WILMETTE LIFE December 3, 1926. Former Wilmette Man to Build in Highland Park Warren B. Ewer, of 1033 Dempster street, Evanston, former commander of Wilmette .post, American Legion, is building a colonial residence on Lincoln avenue, Highland Park. His lot has a frontage of 62 feet and is 250 feet deep and was purchased through R. M. Johnston and company, 340 Linden avenue, Wilmette. He is building a white frame co].onial of seven rooms and with two bath rooms. Construction of the residence is now in progress. Hubbard Woods Is Scene of Activity on Home Building A cornet of the luxuri· ous liCJing room in a oneroom home unit. Charming New Apartment Homes Beautifully Furnished 'Completely Serviced Many who seek the comforts of an apartment hotel home this winter have not discovered The Elmgate-South Evanston's beautiful new hotel. Here, at rates surprisingly thrifty, one may en· joy all the comforts of a private home combined with the luxury of organized service. The Office Adjoins the Main Street Entrance, and Is Open From 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Tel. Greenleaf 2100 C'Jhe ELMGATE MAIN STREET AT ELMWOOD AVENUE ·N. E. Wilmette Sacrifice Numerous scraper and shovel gangs, concrete mixers and carpenters have taken up winter quarters along Greenwood avenue, Hubbard Woods, where rlirt, concrete and chips arc flying, despite the encroachment of Jack Frost and Old Boreas, long time obstructionists in the building game. Greenwood avenue from Tower road to a point just across the· line into Glencoe is one of the busiest spots along the north shore. in the way of Design Home of Model building activity. At the northwest · t t · tk corner of Tower road and Grcrnwood A ppo1n men In 1nne a avenue, Andrew \V. Pauls~n is speed~· .E. Stoetzel, arc~itect at. 612 · N. 1ing to early completion the quaint new M1ch1gan avenue, Ch1cago, wtll have residence ·which has already been deplans ready for bids soon for a house scribed in detail in this paper. in Winne~ka for an undisclosed. WinA short distance cast of the Paulnetka resident, 50x120, to consist of son building, on Tower road between f~o~l 15 to 18 rooms, early Tudor st~le,! Greenleaf and Vernon avenues, ground billiard roon~s, pla.yrooms, face bnck has been broken and the foundation all around, ston~ "tnm, slat~ roof,_ vapor is well underwav for a large, new resiheat, oak panehng, electnc equq~ment dence being erected for R. w. Gerding, for · Cre- o f Clucago. . laundry . · on kfirst floor, . automattc . f ngerat10n, 1 111 1Ibrary. oa panes ost undisclosed. ]ens J. Jensen, landscape· . At 916 Greenwood avenue, a short architect. · · dtstance north of Tower road. George S. Wood, the we11 known builder an<: plumber. of \Vinnctka has completed EASTERN STAR SOCIAL ready for inspection. an attractive The Wilmette chapter of the Order seven room Spani:-~h type hou-;e, which of the Eastern Star will hold its reg- he is placing 0n the market. at $2(),000. ular social afternoon Wednesday, DeDirectly north of it, at the southwest cember 8. at 2 o'clock, at the home of corner of Green\\'ood an·nnc and M_...;,;rs;;.;.·;;E ;~;-;·-;;;;;; ; -M ;;-~~;,rg.;;; . a;;;;;n;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;92;;;;;5;;;;F;.o;;r;;;;;c;;;;;s; ; ;t;;a;;';; ' e;;n;.u_e;;.; · Ed g c,\' ood 1 an c, is a pre t t y 11 c \\' Erg_ II'" 1lish type house just completed hy ?\f r. 1 \\'oocl. which he and his family, who formerly resided at 979 Vine strr<:t. have recent!~· occupiecl. as thrir hnmr. In the next hlork ra:-.t, at 1-t-t() Ecl,ge wood lane. is the pretty new se,·en room hrirk rc :-~ irlence of the Engli-;h tvpe, which Eel \\·t·instnck and famih· ~nly recently 0ccupiecl. · c p on Asbury, just cast of Green"·ood. Charles E. Olc,\'inc. the well knmm builder of 732 Park avcnur, \\'ilmette. broke ground this week for a pretty English ?\ormandy type house, of seven rooms, whirh he \\·ill place on the market .tt $23,000. Just around the corner and a little · further north on the west side of Grccm\·0od, on a lot through whirh the dividing line het \\·een IT uhharrl \\' oods and r.lrncoe passe.;, Chris Christen. en, a welt knm,·n north shMe builder from I Higlnvoocl. he gan pouring concrete ~fonda,- {or the iClundation fnr a t\\'O stnr~- Spanish h·pe residence' which hr is huilcling for the markrt. Tt is lncatrrl at thr northwe-;t corner of Grren\Hlod an cl Scott a \'C' ntH's. And thus, this little :-1\.'ction nf Grec·nwood a\· nue in Hubbard \\'c1C)(l. i~ one nf tl1e husie.;t :-;pot-; on all the nr1rth slwrc, fro111 a building point of vin,-. - - - - - - -- w· 1 ! SELL NORTH SHORE LOTS ).f·cGnire anrl Orr wcr<' 1ht' brokers in two real rstatr transactions im·olving· thr :-~ale of thr propnt\· at 700 Linden anntte, \Vilt~wtt<:, to Thradnrr Susan and tnt P,:nnber 24. on Rohsair Iro;1d. Kcnil\\'orth, to an undisclosed huyrr. 1 1301 CHESTNUT AVENUE Owner, moving East, is prepared to sell this charming, substantial 8room residence for at least $1 s.ooo less than reproduction cost. There are 5 bedrooms, besides 2 sun and 2 sleeping-porches; 3 fireplaces and baths; there is a super Newport hot watec system, and the garage is also heated by hot water. There is one-half acre of superbly wooded, landscaped grounds. ·S37·ooo will probably buy this home if the offer is made soon. Open for Inspection 1 to 5 Sunday. Sl/2~ MONEY proved North Shore Suburban residence property at 5% % Interest. See us on renewals. Have funds to loan on choice Im- E. G. Pauling & Co. 5 N. LaSalle St. MaiD OZSO BBINIBN REALTY CO. Exclusive Agents 421 Fourth St·· Wilmette Phone Wil. 2760-460