Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Dec 1926, p. 38

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Jl WILMETTE LIFE December 17, 1926 Homecoming Dance a Holiday .·Contact for Young Folk North Shore Juniors Have Benefit Dance on Thursday Evening Wed on Holiday Eve Bridal Pary Chosen for Dubbs-McAdams Wedding By JEAN TFN BROECK \Vith new invitations arriving every day, the Christmas vacation hcg·ins to look like one series of progressive parties. Thursday, Decemher 23, offers one night when all groups of young people will han· a 11 opportunity to ~reet each other. The North Shore Homecoming dance will he heJrl at the Orrington hotel en route for those returning from the cit,· and acccssihl<' to those who hegin their evening of parties further north. The Barbary Coast orchestra. together with some special entertainr~ent in soft shoe specialties, will pro VI(Ie fun and entertainment for all. To illustrate how wide has grown tiH.· original home circle of boys and g-irls, the guests invited to onh- one of tlu.· rlinncr parties preceding- the dance indu(k students from the Pniversitv of Illinoi s, North~·estern. Ahhott a-cademy, Exder academy, the Universit\· of Chicago, Amherst colleg-e. Rosemar;· school and others. One small group spread out 111 so many directions proves ho\\· easy it is for friends and Koehn(' Studio neighbors to lose touch with old ac'l. '1 · H ·' t:--:' ·' argaret arn1·1ton 0 n 1 e. quaintances, unless the home cnviron· daughtt·r of ~~ r. and ~h s. ~J arkham ff ment o ers somr easy way of approa-ch and contact. B. Orde nf 486 Green leaf ave nue, GlenAt thi s time. when all of the hoYs coc, became the bride of Brownell and girls han· not Yet returned fro.m Bradstreet, son of l\1 r. and Mrs. Percy their school s apo c3lleges, much of \\'. Bradstreet. of 475 Cedar street the plat_ming- f.or their holiday pleasure \Vinnctka. on \Veoncsday evening. Norest s wtth the1r mothers, one of whom Yemhn 24. !'ends this message to alt. "'Lest auld ~cquaintance be forgot' he sure and mclude thi s homecoming dance in Announce Betrothal of ~·our program for Thttrsda\· cvcnincY Former Winnetka Girl December 23." · :-.· _.-\ n engag{;ment of much interest to Tickets eith_ er 111ay he secured at the door. or by calling Miss Gwendolen north shore people is that of Miss \Vashington at Glencoe 191. Frallcc..·s \V ood, younger daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. lra Couch Wood. to Malcolm E. Schroyer, so t~ of the Friends of Drama Give late l\h. and ~frs. Ed\'rard l.. Schro\·er Tea for Walter Ufer oi Ponti.ac. ?\[rs. John Hardi11 of 2JSO Lincoln Tn honor of the artist. \Valter Ufer. whose work hang-s in the Georg-ian parkway. formerly of Hubbard Woods. hotel, the Friends of the Drama ·held tntertained at a huffet supper Monday a reception on Sunday afternoon. De. evc..~ning. Deremht.:r 13. in honor of c:emher 12. in the ballroom where the Miss vVood. :\rr. Schron·r and their friends. · exhibition is displayed . .l\1 r. aud ~Ir s. Ira Cuuch \ Vood Jived !\f r. Ufer\ brilliant painting:-- ni the w~·stern country have (]ra\Yn many ad- in \\"innttka for many vears and folmtrcrs to the {'Xhihition. Art lonrs lowing their death, Mis; Lou'ise Wood have only a few more days to view the taught in the North ~hore Countncanvases. as the exhibition is to close Da!