WlLMI!TTE LIFE December 3, 1926 ularity by taking the, ordinary things of life and giving them back a littl~ more beautiful and a little more precious, it has been said. He appeals by interpreting the simple thoughts that come to the ordinary man. It is an average man's philosophy which make ~ this poet of the oeople. tF===========niEDGARA. GUEST WILL Swedish Massage Beauty Culture Health Treatments ...-. I· GIVE LECTURE TONIGHT . BATTLE. CREEK BATHS and Poet of People to Aid in Completing Purchase of Camp Wilmette for Boys and Girls BEAUTY PARLOR Mr. Bishop has returned from a short course in Ladies' Hair Cutti~1g with Stein ·Brothers of New York City, and will continue with us in tpe future. THE SWIRL BOB · .. I · w·ith · · · FINGER WAVE at GOODWIN'S 1159 Wilmette Ave. · · For ~ppointment Phone Wilmette 723 Don't Forget · For Your I. } Xmas B· ox! : Home Made I. I I I Contributing his services for the evening, Edgar A. Guest, renowned poet, is giving an address tOJlight at the New Trier auditorium at 8 o'clock for the henefit of Camp \Vilmctte. All proceeds from this lecture will go towards That ever-industrious organizatio r~. completing payment for the twenty· Cl b f N 1 four acres purchased last year by the the Dramattc u 0 ew 'rier Hi gh men of the Wilnrette Methodist church school, is busy again. It is now pre paring for production at the Girls' clu b as a camping place for the boys and bazaar, this Saturday, the one -ac t girls of the north shore community. comedy, "The Ghost Story," hy noo1 h Mr. Guest's greatness is based on his humanness. It is the common emo- Tarkington. tions of the heart that he writes about. This play, ,,·hich shows the difficult ., His songs are songs of faith and right- that an extremely bashful young m ~~: ness in tl1r world, and his large fol- ha s proposing to a singularly un cr, lowing is of persons who believe in operative young maiden, is to be giv<:J' these things. His works arc widely twice at the l?azaar. At 3:30 p. 11 1. published in the daily press. tl10sc who are attending the bazaar Limited Speaking Tour in the. Mess ball of. th~ high scho~l c:-t n ~[ r. Guest is known as an entertain - . tc:-p mto the audJtonum and wrtnc ~' ing and pleasing speaker as well as :1 performance of "The. Ghost .Stor ~·." poet. This will he one of hi s limitc:-d 1 Another performance wtll be gtven a · cil:!hteen platform appearances this ~ .P· m. so that th~sc who arc. patror.l year. Tickets for the lecture may he 1 rzmg the bazaar 111 the cvenu.1g wli l ohtaincrl at all the drug stores in the I also ]1ave a -chance to sec thts very township. amusmg play. . 'I'Iwsc in rhn~-r of the lecture hope i Tho~c taking part in "The Gh o,f that the evening "·ill net the $3.000 that Story" arc Virginia Bradford, Joh n is needed to finish pa~ring for the camp. Iliff, ] a net Hughes, Catherine Bur . The camp is located ncar Watervliet, roughs, Inez \Vehstcr, Virginia Ha r 1v[ich., on the banks of the Paw Paw vey, George Cogswell, Leon Die kin . or . lll river, anrl is adapted to the use of Jack Clarke. 'I' he director is Cord< groups like Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Van Kirk. and Camp Fire Girls. Last summer At the afternoon performance a tr i. 1 100 boys and girls utilized the camp. composed of Florence B iesemei n. Purchase of the camp was made poss i- Alex Magnus, and J anc Young will ble by large contributions from a few furnish the music. At the evening permen. formance Robert Brown, Lois Ha mMr. Guest has won his great pop- met, and John Olmsted will play. Drama and Music to Be Features at Girls' Club Bazaar Glaced Fruit Cakes Plum Pudding Christmas ·Cookies Friday and Saturday, Dec. 3-4 CALIFORNii\ ORANGES Size 100, per dozen ...................... 99c .Size 126, per clo.zen ...................... 89c Size 176, per dozen ...................... 69c FLQRIDA ORANGES, per doz ... 39c, 49, and 69c FLORIDA GRAPEFH.UI'l', size 54, 2 for .... 25c SEALDS\VEErr GRA.PEF.RUI'l', size 46, ca. 15c Stnall size, 4 for ........................ 25c BANANAS, per dozen .................. 15c up, We feature special .orders for Teas and * I · Luncheons ·. . .· . I ' ROMAN BEAUTY APPLES, box ........ $1.95 . ·:.1. (· · Phone · you~ .·Drde. r early to avoid d~~appointment. · Orders of O(le dollar or more delivered free. I f The Patty Shoppe 1. Opp~site Village Tbea~re ~ 1153 Wilmette Ave. SPINACH, pk ............................. 39c BRUSSEL SPROU'fS, box ................ 25c LARGE AR'riCilOI\.E, 2 for .............. 2Sc S\\rEET POT_\TOES, -+ lbs. . .............. 25c YAMS, 6 lbs. . ............................ 25c HUBBARD SQUr\SI-I, lb .............. ~ . . . . 4c KALAMAZOO CELERY, bunch .... · ....... 25c IMPORTED FIGS, string ................. 23c MUSI-IROOMS, per lb ..................... 39c Cosmas Brothers 1143 Wilmette Avenue Opp. Wilmette Post OHice -~~~·!;.5-J) Delivery Free Phone 2693-94 ' Delivery Free ') .,_·