Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Dec 1926, p. 60

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WILMETTE LIFE II December 3, 19M> FOR SALE-VA CANT 49 FOR SALE-HSEHD. GOODS · I FOR SALE IN WILMETTE, LO'l'S on Chestnut, Ashland, 7th street and Sheridan road with riparian right ann l-"1ers ; cash or time. Write P. Gage, Box 116, Wil.mette, Ill. 3210-tfc !i FOR SALE- GAS RANGE, IN GOOD· {'On<i1tion, at 822 Prairie Ave. 49L10-'ltc Tel. Wil. 515. l<"'OR SALE - SOLID MAHOGANY UPright piano and bench. Very .reasonable. Winn. 2041. 49LTN10-ltc J."'OR SALE - MAHOGANY VICTROLA, plenty of records. $20.00. Call '"'·inn. 2369. 49 LTNlO-ltc ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ 90 WTD. TO BUY-USHLD. GOODS Wilmette Recreation ~Events TEAM STANDING (Week ending November 20, 1926) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _;,__ _ ___._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ M. Osborne J. DeHaye 3rd C. P. Stoker P 2nd J . Selzer H. Mille r C. Umpire-P. C~ldwell November 13, 1926 ~est End Baptist Won by Forfeit Congregational St. Joseph, 2 Won by Forfeit St. Joseph, 2 (ltP Terminals (2) V. Delnlein R. Blasdell B. Steffens E. Brammer .T. Hoffman G. Blasdell A. Hoffman H . Scideneck A. Peters H. Winberg E. Phillips l\L Peterson L. 'Ve iss L . Goss, 3 H . Meirc>r B. Kling F. Sturdeur P. 'Vagnt"r Pmpire-R. Russell Howard P .T.A. (17) ('one;regational (4) · ('. c: . Babh·r S. Burge P. G. Loue;hrin H. Spinney A. StruebingC. Darling n. S. l\JC'Jntyrr H. WC'st I. Bc·nhaus .J. Older 1\f. Lynch F. Gilchrist 0. YondE:>rRuff J . '\V. llruunock 1·mpire-R. Rusfell REAL ESTATE A HOME IN 12 OR MORE MON'l'HS. Hold 6% mortgage secu'r ity while saving the price of your lot. We manufacture materials, build and finance. You pay us as you now pay rent. No second mortgage. One profit. One re-' sponsibility. Phone '\VII. 992-J, or Randolph 6188. Mr. Larson. 34LTN 10-ltp FOR RENT - LARGE FOUR ROOM flat, near transportation. 840 Center -t;t. Winnetka. Phone 265. 34LTN10-Hc FOR SALE-USED CARS PROSPECTIVE FORD OR CHEVROLE-T BUYERS HAVE DODGE SEDAN, 1926 MODEL, Buick 4-)1assenger coupe 1926 model, Studebaker coach. These cars are )Jriced for sale. Will take trade. Cash or terms to suit your conn~ nience. A:::;k for T. J. Raxworthy, "Csed Car Dt.·pt. StudC"bnker Sales Co., EYanston Branch. Tel. Unh·. 270~. 