Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Nov 1926, p. 12

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t2 WILMETTE LIFE November 19, 1926 St. John's Lutheran Wilmette and Park a venues, Wilmette Herman W. Meyer, M. A. pastor 406 Prairie avenue. Telephone 13 96 · Church telephQne 3111. St. Augustine's sunday, November 21, will be the. SunJay n ext b efore Advent. There Will be Holy Communion at .8 a. m., Church schools at 9 :45 and Morning prayer With serrpun at 11 o'clock. The Price of Leadership BROTHERS' Leadership has been M ESTJIAN attained through years of exceptional service, high quality, unexcelled craftsmanship and positive value. Such Leadership is maintained only by keeping several steps ahead in every factor of excellence. Mestjian Brothers lead! SERVICES On next Thursday, November 20 , Sunday school and Bible Thanksgiving day, there will be H(JJ y 9 :30 a. m. ·C ommunion at '8 a. m. and Mornin ~ c lasses. CJ ·F m First service and sermon. Prayer· at 10 a. m. i i :ooa·a. ~ - St·cond ser~·ice an~ se;,mon. Sermon subject: "A Livmg Epistle. Xext Monday . evening, Novembt·r ~ ~. there will he a dinner for the mPn of t iJ .. THANKSGIVING DAY SERVICES 11a.rish in the Club house at G:15. Thursday morning-, Xon'rnu'r 25, at 11 Tlw womt:n of th<: AssociatPcl guile) o'clock. '11 b J ·ld have but a short time left before th (· ir Thanksgiving daY ser\'icl'S WI c H · as usual, at ~t. John:s on Tln~~sda~ annual bazaar, to be held December 1, in morning, Nonjmbt·r '2.J, at 11 o t lock. tht" Pari::;h house. All day today, F'ri<lay, VVllilt' it is t· xpC'dt'O that ~d_l the. mcn~ will b<· spent at th~ rt'gular nw cting- in bers of St. John's will partiCipate . 111 thiS th P Club house, as well as next Frida y servi<'l· of thanks to · almighty ( .od for the 2G. the material blessings of th e y ear, a Ycry On \\rednesday a. large numbe r · d· sincere invitatiun g<W::> out to all otlwrs to unite with us in this sNvict·. " 'onw, Ye women of the parish spent the day at th t· rE>sidence of Mrs. Lester Wood, 274 :~ thankful people, come!" Ridge avenue, Evanston, working for th 1..· bazaar. Luncheon was served at nuu1 1. MEETINGS Monday and Friday at ·las:-;es. 4: Children's Classes for the Christian eiiu<·ation of children are conducted every :\1onday and Friday afternoon at the Sund~tY schoo l rooms of the church. Any d11ld 7 yt>ars of age or abo\'c may cnt~::r th<·se classe s which arc fr ee to all. On Sunday, Novcmb ·r 2S, our sbter congregation at Glen Yi<·w, ~mmanut'l Lutheran church, will d e dicate Its I_JCwly erected house of worship. Thl·re Will be three :;t·n·iccs, in the morning, afternoon, and en.. ning. The :-;peakers are Pro(. \V. Kohn of the River Fon·st 'fl'achers' college, Pastor E. Werfelman~. Sr., of Chrh.;t Luth e ran church, Chtcago, and PatitOr C. BuPnger, ]1rt·sidt.'nt of th e Soutlwrn \Yiscnnsin distri<"t of th e Synod of \\' is<'onsin . The brethn·n and frit'nds of \\rilm e ttt.· are cordially indt<·d. The congr gation at last Sunday morn Ing's service heard an interesting talk by Archdeacon Weller, a brother of 11 H· Blshop of Fond du Lac, on his work in Southern Illinois where he has surH·r vision of a district considerably larg-o ·r than the Diocese of Chicago. Owing to the illnt'SS. of Mr. Thom a s Fullerton, our organist, Miss Winnifr· ·< l Mickey took his place at last Sunda y·~ services. Holiday Special :::::·k~~~m;-:~ .g.'~~:.~~. !~~·~~·. ~~~~~~."~. ~~i.- Give Floor Coverings for Christmas-the gift the whole family can enjoy for many years to come. Mestjian values art indicated by this $9 · 00 MESTJIAN BROS. INCORPORATED University Wilmette 5050 1949 Thl' first talk, Jlreparatory to ConfirmA-tion, on church membershi]l was g-inn hy the n·ctor to a largp <'lass of hoy ~ and girls last Sunday afternotm. Tilo ·st· talks for boys and girls will bt · g-h ··n . t·aelJ Sunday aft(·rnoon at 4 o '(·loC'k in thE> asst·mbly rooms, at the rear of th o Parish house. All boys and g-irls wish ing to attPncl th('sl' talks should rvgislt·r ll· >t latt·r than nt·xt Sunday, the last PP Pr<'lmrations arc now und,·r \\~ay for portunity for this year. the annual canvass for suhseriplions Talks on <'hurch mt · mlwr~l1ip for adult ~ among- thP mt mht rship of St. John's. This en nva.ss will begin on Sunday, ~O\' e mbcr wi II bt·g-in Sunday C\'ening, Nov('mlwr ~ 1. 28 . In the nwantime informatiY C lit<·r;t- at S o'clock in tlw rt·ctor's office at til · ture will bl' sent to all tlw hom<' s within rear of thC' Parish housl' . 'rhcs(~ ta I I ;~ the pari:-;h. Tht· three gn·at ite ms to be will continue until Confirmation antl :tr· eo\·en·d an· current e;-.:pens<.·s, d el>t reduc- OJ)t·n 1!1 all O\'t'r sixtt·t·n who·tht·r Clturo ·lt tion and missionary and benc\'ulo·nt pur- mt·mbers or not. Tlwsl' nwt·tings ·will t 'fl l tsbt ln.rgt:'ly of informal dbcussion. po~t· s. "Up to a Standard-Not Down to a Price" NEW TRIER TOWNSHIP The North Shore, particularly that part lying within the boundary of New Trier Township, offers none but the best of those things and conditions so essential in BETTER RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT. CLOSER TO THE LOOP than any territory of equal natural advantagest this township's limited area, with unsurpassed natural beauty and other unequalled facilities, has lent itself so readily to homes of refinement that its development has Stabilized Standards of living of the highest order. The remaining portion of New Trier Township tra-versed by the new Skokie Valley line, ·is now in process of development. Large sums are being expended, bringing in improvements. Proper zoning and iron clad restrictions give assurance that development here will not fall below present standards. We have a limited number of wooded lots, above the average in sizet in what will become the most valuable homesite territory in the Chicago · area. We advise Early selection. For Further Information Phone Wilmette ~~64 - Office on Property R. S. HAMBLY & CO. Realtors 22 W. Monroe St., Chicago Member National Association Real Estate Boards- Member Chicago Real Estate Board Chicago Phone-Randolph 2156

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