28 WILMETTE LIFE November 26, 1926 News o£ the North Shore Clubs A'r den Shore Elects Our National Parks Topic of Next Talk New Group to Serve Charity Ball Funds Unusual Program Will Aid in Filling . Offered Society at Catholic League Wants of the Needy an's Catholic club of Wilmette ar~ The \ Voman's soc iety of th r \\'i nauspiciou s. The event, wh,ich will occur at the Guilmette Country club, nrtka C'ongrrg-ational church \Yill have will open with a Grand march led by a progra111 of unu sual int crrs t at the the Club's president, 1\frs. Frank Ocle- meeting on \Vedn csday, December 1. rich , assisted by Mrs. Samuel H. The Rev. Philip D. Dutton of Taiku,. Moore. Shansi, China '"ill speak. ~fr . Dutton The hall ha s heen arranged under \YOrks in close contact \\'ith ~f r. and the direction of Mrs. George E. Lud- ~f rs. Paul Reynolds, the representawig, chairman of n committee consist- ti\'C's of the C'ongn~gational chttrch in . in g of Miss Gertrude Ketchum and Chicago, !--O hi~ Yi sit has a prculiar Mesdames G. E. Fouts, E. J. ~fcArdl c, Yalur. B. M. Conley, J. E. Dempsey, Carl S. Altlwugh ~r r. ·Dutton 1:i a you ng Sc1 H . J . N a per, H . H . 1roec1 er, l.f 1, rs. man, just returning after hi.., first se ,·en D · R C R J F Me ermott, . . :\.OSs, ames . year pt'rincl of sen·ice. he has had Byrnes, He1_1ry Schmidt, F. J. Selinger, great respotbihilities. To quotr a noTheodore Adams, A. F. I~ eic hmann , A. t ire \rhich appeared concerning him. Boylston, L. H. Sherwin, T. Tarleton, "~fr. Dutton':-; rC'ct:n~ years haYc h('en and C. C. \Vie land. Pro·cee ds derived from the affair will <lc\'oted to the building of a finr Cnmbe used in the charitable work carried nwnity Cltmrh in th e rrnter of the on by this particular department of city. \rith an Auditorium seating a the \\"oman's Catho lic club. tlwu:>and p·Lople and \\'ith one \\'ing As a result of the ball given last ·ea- f(lr lllt'n\ ,,·ork and another \\'in~ for son, fifty children were made happy, sen·icc ;unong the "·omen and threc three eld er ly women were cared for, <;ttnny. kinckrgarten room~ jn addition. se~eral suitcases for the girls were pre sented to the Mary Bartel me home, ~1 r. Dutton is a strong speaker; a fine donations were made to St. Margaret's product 111>t only of America's fine-;t inhome, and over 250 pi eces of clothing stitutions. hut also of America's finest were sent to the poor. In addition . pirit. lle will be heard \\'ith deep inChristmas baskets were presented to terest in thi:-; clay of ttnre:>t in China. sevente en poor families. \Ve need the missionary's experience Congregational Church and judgment in order to judge China's aright." future in Monthly Dinner Fete The soc iety '"ill gather as usual at Members of the First Congregational church will hold their monthly 10 o'clock for \rork. A bit of a sur Church Family dinner in the parlors prise in the \\·ay of entertainment is of the chur·ch \\' ednesday evening, De- promised for the morning session. At cember I, at G:30 o'clock. Featuring 12 ~fr:>. \Yilli am AYer ~f cKinney ,,·itt the dinner \\'ill be a devotional period conduct the cleYotions. The lun cheo n conducted by Dr. Stephen A. Lloyd, hour is at 12:15. follo,,·ing which ~fr. the pastor. a "big sing," directed by Dutton \Yill sprak the Rev. \V. E. McCormack, music by a quartet, Cl..:Jcl a one-act play. ~fr s. H. G. Hall entertained the mothers of grade 8 A at tea on TucsAt Woman,s Club d ~. y afternoon of la st wee k g iYen at :\ t 11 o'clock \\' edncsclay morning, her horne on Central avenue. This tea Decemb er 1. ~frs. C. D. Ewer \\'ill g- iv e wa s the first of a number of teas a talk on "Garnishings," illu strat ing her which arc to he given during the year talk with actual f rttits ancl fl~\\'<.:r s h.v all grades of the Central and Byron