Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Sep 1926, p. 8

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8 WILMETTE LIFE September 24, 1926 English Lutheran Baseball Men Rank High in League The Wilm'ette English Lutheran team · of the Wilmette Playground Baseball league emerged :With ~econd honors iri the league standmg tht s season it was announced this. week. T'he. team, repre senting the you~gest congregation in the village, fi~us l!ed the season with a fine record, wm nm g six games and loosing three: By defeating the American LegiOn entry la st Saturday, the team tide for second place. · The congregation, repre~ented by this wlimin g team, worshtp s 111 the beautiful bung'alo\\'-c hapel at Greenleaf avenue and Seventh s.treet. Rev . William Guise is the pastor. Miss J ane Ridgway, 207 Cumberland avenue, left Kenilwor.th Thursday, September 16, for Boston, where she will be a st udent at Simmons coll ege. H anville-Jones · W-edding to Take · Place .This 1f'eeP. The marriage of Miss Doris HanYi ll e, daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. William \V. Hanville, 840 Foxdale avenue, Winnetka, to Edward A. Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred · E. Jon es of 1224 Grerrory avenue, Wilmette, 2,.. will ' take place Saturday, September . J, at 8 :30 . o'clock, in the bride's hom e, the Rev. Francis C. Stifler of Wilmette officiating. Miss Hanvi·ll e wilt he attended !>y 1\f rs. Carl Peterson (Caroline Davi s) of Chicago, as matron of hon ur, 3.nd hv Miss Edith Bartelmann, Gre<' n Ray road, Glencoe, as maid of hono r. The best man will be Dwight Bennett, st~ dent at the University of Illinois. Albert Kindre of Evanston, will also assist Mr. Jones. A reception ·will follow th e ccre motw. which will .be attended by relatives. and close friends. The youngcouple plan to take a wedding trip. by motor ·to Canada·. They will make their home at .the Lind~n (:rest apartments in \Vilmctte. 1fiss Ham· ill~ attended Nortl1western uni,·crsity, where she was a m ember of Delta Delta· Delta sorority. ~lr . Jones atten·ded the School oi ~fu sir. N'orthwe,<;tern univ ers ity, and the l.'niver:-;ity of Illin ois. Srvera l hriclge parties and showers ha\'C been given and '"ill be given in ).! i:-;:-~ Han ville's honor. Thur sda\· e\'e nin g, ).fi ss F.clith Lartelmann, Green Bay road. Glencoe, gaw a shower in ~I is~ Han\'illc\ hon or. ).fi:-.s Bartclmann i:-; a student 2t the l ' niversih· nf Illin ois, a member of Alpha P si D~' lta sorority . Fridav afternoon, September 17, ).f rs. :\ ibnt PmH' r:-; oi Chicago entertain ed at bridge in her honor . Satur(lay, September 1R. ).frs. R. F . ~nicler. RJ(i Foxdalc avenue. entertained at hridge and lun cheon for 1Iiss Hanville. '\Ti . :-; Ethel ).fay Sturgeon of \\'ilmette gave a shower for ~'li ss Hanvi1le, ).f on day, September 20, and Mr;;. Carl Peter . on of Chicago was hostess at a shower on Tuesday, September 21. t') ',· Appreciation HE MERE FACT that you have tasteful floor coverings in your home. points to your ap preciation of the tasteful and appropriate in home furnishings . This appreCtatton will unerringly auide vou in the selection of th~ firm to care f;r your rugs ( clea ning and repairing ) as in the stlection of the rugs themselves. Naturally you will call Kashian Brothers. where fine rugs are sold and conditioned. -oMr. and Mrs. George P. Arns announce the birth of a dau ghter, Betty Jane, at the Ennstol' hospit al, August 21. -oWarner S. Cami)bell of \Yilm ette and .Benjamin Richards of kenilworth have been on a fishing trip in northern Vv'isconsin. :\Jr. and :\Irs. E. <'. 'Yilli snn and Jami l y dt·~ir~,· to than!< neighbors an'd otlwrs whv r t> ndt ·n·cl tll l'i l' assistance during- thC' r C' <:t>nt fin·. Tlwy wish to (·sJwciall,\· thri1 ~ k tll r Rt' Y. Lt ·l and · H. Danforth for his l~dp and initiatiw in organizing· tlk party to n ·mo\' t· tht · furnitt.l'L' from th· · ltousL · during· th· · firt. T J(aShian)jros. I 14 5 Greenleaf Avenue Wilrn~tte. , Ill. Telephone W ilm~tte 120C. ---------------------------------------- Reliable Auto Repairing - The Fascinating Novels of Edgar Rice Burroughs the creator of T ar.tan ~ rr. an <l ). rr s. F r a t1 k J. Con r a cl. 1141 Sheridan road, \\ ilmette, have leased their home for a year to George Lomax, the ginger ale manufacturer, atid have moved to Chicago, on account of the illness of Mrs. Conrad. in the Grosset & Dunlap 75 cent Edition The Bandit of Hell's Bend (Just out) Miller & Miller· "Equipment equals Maintenance" Repair Dept. of Wilmette Motor Sales 515 4th Street Phone Wil. 636 The Cave Girl (Just out) Tarzan and the Ant Men Tarzan and the Golden Lion Tarzan the Terrible Tarzan the Untamed Jungle Tales of Tarzan Land that Time Forgot At the Earth's Core Pellucidar The· Mucker The Chessmen of Mars The Gods of Mars The Princess of Mars Thuvia, Maid of Mars H,, o 0 0' 0 notht~~!~~ary D Thor al>out this statem~nt. only signifi es that we mak e a suc- is rt 0 ces~ful effort to buy the best 75c !~hone and prepare it perfectly. each Tempting Service Ridge Ave. Pharmacy C. C. REXXECKAR Opposite St. Joseph Church 316 0 MAC'S Bowling ·Lunch 0 11 A. M. to 8 P. M. 1159 Wilmette Avenue . n D lbc:::=:roc:~e '012

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