36 WILMETTE LIFE December 3, 1926 Offer New Course at Woman's Club At League School The second meeting of the Citizen- Spirit of Harvest Artists Will Hear Heaped With Gifts · Lionel Robertson for Nursery School Students of the National Kinder- discuss the Motor Drivers' License bill . giving festival last Wednesday afterand the extension of the appropriation noon November 24. Enthroned Mrs. Anthony French Merrill, who of the Sheppard-Towner bill. agai~st a great golden disk sat the The December meeting of the North wiJl give a course of six lectures unMrs. G. L. Friedstedt led the discus- Spirit of Harvest, and as the faculty Shore Art league will be held in the der the auspices of the literature desion of the Motor Drivers' License bill. students and chi 1d r e 11 passed by, Camp Fire room of Community House partment of the Woman's club of WilThis bill, which is to act as a safety bearing their gifts, the fruits of the ,. . f- D mette is a speaker of exceptional measure, passed in the senate but harvest were heaped high around her . in \V mnctka , the even mg. 0 ecemability and has appeared frequently befailed in our legislature, it is stated. on the stage and . filled to the brim her 9, at 8 o'clock. fore the Chicago Woman's club and 011 either Lionel Robertso·n of Chicago will be the Fortnightly, being a member of It failed because it was seemingly tie- t~1e great boxes and barrels bound hy restrictions. That drivers stde. · · · d '11 both for many years should pass · te sts of any manner was The children thoroughly enjoyed the speaker of the evenmg, a~ ;' 1 She has also conducted classes for held unnecessary and so one of the the experience, and walked quietly talk on "The Romance of Block Prmtseveral seasons at the Illinois Womhest parts of the hill was done away across -the st~ge, . deposit~d their ing." Besides the address, A'len Philen's Athletic club, .a nd has courses ,\"ith, it is announced. gifts w~erever tt . smted their fan.cy, brick of Winnetka is scheduled to give this season in Evanston, Winne~ka, yet something should be done abovt greatly mtcrcstcd m the stage se ttmg . . . 1· l H Glencoe, and Lake Forest as well as arry it. the league states. Twelve eastern and the audience-so much so that an exhtb1t1on of etc 1111gs, anc several of the larger city clubs. states approve of this plan and are one little bo-y· forgot to leave his gift Timmins is sending an interesting exAt one of her recent lectures she hibition of paintings. Judging from said in part, "Life is a business, our carrying it out to success. Illinois has and came running back with it. not yet approved. The state of ConThe Russian harvest hymn and an his contributions to the last exhibition, own individual and special business. _·ca rs has kept very antiphonal psa lm of Thanksgiving llect icttt for five , We must conduct it, or it will fail - by the choir were a very impres sive his group of pictures "·ill 1 )e most exactly as a business fails if it has no close record of auto fatalities and in part of the service and children and delightful. good manager. Each of us has one spite of the growing use of automo- adults alike enjoyed the Thanksgivin g life only. If we spoil that, we 'Cannot hiles. ha s maintained her original per- story told by Miss Edna Dean Baker. Lionel Robertson , the . speaker, is try again. Life is an adventure in centage, whereas Illinoi s has doubled Several barrels of potatoes, apples well-known to Chicago and north shore which success depends on ourselves. her fatalities during that time. The and vegetable s; ·jellies, preserves, .f lour "Those who make the best of their public _ has to be ed ucated to sa fety and other artiCles for which the nur- people. He is a native of New York gifts and opportunities may be said mea.sure s. . ,. . . . ply of soap, . perfume, t~otl1 bru shes and a