WILMETTE LIFE _ November 26, 1926 DID YOU KNOWFOUNTAIN SQUARE EVANSTON Wiillmm®1tfc~ ILnli»Ir~wy NEW BOOKS University I 024 Wilmette 600 LANTERNS JUNKS AND JADE Samuel Morrill Slokes ................ $2.50 THE KAYS Aldous Huxley Doran ................ $3 . so LETTERS OF A SELFMADE DIPLOMAT TO Margaret Deland Harper Bros. . .......... $2.00 JESTING PILATE HIS PRESIDENT 1Vill R oyas Cha s. and Albert Bani .... $2.00 PARIS Sidney Darh with drawings by Henry Rushbury Macmill.1n ............. $6.oo ROUNDABOUT TO CAN'fERBURY Charles S . Brooks Harcourt Br.1ce .......... $).oo THREAD OF ENGLISH ROAD Charles S. Broohs Harcourt Brace .......... $). oo CHERRY SQUARE Grace S. Richmond . Doubleda y Page ......... $2.00 TISH PLAYS THE GAME Mary Roherts Rhinehart POETRY : Auslander-Cyclop's Eye. Johns-Wild Plum. Thomas-Selected Poems. Brooke_:_Collected Poems. "T\le Dark Dawn"-Martha Ost C' nso. ESSAYS: Martha Osten . o's fir st nove l "\Vild Beach-Outlook for American Prose. Crothers-Modern Essay. Geese"' was a good hook. noted. prinM encken-Notes on Democrac~·. cipally for t\Yo things. its poetic feelWarner-Surprising the Fa mily. ing for natur e and its dramatic trcatGrey-Fallodon Papers. ment. "The Dark Da \\'11," her serond TRAVEL: novel, ha s hoth of these qualities yet Colum-Road Aro und Ireland. thev are so combined anrl executed ' · dfec- . Howell s-Certain Delightful Engli sh that neither one is partiru1ar1 . tin. Th e drama tic trcatnwnt cspeTowns. Ossendowski-Fire of Desert Folk. cialh·. i ~ carri t·d on into m<·loclran1'l so BIOGRAPHY: that - att(·mp tcd s ui c idc ·-. and heart Life of Cellini. · failure..;, .rc . ; cuing iincl dYing~ all go William Crawford Gorgas-1L D. oln. <~t 01tH' t' likl·c a 1hn·c· rin sl~ rircus. dto . >rtng a >nut t 1c ll('t'e-.san· tapp,· l'll Gorgas. 1· · · :-r.apoleon Bonaparte-!. U . Tarbell. '"~; . . . . ~lr;;. ).fary Daniels IIall. 1008 GreenL1fe of Pasteur-R. V. Allery-Radot. 1 I ln..; dol'S not Jll",\11 111.11 ~! · 'rtha leaf avenue, \\'ilmctt c, is th e · a uthor Edwin Arlington H.obinson-R. B. JOsten-;·> cann() ' d 1 g-oucl \\"(Irk 111 th.r c1f a sn1all. \Yell illustrated honk entitled Redman. fulttre. ~lH' ha..; ~1Hmn tk1t ~h(' lw s 1t "Snaps hot:-; Around the \Vorlcl." It is 1 John S. Sargent-\V. H. Downes. ~ I in her. It tPnrl~· llH' an-. tl1at this Sutter's Gold-B. Cendrars. ' ~)articular tl 0\'('1 " ·a-; \\Ti1tt·n \ II() ll:1·t:ly a red e\\' oi a series ot de scriptiv e letter . . . written h~· ).Irs. llall on a trip ~ Georgc,\Yashington-\V. E. \Yood- lo r in a ton littk cnthirl,·n·rl a't··n1pt \\·l1ich she tc·ok an.uncl the world last \\'ard. Ito fit aP<:tht·r in t1't' -..an H· p;t'1t'rn as · I - 1 rtt1t' . \nnter. ! 11ISCELLAKE0l'S: l1n e ;t r 1'H·r ... u l- l' ( '~ "tn Jones-Finding- the Trail of Life. I Patri-Problcms of Child Training. "\h· Hne sit's" I SHOT TOWERS ~I asnn-Crcati' v Freedom. · -Bishop \Villiam ).fontgomer~· Otto-Things and Ideak By John T. Mcintyre Thi -. l1nok h,· Bi-.hop \Yilliam ~font 1;-os<lick- A<l,·en turous R cligiOJl. g:,mery Drown is quite an UJ111SUal Full of humor and cheer. A :\ll en-\Vh o's \Vh o in the Bible. thing. It 1s not man\' mC'n who h;we good book for Christmas. Keeler- Our Native Trees. 1 the ~ inccritY, the patience, the fortiKilduff-Private Seer tarv. STOKES N.Y. tude . to an.alyz< rli sp as innatl'l~· their 1f mn ford-Sticks and Stones. mcnt:J.! denlopm('nt. Thnt is what - - - -- - i · 13 is hnp Hrom1 ha;; dotH' and that fact :--------...