Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Dec 1926, p. 16

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16 WILMETTE LIFE December 3,. 1926 : on Saturday n('xt, aft ernoon o r evening at t he parsonage. The list of tht? s ick within th congregation has reached an u ~ u sua ll y high mark this past month. w1t h several of the members in the hospitals. With a few exceptions all a.re· now recove ring, and we hope that all will 1--ioon be re~tored to health. ~<·rin St. John's Lutheran ln~ristmas ~ifts W ilmette and Park ayenues, Wilmet te Herman '\V. Meyer, M. A. pastor 406 Prairie a venue, Telephone 139G Church telephone 3111. , SERVICES 2nd Sunday in Adv(·nt: · 9 :30 a. m. Sundar :·whool and Bible classe$. f 9 :30 a. m. Conft·ssional st·n·i<'l' or communicants. C . 9:45 a. m. FirRt Sl' n ·ic' and Holy om.munion. 11 a. · m. Seco nd svr\'if'f· a n<l ..sl·rmon: "The Yoice in til t· 'Vlldenwss. GIVE SILVERWARE It Is a Lasting Gift of Beauty TJ-IE inherent finen ess, richness and beau ty 1 1 of Silverware m ake it the most ap ~ propriate gift when you w ant to give somethi ng reall y worthwhile. You w ill find our complete stock and our moderate prices to your likin g. Platte r ~ 'Yord ha~ lwPn r<·c<·ived from the 'VanOrg-an ('ompany of l\Iil~vaukc_e tha l th e n<'W or~l'ln for St. Johns Will hP shippt-d before th<' middle of the month , and that it will lw ready for URC duri n(j · tht· C'l1ristmas h()lidays. 'V hope so. ··· ,,:. n··· l ( 'ntl'('l' su ,·lel' ..... $2:..00 to llliWO.IIII f' oekt AII Set s ................. $25.00 t o i lOO.OO P ereolator Se t s .............. $50.00 to $ 150.00 ............ : : . ........ U.50 t o i50.00 Ca.ndiPstlek s ...... ,............ $5.00 to $25.00 Pitchers ....................... $ 7.00 t o $50.00 pAUL 1 1 65 - JEWELER- DAVEY Phone Wilmette 6 ~Iiss EJecta Austin of the ~orthwcstt · rn university ~chool of ::\lusic has bN·n <·n ~ag-<><1 by St. John·~ nH its rq~ular orMEETINGS Friday, De.remht-r :~ at 7 : l :i: .l unior \Yal- ~:1 nist. ~.fis~ Au~tin will also tak e· ch:u·g-·~ C>f t liP ~· iris' ChOir. ther I ague. :\Tomlay, J)(·C'. !i : C:irls' c·hoir at 7 ;30; . "Chri~tian Christmas cards for Chris:\londay, Dccembt·r li at S: La<lll' s a1d tian JH'OJllt," is th<' slr·gan at ~t. Joh n'~ chorus. tlwse days. For what is Christmas wit I lTuPsday at 7 :4fi: Church <'ntmcil. ::\londay and Friday at ·I : Children's out till' l\ft ·ssa g-4: of tlw coming- of th· · Sa.\·ior? The memb<·rship of St. .J r,hn·~· cla. ses. is urg-t·d tn usc non(· but such cards a'-' t·xpr~·ss a distinrt Chr·istmas S('ntirnt·nt. Th e Lord's SU!>J){'r will ht· c~·h:brated at St. John's during tlw first st·n·iN· on Sunday morning next. Tlw confe:,;~ional or preparatory RcrvieP for commumcants will begin at !l :30 u'eloek. All su<'l1 as desir~o: to recci\'t~ the Sacranwnt an· r· ·qucsted to make this known to the pastor RStl Elm strPt>t, 'Vinn<·tka. Pastor, A . K Rohrbach !110 Elm Str.-f't, Tl'l. . 2G9G ... First Scandinavian Evangelical Hours of W orahip AND DIAMOND SPECIALIST Wilmettt Ave. ~chool. 9 :~0 a. m : Bible srhool. suhjt·('t, "Pt·rsonal Talks flf Jl'sus," !I ::lO a . n1.: Swr·dish scn·irf', 11 a. m. : Young· Pt·OJllf' , fi p. m . : En~lish ser\'lr<·. i :-1:; 11. m . Celf'bration of t hi' Lord's Stttlpf>f. Runday-~unday "'t·rln e>s day-S wt ·dish servicr·, subjf'rt , "Studit·s in tht · .\t'ts of thf' Apo~-;tlf's.," 8 p. m. Thursday - Bib~ Stud~· in Lukr·'s CosJWI and prayr·r m l'r· tin:;:-, 8 p. m . .. New Skokie Coal Company Has Marcus Mick as Head back you r motor's old time pep and po wer. Ic ~viii really save you money to have yo ur auto repair work done here. O UR ex perts wi ll b ri ng " Rodenkirk ·s is always a good au to suggestio n." The Skokie Valley Coal and M-at erial company opener} for busine ss Ia "t Saturday. ~farcn" Mick. of 1762 High land a\'cnuc. \Vilmette, formerlv wi th Hoffman Brothers. is proprietor· of the new Skokie Valley C'ompan~· wh ose· ~-anls arc located on \Vest Lake avenne, \Yilmcttc, at the Chicago & :\ortlm·estcrn railroad. Altlwn~h ' con . . truction i.; . till llndcr way on his · new plant, ).[r. Mi ck an nounce-. that he is now makin .Q' prompt d<'lin·ri e~ oi coal and coke ;1nd in t lw sprin~ will also haYc a complete li ne of building material. HOLD MONTHLY DINN ER Eat FISH Office;:-; and tcaC'hers in the Sunda \ schnol oi the Fir~t Pre~h\'trrian churci 1 arc to hold their monthh· dinnl'r and hu~ine ss sr"sion at the ch~trd1 ).fond a\' evening, December G, at (i :45 o'clock - Telephone your orders-Wilmette 64 9 No Toll We Deliver --MJ~MJ.MJ.m~A1JN 1557 SHERMAN AVENUE Evanston f. ·········-----------------------------------------·-~ Established 18 54 C. H. JORDAN & CO. Funeral Directors for 7 2 Years Jordan Funeral Service plan reduces the cost of funerals considerably 1· I : : I Phone University 449 Wilmette Office Phone Wilmette 3 3 54 CHICAGO 300 E. Erie St. Ph~ne Supuior 7709-7710 61 :z Davis St. L-···············································---~

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