· school in \Vinnetka. Miss Louise on Monday, Decemher 20. and Mis s Frances have resided in At the recepti~n ~fr. Pfcr was pres - 1\ew York and European cities for sevent .to meet the guests. and talk with eral years. At the present time, Miss them ahout hi s work. During· the a f- Louise is teaching in Miss Nixon'.; ternoon Mrs. Richard Trusdell of Ev - school in Florence, Italv. while Miss an~ton and ~f rs. Clarence F.d<h· of Frances is liYing at 1239 North DearCh1cago sa ng scn:ral groups of songs. horn st rt·l'f . Chicago. :\o elate has been M~s. Frank Cherry of Kenilworth set for t he:· wedding-. wa s m charge of arrangements for thr afternoon. :nw hostesses rer.eiving Holiday Dance Hosts were Mrs. Otts Allen, ?\f rs. F. 0. Bowr. Seymour Burge, John Cogs \Yell, EmMrs. J am~s Day. Mrs. Earl De Moe DeBerard. Preston Farley, Mrs. Rohert Fulton. ~[r.s . John Land~ mons reth, Mrs. James E. Lukc.r. president. Charles Ho\\'t. Richard Macalister. Parry Owe_ns, John Rathbone. Jr., and and Mrs. John ~f arshall Roberts. M_rs. Joseph G. \Verner. Mrs. Arthur Harold Spnmey. Jr.. compose another Ada1r, 'Mrs. J. Connelh· and Mrs. g-roup of Kew Trier boys who "·ill be George Harris poured. · hosts at a larg-l' Christt1ldS dance at the ~uilmettc Country duh the en·ning of I uesday. Derrmher 21. Tea Invitations Out of 211 Greenleaf avenue \\·as hostc% at a tea \\\·clnesday afternoon sponsored hv the Byron Stolp Parent-Teacher association. The guests \H' re the mothers of the children in the 7 C grade and . was one of the ' teas The Martha circle will hold its regu- teac I1ers. '1~1 11s lar monthly meeting :Monday. Decem- being given for the different grades. her 20, at the home of Mrs. F. ]. Several teachers spoke on the wo:k $e1inger, ] i:., at 710 Linden avenue. their students ;1re doing. 11 ~Iiss Patty Foresman, Jfi~s Caruln . Jane Everett, }fiss Ruth Mills. 1'vfiss Louise Quin and Miss Virginia Clapnon have issued invitations for a tea to he giveu at the Opera cluh on Thursday, December 30. December 28 has been chosen hy Miss Jean Dubbs, daughter <?f Mr. and 1\'lrs. Carbon P. Duhb s of \V!Imette A pro!)h ecy of a part_y h.ri}liant with as the date her marriage to \Vil - Iinlida,· iashion and tt.· sttvtty comes liam Henn· l\IcAdam s of Boston. \rith tl~t· antHitlllet.'lllt:llt of tht.· annual She ha s. chosen as her matron of charit\· hall ior the heudit of the Illi honor. Jessie Agne\'1.. Albert of Los 1wis (..;hildren \ lll·lllt" and Aid soc iety . Angeles, whilt· [da Craven oi PhiladelTht· alTai!· " ·ill ht: hdd in tltr Evansphia and Ethel Flentye. Signy Ouse filii Cnttlttn· club Tlwr"clay. Decem and Evelnt Humphrey Robinson of her 23. tht: .danring to lH·gi11 at 9. the \Vilmettc · will he her bridesmaid s. 1mt si( tt1 bt· prm·idcd hy Alht.:rti. En Little Betty Dubbs and Kaney Al- tertainnltllt icaturcs \rhich an· to n· bert ar~ to he flower girls. main a 111\·stt.·rv until tht' ~ne..;t~ a!-- Dr. ·OliYer McAdams oi Pitt:-.hurgh senlhk art; hei;1g- arranl-{t' (t. ,viii he his brother's best man. whilr Mr:i. lien!'\. Dawt~s rt·ceutly ha s Emil Reis oi State College. Pa., Yi takt'n o\'t·r .tilt· chairn1an·dlip c,i the Hanks of Boston and Donald Robin - : ntl'rtaitllllt'tlt L"tlllllllitttT, -.nrcccding ~on Albert Brener and Carbon Dubh s. \1 r:-. . \\"lwat on Augnr. Other lllt·mhers ) r ... of \Vilmette will act as ushers. oi this rnlllllli ttn \rhirh inrludh ·many The wedding will tak e place in thc \\ ' llllll"ll prominent in Chira~~~ :tnd all \Vilmette Baptist church at 8:30 o'clock. alnng tltt· north ~hort·, arc: with the Rev. Francis Stifh·~· offic iating .