-------· \Vhcn \Viii Durant, author oi "The alone make s the hook \\'rlrth \\·hile. I Story of Philosopl 1 y" came out to th e He <kscr ih e~ him self a:> thr littl e hoy I ).fidcllC' \Ve st to lecture, the railroad.5 hound out to a farmer to " ·ork whrn must hav e kn ow n he was coming, for 1 !· w11s only six and 11 half years olcl : he traveled out on a car nam ed" Di- ThC' farm!'r didn't helie,·e in ed ucation (1gcnes." and back on one called "Hem- . ' o Dill Bro\\'n grew up without the lock." faintest rudim ents of one. \Vh cn he - - - - - - ' determined to get one hims elf he was ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' -. o far behind that he had to take all ~ - ----1 the short cuts. He didn't studv anv\ Vrilc for our AUTU1v1N Where There Are Children I th ing· that didn't app ly actually -to tf1e CATALOGUE-just off the Dare There Be. Divorce? point. And this singlcmincledness hel in g just what the church "·anted he press. lI rose rapidly. Then one clay '"hen he was laid up I, THE. II By Everett Young with illness he read Darwin. A whole I lN · new world opened before him. How · ! ot tlle ordinary "brilliant society he tried to reconcile this world with ,novel." It catches your emotJOns I the church is the plot of the story. It Iand you find yourself caring su- 1 i-; written tersely. clearly, in a style premely what happens to Clodi Dilalmost journalistic. 4 10 No. Michigan Ave. -Esnn:R Gon.n Ion. I 3 0 7 PI ymouth Court 'rlwt Jolm G. Shedd of Chicago, whose death occur· red recently, created the book department of !lfarshall Field and Company and was large!-)' responsible for its growth? That Charli!s Scribner's Sons are abottt tn publish tlze works of John Gals·worthy in a new edition 1.r·hich will be sold by subscrpton only r That Maddo.t· and Gray is allother new publishing cotnpany and their first Pttblication is the Helm A 11dcrson Cook Book. That the latest addition to the AIodcm Librar}', a popular priced edition, is Lewisohn's - uup ,r.;/ rea 111 ?" ~cewii~w$ (O)f JN®~ . Jffi©@Jk~ I .. 1 1 I 1 First Editions and Rare Bool(s 1 1 1 I' Custody Children ; I 1 I ~ 1 WALDEN BOOK SHOPS CHICAGO I Doran ........ ........ $2 .5 0 I 1 Henry Holt & Co. $2.50 The methods of di sp layin g hooks in English bookstore s differ radically from what we see her e in America. High bookshelves arc placed close to the windowpanes, some of the books opened so that the pages can be read by the passerby. In thi s way several feet of floor space is saved. WITH EASTERN EYES Ernest Poole THE BOOK THE WORLD HAS BEEN WAITING FOR Macmillan ............. $2.00 "Letters to My Daughter" A book of brilliant .daring essays. A book that shows the world as it actually is. There are many things that a parent hesitates to put into words, but that a girl should know:. Here they are told in a sane. straightforward fashion. This work will be eagerly read and used by every advanced parent and social group. Jrrsnnal ('rrrting Q!urbs Choose a design from the bundrtds here-and let us engrave the cards for you. Our engravers do buutiful work. ·:·---·-·---·---·-···· 1 I TOBEY'S FIRST I I ! I ~- CASE Clara Louiae Burnham PRICE $2.00 U For. sale by ALICE SKINNER'S BOOK SHOP WINNETKA MRS. BALLARD'S BOOK SHOP WILMETTE ALBERT LARSON HIGHLAND PARK Book Shop-Ju1t Imide the West Davi1 Street Door , 1~ An unusually pretty girl makes good in the diffic~!t role of newspaper reporter. Mrs. Burnham handles the theme in her r customary charming way." \ -Minneapolis Star. $2.00 I I 1 1 I <-----------.--.:· I . . Hourhton Mimin Co. I