Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Nov 1926, p. 11

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November 19, 1926 WILMETTE LIPE '11 3 Times Evanston's Population Viewed Games This Season Northweste rn univer sity's football t eam played be fore 179,500 spec tators in Dyche stadium t hi s fall, which is more th an three ti mes the population of Eva nston . Thi s fig ure is more than twice the n umber whi ch witnessed the home games in 1925 a nd is nearl y four ti mes th e num ber in 1920. Tn 1912, f ourtrcn year:-; ago , North,,·estern's footbal l team played before 1-l,l)()() persons· at old Korthwestern· field. In succeedin~ Years thi:; nutniH'r inc reased and in 10io. 30.3 11 attcndecl th six home ganll's. Fi\'r year:; latrr in 1925 the tota l a ttrndance \\'a s R7.7-l8. The popular ity of football ha s inrea sr cl by leaps ancl hounds dur ing the last twent~' yea rs as the above figures sho\\'. Time "·a:-; ,,-h<'n a rro\nl nf 5.000 at a game \ras con~ irkrccl a large number. . \ Vhen Northwestern dcdicatecl old ::\'orthwestcrn field in 1905 . it was a nnounced at the time that the capa-city 'of the field would be sufficient for many yea rs. Ecl\\·ard n. DaYi cbo n, ticket manage r of the Ut lin· r ~it ,., \\'ho ha:-; hrld that po ~ition -.inrc . 1904 stated that for man)· _\'c;t r:-; it " ·a:-; customary to se ll nnh· rn·n· second row in the stand s to 111 ;ti;:c t h c- cm,,·d look larger. I n those I days tudrnt.:; paid SO cents per g~ m e, and the usual prir of a game was one dolLtr. ~fail ordrrs wrrc yet unh eard nf. c\·cn-r·nt' J,c ing· taken care of at 1 the ga te: · :\t tlte South Dakota game this yea r thne \H·rc lR.OOO persons, a numbe r 1 whirh !Jrokc all records for an E,· ans- ~ ton football game. Thi s numbe r jumped t r-l 19.000 for the Carl~ton game illtd to 25,000 inr the Indiana game. I Forty -nne thou;-,and \\·ere present at the Xotrc Dame contest. The Purd ue I engagrmcn t \\'as played before ;-{2,000 and thr Chir~tgo game saw 4-l. 500 I pa cked into t he stands. Dr. Frank D. Slutz \\'i 11 . peak on ·':\ Srh.nolma-,tcr and the 20th Century" at thl' Kenil\\·orth club on Tuesday e\·enin!..!·. Xo\'(:- mher 30, at 8: 15. . -o. Tames II nge \\'as the guest of his at;nt, ). f r:. C. :\ . Lundberg, 1538 \ Valnut a\·cnue ove r last ,,·eck-cnd to atk nd the C hi c a g o-Xortll\rc tern game. ).{r. liogc teache at t he Chi- I cago unin;rsity H ig h school. 1 The Wilmette Music Shop Offers the Latest tn · RADIO W HAT'S new in Radio? ·operation from the house .cur· · rent '\Vas the most talked of advance at the Radio Show. No batteries- no outside wires - . single control - power am· plifi,cation - sealed construction. These are the new radio de· velopments. RCA has perfected them in the great Radiola re· cetvtng sets- has tried and tested them for over a year. _, Wilmette ·Music Shop can show you all that is latest and best in radio, Brunswick Panatrope and Phonographs. Our radio service is most efficient and your wants will be well cared for. ... I Combinations of Brunswicks with Radiolas In one beautiful cabinet these remarkable instruments combine recorded music and radio. No batteries- no outside wireno exposed speaker- complete operation from the electric light socket. Radiola 28eig ht tube superh etroclyne Tuned with a single fin ger! \ Vith 8 Radio trans. ). f r:-;. C. ]. ~ fur phy of Indianapoli s left S unda ,. a ftcr a wee k's visit with M r. and i r r s. J. \ Vatte r Nelso n, 815 F.lm,,·ood aYe ntl c. ~f r. Murphy arrived for the \\'ee k-end. --<>-- . Demonstrated Your Home Teachers of the Wilmette Chapter of the music guild on the North Shore present their pu ... pils in · a joint recital. $260 Let us demonstrate in your home the Radiola 2 8 with loudspeaker 104, operating completely from your house current. There is no obligation. Phone Wilmette 3006. Convenient Terms Wilmette Music Shop offers exceptionally convenient terms to suit your requirements. Byron C. Stolp School Monday Evening, November 22, 1926 7:30 P.M. Sharp You and uour friends Wilmette Music Shop ORlAN A. GALITZ Phone Wilmette 3006 Brunswick Panatropes, Phonographs and Records 1179 Wilmette Avenue cordially -~i n vi ted.

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