December 3, 1926 : WILMETT~.. Llf. ~ .· ··- .$ Hall owe'en Party, Chamber to Discuss Plan for Municipal Band Here Idea Cuts Work A Municipal Band for Wilmett-e," of Vandals Here is to be the subject of a talk to mem44 The police department and civic or- hers of the Wilmette··Chamber of Comganizations state that through the ef- merce to be given by Ahm A. Miller, f?rts of the Playground and Recrea- . of the Conn Natipnal School of Mutton board in providing a suitable si-c, Chicago, Monday evening, Decem-counter attraction to the usual Hal- her 6. The meeting, to be held at the lowc'en activities, vandalism and des- Central Cafe-teria, is 'to be called at 8 truction of pr<>perty was reduced to o'clock. . The Illinois Band l<.t\\-, passed by the a minimum in Wilmette this season. The Hallowe'en parties staged at the state legislature in 1925. is to be thorByron Stolp school and Howard school oughly discussed by the speaker. The gymnasiums have been recognized as law enables municipalities under 500,000 most interesting and successful. The populaton to approprate by vote two Playground and Recreation board in is- mills of the assessable property for suing the financial statement, which band purposes. Twenty-six states now follows, wish also to express apprecia- have laws aiding municipalities in the tion of the aid, financial and otherwise, formation of local bands. given by the various organizations and The question of change in by-laws of individuals, without which success the Chamber of Commerce is also to would have been impossible. be discussed at the Monday session. llerciJ·ts nn<l Pledges '\Vilmette \Vom<tn's club .... $10.00 A. S. VanDeUsen Seller··of Good Food: . Central Ave. and 12th Street ·, Phone Grocery 510-511-512-513 Meat .514 SPECIAL SAI.E Deeember 3rd tc) IIth paid order of $1.00 or { NOT DeliYered Cash o~scounts On IDore, not iacludina Suaar _ · S% an.~ Flour ~ .. . , Dela!erecl Z% i _ l loward -Loga n ParentT t·ae hPr asBoeiation ..... 10.00 Ct·ntrai-Laur(') ParentTtoa<'hl·r assodation ... . . A. T. Rherman Lodge Xo. 892, 1. 0. o. li'. . ... \\'ilm r·ttc· f'hapl~:r ~o. 253, R. A. :l\1. ................ \\"ilmett e C'haml.J£·r of ('ornmt·rt'£' ............... '\\"illlH' ltC' J!otary dub .... 10.00 10.00 10.00 Yule Spirit to Pervade · Congregational Dinner Members of !be First Congregational church will join in their regular monthly Church Family Night dinner Wednesday, December 8. Dinner is to be served at 6 :30 o'clock and the occasion will take on the spirit of the holiday season. Included on the program will be a "big sing" directed by the Rev. F. E. McCormack, a Christmas story by the minister, Dr. Stephen A. $110.00 Lloyd, and what is termed as a special Christmas surprise. · Cost of mal\ing- poster s .. Jtefunils SUGAR. The ~nest quality of Cane granulat~· !3iS~c · 5 lb. only wtth an order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BUTTER. For th~ table. 'fhis is the finest quality of Stored butter.. Better flavor than butter n1ade no\v on hay feed, an~ lOc per lb. cheaper, lb .... EGGS. Christian's Sterilized. Guaranteed. The shell is sealed by dipping in Wax and Oil. 'fry then1. Fresh Eggs are too high. Doz. delivered 57 c, · Not delivered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C CHRISTMAS FRUIT BASKETS. All sizes . Fancy, colored baskets $1.25, $1.00 and . . . . C BEVERAGES. Morgan's Di~tilled Cider. 20c rebate for etnpty ] ug. Gal. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anheuser-Bush, Budweiser. Doz ............. $1.90 \Velch Grape ] uice. Qt. 70c, Pt. .............. 