Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Nov 1926, p. 55

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November 19, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE SITUATION WTD.-MALE 55 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Classified advertisements will be cllarged onl;y to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe · Inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory or who are regular !IUb!'l('ribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. !n I ,.1 FOR RENT-STORES AND· OFFICES General Notices- ~SYSTEMS 121 1 Rates-15 cents a line In one paper. 25 cents a line in any two papers. 30 cents a lino In a~l three papers. MINUIU}I CHARGE, 69 cents. Av6rage, o~ five words to the lme. No black face type used. 10% discount on all cash with order advertisements ~vhen brought to our office at 1222 Ceotrnl Ave., Wilmette, or 68-& LJncoln Ave., Winnetka. Deadline for Insertions- Classified advertisements will be acc~pted up to Wedn esday 5 p. m. for the 'WILMETTE LIFE '>r alr three papers; Thursday 5 p. m . for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 p. m. for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or 'W innetka 2000-2001. :l H1'1LHJ:\(; .\ \ H C .\HI'E:\THY ,., .. I IIEL P WA ~'I'F.l>-}'F.:\IALE ACCOUNTANT INSTALLED. BOOKKEEP· FOR RENT- LOOP OFJ4"'ICE. NEWLY ing audits. Income tax. Charges reafurnished office with use of reception sonable. Univ. 9222. room and stenographic service. Rea17LTN7-4tc sonable. 80!.1-6 N. Michigan Ave., Chi:t:ou RE N'l'-R00:\18 cago. 27LTN8-4tp l<'O.H. RENT STORES AND SHOPS. ' Fon REXT - C0.:\1FORTABL Y FURTe lephon~ "'-innetka 62. 27LTNS.. tfc ni::;hed, w e )! h eate d rooms, conveniently locat ed for busmess p eople. R eason- '27A i'OU. RE.s-'1'-HALLS a bit:>. Ca ll \Vii. 26!.!9 Saturday, Sunday and ~venings. Other times Wil. 2235. \VILl\lE'l"l'E COUNTRY CLUB a\·ailaule on open dates for 21L8-tfc '\\.EDDINGS, CARD AND DANCING FUP. REXT - CO ~IFORTABLE ROOl\I, PARTIES L·i th l'r larg(· for two, or small for one. Every Modern Facility <:L·ntkmctL prt:'ferred. X ear transportaFor information phone lion. Win. 8!!8. 2lLT8-ltc :\!iss D. Lyons, Secretary. Wil. 62;) 27AL2-12tf! FOR TIEXT - SIXGLE: OR DOUBLE room or both, in small private family. :n .F OR SALE-HOUSES Col1\·. to all trans. References d esired. \Yil. 2050. 2lL8- ltc - I \\ - ~l. r)'l'TEX 'l\·1. II ighlaiHl !'ark :: 1:!'::-\~ -tr,. \\ -. \~'1'1 ·: 1, ~I S~l~·- ( 'ounty LitH· Rd. Y - ·1. ti a son Contractor - ('()~Jl)l·:TJ·:XT \\"0 .:\L\X 'I'() 1'11(,1, :tnd SVI'\"1' d i llJit·)' 'l'hanksgh·ing. r;c.ncl ]J;I,\". ( ';til \\"il. 2f1 ~:L 1:a. . -lk \\'.