November 19, 1926 WILMETTE 'LIFE Quinlan· Tyson Building Grants Include Garages and Two Houses Announce Many Permits for building i~ .Wilmette Realty Deals have been taken out by William M. Quinlan & Tyson, Inc., announce the and H. L. O'Connell for a tile and closing of the following sales within brick residence at 1720 Washington the last week: ·a venue, costing $7,500; Max F. Brack George F. and Nellie B. Gonsalves for a frame and stucco dwelling at 832 sold to the Packard Motor Car com- Park avenue, costing $10,000; Robert pany the property 100x200, with old B. Little for a brick addition to a sun improvement at 925 Linden avenue, parlor at the re sidence at 111 Sixth Hubbard Woods. The purchasers will street. erect a modern automobile sales room There were also permits for three 5nd service station to serve their north garages totaling $700. shore customers. F. · M. Orndorff of the Winnetka office and H. N. Tyson, REMODEL RESIDEN~E Jr., of the Evanston office of Quinlan Charles Broughton, of 928 Ashland & Tyson, Inc., represented both parties avenue, vVilmette, is doing some exin the transaction. tensive remodeling ·of his residence at Mathias Concannon sold to M. E. that numb er and is also redecorating McWhirter the five acres on Hibbard throughout. The Broughtons had been road between Lake avenue and Glen- considering moving to Deerfield, but view' road. The purchaser bought the have de-cided that after all there is no property for inve stment. Lewis T. place like Wilmette and will remain Dodds, manager of the Winnetka of- here. · fice of Quinlan & Ty son, Inc. , was the broker. COMBINES OFFICES John B. and Mary E. King sold to \i\rO:lter ~· Stpith and company ha s Marv V. Pettibone 200 feet of vacant 1 combmed tts fit ghland Park and Glenprop-erty on th~ east side of Hurd ave- coe offices at 332 Park avenue, Glennue, Evanston, north of the France s coe. Thi s change, it is stated, has been \Villard school. The property was made to handle its Highland Park and bought for investment. R. H. Peter- Lake 'County business with increased son of the Evanston office of Quinlan efficiency. & Tyson, Inc., repre sen ted th e se llers MOV -E-S _ T_O __ W_IL_M_E-TTE and The Lascellcs Rcaltv com,nny E I D ·1 n d L · uncan ' manager o f rna 1 represented the purchasers. · _.. , a. State Bank and Tru:.t company I bagga!?c traffic of t!le C. & E.. I. ratl, ' 1 road, ts now a restdent of Wtlmette, trustee, sold to s tate Bank and 1 ru st I ha nn · g 1 case d 227 \\" oo d cour t company, tru~.:tec. the property at 1020- --· · _ 30 Church street, Evans ton. improved with five store · and two flats. The property wa s bought for investment. R H. Peterson of the Evan. ton office I of Quinlan & Tyson. Inc., r ep res ented ' the purchasers and Payne Realty com- I pany represented the selle rs. 1 1Iargaret \V. Parker sold to Ining ; T. Roberts the leasehold, 50xl60 at ' 1414 Hinman avenue, Evanston. The , property i. improY<:: cl \\'tth a large frame hou . e and was bought for investment. D. H. Boone of the Evanston office of Quinl a n & Tyson, Inc ., I represented the purchaser and H. E. ' Edwards represented the seller. 1 1 . OPPORTUNITY T "-, OP,O. RTUIIIT~ YOu A HE man who owns his home is the man who is going to succeed in a hurry. Let our terms and prices help you to success. GLENCOE VA CANT GLENCOE Two blocks from lake. Corner, 2 3 9 ft. frontage, wooded lot. Beaut. 9-room residence, 2 slp. pchs., sun parlor: 3 tile baths, plate glass windows, canvassed walls; 2-car garage with living qtrs. above. Priced low at $6o,ooo. Terms. Shown by appointment only. Choice residential lot, wooded, Ioox297 adjoining rear of which is a beaut. City Park. ideal for children's playground. Price S 11.5 ft. Terms. WINNETKA Beautiful lot 5o x 1 2 5. near schools, transportation and shops. Bargain-$6, 500.00. HIGHLAND PARK Situated in a beaut. wooded section, fine Spanish Bungalow of 6 rooms. Tile roof. H. W. Bath and ex. lav. and toi.; with garage to match. lot s8x185. For quick sale at S r8,ooo. Might consider good lot as part payment. HIGHLAND PARK Near Ravinia Park and tunsp., practically new 7 r. brick res.; 4 bed rooms, 2 baths, sun plr., H. W. H., Gar. attached. Lot sox~oo and is 9 7 ft. wide at rear. Price $23.5 oo. Terms. · Might considtr lot in trade as part payment. I 1 "Gregory Knows Where Value Grow·" 1614 Sherman Ave. 2930 Central St. Evanston, III. GREGORY -REALESrATE S.CQ Ph. Univ. 6021 Ph. Greenleaf 184 Ph. Greenleaf I 020 \ \· . G. ~tacey and company report h<n·ing sold through thi. ir \\'ilm ett'e : onicc the E. A. Christiansen re . idence I at 65 Central avenue. \\'ilmett e. and the Charles X. Evans hom e at 412 : Park a\'Cnuc, \\'i lm ctte. 1 1 SELL WILMETTE HOME Dollars and Sense For Those Who Know Values in Vacants · ·· KENILWORTH $8,500 buys this choice 80 ft. lot in new residen- We own and offer $220,000 6 0 (;~ First Mortgage Serial Gold Bonds secured by the new Waverly Manor Apartments, Evans ·ton. INDIAN· HILL ~U~RT ~ . 0!"~( Evanston 1564 Sherman Avenue ;:;,..oc-GQ.i.££ . j. 63H~.IDOEAVE. WIL.METTE,IL~ PHONE WILMETTE . -~ ~ts1~l1l P"~~ 364 INTfRfST ' .00 ~;~ tial section where values will double in a few years. I r $7,500 buys beautiful 100 ft. lot in highly restricted section where all homes are new and ·a rtistic, and where values will treble . .I. · Second Mortgage Moneys cr!_ LOANED TO HOME OWNERS /C HEINlEN REALTY CO. 421 Fourth St. Wilmette Phones 2760-460 720 Elm St. Winnetka Phones 254-1470 Lou .IS G· Berman ' ON £4SV Ptl VNIENTS Suate 1408 -77 west washington str£>f't Phone State 6039 CHICAGO