\l·· ~d;tlll··~ II. J)yratn. F11rt· s t Jf.,pkill ~: and \\'illiam II. BartH':-- at the nrg-an . 11. H . Jl j)o..~on. Frank T . .\lut-ra~· . \\"illia!ll F(dlowing tht· Cl'rt'mony. tlw Ouilmdte :-: . ~~n~· · n. l'aulillt · 1:. :-:hafl.,·r. l{c,llin A . "· · \'· · ~. l:u ~s.,JI \\":1 k··tt. K· ,,·lt ·iglt \\·arCountrY cluh will he the scene 0f the llo ' l:. J{ :tlph :-:ulli\·an. Oli\o · r Oltnst· ··l. " ·at·wedding receptiot·l. ~f r. Jl c :\dams and l'· ' ll l:w · kl· ·~ · . I 'liutun ~lt ·rri··k, \\" . 11 . his bride will spend t ht·ir honeymoon l'ol\'in, .l:tllll ·:- l'rindh·ill( ·, 1 ·. II . Hm- worth. 1: . 1: . l"urtt · l:>oll. \\" . t;. l:ainl. in Bermuda. r:t-r:tld l~utl· · r . .\I· ·IYin 1:. Erk -;ou, "· · 1~ . Among the out-of -t0\\'11 guests will l':~rl\··:-. t;,.nn..;·· II. Pt·:tko ·s, II. I. Hohin:-iull. he the parents of the 'bridegroom , Mr. .\n·rill Til1lo ·n. \\···ntwot·th .\1. ~11-K· · nzi· ·. and ~Irs. Harn· K. l\[cAdams, and his :tnd .\lis~ .\larjori· · B· ·llll .. tt. Th·' p :ttron .. ~s· · s, abt· .pr.,lnilwnt i11 · · it~· sister, 'l\fiss Gl~dys ~r c:\dams, of Lex nd 11nrt It shur·· dn·l· · ~. :t n · .\1· ·:-. danw ~ ingt0n. K v .. ~J rs. Sara E. ChatlL·y and :t < 'arul .\11 un . .\ . F . J:anks , Jo'r:tnk HarrPtl. J[ rs . \Viiliam Sanderson Lindsay of t;, ., ,rg·,. \\ · . l! : ·~· ti~s. \\": liT· ·JJ J:u f·klt·~. Erie. Pa .. ).l r. and ~tfrs. Daily G. Ber - J,hn E . l!lunt. .Jr .. .\\. illinm .-\ . Ht·owllf ·. is. 'l\Jiss Jennie Duhhs Hc,· i~. ~Irs . :\'··btil l l!~~t · k, l~oh· · rt \\· . <'amplwll, T . E . <'unninglt:llll . Fr:tnk H . llani ·· l~ . l~ufu s ,. Harr~· Agnew and Nancy Albert of Jl:tw··~. (:t·nt·g··· f! . llryflt'll . Thoma~ H . Los Anegles, and ~fr s. Emil Rei s of l·;dfh. ltu:-ht"ll 1.. F .. rrlyt 't·. John :\1 . 1;(,·till, l 'h;lrlt·s F . 1 :Jon·, H . '1'. C:riswolrl . State College. Pa. ,\ 1 f r ,. t1 II. c:t·oss , Jc,hn E . Hollnwl"ll. ~Ii ss Dubbs is a \Vdle slcy graduatr Frank . \. Han i'O!'k , 1' . \\· . l-It·s~. o . \\". and a member of the \' u Sigma Phi 1J itwkl··,·. l·:tlward I fin· ·s. .-\ rund··l 1 Jop me<lical fraternit v at Rush college, kins, 11.. F . )l!tnl··r , Han~· H. Hurd, Edwit t S . .larkm :t n . 1 lli,···r ~fortull KtH ·d··. Hidl \Vh ere she is a sophomore. J.[r. ~fc ;q·d L:tk··, ({uh· · t·t P . Lamont , An!lr .. w (' . Adams is a graduate of the Uninrsity .\11-Xally, Amos 1' . .\lill· ·t", Eclwin S . ~1ilb . of Ken tucky. a Kappa Sigma. the l'hilip 1{. .\loon ·. Elnwr ·H . .\turphy, .John t' . X··\·ins, .lanws F . <Jal··s . .l. Franklin author of sen~ral sc ientific hooks. :lnd 1 J"l!ri· ·n. 1 'lifff·rtl (Iff. < ; .. org-.- < llmsl··rl, \\· . is a memhrr of the chemical enigncer- If . Picard . \\· . . \ . l'kkar<l , Conlon Piri .. . ing department of the ).[assachusdt!- nalph H . Quinlan. \\· . H . R<'<ling-toll, 1'. Jnstitute of 'l't.'chnology and HarYard \\". H1·hin~ on. ( 'llarJ,·s E . HinglinK. < :uy (' . Sh<·parcl , .\ . n . Sht· ridan. f'layl!·ll \Y . universitv. and the lni\·er"al Oil :-:h· ·rman . Eth\'in ~h· · rman . .