\:\Tl ·: J, -- 1'1~.-\('TI<' .\L ::\L.RSE, ONE wl111 is i ntl-rt ·slt·d in ~dt·n!'t·. \Vii. f\28\-V. J.O .\\S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r l ..l l.~L1.\:8-1tc ' T IL©&rm~ OX ~()RTI-I HE.\L EST..\'1'1·; SALES~t..\~-ONE OF I 1 E\·anston·:-; most ar·th·t· firms has open- HELP " ·.\\'1'EH -:\1 ,\J,E SIIC)RE PROPERTY DIPH.O\'EI> Y .\· cant. ('onsult us lwfort · makin~ a ]o;tn on your propt · n~ -. (..Juil ·k <IJIIH':ti>':tls. ;-: .p; LinclPII .\ n ·. Wil. ~~~ fi£..8 -:.!tc· ing f()r a man in th~! sa les d~:partment. Pr.·ft·r ·' XJH ·rit ·ncl'rl matt , acquainted with Xorth Shore \·a lut·s but might r·,nsi!lt·r nnP with salt·s training in 11th1·r lint·s if rl'ft·rencr·s are !'latisfactflry. Splt ·nrlitl ('t>Portunity to connect \\it h lt·adiuh firm. Our Pmp loyt· s know ,.r 1his adYt·rtist·nwnt. \Vilmdte Lifp P.-1 00 . 14LTN7 -l:ltc 'ff·.LLER l·~XI'El~H~Xt'ED 1st and 2nd l\Iortgages Charles II. l1retholc1 5l5 :\lain ~t.. IXSURAN 'E Wil!tH:ttL· TELLER AXD REfCJI' :\orth Shorv nank; must h :1 ,.,. Plt·as ing- p r~onality and eome \\'t· ll r:·,·cmtnwndt·d: pl'rmatwnt position; salan· ('tlmnwnsuratt· with ahility. \\.ilm···tt1· Lift· R-12!1. 14LT~8-ltc c-t i\'t ·!' .\1 .. !'0:-Jui:JLI~ ~..\LES~L\X 1tl1 1' ell' tnn~t popular ('a rs :-;orth ··>'>'· Tel. 6!> t;!)l-tfc "' "'·!I Shc·r·· · ,, ·· t t· ·rritory. f>n·\"ious f'Xper ience n ti al. ".ilmdt ... Lif0 B-127 . HLT~S-tfc l'ETS Pl'l-'~· F<Ht !-i.\1.1·: ('110\\"S ('H()\\' S \\" .\~'I' I·: I>-.:'.!.\ X Jf:df I lay l!11ad at lh- s i'bti ttvs Jlin·r l'ho tll' Lilwrtydlk tjOfi- \\' -~. 1\LT~I-:.!tp . ST. nEitXAHJI!-i \\' 1111·; FOX TEIUUET~S I! I Y ! ~H I ;: I H; t·: 1\: I·::\ X ELS I OR \Y O~T.\X FOR c·o11l.; anrl g···tll'ral homwwork: 2 in familr. T4·l Clt-n< ·c H · Xi;). HLT:l\'8-ltc J;, JIELP WTB.-.\1.\.T,t: & }'t:.\T.\LE l1()f)Kl" 1·]~PER T\\"< 1 Ex I'l ·:r~ IJ ·::\( ·~-:n Bl'lUtot·cHs o· r:ttot·s: n tust ht · rapid work t·rs and :ti·'·· tn furnbh ht ·st of n·ft'n·net·s . V\.il15LTX8-1tc lll·!lt · Lif· · Il-l~~ . ... !I HEI' .\IHI\0 .\~H HEFI:\JSIID(( J·:rsE:\!;LASS HI·:PL.\<'ED I~ :\l'TOII:tollift. 1 urtains; quid.; st·n ·iC't ·. ~Sti " .i llow l !~t;ul, \\"inn1·tl.;a. [II. :ti : I':\ S-1 t p lila ---------------------1> .\Y 1fi SIT 1· :\'1'141 : WT H.-1-'J-:.)l .\ I...}; \\"IJnK. ;1!!d !'LE . \XT~<; on ('()01\:- -I ) st·n·in!.:· l>:trti· ·s. Expt ·rit·n<·Pd .FOH UE.:\'1'-J:TUXISJl A P'L'S. :t\'C ,~')ll ., 1 ( '11 .1 . ()!