gradunte of Cornell university. to have made the most of life." ~1ght here 111 \ \ mnctk~ etght~ -mne and other articles for wh 1ch the nus- Aside from being an architect, ).fr. Mrs. Merrill warned her hearers accidents ha,·e occurred II~ t!H~se ele- · se ry school had asked, were loaded on Rober tson l1as distinguished hims cH against "pottering," or thinking round ven month~ of the year. fhirty-thr~e the truck that night and se nt down to other line s of specialized art. lie alongand round and making no decision. a~d one third per cent w~rr on pubhc the children a t Mary Crane Nursery in an interior decoratr for Tobey\ in She concluded: "We do not see flowers l11ghways, and v.;ere cluefly due to school, Hull House. Chicago, and is a designer of furniture grow, but if we till the soil and tend speeding. it is announced. for several large Chicago establishThis hill is to come up in J~nuary. our own garden plot, there is a greatments. He is an advisor in design to er Gardener than ourselves who will If you are intcresterl, let your Senator Bring Xmas Stockings to secure the harvest." many large store s, and is a designer of know about it, the leag-ue urges. Catholic League Dec . .14 textile s. ).f r. Robertson will bring Her course at the \Voman's club is Another hill that the kaguc hopes on "Books and Current Affairs" and is to he introd uced to thi s next term "Our Kational Parks," will be the experience a:; well as theory to his begins January 10, at 2 o'clock. is that of the extension of the appro- subject di sc usse d by Mrs. E. Tolman, audience. The ·proceeds in excess of expenses pria tion of the Sheppard-To\\'ner hill. who " ·ill address the North Shore The board of directors of the league to go to the building fund. Thi s hill was passed in 1921 for a five Catholic \\Toman 's league at the Win- met Thursday evening at the home of . year period. Tn April of 1922, funds nctka \\·oman's club, Tue sday, De- Mrs. ]. \V. F. Davies o f 652 Lin coln were aYailahle for· thr protection of cember 14, at 2:30 · o'clock. Mrs. Tot- avenue. \\'innetka. to di sc uss plans for Illustrated Flower Talk mothers and babies. After four vears man will illu strate her talk with nat- the year and for the next meeting. at Garden Club Meeting of good work this act mu st he extend- ural color pictures of the scenery she The next meeting of the Wilmette eel else the previous work shall have is describing. Aside · from Mrs. TotGarden club will be held Friday, De- been of no avail. Onlv five states man's addres_s, there will be musical cember 3, at the home of Mrs. J. E. have not accepted this hilt. .the league entertainment by Mrs. Sidney Beech, Kentucky Society Plans . Redman of 1309 Chestnut avenue, Wil- announces: forty- three have heen ap- soprano, and Mrs. George Orr, acproved and arc making possible the companist. Its Chrtstmas rogram mette. This me.eting is also ~et aside for Departing from the regular custom followiflg: child health conferences, The North Shore Kentucky society exarpination of 594,136 babies in two ·!he collection. of. the Chnstmas stockof having afternoon meetings, this next has chosen to give a Christmas party meeting will take place in the eve- years. prenatal conferences, 74,659 mgs to be d1stnbuted t? the. orphans on the otcasion of its next meeting ning. The club announces a most in- mothers advised establishment of 1 706 of the St. Joseph home m Ch1cago. In which occurs Tuesday, December 14, · f tf ' · 245 ' 1 tl order to t be 't sure everyone has . prenata f that t 'b t' h teresting speaker, Dr. C. 0. Schneider 111 ant we are stat10ns, · · f mtc ·1 .