46L10-1tp I-IUPl\,I OBILE 1923 4 Passenger Coupe Excellt' nt mechani<:a.l condition. New Paint Call Hig-hland Park 2387. ·!GLT:\10-1 tc m e rican Legion, 1 5 Howard P. T . A. 4 Presbyterian 3 St. Joseph, 1 4 Baptist 1 Terminal A. C. 3 2 W ANT.ED TO BUY- SECOND HAND St. Joseph, 2 1 furniture and other household goods. Congregationa 1 0 Highest prices for same. Crost Fur- American Legion, 2 Quoits niture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone Univ. 189. Me-thodist 4 GOLTN10-tfc I . 0. 0. F., I 4 ..., K. of C., 2 4 n TANTED TO BUY-TABLg, VIC- Terminal A. C., 1 3 trola. Tel. Wil. 30!.i 4. 50LT10-2tp St. Joseph, 2 3 K. of C., 1 2 I . 0. 0. F., 2 2 51 2 I. 0. 0 . F., 1 St. John's 2 CHRIS'J.'l\IAS SHOPPERS 2 HERE IS JUST '\VHAT YOU HAVE American Legion 1 be-en looking for-luncheon and bridge I. 0. 0. F., 4 1 sets, table damasks, napkins to m a tch T erminal A. C., 2 1 h:mdkt>rc hiefs,· towpling, bed sets. Also: English Lutheran 1 si ll{ cn·pes, satins, velvets, jer::wy::; anu St. Jo seph, 1 1 flann els. All reasonabl<>. Ca ll Wil. St. Joseph , 3 1 205 mornings and evt"nings for appoint- Presbyterian Terminal A. C., 3 0 nwnt to St'l' tlll':->t· matl'rials. 0 51 LTNl0-1 tp Congr<>g-ational FOH .'ALE FLOOH SHOW CASE 5 ft>et long 42 inches hig-h. Lig·ht oak, bt' \'Plt·cl plate t op, plate she lf across mid.dll'. Uood condition. Suitable any bus11wss. $20.00 or abo ut cost of glass. Also pair Xvstor-.Johnson :.'\orth St:tr skatt·s with shoes size 8. Rcarc(·Jy usNl $ii.OO. ·wilson, J 118 t 'entral A ,·t·., Wil~ nwttt·. 51LTX10-1tp 1':! A Volley Ball League Standing 1 · 1 1 2 1 3 3 4 833 800 750 667 600 ~~~I 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 200 000 1000 1000 1000 750 7fi0 667 2 2 2 2 1 500 500 500 500 500 3:13 2 ~ 2!i0 :1~~ ~~~ 2 2 ::l 2 4 2GO 000 000 Basketball League Standing . USED FORD PARTS FOR RALE, RAPIator (o l·d :::;ty le) $4.00: front axt>l $:;. ~ ; front spl'ing, $1.00 ; n·ar spring·, $:Luo ; engine, $10.00. Phone '\Vilnwttt' :n20 af.t er 5 :00 p. m. 46L'l'~ ro-Hp FOR SALE - LATE 1924 CHEVROLET Coupe. Good running cond iti on. Will sacrifice at $200.00. Phone Glt>twoe 12!1!·. 46LTN10-ltJ) FOR SALE - LATE 1925 FORD SEDA~ (l\lay), 5 balloon tires. Excellent condition. Tel. Winn. 2450. 46LTN1U-ltp ~ 48 ANTIQUES FOR SALE - INTERESTJ~G PE"WTgH lamps of various d t.:signs and many love ly lamp:::;, moderat!:'ly priced. :n ~ South AYe., Glencoe. Tt.·l. (;lt·tH.·oe 732: 48LT~10-1 te RARE Al'\TIQUES AND PRI:'lTS SUITable ior Christmas gifts. Also g·ood Investment. 808 \Vashington St., Evanston. Univ. ~18f!U. 48L10-:H\.' ·BEAUTIFUL DESK, ~I I R R 0 R 9, tables, vases. Tel. Glencoe 1042. 48LTN10-ltc - 49 FOR SALE-H~EH n. GOOns BARGAIN FOR YOUNG COUPL.E BOUGHT 4 MONTHS AGO· WORTH s~.ooo. 