- 1 {)\ ' Tt·l. l'tti\·. :: 11 ·-1::-n. !'all t·\'t·nings 2:1 , l, ~ aft· ··· ;> :1111 p. m. 1fiLTXS-ltp - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 ·T JI:\'1' Y<W \\' .\~T r;r\·1·::\ PT ~-\XO - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . - - - - - F' ll IlEXT :1 R00:\1 FtTRXISHED !vssons at llottJt·'.' Ph11l!t ' 7·1::1~ . \\"1 11'1' 1·: I ; ll~L \\'£Sf II ·:~ TO <'ARE FOR apa rtm t· nt: good location east side; 3 t·lli!dn ·n (·Y··nint:·s. .\l~c· cook dinnet'S blocks ~urth \Ves tt'rn Station. T~l. 1i:\ .... ~. 'i~ @J,If~@;.O';\ w~<l> ~ ft. P . C~~~mo JP Jl sa 1u nL t ,. ;tnd sun<! a,.. Call ,,,.t·ning-R. '"'il. :{()()5 . 23LT~8-ltc 0 11\'i~ il~l1 ~l!,. r.:;,;._lJ.~\WJJ.(Q.l l 'h"nt · ·l .11i\·. :!~1lli-R· HlL'I'~-2tp }l 1 l) I I ill': g-i r l. FOP. REXT - C'O ~I FORT.ARLY FUR).lisht'd room. pri \·ate home. Close to viilagP. · Uu1tkman o nly. Tt::l. Wil. 706-W. ?\KW BRICK COLOXIAL HOME 1 21L8-tfc blk. north of Indian Hill Country club, 4 blks. to Indian Hill e lec. and steam EL1JERLY LADY, SE~H-IXVALID OR d epo t::~. Four bedrooms and 2 baths on 2nd eonYah:·Scl·nt will ue ~:ared fur in hom e of practical nur~t·. Wilmette Life .Bflr. ; 2 bedrooms and 1 bath on 3rd flr. ; ] :30. 21LT.'\8-ltp toilet and laYator:r on !st fir.; 30-ft. living-room with wood-burning fireFOH TIEXT 2 FuRNISHED LIGH'l place ; br~akfast nook and butler's panhoust" k l:eping r ooms. Also, 2 rooms try, hot water h eat, garage and drive. fur11isht-d for ~leepi ng. Phone Wil. Lot 66x132 with larg-e shade trees. Sli-!- HX. 21L8-ltc $5.000 cash payme nt down, balance like rent. CE?\TRAL HOTEL - LIGHT OUTSIDE Ha R,e alty Co. rooms for tran~ients and residents. 62!.1 )lain !:itre .. t. Phone \Vilmette 1080. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS . 21LT8-tf..; 74i Elm ~t., Winnetka Ph. Winn. 577 OPEX AFTERNOO~S SUNDAY FOil REXT - H.OO)L OXE BLOCK TO 31LTN8-ltc d e pot. Phone Wil. 35GC. 21L~-ltc l·'OR SALE - CONTROLLING INTERlJELIUHTI·~er.... BACHELOR ROOMS, est in c hoiee Illinois Dank, $30,000 cash, <:entral location. Phone Wilmette 2399. balance terms. (Buye r must accept 21LT.K8-tfc presidency of Bank, at salary of $5,000 per year.) FC)f{. TlE:'\T FURXISHED ROO~L Also 24 apt. bldg. north side, at first cost Tel. \\ri I. 623. 2lL8-ltc of bldg. and ground, two hlocks to EIHated station, rental $20,100; nets 2:! }' OR Rl~XT-.\PA.UT)lE~TS $8,6013. $20,000 will handle it. .