Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Dec 1926, p. 46

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WILMETTE LIFE December 3, 1926 Schopen-Steffena Wedding Thanksgiving Day Service Mr. and Mrs. John Schopen of Wilmette announce the marriage of their daughter, Katherine Mary, to Lawrence J. Steffens, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Steff~ns .of Wilmette. The ceremony took place November 25, in the St. Francis Xavier church at 9 o'clock, and was. followed by a wedding breakfast served at noon in the bride's home. The bride was attired in white georgette and a veil, trimmed with rhinestones. The matron of honor, Mrs. Frank Hlavacek, the bride's sis ter, was in pink georgette over a slip of peach satin. The two bridesmaids, Miss Margaret Steffens and Miss Helen Schopen, wore respectively, frocks of blue georgette over blue, and orange georgette over pink sat in, trimmed with rhinestones. Frank Steffens served as best man and ushering were Joseph · Schope11 and Frank Hlavacek. Mr. and Mrs. Steffens will reside in Wilmette. Rathbones Leaving Tomorrow to Spend Winter at Capital Dauu Stttet, Euanaton New Fashioned Convenience Combined with the old fashioned hospitality . of The Georgian is enry new fashioned convenience which makes for your comfort. Mechanical ventilating system which assures a pure, fresh air in every room, warmed air in winter, cooled air in summer: automatic shower bath water regulators: mechanical refriguation : and a completely equipped sound-proof children's playroom are only a few of the numerous new fashioned things which make for living contentment at The Georgian. Old fashioned hospitality and new fashioned convenience make The Georgian pre-eminent as a furnished apartment botel. Visit The Georgian at Hinman Avenue and Davis Street. You will enjoy the tour. personally conducted by one of the management. Jilhe Gleor_gian An Address of Distinctitm Write for illustrated brochure showing facilities I'REDERICK E. LEWIS Resident North Shore Funeral Director Twenty-two years of successful professional service.' Personally recommended by Chas. A. Stevens of Chicago and a host of .others whom we have served on the north shore. We personally attend all calls, rendering the· most careful, courteous and conscientious service. Mrs. Lewis attends to all la.dies' and children's calls. During this last week of their stay J in Kenilworth, Congressman and Mrs. Henry Riggs Rathbone of Kenilworth have been guests of honor at the following affairs: Mrs. John Glenn Shaffer entertained at luncheon Monday at the . Woman's Athletic cluh, and in the evening, Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Staver .gav·c a dinner for them. Tues~ day, Mrs. Frederick 'f. Vaux entertained at luncheon at the Lake Shore Drive _hotel, and iu the afternoon Mrs. Rathbone was the guest of Miss Olga Menn at the Junior Friends of Art tea to hear the Cadman lecture . That same evening, Congressman and Mrs. Rathbone were guests of honor at a dinner given hy Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Hoyt at the Chicago Athletic club, followed by a theater party. Wednesdav, Mrs. Andrew F. Sheriff gave a lunch eon and brid~e for Mrs. Rathbone, and Mrt;. Charles Haves of Mr. and Mrs. ]. Nye Macalistcr, 918 Winnetka was ho~tess at a dinn er and Ashland avenue, have returned from a box party for the Rathbones in the evening. The following day, Mrs. ' two weeks' visit to Excelsior springs. Willis Orville Mance gave a luncheon and bridge at the South Shore Countrv cluh. A dit~ner was given that evening bv Mrs. Florence. Ffrcnch, editor of the ~~ usiral Leader, to which several of thr Chirago Opera cnmnam· stars wrre invited to meet the R~thhonc:-. J\.f rs. John L. Little will be a luncheon hoste . s to(\;1\·. and this c\·cning Mr~. \.enr~e E. Sen'\' \\'ill rntert~in the R;1thho11('S ;t~ a dinner and opera part~·. The Ratl\hones arr lea\'in,g Kenilwnrth tnmorrn\\· for :\few York, where 1he,· " ·ill spl'nd a \H(·k or ten clavs h r fore establishing themsC'Ive s ·in \\'a-;hin{!ton for the mngres ~ ional sca'011. They \\'ill reside at the Laf;wcttc Square hotel. · Tn F(·hnt ~1 n· \frs . Rathl)(lllC plan.; to k;1ve for Palm Rearh. to go frnm there to 1\a-.sau and Ha,·ana . Beauty Lies in Healthy EYES It's not so much ~he size or color of the EYES that makes them b=autiful. Rather, it's the glow which radiares from them. UJY lessiceptalwayscleanandhealthy, EYES lack,this alluring lustrt. Millions of women throughout the world promote EYE health and beauty with MuTine. It cleanses EYES of irritating par~ tides ~nd keeps them clear and bright. Contains no belladonna. O..r iUwtrated books on "Bye CA.~ 0'1 "E~·e Beaue," are \<REB on~ F o r those w h o are building b i g g e r Incomes-North Shore First Mortgage G o I d Estate Bonds. They represent dependable safety, with profit. The Murine Company lkpt.. 33, Chicago Private De Luxe Ambulance Servic~ The growing demand for prompt and reasonable ambulance service has made it neccessary for us to add to our Limousine EquipmP.nt, an Jnvalid Coach which is the last word in Ambulance Service. Loc~ted in Wilmette. Our Display Rooms Are Complete Our Motto: "Golden Rule" SM!Rabi££ I 5 64 Sherman Avenue Evanston The Little Marmon will soon be here May we send you a catalogue? FREDERICK E. LEWIS Parlor Pboae Wilmette 3 5 s2. J MRS. F. E. LEWIS lM'I AttmdeJt ltuidtace Phone Wilmette 3 55 2 I ---------- MARMON NORTH SHORE 6015 Broadway Longbeach 6428

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