'Vill take $550 for 'an or will separate beautiful furnishings for 4r~. apt. ; . 3-piece silk mohair parlor St_llte; 8-ptece walnut dining set; 4pt~ce walnut bedroom set ; 'fwo 9x12 Wtlton rugs; library table; fl oo r and t~ble lamps; 5-piece breakfast set, and silverware. 'Vill take $550.00 for all. 832 Leland Ave., near Sheridan Road Chicago. Tel. Sunnyside 6190. Wili arrange for delivery. 49LTN6-5tp - FOR SALE ::'llAHOGA~Y FLOOR lamp, gold bro~:ade shade, $5.00. 60 in ch handsui:_l.P brown mahog·any Adam tabk desk, $· o.OO. Tapestry chair and stool, b_rown mahogany, $Hi.OO. Onl' pair bluE· Silk velour drapl'S, $20.00. 222 Leict'Stt>r Rd . Tel. Kenilworth 258:L 4!1LTNI ~- ltc FOH. SALE - DAVE~ PORT, 3 CHAIHS, 2 tables, stool; paintt.·d, upholstt·n·d ih taupe satin. Suitable for sun room o r liYing room. Glencoe 656. 49LT~10-ltc FOR SALE - WASHINO MACHINEApex-at a sa ·rifice , like new. Also China cabinet. 1022 Dinsmor~ Rd. \Vinn . 530-J. 49LTN10-ltc DINING ROO::\[ TABLE AND CHAIRS for sale. Must be disposed of at once, very cheap. Oood condition. ~o~~ Fairview Ave. \\7 inn. 852. 49LTN10-ltp G ARLAND SELF:OFEEDJNG PARLUH. stove. $20.00. Tel. Wil. 185fl, or address, 1215 Gre.:;o ry Ave. , ·wilm ettl:' - FOR SALE - DINI~G ROOM FURNiture, round mahogany colonial tahle, ~ ing the wedding of Miss Emily Carol chairs.. Good condition. Call Winn. 685 for appointment. 49LTN10-ltc Scott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred- Pd. Team 'Von Lost 1000 Pn·sbytt-rin n ll 0 1000 Terminal A. C'. , 1 5 0 1000 State Bank 2 0 r.oo St. Jos<>ph, 1 ~ 2 GOO ~fethodist, 2 ~ 2 r.oo St. Josc·ph, 2 :~ 2 i)l)() Cong-rpgational :1 ::l ~3~ St. .T ohns, 1 2 4 2110 Baptist l 4 FOR SALt·~- HA::\'() PL\l:'lTED Cllf:\IA St. .John, 2 1 !Hi 1 !'i ('Ut glass: nickel auto light ; antiquP Terminal A. ( ·.· 2 0 2 000 eural IJrn('elt't; victrola; pearl opera Indoor Ball glass(·s; C hilll'St' {'mbmiden·d si lks and 1 (\00 0 4 linens. For appointnH.·nt. .-\ddn·ss ~-il St. JosE·ph, 1 1 0 1000 Y.P. C. mette Life B-137. 1 7fi0 51LTX10-1tp 'f<'rmimd A.(', Howard P. T. A. 1 ~ 7GO St. Jo!':eph, ~ ~ 7fi0 1 FOR SALE- :I LADIES' COATS .A~D K. of r . :.oo 2 2 Girls' clothing of all kinds, siz ~ 8 to Com!'Tt ·g-a tiona I 1 ~ 2:. 0 cape, size :IS or 40. Also, party dres::; vs. Methodist 2fi() 1 ::l 12 .. Two metal beds and 2 fib er ru g·s, Baptist 4 0 000 :=~II tn <'Xl't' II C'n t condition. CllP:'l. J). \Vi nQuoits netka 938. 51L10-ltc NoYt-mb<' r 1 !1, 1n2G FOR SALE - LATl·:ST ~TODEL <iA ROD No. 1 K. of (' .. 