Stolp schoo ls. made out of various edibles. In the afternoon at 2 o'clock, Mrs. The Xorth Shore Chess club is meetCatherine OliYer McCoy, wh o has ing thi-; eHn in g at the home ol Jo Jiv ed in Barrie's home, will speak on s<:ph Schumacker, 65-+2 Kewgard a\·c"Barrie and Hi s Dream Chi lclren." Dr. Harry 1\ewmann spoke on "Ed- nue, Rogers Park. at R o'clock. The ucation for Character" at the meeting members arc going- to play another of the club November 17. His talk was match. At the la st meeting, Capt. very interesting- as we11 as instructive, Stanle\· Rick's team won nine games and Capt. A. F. Easo n's team, five touching as it did upon every period games. from wee chilcihood to manhood. He spoke of giving high ideals to the chilGIVE BACH PROGRAM dren through reading (family reading) The 1'\ orth Shore Musical society and every form of art. through the dignity and reverence that one could will hold its regular meeting at the give t~ all phases of life, concluding- his home of Mrs. E. L. Esslcy, 234 \Var-' talk hy sa~·inR that the education wick road, Kenilworth, Monday· aftershould not he left to the schoolroom noon, November 29, at 2:15 o'clock. alonr, hut that the family as a whole, A Bach ·program will be rendered. should help. Aftt>r Dr. Newmann, Mrs. Seymour, Members of the North Shore Britpresident of the Illinois Federation of ish American club are ren.indrd of the \V omen's cluhs, was introduced and regular meeting which will take place spoke verv hrieflv. The program end~ Saturday night, November 27, at the eel hv the Girls' Glee club of New Trier Communitv House. at 8 o'clock: InHi~l~ school s~nging a charming group formal da.ncing will follow the busiof three selections. ness meeting. Prominent Society Women Direct The North Shore Catholic \\Toman's All sign s for the success of the Char- Winnetka Woman's Society Will league, one of the ver:v active nrgani- ity hall to be giYen this evening by the Association for Oncoming Hear Missionary from China zations on the north shore, is planning philanthropy department of the WomSeason at December I Meeting an exceedingly int eresting meeting for Durit~g the annual luncheon meeting of the Arden Shore association held on Frida,· of last week at th e \\Toman' s 'City clu.b of Chicago th e following were elected to direct the affair::; of the organization for the ensuing year: l\f rs. Rob e r t B. Gregon·. honorarv president: Mrs. Frederick ·c. \Vacker, president: ~f rs. Marcus D. Richards of vVinnetka, first vice president; l\f rs. \Villiam J. \Yarda ll, second vice president; Mr .. Joseph J. Siddall of Glencoe, recording secre tary: Mrs. Frank Vv. Kingsley, corresponding secretary: l\f rs. E. D. Parmelee, treasurer; Directors at large-~f rs. \Villiam E. Casselberry, ~~ rs. \Villiam E. Clo"·· l\f rs. Jay S. Glidden, Mrs. Carl R. Latham, 1\frs. Bruce MacLei:- h of Glenco~. ~frs. Grant Ridgway of Kcnih,·orth , and 1Jrs. Arthur Farwell Tuttle. Town chairmcn-1J rs. Lion) a Smith Sha\\', Chicago: '!\f rs. Ernest Palmer, Evanston; Mrs. Leslie F. Gates, Wilmette; Mrs. Mark \V. Cresap, Kenilworth; Mrs. Hubert E. Howard, Winnetka; Mrs. Henry Peirce Pope, Glencoe; Mrs. Robert Finley Walker, Ravinia; Mrs. George Allen Mason, Highland Park; Mrs. George Richardson, Lake Forest; Mrs. John Kreutzberg, Lake Bluff; Mr s. George E. Van Hagen, Jr., Barrington. Miss Anna Bell e Ferrier is superintendent. from the regular meet in g-s held hv the cluh. there arc thr hook talk s given bv ?\frs. Anthon v French ?\f errill. The· n<'xt talk of this kind, open to anyone intet~es ted the cluh <~ nnounces, wt'I l 1 >e 1 1e II c at t1 1e 1 lOlll<' o f ~fr s. SidtH'\' Beach nf 235 \Vaid en drive. Glencoe at 2:30. Thursday. Decemher 2. !