-\. lso. tt-n acres black muck land, 20 miles \VA:XTED TO SUB-LET UNTIL MAY from .:\Iiami, Florida. Potatoes sell 1st, s mall modern apartment, steam th e r~ for $400 per acre. (Buyer digs h t>at, hot wate r day and night. Living th t: m) pri ce $5,000; $2,500 cash, balanc~ room with In-a-dor bt.. d, kitchen, din50 years at 5 % inte r est . Address Will'lte, dr t'SSing room and bath, anu thrt>e m f> ttt:> Life B-131. 31LTN8-ltJ) (·Jost·ts. If inte r·ested please call at .-\partmL·nt 5, 11~3 Central An>. Imn~t· diatt> possl·ssion. 22L8-1 tp 7 ROOMS, HOT WATER HEAT. MATD'S room, IJalh, ex tra toilet and lavatory FOR RE:'\T - FCH:'\JSHED FOUR R:\l. on 1st fl oor ; 3 bedrooms, 2 baths and apartm ent. In-a-dor !Jed. Indian Hill dressin·g room on 2nd floor ; grounds huilding, $115. % block from Indian 50x180; garage; and abundance of Hill ~ta~ion, steam or e lectric. Inquire shrubbery ; close to schools and transSunday. T PI. Winn. 2665. 22LTK7-ltp portation. Price $22,GOO. Terms to suit. FOTI REXT- 4 HOO~I FLAT. 840 CE~ ter ~t.. ·win netka. $70. per month. Call Walter P. Stnith Co. Winn e~ka 26;J. 22LT~S-ltp 332 Park AYe. Glencoe 702-3 :nLT~8-ltc FOR TIEXT - 5 ROO:\T FLAT. 928 ELl\1 St., "-' innt>tka. C. F. )1. :\1iller. 22LT8-ltc \VINNETI<A HOl\IIE $30,000 ,·ilancl NEvV CAPE COD HOME & ~~::1; SIH ·ridan l!· ·<ltl . \\"ilmdt·· l' iall'> and Ytwal Tt ·adJI·I' I tta LS-:1t p lt l·:~n:PTA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 24 ~:1'1'!'. \TT il~ \\.T il . \L\STIJ:\1; XXD ..F_ OI{ Jl1~~'1'..:_ll0l:S.ES FOR SALE BARGAIX IX 7 ROO:\! bungalow only 6 year~ old. Five rooms a11d bath on fir:,;t ~oor, 2 rooms aud bath on second ; lot u0x1S5 ; hot water heat; 2 ulo(.!kS to station. Out-of-town ownt-r offt:rs a real uu.r at $12,500. L 1TTOP..I~ r; DY EXPJ·:IUEXC'En TEA C'H I·m. Cltildr1·n broug-ht up tn grade. C'lliltln·n tnug-llt ll· lW to st udy. Phone Kt·nilw nrth ~4S. JJ . I'EHSO'I .\L in,ning 1,., . t Itt · da .\·, also t·ookinp; and H <H.SE FOR H.EXT- YERY REASOX>'l ·t· \ i ng· t1 in !lt·l'. ('a !I P\'l·n i 111-!·s \\.i I. <t hlto. SonH:· fut·niture for sa le. Tel'. ::::J:i. 11JLTXS-1Lp Wil. :t~ .\3. 2-!L -He !'ITl '.\TT<IX \\"T]) . -L. \1.::-\lm.Y \\' OH K .d·lllt.: at hontt·. .:\Irs. ]lruhn. T'.l'l. t:rt·t·nll-at' ::7~1. lilLTX ~-:lp Fon HE:\T- Jo....\ST ::-iiDE, G H.OO:\IS, ::>li'i.IIO. \\'v :-;t l>ide, 6 rooms, $125. \\ii. Li~:!. 3~0 Lind en A\-1'. Ph. '"lil. 68 :~1 L8-lte 2-ILS-~tc 1 OA LT~G-4tp ., 1,, 111-:LI' \\'. \:\TEII-FE.\1.\LE :\1·~.\T \\'.\:\TJ·:ll - '\'til ':\<; 1,.\DY T:\ OFI·'I\'1·:. ~lust !lt' plain . IH"llltl<lll. 1' ~·.rm;uwt~t position. nllt ·- h:tlt' d ;t ~. \\'t't'k ltlf. .\. S. Y·tnl>vust·n 11~,1 l\·ntral .\\'t'. Pho11 ·· \\:i 1. ~,J II. , I :l( :1':\S-ltc \Y .