WILMETTE LIFE November 19, 1926 I l I · Two Incomes Are Better Than One MAN'S INCOME is turned into idle dollars. ..t\ctive dollars are reserve funds that are put to 'vork- n1ade to yield an additional inconle by in\·estn1ent in safe l~onds, l\llortgagcs and other forn1s of stable securities. Let us help you put your dollars to ,,·ork cf·· fectively. Our I nvcstn1ent l )cpartnlent offers you at all titncs a se1cctio;l of dependable secu rities, in. c luding a nun1ber of attr·actiYc offerings based on \Viltnette t·eal estate- land and in1· A provements. THE WILMETTE STATE BANK Central Avenue at Twelfth Street "Your Home Bank"