\J rs. M rrrill. \1\'ho is a Iso app<'aring at the \Vinn et ka \\'om an's clnh. di scussc:> the latest hooks ancl current eYcn ts. 1\f{'mhers of the club arc reminded bv the officers and committee chainnrn of th e Christmas stocking s. Each year at this holiday season, the club memhers fill Christmas stockings \vith toys, trinkets, candies and fruit to delight the hearts of orphans at the St. I oscph home on the sou th side of Chica ro. In order to facilitate the collection of these stockings. everyone is urgeci bring them to the December 14 meeting-, when they will he collected. tio~l:ide Dec em ber 14. The meeting held in the Ass em hl y room of th e Winnetka \Voman's club, take s place at 2 :30 o'clock. '!\f rs. E. T olman will address the club on "Our K:1tion:11 Parks," and will illustrate her talk with natural color pictures of the sccnen-. ~~ rs.· Sidncv Beech. soprano, ancl ~frs. George . Orr, accompanist, " ·ill entertain the club with mu-;ical selec- to Beca use Qf the approaching Christfllas season, a departure \\'ill be made next month from the usual meetingtime for the sc \\'ing days conducted under the auspices of the philanthropy department of the \\roman's club of \\"ilmcttc. On Friday, December 3, and again the following \\' ce k. Friday, December 10, these all-clay meetings will he held at the clubhonse, commencing at 10 o'clock in the morning and la st ing until 4 or a littl<' lat er in th e afternoon. Lunchron "·ill he served at 12:30 o'clock. The Infant \Velfare society is to he the beneficiary of th e "·ork clone in December. It is hoped that women of the village, " ·ho are itwitcd to these gatherings regardless of wht>ther or not theY arc members of the clnh. will find . tim<' during the bu sy holiday season to assemble at the dub for a day of pl1ilanthropic sewing. Philanthropy Sewing Talks on Authors at Changed in December Catholic Club Today "Authors That T Have Known" is the subject upon which John !\f. Stahl, president of the AlliNl Art'\ nssociation, will speak this afternoon at 2 o'clock before memhers of the \\To man's Catholic club of \Vilmette at the home of Mrs. Mile s ]. Phillip s, 1025 Michigan antiue. Mrs. Gerald M cC'arthy, Mrs. \V. E. Hall. ~f rs. E. F. Kelley, and Mrs. J. ~f. Krafthrfrr will he otl1er hostesses for the afternoon. ,... Plan for D. A. R. Chapter in Glencoe Entln1~i:1stic support is being given a mm·cm ent to establish a Glencoe chapter of the Daughters of American ReYolntion. All tlw <;e who ar<' intrrestrcl arc cordially invitrd to ntt<'nci an initial meeting on ?\f otHlay afternoon, Nm·emher 29. at 2 o'clock, at the home ·of Mrs. Clarence C. Troup, 2(;0 Lincoln drive, Glencoe. Mrs. Frank Bowman of Sterlitig, Til., the state regent. has heen invited to he present as gue st of honor. Among the supporters of this measure in Glencoe are Mrs. Clarence C. Troup, Mrs. George C. Burge, 1f rs. Frank McKeegan, Mrs. George \V. Tran·. 'Mrs. Fred Patton. Mrs . .Otto R. Barnett. Mrs. Louis Mowrv. Mrs . Harry Boardman, Mrs. Charles. Pearce and Mrs. \Vinthrop Girting. Two Kenilworth Clubs to Hold Joint Meeting On the morni.ng of Tuesday, November 30, the music department of the Neighbors will meet at the home of Mrs. \V. \V. \Vhcelock. 1.12 Oxford road, Kenilworth. The same afternoon a sale of articles made by dis· abled war veterans will he held at the home of Mrs. Joseph J oyer, 531 Essex road, Kenilworth. Tuesday evening at an assemb!nge of meJillbers of The !\eighbors and the Kenilworth cluh, Dr. Frank Slutz of the Moraine Park school wilt give an address which will be fo11owed by a social hour and the servin~ of refreshments. Instead of holding the regular afternoon meeting, the next session of the Wilmette Garden club occurs in the evening, on Friday, December 3, at th~ hj;)me of Mrs. ]. E. Redman of 1309 Chestnut avenue, Wilmette. The occasion will be guest night.