Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Nov 1926, p. 37

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November 19, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 37 IP\mlblln~IID®cdl ~®~®ITilitlly (E:rtracts b~om publishers' comments.) Fiction Sutter's Gold"-Blaise Cendrars. The storv of ho\\' thr di scove ry of gold brottght ruin to this man.· 41 "Joanna Godden '\f arriccl" -Sheila KaYC -Smith The further developm ent of one of fiction' s greatest character:; and in addition nin e short . torie ~. "The T\\'o Sisters"- H. E. Bates. · "The poetic quality of '\f r. Bates' pro se . hi . . ensitin·nr.::.s to hi .:; cha racters herald a \\'riter of charm and distinction ."_ T.it crary RcYin,·. "Ticle s"-:\cl :-t and Tulian Strett. A ll 8Yrl r,f tlw. llC'\\" pionerrs- th r I ston· of the chi ldrt'n () j 1h t' \\' <'->t o f the 90's \\'h n haYt· ~uq..'t·cl to the Fa~t ' to storm the . . t rc '11~1Jr, lcl ~ of hu..;i{lrss I and societ~·. I "The Sun :\1 . . 0 R i,c," -Ernc,t Ht·nH' ll\\· a,· Tn th ic hr il1 i:1nt rnn·l nne ... cc m ;; to ohc;en-r lifr directh·. 1wt throu~.:.h a literary medium. · · "And Then Came Sprin!-.:-" - John H argr:1,·r The dark hor se. "The Black :\ngcl" - '\bu d Hart T.onl;rce A troup of laughing ynunQ"~tcrs si nQ"ine- their Yagahond ,~·a,· through the micldlr we st. · "Thr Sun in Sple JH]r,r" -Thoma" P.mke , A noH· l t0 rv ad and rnc:td. the I r0mar1<· e nf \\'hich j..; unin' r. ;tl. th r \\'riti m~ oi " l1irl1 j, 'l!J!t'T'h. "The 1-: ;n<'- \1 ;tr~ar(' t n l' land. An nthn Old l'ht'·tn taiL-. Tt in Ci,·iJ \\'a r cl<i ~ '· latd . I I . Do not fail to visit Chicago_while the West Point Cadets and Annapolis Midshipmen are there. Two .big , military days - Friday and Saturday, November 26 and 27-during which time the eyes of the country will be focused on Chicago. On both days, there will be elaborate parades and other spectacular ma~euvers, leading up to the Army-Navy Football Game on Saturday afternoon. The largest parade will take pl;ece Frid1y, starting from the boulevard Link Bridge at 2:3 0 p. m. and marching south to 11th Street, then to Soldier's Field. Following this parade, there will 'be maneuvers in Soldier's Field - FRE~ TO THE PUBLIC- duplicating the maneuvers that will precede the game on Saturday. N Jrth Shore Line, operating directly into the Chicago Loop and stopping at six Loop stations, d?livers you close to all activities, and convenient to Soldier's Field. · h ~ Durin~ thr pa-.t week man~· promi v_icinit~· haYC het:n active in the promo- RED CROSS ROLL CALL nent men and \\'( 1J1H·n in C hi ca~o and tiOn of the t rnth an nual membership roll call of 1he American Reel Cross, which i. biddin g- fair to exceed the number of member . hip enrollments of the past few years. Th e roll ca ll is held annually from Xonml>cr 11 to I the 25. ~fan~· people arr still prone to think of the Re d C~oss in term s of war. As a matter of fact. it is vast h· of more con sequence to think of it i;1 term s of peace. It is the arm of mercv ni the Cnitecl States goYcrn mcnt an-d under government sup r n ·is ion <1 11d headed by Pre sident Coolidge as nati ona l chai~ man: i::; always r<.' <HI)· __ to hoi~! out a I he1ptng hand. 1t s o thres ot mcrcv <11~d understa 1!din g are held out to ail I ahke. Calanllt)· challen g-es Reel Cross past year thi s challenge has he en ardeeds and it hils neYer failed . Tn the past year this challenge ha s been accepted with a thorou g hne ss and promptnc s. which ha s heen most gratifying t0 this country. The number 1 of calls to the American Red Crn~s for I disa ster rdid ha s been oi ~Tl'atcr magnitude than oi iormrr Year~. The record s . ho\\' ,::; 1 disa-,ter~ in- tl1e l'nitecl' States this ycar. J UST about any time you' re ready to go, a North Shore Line train is ready too. Every hour there's a fast train for Milwaukee. Seven Milwaukee Limiteds every day operate via the Shore Line Route, · ,topping here for pa&sengers. · a other hours, you can take Waukegan Limiteds to North Chicago Junction, where direct connections are made with Milwaukee Limited trains operating via the Skokie Valley Route. Service to Milwaukee on the North Shore Line is convenient, frequent ~ fld reliable. Electrically-operated, the high~speed North Shore Line train~ are clean and comfortable-your trip is a pleasure all the way. In every detail of its operation, North Shore Line service is designed to ,. ·eet your needs and suit your convenience. For schedules, fares and other information, inquire at ticket office. 1Ir. and 1fr;-;. T. \\'il son \lc .-\lli ster of the Linden l. rc-.t apartments announce the hirt h of a . on. Friday, NoYemher 12. at thl' 1 ·.\·a n~t o n hospital. The haln· has heen named Tohn \\'ilson '\IcAlli~tcr. · -0- Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee Railroad Co. The high-speed electrically-operated railroad WILMETTE PASSENGER STATION Telephone Wilmette 2514 Baggage Checked v : M rs. R. \\'. Hickman ret 11rnrcl to New York la~t \\'t'l'k :liter a six \\'eek~' visit with l\f r. and '\[r s. R \V. Hickman, Jr., 1458 Lake a renuc. 1103 - ~ ·

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