Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Nov 1926, p. 6

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WILMET:TE LIFE November 19., 1926- Married 50 Years Invite Art Lovers to Exhibition in· Evanston FLOWERS for Thanksgiving Ar t ]ove rs are going to have an n1, portunity to m eet . th e artists wh< 11 · : th ey ad mire a t tl,c reception Tucs<l <t evening. \Yhich opens the next art l ':-. hihtion in the Orrington hotel h a~ , room. EYanston. Seventy artists 1r< ,1, · Chicago and vicinity have been im·it, ; to exhibit, so the art loving pu ;, . I which has attended tach shn\\'in g , . and awaited the next is a:-- : un·d . Iart a \mrtll\dlile exhibition. I Thi:-; n·ce]~ti~>:l is to l~e girc~ n in _h" :, of the rxl11htt111g artt:-;ts. and t-- t' first at which the art p11hlic ha s lH ·1 ;:tskccl to meet artist s. . The 'l'nin r-i · guild <;net the Evan . toi1 Art rotll il ,· ~ion. \\'ho have heen sponsorin .1!.· 1 exhibitions, han· extended a cordial i: Yitation to attend to ;Ill pcr,on . . it1· , Ur. and Mrs. Frank 0. Nelson, 305 estcd. The exhibit inn \\·ill hr open n ,.. Central ave nue, \;vi lmette, celebrate d · afternoon and evening- in whicl 1 i '. their fiftieth anniversary of their wed- ballroom is not in usc until :-;aturrJ:, ding day Wednesday eYening, ~o- December 18. This \\·ill he the t h JI·. Ycmhcr 10, with a party attended hy of the . erie". the other t\\'O heinl' sixty re latives and friends. The couple loan exhibition from the Fric·nd-. " has lirccl in \\'ilmette about ten year:> Alllcric.an Art rolkrtion in the Art i: and hare a wide circle oi iriencb and :-~titute. and the paintings lrnt ll\· 1:.\ ac quaintances in the village. They an:--ton rr . idents. · have seven living· children and four- I teen grandchildren. Fred 0. Kebon, 1430 Lake annne. well known nCJrth I · ' shore plumber, i~! - so t~. - - - NEED YOUR HELP! The \Vilmctte Board of Local Charities will be happy to receive Thanksgiring baskets or gifts of clothing. Re sident. interested in helping to ma kr Thanks giYing Day a happy one for needy \Vilmette familie · arc im·itcd to call Mrs. Kortham, \Vilmettc 25.10. who v,·ill he pleased to collect all contributions. BANKS PAY $131 000 IN CHRISTMAS CHECKS I 1 (Continued from page 1) adYantag-es of joining the 1927 Chri 'tmas Saving club, and the variou::; \\T ('l- . h· olJ!igatiClns. 0i whirh then: ;..., a "11; licient Yaricty to meet the rcqu ir~ ments of everyone, ncluding the ch :~ drcn, as well as t he grown ups. I The object is to save, save, saYe. j The pleasure and the adYantagc i:-. , 1. \· our~. ton . as is so forccf ulh- e\·idt:n (, · i ~t this partic ul ar t1me. - T recognttton ts one HEda~ t.he t~rkey gains national 8 2 1 Davis St. 1.. of theer and happiness. Son and daughter are · home from school and company ts coming for dinner. You'll lend a festive note by decorating the table with fl~wers. And if you are one of the lucky ones invited to dinner be sure to remember the hosts with flowers. You'll find here a most gorgeous selection-and at wholesale' prices. . . SHQPANoSAVE ~ Evanston ---, MARKET ir SPECIALS FOR FRI.-SAT., NOV. 19-20 PRIME NATIVE ROLLED RIB ROAST OF BEEF . .... No Bones- No Was te None Berr er at An y P rice Special at 33t/2cih. 39cih. 33cih. 29cih. FANCY YOUNG PIG PORK ROAST .. . . NATIVE TENDER Sl-iORT STEAKS .. FROM CORN FE D STEE RS Frank Hlavacek &Sons Florists Wholesale-Retail at Wholesale Price·s Ridge _Rd. South of Wilmette Avenue .f>.,.. . · I CHOICE NATIVE ROUND STEAK . OUR OWN BRAND MEAT 100 ?~. PURE PORK SAUSAGE ........ FANCY DRY PICKED HOLIDAY POULTRY Quality Best -· Prices Lowest . ,.r .. .1"

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