Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Dec 1926, p. 27

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December 3, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE Work. it is said, will start the first affo~ded. the facilities of a complete of the year _Qn Glenview lorlge, a new medtcal mfirmary, according to an anconvalescent home or health sanitari- nouncem.ent by President Walter Dill urn, which it is plannect to erect in Scott. The executive committee of the Glenview, on Wagner road, between board of trustees has passed favorably Glenview road atHI Lake avrnnr. The up?n the plan, which includes the apsite romprises twenty-seven acres. part pomt.~ent of a year-around university of ·which i-, of virgin timl>rr. purchased phystctan for men. the conversion of recentlv. it is said at $4.000 per acre a dormitory building on Sheridan road and it is stated that the investment, 0 ~ near University place into an infirmary comnletion of the home, wilt hr about 1? accommodate about twenty pa$1.225.000. The plan i" to complete the tlents, and the supervision of the health structure in August, 1'927. of both men and women at NorthThe establishment is to he erected w~stern to rest with a special com1ly a group of Chicago physirians and mrttee, to h~ made up as follows: 1lUsiness men. Thr hoard of directors D~an Irvmg S. Cutter, head of the {:h?o_l: James Armstrong, dean consists of five and there will he a medtcal S medical advisory staff of twentv-five. of men; Wmtfred G. Richardson. dean Gilbert Fizt-Patrick. head of thr Ma- of women; Delton T. Howarrl. director sonic ho,pital will lw on the a<lvisory of p~rsonnet; K: L. Wilson, director of staff and Lorin Vo/. Coleman. treasurer P_hystcal educatton, and the commisof Pac:.;~vant hospital. will he t.reas- stoner of health of the city of Evansurrr of Glcnvie,\·. · ton. The number of hospital beds in the Presi~len.t Scott pointed out that the Chic-ap-o district is far inadequate to \~· omens mfirma~y already is estabmef't thr present det)land. it is said. llshed and operatmg hut that the EvChirag-o' hed-shorta!.!e has heen out at ~nston campus has lacked a special 5.000. It is nointed out that if con- mfirmary for incn. The afflicted stuvalescing- natients can he transferred dents hav~ heretofore bern sent to to an in~titutinn morr suitable for a local hospttals and also have been spcrcly rrrovrn· than tht' hosniu" rx- · looked after by paren~s wh? _have been tra hospital hrd:-; would thrn hr .. ·:ail- sut 'n;oned to. thcf!l tn. cnttcal cases. 19_7 ~he unn·ers1ty w1ll ha\·e central ahle for those \\·hose rases require the personal attention of the phnician . tnfirmanrs hoth .for men and women. Tl l · · . Dean Cutter wdl he asked to super~e Jomr t:\ t~ he of old En(T_I,sh vise not only the equipment of the proarciHtrrtnrc. of thr Tudor ~e;lod, posed men's infirman· hut also will adaptecl to the yrrsrnt ~lay rondttJOns. makr rccommendatio;ts for the imThr stn:ct ttre IS t.o hr Ill the form of provement of Roland Halt. the infor \\'Qmen s t u den t s m · E an H. with one wmg for men and one firtllar\· ~.vansf or women . ton. . Pla·n Big Hospital Plan Medical ln6rmary for Convalescents for Men at Northwestern Northwestern university men on the in Glenview Area Evanston campus next year will be at Price Perfect Fit~ Millions of Men inlO, JOO Cities will tell you · ,_ The price IS !n The ha . rm<'n t will -contain a heautv parlor. tailor shop, barber shop, g-ym-~f r. and Mrs. Fred C. Houghton na-;ium. large swimming- pool. hot and Sl5 Fifth street, spent Thanksgiving it~ cold showers. ancl Turkish. Rn . sian, Burlington, \Vis. Swedish and rlertric haths. There will he sun hath facilities. On thrre of the floors wiii he !iring rooms. On the fourth floor will he an indoor g-olf course, al1d vocational rooms. These men wear ROYAL·- TAILORED ·cLOTHES These men save $10 to ~20 on a Suit or Overcoat ~f rs. H. E. Lersch of l.t20 Forest avenue entertained at a :mall luncheon Friday .. !\ovcmher 2o. Her guests were Mrs. Frank \\'idger, ~frs. \Villiam Fitzpatrick and ~1 rs. John H. \Valker of \\.ilmette, ~f r:'. F. H. \\.alker, ~frs. George B. ~f oore. and ~~iss Cat herinc Callahan of Chicago. After luncheon ~1 rs. Lersch took her gue . . . t~ to the meeting of the \\.omen's Catholic club . where ~~iss Calia han sang. -oThc Order of Martha will hold its next sewing meeting on Monday, December 6, at 1 o'clock, at the home of 1f rs. George E. Tarnow, 126 Fourth street. An invitation has been extended to all members to attend. 1 ·--------------------------- 4 CHILDREN ·NEED THE BEST! Growing children must have the very best food. What they eat goes quickly into the building up of the bodies of our country's future men and women. Therefore, milk, the child's main food, must be perfectly pure and of the highest food value. · .I These men make the most of their appearance by wearing made-to. measure clothes, assured of per· feet 6t by Royal Tailoring. Evanston Royal Branch Store 1641 Orrington Avenue Lilwary Plata Building Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings i Da;v Deliwry Sdaedtd~ ..· No Discappointmen" "The World's Greatest Clothes Val1ee" Mcufe Expressly for Y01e and You Only LOOK ·POR THE ROYAL TIGER SIGN IN '~fUR OWN HOME TOWN! ·---------------------------

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