35c Canada Dry Giri"ger Ale. Doz .... ; ............ $2.25 Silver .Spray (Carbonated vVhite Grape ] uice) Dozetl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.7 S SUNBEAM MINCE MEAT. With Brandy. 2 lb jar 60c, 15 oz. jar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MIXED NUTS. New, finest quality Aln1onds, Brazils, F _ i.Jberts, English vValnuts only lb. . . C C ·' j' 10.00 10.00 (~athnlic naug-htHs . . : . .... 10.00 Wilm ette Optimist club ... 10.00 '\\"ilmHt e Post, Amf>rican L1·gion ................... 10.00 \\"ilnwttt· Knig-hts of f'<1lllmhus ................. 10.00 J::qH~nilltures 54 · 55 1 farnwnk a quartet ........ $ 4.00 Taxi for qu a rt e t . . . . . . . . . . 4.35 ~ing-ing tri o ............... 15.00 '\\'hist!Pr and accompanist .. 7.50 Films ...........·....... 25.50 liiOO d oughnuts ............ 22.50 1500 apples ................ 27.50 1 f(·rhon Brothf'rs, hauling ~. 8.00 :wo chairs, rental . .... ..... 21.00 ~ l.ox es cand.r for prize-s . . 5.60 Expcnditun·s involved in arranging program . . . . . . . . 8.50 C:ath(·r('oal, C'ar bill 1.50 .80 $151.75 $ 41.75 75 Apples Doughnuts . .......·..... , . . . Total Deficit, Paid by the ..................... $ 8.00 ·72 $ 8. 72 80C Playground and Recreation board . ... ... . . .. . .. .. . .. . $ 33.03 DANIEL l\1. DAVIES, Director of Recreation. A Few Suggestions Lamp Ba~es_._Parchment and Chintz Shades. . · Glassware-Console Sets. Desk Sets- Writing Portfolios. Brasses- Candlesticks, Coffee Sets, and Bowls. Pottery and Lusterware Salt and Pepper Sets. Hand embroidered Towels and Handkerchiefs. Fountain Pens- Eversharps, Ostrich Quill Pe.ns. Leather Bill Folds- Address Books- Line-a-days-Keytainers. Boudoir Novelties- Toilet Sets, Scent Bottles, Powder Jars. Picture Frames- Swinging frames for photos. Fancy Boxed Stationery. Games and Books for Children- Small Toys. Framed pictures and mottoes--=-cJewelry Novelties. Christmas Cards, Seals and Wrappings. Candles-Place Cards- Tallies. I;arge No. 20 Cans. _ These are peeled and highest grade. Dozen $5.40, can ............ ~ -:-. ~ . . . . . . . . CERTIFIED BARTLETT PEARS. Of the finest quality No. 2 can. Doz. $3.00, can . . . . . . 35 c~!~t ~~~d~o ~~~~~~0~~0~~~~·0 ~~~ ~oe?o 40c 0 30C 45C : 25C BROCKPORT HAWAllAN SLICED PINEAPPLE. 0 ca~. :Doz. 25C Large No. 2 $3.80,' can 32c. . No. 2 can Doz. $3.00, · can . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SUNBEAM WHITE CHERRIES. Large No. 20 can. SUNBEAM PEELED APRICOTS. SUNBEAM FRUIT SALAD. No.2 can. Doz. $4.00. Lg-e. No.2 0 can. Doz. $5.75 can SOc, can MoNsooN AsPARAGus Poi.N .T._s_.. .0... square can. Dozen $4.00, can N_ ~~3~,c~~~i~iooo~so ~~~~~0 ~~~~ -~~l~~o~i~~: ?~~o0 Open Every Evening W'ILMETTE STATIONERY AND GIF'f SHOP PHONE -"3051 I 15 5 WILMETTE AVE. Opposite Villag~ . Theatre Sunbeam Sweet Corn. Fancy. First quality. Austin, Nichols & Co. have gone out of business in Chicago, and I have bought this wonderful corn cheap. Doz. $1.80, can .............. lSc Diner Sweet Garden Peas. You have never bought Peas before, of this high standard, at this price. Doz. $1.50, 2 c~ns .... ~~ ' 40c 35C 1 .... J · c 5 0 ' , ,...' ' .. . ::.,.,.. Hoopestown Beauty Tomatoes. Large No. 3 can. Doz. $2.10, can ......................... 18c Pensal, lSc pkg. . ..... each, 8;2c Water Softener and Cleanser Palmolive Toilet Soap ... Dz. $1.05 Oxford Toilet Soap, Doz ...... &Oe Gold Dust, large pkg.......... 28c Tomato Soup, Doi~· ......... $1.20 · ·campbell's .Crystal White Laundry Soap, 100 large bars in box ...... $4.75 ;'}.