. December 3, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE Make This a ... A Specially Selected Group of Brunswick . ... . ....... Brunswick.-Radiola Christmas CHRISTMAS RECORDS i69-t A(leste Fldeles (Oh, Come All Ye Faithful) (Portugal) When you are ready to make your selection of a Musical Instrument we advise you to see our display. Our stock is most complete and offers the very thing you have in mind even though it be a small portable Pho-· nograph, Banjo or Uke. Convenient payments can be arranged on all instruments. .Joy to the World (Hande l) Collf'glnte Choir !!290 Hnrk! Th(· Hf'fald Angels Sing C\h·ndc·ls~ohn) All Souls' Choir It Camf' l'JIOII thf' )llllnlght Clear (Willi::;) t :athcdral Choir :;00.21 .\gnus ))el (Lamb of God) (Bizet) T t· nol· ~olo in Latin An )Jarlu (Kahn) T(·nur ~olo In La.tin )[arlo Chamlee Chrbtmns Carols C\Iix d Voices) Collegiate Choir lhl) of tlu· J,orll (A 'arol Scene) (Kn·utzt·r) \Vith Brass Choir Crltf'rlon Jlnle Quartet -29:;9 011, ('omt·, All Ye l"nlthful (f'hri~tmas Hymn, "Adeste Fideks") T e nor ~aznreth (Christm:-ts Song) ( Gou nod) 'feno }'rank :\1 unn and )[ale Chorus 101l:l Holy :XIght (Cantique de Noel) (Adllm) Soprano . }' lorrncc }:aston nnll Chorus Silent :Sight (Christmas Hymn) (Gruber) Soprano Florence Enston tuul )Jale Trio -:!iJ:i Tht> Infant Jesus ~i26 (lil·~u . $165 THE MADRID Finished in Adam-brown or Walnut. Finished in high-lighted figured Walnut. THREE of the lat~st models of Brunswick's New MusiCal Instruments .$30"0 THE CORTE Finished in matched and figured Walnut. Bambino) C:\lartens- Yon) Oh, J,lttle Town of Bethlehem (Brooks-Barnby) Collegiate Choir :n:;.2 .Tuhllute ])eo (Sing 'llu'rger) :\laiC' Yoiccs with Piano Oremns l'ro l'ontJHce ~ostro Plo :.I:tlt· \'oiees with Piano st. )Jury oi the Lake Seminary Choir )lltntlt·l.-ln. Illinois !l:?h Allor a mns 'l'c ( Palt:strina) ::\lix(·tl Yoit·t·s }~xultat·· ·Panatropefii"'Radiola We cannot jusd y describe the music of this wonderful new electrical reproducing in.strument, so we ask you to hear it. . Absolutely a revelation! Nothing comparable with it has ~ · ever been pre sen ted. Panatrope may loud speaker for radio receiving set simple connection that is provided. Brunswick Panatrope and Radiola 128, with 104 Speaker be used as a your present by making a with a plug Radtola 28 No outside wires· No batteries that show. Everything is c o n c e a 1 e d as shown above. $160 ~d<v nt·o ( Palc·strina) ::\lix\: d Ynict·s :?:?1~ Toronto )J(·tHif'h;sohn Choir l,r. 11. A. Frick..r, {'O ntlnt'tor Thf' ~lght B~fore Christmas ( ::\[(lun·) (l{.peita tion) J~ rnt·st Hare .. II(· Santi man" ( Pru thl'I'Ot'-G rifnn l ('rlh·riun Jla h· (lunrtl't :!j II .\ Trn(· ( 'h rist mas St or.r l'hl Yl'OOill ,JiiiJ.('l('S Yal -:\Jd.~tughlln, 'J' hf' Original Uatlio "1'\.1111 tllllllll" :lt;;:l Jc'sn Unlcis -:\lc·moria ::\lah· Yoicl·~ 0 Salutarls (Sing·enb ·rgt·r) :\[ale YOiC'l'S st. )Jan oi th(· J,ukt' St·mlnar.r ('boir $L 100 :\lullllelcin. Illinois Call on us today for a demonstration. We will gladly arrange this in our store, or your home, and without obligation for you to buy. Radiola 25 with Radiotrons $ I 6 5 Radiola 20 · with Radiotrons $I I 5 Wilmette Music S.hop Orian A. Galitz ~11 79 ~~ Wilmette A venue Wilmette 3006