\t·thur Tuwn· ·. Product s. company of Chi'Cago. <'ho·:-t··r ll . Tripp. I'IJad· ·~ 1 ·:. \\"ar· ·. l.an sillg H. \\"anlt·r, l·: d\\·anl P . \\.t·ll· ·s . .Joh11 Sixteen guest!' \rerc entertaineo at 1-:. \\'i ld··r, I ; ·. org· · 1.. \\.illdnson , Hohl·rt a dinner g·ivcn la st Saturday evening E. \\"il s··V. 1·:. ('ratH · \\.il soll, n . H . \\·intl i1·r the hridal party by ~fr. and ~Ir s. !'fl!". Holiitl .\ . '"· · ~···~ . and :\fiss .\Tarth ;t Donald Robinson . After a shower of 1·:. 1rani:-:. :\II'S. (' II . I!P S\\"111'111. ~lr :- . (;, ·lfi'J.,:"t · n. household utilitie s. the guests played I Jrrd· ·n, .\ Ir -s. < 'ha rl··s 1; . I ·a W· ·s , ~frs. Eg-bridge . This e\·ening. Sign\. Ouse and J,.rt 11 . 1:ol1l , ~~~-~ - l·~dward Hint ·s, Mrs. l·:t hel Flentye are givii1g. a hridg-r llul wrl 1:11rnh:IIJI , .\Irs. II . }{. Hixsou . part\·, and Saturday ~Irs. Harrv Kerr .\Irs . \\" . :-: . .\!<· ~on. ~Irs . \\" . Jrdng- l)sis g-iving a hridgr-luncl1eon i1i ~1i ss h oq·u·· . .\It ·~. 1 · .. nracl P"PJI··nhu ~·· n . )fr~ . .\rtl llll" TliWtll ·, .\Ir s . .J"hn E . \\' i11lo·t· . ;1ntl Dubb's honor. ~Jr. and 1J r:-.. Han·ev .\lr :-. I· . 1'. \\"ho ·o ·l··r ar·· iloxlHrltl ··r :-:. Bush arc g-iving a dinner for her th~· same evening. and nr~t Thursdav, ~fis :- Elizahcth Buethc \\'ill he hostr ~s at · Composition Introduced tra . ).fr. and Ur:--. Duhhs are enter at Chamber Music Concert taining- the bridal party at dinner· at the Drakr hotel '\fonday C\'l'lling. Dr c Tht· -.ero nd progra111 oi the North rc111her 2i. Shon· Chamber ~~ usic as.;ociation\ season's concert s wa-.. given at th~ Kenilworth dub on SundaY aftrrnoon Marriage Announced Decemhrr 12. J>,· the ~fuen~er trio un Announcemcllt is madt· oi the mar- der mo st auspiciou~ conditions. The riage on Dccctnher 1J, of ~~ i~~ Nina large hall \\'as used \Yhich ga\·e much Jt ay Lyon s. daughter nf }..f rs. Tela better opportunity for tht· players. Thr l:yons oi \Vinnctka. t() \\'i lliam Jamr<; ftr~t number \\·as the E flat major ~turgeon. son of ~Ir s. \\'i lliam 1. quartet hy Bcethon·n. The viola part Sturg{·on of \\"ilmt'tte. at the home ~f being plaYed 1)\· Frt·<l Rittner. The thl' hridc"s mother in \\'i nnetka . Dr. ·llltt-..ic \\·a·s t:-.p~·ciall! acceptable ancl J. \\'. F. Davies periormvd the cere - rerein·d ~ ttch enthusiastie commendamony. ?\fr. and ~lr:-. . :-1turg<'on will tion fr<·Jll the auclicnu that the play reside in Hogers Park whcrt' '1hc\' haw ers gave as an encore on(· movement tak(·n an apartment . · frotl! Schtltnann'-. E flat major quar - North Shore Women on Patroness List for Holiday Party of ~~ rs. Georgr A. Q u i 11 1 a t(: t. Juvenile Party at Club A ] t~venil{· Christmas party i~ 011 the Omlmettc Country clttl,'s calendar for ton~orrow. Children will be the B·uest~ 111 the afternoon from 3 until ,..,, wlnl~ members of the sixth. seventh and etghth g-rades will have their .s hare of entertainment and dancin(r from 7 :30 until 10. to- The othtr numht·r ()n the program a nnnlt ,. in thi" countrY for it never had he~n plave<l here before. as far as ~1r. 1\fuenzcr could learn. It was a trio in D niajor hy Ewald Stae;;ser, a mo:;t satisfying colllposition atHl so well recein·d that the quartet gavr as an encore Schumann's Cantata Cantabile. The next concert \\ill he gi,·cn ~farch 13. \\a~

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