\:\1'1 ·: 1>- Y(I[':-\(i \\'lllTJ·: !;[r!L FOH g-, ·JH·ral ltPUSt ·\\'<· rl.;. Rt·fl'l't'll!'l'!'. Xt·ar iran:-;portation. l'ho,nt· \\.il. ::~S7. <'<lLnr:.EI> crra. . \\'T~ III·:S Tl) l'tlllk a11d :-;, r\'t ' ditll lt>I'S. ll t·st o f J't·ft·l't·:H·t s. '!'t ·l. l'ni\·. :lt~.) :\IX . 1tiLT. -ltp t · ll t'<·t l -1 _ro()m l'ol tHKt· in t'fllllltr,,·, partly furn- $30.00 ~I'IT . \'I'TO: \\' .\ S T 1· : [) EXPETI[lctUIHlrt·s:-;. l'ni\·. i\!1.)7. ltiLTX S- ltp WTB.-JLU. . E .-\\'f'. "'\\·inn. 1800 S:: I l!idgt· .\ \' t'. · Phonl' W"ilml'lte 3tl4 :n f....'l'~S-ltc '\VEf-;T TXDTAX \\' ilmett e, Illinois Position :ts IHHISt'lllHII 1::LT:\S-Itp 24LTN8-1tc ~>1' all around work in privatt' family. 6 ROO:\f FR.-U IE; H. \V. H. ; GAR.; I J riYin~ t·XJll'l'it·llt't'. ( ;ood n ·t"t· r · n~:u; . :!:; ~ IIELP \r'I'P . .\1.\11> FOB. 1:1·~:\EIL\L n·al fireplace; cor. lot. \Vondt>rful buy houst·work. :\1 ust lil~v <·lliltlrt'll. Ht·fs . · ('all \\'inn. :!-t::. IILTS-ltc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -17,000. Cash req., $l,GOO. SPe Kenneuy. n ·quin d. '1'1'1 . \\. inn. 1~7 ! 1 . FOH REXT J'TR~TSHED TO MAY t:~LT:\7-ltc ST'!T.\TIOX \VAXTED TIOC'SE.\fA~ lst, a beautiful new G-room brick; atancl dnufft ·ur. HniH·rt Childt·t·ss, ]U:}6 tadwrt garag-p; hot water heat and very 407 Linden Ave. Ph. '\Vil. 698 \\'ashburn. Tv!. Roo~wYvit :{058. modt·rn in L' \"t:'r~· way; 6 blocks trans:nLS-ltc 17LTX8-1tp J!ol'lntio:t; on imnro\·t·d stn·t:'t; excellent nt·ighlJorhoou. To rig-ht party $100. FOR SALE - G R00:\1 BRICK YEXEER J,t· r month. house; bath, tile floor and walls; HELP W'l'D. COOK WITH GOOD breakfast nook ; hot water ht:>at : 2-car refs. Protl.·stant. Tel. Wilnwtt~:· G28. orick garage just cmpleted, very rea1 :n~T~7-ltc sonable. 17G9 Washing-ton AYe., Wil:\lAX IT AS O~E D.A Y PER WEEK mette. Owner on premises Sunday be1213 Wilmette Ave. O!lt' n fer housewnrk. Wil. 3428. Tel. · Wil. 225 tween 2 :00 and 5 :00. Tel. Wil. 3194. 'VAXTED :\TAID FOR GE:\'ERAL l7LTN8-tfc 25L8-ltc 13LT8-1tc housework. Kenil. 3683. 31L8-tfc I; :-il'IT .\TTO: JJ oIHL §~Iffi<Bl®~®w & C©o .-\TTRACTI\' E 8-R:\I. ::-iTL. l'O, CLOSE ~::o.nn to Sl:hool a11d tran::;portation; 5 bdrms.; ~ · al' r· ·s with li-room housl', barn, garage, 3 batlt::;; 2 ex t. laYs.; sip. }>L' h.; brl.;:fHt. 1 mil t· \\ vst of nidge A\'L'., rm. ; oil l1L'at; 2-ear -g-ar. ; lot 75x18i. Pril'e $:10,000. $:35.00 tsh t·cl, FOR S .:\LE (}R REX-I' E. 1~. Stults l~ealtY Co. !GO \\· innl'lkn. ~l'IT.\THIX \\·Tn. \ 'OUilg lll;tll \\'<lilts \ VIN NE'fl(.: Paul Schroeder & Co.

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