WI L M E T T E L .I F E Donald Wilber of Wilmette and Frank Stover and Robert English <?£ tractors have commenced laying brick the holid~ys their son, Richard Curll, Winnetka, all students a:t Princeton UtHon the new auditorium at the North Shore Country Day school at Win- who is attending Morgan Park Mili- versity, were entertained for Thanksgiving dinner by Charles M. Troy, at netka. · tary academy. his home, 107 Brewster road, Scarsdale, N. Y. Mr. Troy returned Sunday night to Syra-cuse university, where he THE HANDCRAFT SHOP is now a student. Coverlets Bedspreads Scarfs Baskets Stools Hooked Rugs Homespun Linens Pottery Hearthbrooms Mrs N. P. Zech, 918 Fore st avenu.e, Made by the Southern Mountaineers has returned from a three weeks' tnp to San Antonio and other points in Room 2 Anne Pavey 817 Elm St., Win~etka southern Texa_?. T~ steel .work is up ·.and the con- Crescent place ·has · as their guest for December 3, 1926 SCHOOL JOB PROGRESSES Mr . . and Mrs. H. K. Curll of 45 ENTERTAINS LOCAL BOYS 1st Presbyterian Sunday school at 9 :30 every Sunday morning. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Next sunday W(' will ha.ve th e la~t. of ourSpecial Loyalty pro~rams lea.dmg up tO' th e Communion f'ij"rvtre on Dece mber 12. This has b een d esignated Preparation day because of the Sacramenta! Coyenant sf'rvice whi c h comN; as a. cltm.~x m .. our spPcia.l s<'ri.,s. S Prmon ~ubJ,~Ct- Th eCall of Prophecy and Pronusc. Th<' following· js our musical program for n(·xt Sunday morning: . On.~· :~n prelud<', "Pray<'r" (Lolwngrm) .. . . ... . ..... . . . ... . ......... Wagner Ant lwm. "Thy \Yord 1s Lik<' a. .r:a;den, Lord" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dtckmson AntlH' lll, "Rt·hold, tlw :\Tast<·r Passeth By" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stevenson Organ Off~rtory, "DN·p Riw·r" ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arr. by Yon R11 lo, "Th<' Publiran" .. .. V:ln de Wate r l\Tr . ).[il!Pr Organ Pnstlucl· ·, "..-\liPgn·tto" .... St a in er .Junior r hut·rh nt 11 o'rlo<'l< in tlw .J~ nior As:-:PmhJ:-.· room . Tlw lNI.d., r J!'; lf;·nr\' Ynnch·r JT(\ff nncl tlw subject "])Hrt· to T\'11 tlw Truth. " An int<' r Psting illustr:ttinn of tlw suhjH·t will b0 gi\· n hY th P ]('adPr. ('hristian En<1Pa\·or nt ;, : :~0 Sunday (·\'l'ning . . 'I'Iw t onic· ,\'ill h <' "TIH· Fm:ma tion nf Charart Pr ." :\Tiss :'\fc Ph 0r so n ts t o b i<' ader. Th <' r Pg- ular !'WhNhtl·· of w N·kly acti\·i· tiP s will bc · carril·d out as usual. Tlwn· will b P a m··c·ting · of Spok P Xo . 10 on D1·N·mber 7th . at tlw hom(' of "!\Trs . C:. <: . LawHon, 121 R Fort·st a \'<'nU<'. Hl ·J.mlar 1\Tid-Wf'f' k sPrVir0 \Ve<lnf·s da.y ,.,·t·ning- at S o'r·lork . Our Jpsson i~ th<' IHir:tbiP . of "'T'h P "\YirkNl Hushanclmt·n, " ~ffilt. 21 :~~-44 . Out· monthly dinnPr ~nHl husin Pss Jll Pf·ting- for th P offiPr·rs and t NtC'lwrs of the SunrhtY ·sc·h oo l wUI lw :'\fnnrlay, D t>f'f' l11bf> r 1~. li : 4~ p . m. Tlw nwmh ~' rs of thf' nffii' ial ho·ll·ds of tlw C'hureh arr- to din <' with us and JHI.rtiC'ipat 0 in tlw dinn er l'onfPrPn<'t'. F nllowin!:! tlw clinn <' r , thP Sunr'la.y sclH·r ·l offiC'r·r s H nrl t t·aC'h(' r s. a ncl th(· Sf'\'"'·al offkial hoa rds, will m <'P t sr·parat ly for thc·ir hu s in 0ss sr·ssio ns. 'I'lw First Prt · ~·,,:vtt · ri a n c·hur(·h. tlw R~·\', (;pnrgc· P. ::\Ta g ill. n. n ., pn ~to r i s loPntt-11 at tlw ;·nnH·r ()f ~inth str ~' c·t a nd l:r· ···nl··af a\·t · nu~·. Frt·P sPats nnd a c ~·r clia I wt ·l!'rmw for (·\'l' ryon r·. C?lzese Improvements are 7mportant There are two general classes of motor car improvements. Those made primarily · for their effect on the public- and those made l primarily for their effect upon the car. You will perceive at once that Dodge Brothers new five- bearing crankshaft, twounit starting and lighting system, air cleaner and other recent improvements, are the sort that represent genuine value. They are sound and substantial betterments, producing definite and marked results, and as such they are typical of Dodge Brothers methods and product. Touring Car ............. $ 86o.oo :oupe .................. 9 I 2.00 · 96s.oo Sedan ................. . 1,017·50 Special Sedan r,/ }; ~ ~ 1 )\ .. ' ~.fr. and ).frs. \Vatter G. ).f oore of 1038 Greenwood a\'enue. entertained fifte en guests at dinn er Thanksgi\·ing day. Delivered CORRECT GLASSES Delays are dangerous, both to your eyes and to your health. , Our examination of your eyes is one that is dependable because it is scientific and C. M. McDONALD 1019 Davis Street Phones: U~iversity 224, Wilmette 224 HBuy Your Car in Evanston" We Also Sell Dependable Used Cars conscientious. Phone for an appointment Drs. DCDSE 8R.OTHE-R.S MDTDR C:ARS Bersch & Stone Optometrists 1177 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette Office Wilmette :2.766 Res. Wilmette 3 8 8 I Hrs. B:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Evening& by Appointment