2 Power set, no battC'ri<'B, no t"liminators English Lutlwnm \Von by Forfl'it ne<'dd, runs right off the lig-ht circ·uit Wm. Krcus<'h rost $400. '\Vill s~> ll W' rY reasonablP: Joe Schopen Also, 5-tube set in consoh·, Yl'ry eheap. Call Wil. 3730. ii1 LTXl 0-ltp No. 2 I. 0. 0. F., ~ TPrminal A. C., 1 17 21 FOR SALE - :\fAX'S HEA \'Y BROW:'-or Score- 1st g-a.m<' 2n<l g-anw 21 18 Ulster, good <'011clition, siZt' a8. $10.00. R. Blasd Pil <:~ntral ~ l cctric li ght flxtun', ShowN Sam .Johnson G. Blasdell 'l1ffany (.Job<·s. *G.OO. Phon<' Wil Fred Had1wr 1877. . No. ~ 511..10-ltc Baptist Tt>rminal, ~ fit. John's '\Yon by Forft·it R<>v. l\Tt"yE·r FOR SALE PERSIA~ LA~IB COAT. E. Asf'hbaclwr trimm<·d with platinum fox, borflPr No.4 collar nnd cuffs. I~X<'<'lll"nt eondition. Terminal, 2 St . .Joseph, ::l $350. Tel. Winn. 100·L Replay 51 LT~1 0-H<' Adam Bow1·r John '\Vagn<·r FOR SALE A Fl LL SE'P BOOKhouse for Chi ldrt"n. Perfect condition I. 0. 0. F., 4 $'):-i. Also, ho~· ·s $12 sh<'<-pskin enat: No.5 21 10 size 9, almost new, $G. Call \~tin. 142 ~. l.O. 0. F., 1 st g-a nw 21 1~ 51LTN1 0-ltc Scon·-1 2nd g-am(· AI Hofme>ir H. Tr<'go FOR SALF.- CO:\fBTNATTON DTN~Fm B. Polly · and evening g<~·n, blaek b<·a<ll'd Paris H. Whitf·hom, ~· model, size 36 or 38. $20.00. G42 Nn. 1 Presbyterian ~h·thn<list Lo 11g· \ . ood .- \ \'l'., l;l en('Of'. st g-:1. 1110 7 21 51LTN1 0-1 tc RC'orP-12nd game 1fi 21 .J. R. Haqwr FOR SALE l\IINNEA POLIS HK-\ T K nnNly Dodds L. F. Ball regulator. Psf'd Ye ry litt! P. 'Vill inL . F. Todd stall at quite a saving. Phone \Vin n e tka 229 e vening-s. !:i1L10-1tp No. 2 Congrega tiona 1 T. 0. n. F .. 2 '\'on by Forft·it FOR SALE '\VTNTER FRONT 1· on Dan Frank~~ standard Buick '25, almost n e w $20.00. 'Vm. unning·!Htm Kenil. 429. 51LTN10-ltc No. 3 K. or C' .. 1 FOR SALE ~HNNEAPOLTS HBAT St. Joseph, 2 Play O\'C'r- shou ld bt· St. .Jwwph, 1 R<'gulator, about half priee. Phone Winn etka 229, evenings. fi1LT10-ltc E. Phillips P. Wagner Error in S<'lw<lult> November 1 f\, 1 f\2() St. Josepl1, 2 W ANTBD TO BUY: CHILDS ROLL- American Legion Score-1st game 21 20 top d esk. Tel. Winn. 2144. 2nd game 19 21 52LTN1 0-lt<' 3rd game 10 21 g, Phillips WANTED TO BUY - 'WINTER COAT, Rodn~y Allen Paul Johnson P. Wagner large size desired. \Vii. 1448. T. 0. 0. F. , 3 52L10-ltp K. of C., 1 Score-1st game 21 1 :l 2nd game 11 21 SING IN WEDDING 3rd game 15 21 Sam Johnson The choir boys of St. Augustine's Joe DeHaye F're fl H.adnt.