20 WILMETTE LIFE November 19, 1926 M~. and Mrs. P~ter ]. Klapperich of D. E. Allen, Jr.,. 411 Maple avenue, 412 Central avenue are entertaining as reached Los Angeles Tuesday to be Name Patronesses for . Pierce Lecture Course their guests, the former' s cousin and the guest of his sister, Mrs. Joseph T he first of Frederick Pie rce's evehis wife, Mr. and Mrs. Joe P odr.asnik Kilian. Mr. Allen has been in Texas ni ng lectur es, "The Re leas ing of Latent P ower," was given at the Eva nston on a hunting a nd business trip. of Sanbornsville, N. H . Woman's club at 8 o'clock, on th e evening of Tuesday, .:\ovem ber 16. T he patro n esse~ ior the lect ures ...ar.e 1I esdames \ Villiam G. B urt, H. E. Byram, 1111111111111111111111" 111111111111111 11111 111111 11 11111 1111 11111 11 1111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111 Ravmond Cook, Arthur T. Ga lt , Mar----t~C::rr====:;;iiiii.:;-:;r-Jb:ao;;==i tin . M. Griclle\·, Edward K . H ardy, Robe rt 0 . Lord, Edwar d P. vVa llis, and t he M issts Ada To\\'n end a nd Es telle The distincti ve Christmas \Voo d. Gi f: th at distinguishes the The second oi ~f.r. P ierce's eveni ng giver to be a person poslect ur es \Yill he given \\'ednesday eve!'essing rare taste, awaits ning , ~ove;11her ~-L The subject wi ll be "Our ~ I ental Relation to "State and your immediate selection at God." · Rollin Pease Sings American Jl1 usic at MacDowell Society eYe nill..~ a t the mee t ing of th e Nor th Roll in Pease was t he art ist of the Shore ~( acDowe ll soc iety o n Tu esday, XO\·e mhe r 16, at th e ho me of D r. and ~Irs. Dw ig ht O rcut t, 185 Gree n Bay road. F rank \Y. Ambler. p res id ent of the society. rea d a message to th e society describi ng . th e id ea l of Pe ter boro colom· as dreamed by ~I ac D owd l and later br oug ht · int o b eing by hi s wife, and fo rmul atin g t he pur pose of the ~facDowe ll ocieties in th eir support of t he colo ny. ~r r. Pease, "·ho \\'as accompanied by Hlllllllllll:llll l illl lllll:tll lllllllllllllll lll! lllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllll l\I is:; Electra A us t i11 at the 1> ia 110 gave 1 ~"'""""'=-t A. A. Ho,yard, 1514 Lake an~nue. l n·ry bea utii ull y a por trayal oi -ere r et ur ned J. l ondav from a ten da,· trip atiYe wor k in Amer ica l>y poets as well to New York. · · a - musicians. For his first group of _ 0_ song-s all had \\·orcls by well k nown · American or Engli sh t>oet s. His en -. 1 .M iss Rm h Hicc is !1 0 \\. conva escmg . . . . House and Garden nun c1a11 0n comhllled w1t h the power a t the Orrington hotel follo\\'ing an ! and hc~tl h· (Ji his Yoicc m ade them Shop, Inc. operat ion for appendicitis. a delig-ht t.o his au die nce. P a r tic ularly -obea utif ul \\' Cre " ~ IY Tr ue I.o,·r Lies 1 7 2 o Orrington Ave. U r. and 1frs. ]. H. F o5tcr, 925 Green- Asleep," by Li set t e. Reese wi th mYsic Orriagton Hotel leaf aven ue, a re at t he Orrington ho- by Eugene ).[ur d0ck. "Tradl· \ \"inds." t el, \Yhil e the lat t er is c0nva lcscing. ll\· ).fa-;cfie lcl wit h m usic ll\· Frederick ~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ n~ ~~ ,~~ D~ - -~ ~~~~~~~~~-~ ~eel. ;lll(l "S1Jli~Ct ' ' I>\" SiJlll\' r.anier ~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ """A ~ ~ iJ'Rt \\"ith lllllSl(' h\· Dnd ln : nurk.. ~1 r. Pease also gan ; so ngs in Scotch and Dor ~et:-hirt dialcch. ~li s~ :\ ustin ~ fi n ished t l 1i~ ~ p lc n did m usical program 1,). playing; th t l' ~I ajM Hhap..,ndy by D<illllan'·i and a Bra hms \\·altz. The Xorth Shore ~ IacDowtll society i. a Yital aiiCI gnm·ing organiToys for Joy Z;ltion and an expClll<'llt of thl' int<'res1 ~ which :\ merica is he~·inning to take ~ in her crratin: arti·q:--, What a paradise for children and their i:-..; Hc1ward. Ltk l' ;tn parents. V/hat a joy Jill(', \\"h() ha~ hten in Xn,· Y nrk and to choose from so I \\ 'a:-hingt<Jll for sen· r al wed;;, has many delightful things gone on to Fl(lrida for a \' isit. the toys to go imo the Christmas stocking. DoNs, Games. Mechanical ton . Ani mals. Instructive roys. · All kinds to bring pleasure to the children. Come and see them for yourself. Third Floor IN EVANSTON Catherine Reckitt' s H\N.5£·v GARDEN-5HOP. tf§ i ~ ~ ~I Cladr~ 1 ~14 :=======--=--= - --=- -- ---. The Gift of Books If you want to make some one happy at Jittle cost in time, ef·fort or money. give books. Art. poetry , books fo r the thinker or the frivolous, · classic or modern litwe have erature them all. First Floor Chandler's The Christmas Store Is Ready Ready with countless gifts that will charmingly convey your Christmas sentiments. Counters and counters of delightful things that make shopping a joy. Gifts for young and old. For all tastes and ages. For every purse. For every person on your lise therets a gift here. UnusuaL distinctive and all so moderately priced. (: : ~I ~ · i i it .. ·:;.~ ~ ~ ~ 1 2 In Our Gift Shop An assemblage of lovel y things that your tast· e and of, pum will approv is awaiting to carry your Christmas gn:etin g. So man y. tha t whether you seek a gift for irs util ity or lu xury, or both. you w ill un doubt ed! y find it h ere. First Floor 1-1 l..J:UI. ~ "£ L Fountain Square Evanston Three Floors Elevator Service ~ft~ t11 ft._..s . 9 Free Delivety Seroice i SIT NO'V I~'or Your Christmas ~ :.< !. ~ Photographs In N :h·c mhcr we c1 n r~ nda fJr br !! rr srr vt ce tll.ln durin b th e , Chri' Lmas ru\h . W r on :trco rnm od.n e you in ev ery \\',1\' p oo;si b ir l10id ~ h~ pi ctures for i;::~ ~, j.Y ·: ~ t1!: I ~? ~ ti Vi~ drlivcl\' unril th e Wl'ek before Ch ri,t m.ls J tHI ge nerall y be of grn 1cr ~.H i,f .1rtio n Llun if yo u " pur it oli until th ~ !.1st minute." tm Stanton Wilhite n. "\,..~ Phone Winnetka 210 ~if-~~~~~)Q~~~~~~)v~iW'u~~~~~ -------------------- ~ 743 Elm Street Winnetka