56 AUTOS COLLIDE Two cars were slightly damaged when a machine driven by William Franklin and belonging to Walter H. Anderson, 127 Robsart road, Kenilworth, collided with a car driven by Georg~ S. Neilson, 1570 Sherman avenue, Evanston, last Monday. The Anderson car was proceeding south on Sheridan road and collided with the Neilson car at Michigan avenue. A police ticket was issued to Franklin for not having a state chauffeur's license. WILMETTE LIFE December 3, 1926 Howard Winberg Named On Terminal Cage . New Trier Groups Plan to Honor Eleven in Missouri Squad Trounces ' Please at Bazaar Lunch~s Several advisor groups at New Trier Howard Winberg, whose brilliant high school are joining together in playing on the Kemper Militar~ foot taking 'Charge of the tea room at the ·ball team the past season contnbuted girls' bazaar. Their motto is "good so much to the great success whicl~ th.e food attractively served," and they team enjoyed, has gained further mdturge everyone to come to the balcony vidual honors by being named on the of the mess hall and sample their first team of the Missouri conference wares. The booths and other parts of all stars as half back. He writes that the bazaar are in charge of other . he is now going in for wrestling, boxrooms, but the tea room, where a de- ing, track and bas.ket ball, and is out liglltful little lunch and tea is served, for four letters this year. . · . is in charge of an active group of girls Mr. and Mrs. W . W. Wmherg, ~~t s who are sure to make a success of the parents, of 905 Greenleaf avenue, V\ tlventure. mette, are lo?king forward with much pleasure to hts retu.rn home ~n DecemEason Chess Team Leads; b.er 17, for the Chnstmas holtday vaca. lO hon. St. Joseph Five CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Frank Feltmann and her daughters wish to thank their friends and relatives for the kindness and thoughtfulness shown during the illness and death of their daughter and sister, Miss Mabel Feltmann. Adv. MULTIPLE ELECTROLYSIS ls the only permanent and safe way of removing superfluous hair. )lyrtle II. Gulbrandson 1332 Stevens Bldg. Ph. State 2363 17 N. State St., Chicago M.Portenhauser Painting Decorating Estitnates given without obligation Phone Wilmette 2764 1030 Greenleaf Ave. WILMETIE The Terminals First basketball team took the St. Jo se ph seconds into camp Wednesday of this week by a score of 47 to 2. 'fhe game was fast and clean, in which the Terminal quintet trounced the fla shing St. Joseph team by fa . t passing teamwork and accurate ba sket shooting. Lyman Go ss replaced Millard Powers at center in the latter part of the first quarter. The l score at the end of the first quarter was 10 to 0. The second quarter was a more fortunate period for the St. Joseph team, in which they got their only score on a Club to Meet December one-handed shot under the ba sk et The North Shore Chess club will Service Game Visitors Millard Power s replaced Lyman Gos5 hold its next meeting on Friday eveGuests on North Shore at center in this period and Goss re ning, December 10, at 8 o'clo·c k, at the · placed Elmer \Ve11man at left guard Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson and The score was IG to 2, at t 1 home of Samuel W. McCaulley, 844 1e en d o f t 1 H' Mrs. Freel Reichmeicr, of Morocco. · 1 · f · o f t1 Sunset road, Winnetka. · second quarter, sttl Ill avor H' The last match between the teams Ind., came int" Chicago last week end Terminal team. led by Stanley Rich and A. F. Eason to see ~he Army-Navy foot ball game, Russell J ohnson replaced R obert M c·esulted as follows· ancl whtle here '"·ere guest s of Mr. and Lean at left forward in the third nuar· . . · I Mrs. M. Lillig, of 552 Center street, ·1 RICH EASON Winnetka. Mr. Thompson owns a two ter. W ellman, wh o was playing !cit Boldenweck . ·... 1 Schumacher .... .. 1 hundred acre farm near Morocco just guard in the fir st quarter return ee! tu Cobb ............. 