·r church will sing Saturday evening dur- Frank Krcus ch Volley Ball Hmvnrd I!Ymnasium Novt ·mht·r 1 :;, .1 ~~~,; T1: rminal A . ('. - sc·on·, 1st gam<'- S. 2nrl g-am,· -12 Pn·sbytt·rian- sf' or<·, 1st g-anw-1 :i 2n<l ganv·- 1;; C. r:urlingiHim R. Dla!'dt·ll :\l. H!ak(' n. nJal'dPII .T. Cn·ss1·\· K nramnwr B. C'ol\'ill H . Sei<h' n1·ck C. Hrndt>rson T·. KoPnPn (~. '\V. <::ttlwrcoal- H.Pf(·rf'P Ll'fty St··ffpns- 8<'t~re kE't ·per .. Am(·rif'nn L~' gion, 1- H"·r· ·, 1st gamc- 0 2n·l gam(·-1 !l 3rd game-1 :i Howard P. T. A . -sc11n·. h;t ga.me-15 2nd game-S 3rd gamP- :J .J. AndPrson r . ('cttf'Y K Richmond B. Carlson S. Van Jnwag- pn E. McDowell S. Pf'tcrson M. Lynch L. Orr A. Stru<:bingG. Bassler H. 0. Yonderhofr n. C' . StonC"-Referee Harry Pdl'rs- Scorl' k(·Ppr·r ::\fdhodist Rt. Joseph, 1 '\\.on hy Forf ('it St . .losq)h, II C'ongr<'ga tiona 1 "'(1n hy F'orft:it Jhnvard <~ymnasium, XoYt'lnlwr 17, 1 ft2G F . Lundbt>rg L. Huntlt>Y F. Pattison F. Kurrlt· C'. C. Varney W. 0. Hnss H. n . L. Todd L. Bates L. r.. A. Ho oper Warble L. G. F. Guthridge C. J. P. C'nltlweii~Rf'ferPf' L. St<'ffpn~ - Scon·kC'l'pt·r Stolp <;ymnasium {;ongregational St . .Jo!';eph, 1 Won by Forfeit State Bank St. John·~. l \\'on by Forft·it Rtolp <;ymnasillm Presbyterian (31) St .·John's, 2 (9) E. Hill R. F. R 'Vilson P. Yan<lerN'r·rth L. F. R. Wol1't L. Ko<'nan C. A. St·t·hofrr P. C're:-:'-'. · n. C. G. Merg-enthaler F. Qua~ 1 e L. f'r. H. Wo11't H. \Veld R. G. :\T. Ling-HC'feree ·Term'l A. C., 1 ( 28) Tt·rm'l A.f"., 2 (I !1) n. Blasdell R. F. G. Blasdel n. McLean L. Jt'. E. Brammer L yman G oss C. H. Seldeneck n. J oh n son R r: B. Johnson ::-.r. Powers L. ( :. M. Peterson Basket Ball R. F. L . F. n. napti!'t (8) ~orrl \t..th .. di!'t. ~ F. H. STANWOOD DIES Frank H. Stanwooct; 1411 Fores t aYcnue, died at hi s home on Monday, November 30. He is survived by his wife, Dala Stanwood, and three daughters, Ruth Hagen Stanwood, Mrs. Smith ·and Mrs. Thompson of Boston. The remain s were taken to Lowell, Mass., for burial. Mrs. ]. Wilson McAllister and her infant son have returned from the Evanston hospital and are at their home m the Linden Crest. Indoor Ball 4~LTN10-ltp crick H. Scott, of 175 Sheridan road, J. Glencoe and Langdon Hubbard, son of J. P. Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Hubbard of L. Grosse Point, Mich. J. K. November of C. ( 2) Schinler 1st Engles O.F. Schopen 2nd Steiner C.-SS Steffens S.S. 18, 1926 Me thodist ( 5) P. C'. Varnt-y 12 LOST A:ND FOUND O.F. L. Skewes lst H . Lundberg LOST f1 B R l\1 A,N POLICE PUP 3rd r:.. Eaton mal f' , 4 mo. o1d ; name Ish Tar Reward. O.F. F. Walton 1420 Lak e Avenue. Phone W1l. 3369.

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