~ovennper 19; 1926 WILME'(.TE ·LIPE · spring are Ellis Bovik, end ; Gordon Rahr and Stev Fox, guards, and Art Kuiper, tackle. . The defeat of Chicago last Saturday while generally expected · was not doped to be such a run away for the Purple. From the opening kick off which Vic Gustafson ran back for a touchdown to the final gun the superio.rity of the Purple. was never i~ quest10n. f'.fter the Wildcats had ptled up 31 pomts, the Maroons staged a belated rally and pushed over a touchdown but later the Wildcats came back and got another. . . As usual th~ Purple hne was tmpregnable .and tt was only by t~e forward passm_g r?ute that Stagg .s bo~s could do a thmg. Ho.wever, m thts sty!e of pl~y. the Wtldcats showed thetr supenonty. They passed all . o~er the ~eld, one of Bak.er s passes to F1sher bemg hurled a d1stance of 50 yards. Capt. Baker pl~yed one of the greate~t games of hts. career. He ~assed, k1ck~d and ran w~th the ball wtth .all of. hts usual effectlv~ness. The dommatmg feature of h1s ·work, however, was his passing. He tossed the ball 11 times and six of the passes were successful. Once he chose to receive one from Gustafson and ran that one over for a touchdown. 25 First Big Ten Title Iagamst wes~ern can muster will be hurled the Hawkeyes Saturday in orin Reach as Purple der to assure a Purple victory. The Play Hawks last tinne Northwestern journeyed to W ;ldcats " Iowa the Hawks gave thenn a 35 to 3 Prospects of bringing to Northwes- licking and it is to avenge that defeat tern the first conference football that Coach Thistlethwaite will send his channpionship in history stirred the · powerfu,l eleven Into the forthconning Purple clad warriors to added en- engagennent. deavor this week as they prepared for .Nine Northwesthe last game of the season with Iowa tern players will at Iowa City Saturday. compete in their The decisive licklast football game ing which Coach for the p u r p 1e Glenn This t 1 eSaturday. Heading t h w a i t e 's boys the list of seniors is handed · the ChiCapt. Ralph uMoon" cago Maroons last Baker who has galweek stamped the loped so gallantly Wildcats as one of for the Purple in the s t r on g e s t three years of cone 1e v e n s in the ference foot b a 1L country, and they Other b a c k fi e 1d will be out Saturmen who will pass day to put the finBob Jobnaon out of the collegiishing touches on Photo by Toloff ate picture are Ade the most success- Schumacher, halfback, and Ziggy SolVic GuatafaoD f u1 season w1 · h .a heim, quarterback two Evanston boys. Photo b Tolof! 11c ' Y Northwestern gnd Bob Jo~nson, sensational tackler, team has ever enjoyed. Football was the ch~ef topic of con- and Otto Ste.benn:tann, hefty gu~rd, are versation on Northwestern campus the t~o leadmg hnemen,. who will plug this week as the students made ready the lme for the last time Saturday. to tournev in a special train to Iowa Other linemen who graduate next City to root for the team in a game which if won will give the Purple the championship or at least a tie for first honors. At the present time Northwestern and Michigan are tied for first place. Pile Up 118 PoiDta Coach Thistlethwaite has brought his Purple clad warriors through the present seasen in fine style. With the exception of the Notre Dame game the Wildcats won all their games with top heavy scores. The Purple piled up 168 points to their opponents' 16 points in all the games played this season. Every bit of strength which North- I Qu,. Neweat · c,_t~m~ MONUMENT CO. 5751 Rav~swood J. H. ANDERSON Ave.. in Modem Merwrials Cbicagct, Ill~~is. Writ· lot ctt-'OfiW· s E R v I c E The Ounce· of Prevention - Owners employ Cadillac Evanston Service as the convenient, ever-ready ounce ·o f prevention rather than the pound of cure. They use it, regularly, as an economical means of keeping their cars in that sweetrunning condition which is Cadillac's no~mal and proper state. They find its efficient personnel and complete equipment a helpful aid to motoring. They consider Cadillac service the final link in the chain-design, manufacturet and daily use by owners-that makes certain the entire satisfaction which Cadillac motor cars are superlatively able to give. MILKthe Universal Food! Pure, sweet, fresh milk is good for everybody ~verywhere. Men, wom- en and children need milk that is of the 1he sign of official, authorized Cadillac Service - courteous, prompt, efficient, economical highest quality. Keep Plenty on Ice! EVANSTON BRANCH CADILLAC 1810 RIDGE AVENUE University 86oo Rogers Par~ 9133