· 1e k' oppor th un1 y o con n ukmg sue a at 2 :30 o'clock, in the ballroom of the 1 centers, mstructton o \\lves, mot 1t ·u th t th of Winnetka. Dr. Schneider, whose Orrington hotel. Dean Peter Lutkin's 1 photographs and slides of western er's classes. traveling motor clinics, s oc bmg, b ~ ~otmhm tee tah~ sD a b e choir will sing Christmas carols and '~~K C F p T e d t h'IS uts.l' mem ers em o 1s ecem er t' rmg scenery are well-knm\'n in the Middle- etc. ·mrs. . . · <·arce, ·. r., 1 Mrs. Dan B. Brummitt will read the . 14 mee mg. 1 West, will talk on "Mountain Flowers ~usston answen.ng questions anc pomtThe next sewing date of the league Christmas story. · in Their Natural Environment," and il- 1ng- out suggestions. . is announced for Tuesday, December Mrs. Leroy Gidding is chairman of lustrate his talk with pictures. Mrs. Hyman Raclm, Mrs ..s. West- 28. Meeting at the home of Mrs. Leo the hostesses who will be Mrs. John A. Several of Dr. Schneider's enlarged erfield and M;s. R. S .. Childs were ]. Hillman oj 345 Park avenue, Glenphotographs have at different times hostesses, . servmg a deh~htful buffet coe, the league will sew for St. Mar- Lee, Mrs. ]. B. Heth, Mrs. W. L. Wright, Mrs. D. L. Fester, Mrs. Irwin been on exhibition at Marshall Field's, luncheon 111 the InternatiOnal room. garet's home. Keller, Mrs. Robert Reed, Mrs. W. and as a member of the Prairie club H. Bryant, Mrs. John W. Leathers, of Chicago, he has a well-established W. C. T. U. TO MEET Mrs. Preston Williams, Mrs. H. W. reputation. Mrs. Keith Kellenberger The Wilmette W. C. T. U. wiJJ meet Christmas Meeting of Talbot, Mrs. Henry Webster, Mrs. . of Evanston will furnish music for the at the home of Mrs. Isabel Moody, occasion. Music Club to Be Open. Crain, Mrs. Musick, Mrs. ]. Sherman 2218 Maple avenue, Evanston, on MonDudley, Mrs. Harrison Smith, Mrs. The \Vitinctka Music club is giving day, December 6, at 2 o'clock in. the James W. Guest, Miss Bessie Duke afternoon. The president of the Wo- a Christmas program at the Glencoe Kinney and Miss Lucy Blakemore. CLUB PROGRAM man's Shelter, M.rs. I. R. Beach, will Union church Monday, December 13, Miss Mabel Anderson, Miss Cathat 3 o'clock. Guests are invited to erine Bickham, and Miss Winifred speak about the work done there. this meeting, which will be open. Mickey were on the program of AmerMrs. Percival Hunter and Mrs. CLUB TO CuMPLETE SEWING ican music given by the music departTO ADDRESS ASSEMBLY Dwight Orcutt will play organ numment of The Neighbors of Kenilworth The Worth While club of, Glencoe Mrs. ]. Paul Goode, member of the bers. Mrs. Valona Brewer, violinist, on Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock at state legislature from this district, will will hold its next meeting at the home and Mrs. Guy Stuart Bailey, soprano, the home of Mrs. W. W. Wheelock, 132 be the speaker at the National Kinderof Mrs. Robert P. Walker of 101 Park Oxford road, Kenilworth. Miss An- garten and Elementary college assem- will render solos. In addition, there avenu~, Glencoe, Wednesday morning, derson played MacDowell's "Polon- bly next Thursday, December 9·. l\1rs. will be a trio of women's voices con- December 8, at 10 o'clock. The club sisting of Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. Burton naise" and Miss Bickham, accompanied Goode, whose abilitv as a lecturer is will complete the work begun for the Atwood, and Mrs. John W. Hansel, Jr. Infant Welfare society, and probably by Miss Mickey, sang several familiar widelv reco~nized, ~ill speak on "M v A social hour in the church rooms discuss plans for futher work to be American negro songs. Expe~iences in the Legislature." · will follow the music. carried on. Mrs. Anthony French Merrill to ship school of the League of Women garten and Elementar.y college and Exhibits and Speaker of Evening Lecture on Books and News Voters was held at Community House , children of the college demonstraFeature Next Meeting of Monday morning, at 10:45 o'clock, to tion school, took part in a ThanksBefore Wilmette Club North Shore League I . p