0 Eason ....... .....2 , across the road from the country ~state the game at right forward in thi s period, B~ach ........... 0 Crowder ......... 2 : of George Ade, who also came in to sending 1v1anning Powers, who had F1sher .......... 2 McConnell ...... . 2 1see the gal]le la st Saturday. Mr. played right forward to left guard, un McCauley ........ 0 Thompson was a star football player til thi s point of the game. M cLean -:- Ion the Franklin college team some replaced Lyman Goss at left guard Total ......... 3 Total .......... 7 years ago, and is still a football en- sending him to center and retiring ~~ ilthusiast. Mr~. Reichmeier's son is a lard Power s who played an exce11cnt West Point cadet and came over wit1 1 game. The score at the end of the aS tngton rapery Q. the team, and C~ljoyed the brief visit third quarter was ~7 to 2 still in th e Interior Decorations 'Designed, Made with his mother while in the city. I fa:.·or of the Tcrmmals. and Hung Curtains, Shades, and ----· -In the fourth quarter Robert BiasBed Spruds Made to Order. RECOVERS FROM ILLNESS dell replaced Robert ~J cLean at left guard. 133': Washlngtnn Ave. Ph. wn. SUI Mrs. B e rt Paddock, of the Paul The Second Terminal basketball :~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~ Schroeder. Real E state company, who t eam won it s first game, but has lost 'has hcen. 1ll at her home on Htghl~ncl three in a row since. The players of avenur1 ts rep?rted to be much . tm- the second team follow: Henry SeldenDR. ARTHUR H. TUTTLE proved and wtll soon return to her eck, center; Grant Blasdell, forward; DR. ALICE D. TUTTLE work. Erwin Brammer, forward; Mar shall Osteopathic Phyucians Peterson, forward; Jack McG.inley Residence and Office guard; \Villiam John son, guard and 913 Central Avenue Phone 300 George Engle, guard. The Terminal baseball team has only one defeat in six starts. The volley ball team is credited witb four wins and three defeats. I W h· D C ..... l 1 New Cream Top Milk' Comes from Tubercular· tested cows. Sanitary hood sealed caps. Ask Our D1ivers Or Phone Wilmette 3029Greenleaf 820. Mausoleum Recalls the Glory of Ancient Greece The acacia mausoleum on Irving Park boulevard, which is regarded as one of the finest examples of monumental architecture in the country, is nearing completion. It is set in a park which is reminiscent of the golden age of Athens. A pool which is an exact restoration of a classical garden pool will stand · before · the mausoleum entrance. It will be built of lacqered Georgia marble, and will contain a ~raceful fountain, illuminated at night. The mausoleum is typically Doric in architecture and is made of Georgia marble, ax fini shed, except for the pilasters which arc polished. Since the mausoleum and the park are for the exclusive use of Masons and their fam ilies, Masonic symbolism is exemplified in the broad flight of steps leading to the entrance and in other architectural features of the structure. WAFFLES! Ue per q·ar& The cream taken from this milk will whip CITY MARKET CO. 627 Main St. ,. Wholesale- Phone Wilmette 1870 MEAT -Retail-· At any time of the day you can have crisp golden brown waffles, served i'o your order with your favorite side dish of Brookfield sausage, bacon, or ham and eggs. A meal that will gratify your appetite at breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Special fo'r Saturday, December 4th Baptized in Robe Made from Wedding Heirloom Mrs. John Lewis Mitchell of 342 Gregory avenue entertained twentyone relatives and friends at her home on Thanksgiving day on the occasion of the baptism of her eight months old daughter, Gwendolyn Patricia. The Rev. Francis Stifler officiated at the service, during which Gwendolyn Patricia wore the same christening robe worn by five ' generations of the fan~ily, and fashioned from the wedding veil of her great-great-grandmother ·who was married in Buenos Aires. Roasting Chickens, fresh killed, lb. 37c 'The Faney Young Pork Loins~ half or whole, lb. 29 Yz c Lamb Legs, best quality, lb. ···· ~4c Wilmette Cafe Meals that satisfy