "The Lord redeemeth the soul of his servants: and none of them that trust in him shall he desolate." Among the citations which comprised the lesson-sermon was the following from the Bible: "For as many as· are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. T]1c Spirit itself beareth witness with our spir it, that we are the children of God. And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with hiJ.n, that we may be also glorified together" (Romans 8:14. 16, 17). The lesson-sermon also included the follo\\·ing passage from the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health \\'it h Key to the Scriptu res," by 1fary Raker E<ldy: "En.·n though you aver that the material seibt:i are indispensable to man's existence or entity, you must change the human concept of liic, and must at length know yourself spiritually and sc ientifi cally. The evidence oi the existence of Spirit, Soul, is palpable only to :-piritu al sense, and is not apparent to the material senses, which cognize only that which is the oppo~ite of Spirit" (p. 359). ~fr. and Mrs. Belknap Hawkes of Bllffalo ha\'C arriverl for a visit with relatives in· \Vilmette and Kenilworth. They were entertained at the family dinner given by ~fr. and :Mrs. Charles C. Carnahan of the former ,·illage. A. \V. Hawkes of Philadelphia was a recent visitor at the Carnahan res(dence, as well as in Kenilworth . It's just like shopping in.London ,;-~ -;,_, ; . ... 'I' / _,!"..('~ :~-=:t. ,_ ~ 6 ~· "fit\~ ,.. ,.-..... ... ;:. .... .. · ··- ·· Take your ChrisiinaS List to Our E'Yanston Shop YOU'LL be delighted with the array of Gifts-only a tiny stretch of the imagination·and you picture yourself in one of the interesting shops of New Bond Street or Piccadilly. And you '11 be gratified to find that there is · ·juJt what 1011 want'· for so many of the names on your Christmas List. Edgar A. Guest The Poet That All America Reads and Loves Uniformly rea1onahle"· prices with all the convenience of Jhoping at home make our EvanJton Shop the place to go first. will speak SPAULDING & Jewelers ttntl Co. Friday, December 3rd, 8: 15 at the New Trier High School Over 13,000 people crowded into Cadle Tabernacle on one of Mr. Guest' s visits to Indianapolis~ He is one of the most popular speakers on the American platform today. Buy your tickets for the only appearance of Mr. Guest on the North Shore this year. At all Drug Stores in Wilmette, Winnetka, Glencoe, and at Lord's, Evanston. CHICAGO-PARIS 1636 Orrington Avenue, Evanston ·AN HONE-ST DE-AL There is basis for real pride in the fact that customers seldom ask us to guarantee our Used Cars. It indicates that our efforts to build up public confidence were well directed. Our reputation is ample assurance of honest deals and honest values. ~- I C. M. McDONALD General Admission $. 75 A 1 o 1 9 Davis Streec Phones: University 224, Wilmeue 2.2.4 " Buy Your Car in Evanston" USE-D CAR. IS ONLV .AS DE-PE-NDABLe AS THE- DE-ALE-R. WHO Sf:.LLS IT