56 FOR SALE-YACANT 4D WILMETTE l'Olt SALE- JISEHD. GOODS LIFE November 19, 1926 I \ ?"A CANT 5t) F'T. LOTS, 'VEST OF WILMETTE, a II improYf'nwnts. Tl"nns, $1,750.00 54 IN. ·w AXED OAK EXTENSION DINAs the fourth week of competition ing table and chairs. $30. Wil. 1195. 50 ft. lot, Jwar Ridge Ave., good location, in the different 'leagues, conducted by 49L8-ltc $2,000.00 BABY'S CRIB BED FOR_S_A_L_E-.-P-E-R--1 feet condition. 942 Spruce St., Win· nt:tka. 49LTN8-ltp Wilmette Recreation Events Basketball (Novt-mber lOth) Howard Gymnasium St . .Joseph 2 ( 12) St. Jo~eph 1 <.1 0) DPinlein Hoffman r . f. . . Remert, l\f1ller E. Philllps ...... 1. f. Doig, Moldenhauer J Hoffman ...... c ..... Hoffman, Hu<.:k A Peters r. g ..... A. Wallowitz Steffens ...... 1. g. . ... E. S~hildg-(' 11 ). g. . . . . . . E. EYa ns r. g. Jf oIHio §~Jffi~®~®If & (C(Q)o , 31 nidge Ave. Wilmette, Ill. \\.ilmctte 364 32LTN8-ltc LARGE BEAFTIFUL CORNER LOT in Kt>nilworth. Iden.lly located. Bargain. TD) TlTl ,Jlllo ffi\ (QJ@rP (FJ 1J" o o l.Q)I.!:ll(Ql ilJJ.~~il ~~\We ll'ii " 'ilml'tte Ave . OpJl. Village H :Lil Ph ones Wilnwttc 17GO and ~63 nLTN8-lt<.: 1f' TGJ JJ -&- FOR ~ALE I~ \\.ILl\1ETTI<;, LOTS on ChE>stnut. Ashland, 7th avenue and Sheridan road with riparian right ana pi(·rr;; cash or time. '~trit e P. Gage, Box l lG, \\' ilmctte, Ill. 32L8-trc .f6 F'OR SAL}: - USED CAUS FOR ·SAL~- 1!123 ll CYLT~DBR TOURing· ear in tWrfect mechanical con dition. Brand tww Rt' t of Michelin balloons. Cost $3,400, will st·ll for only $200. First man who st:es this bargain will huy so a<.-t at Olll't:'. \Vii. 28!ll. 46LTN8-ltc FOR SAL1~ - BUJC'K 1925, 5 PASSE.~-, g-~:·r; wintPr top, $550. 739 Walden Rd.· Winn. 566. 46LTN8-ltc ------------------1 1-' 0 U S .\1,1·:....:. II S E II J), (j 00 DS Volley Ball Team \Von Lo~t Anwri ca n L t>gion 1 .. 4 0 FOH SALE - 4 Tl'Bl·: R .\DIO, WJTil Howard P. T. A . . . . . 3 0 48 AX'l'lQUE~ built - in loud SJWal;;t:r. Xo acct · ssori('~. Bar~tist . .......... . 1 o ~·ill sacrifke for <JUi<:k Sa!P, $17.50. Prt·sbytt: rian ....... l 0 A~TIQUES \\'il. 7·Hi-:.\1. ii lLl'-ll<· ~t. Joseph 1 2 2 For ('hristmas Gifts 2 ROSE\VOOD )ll~LODIA~. $50., GRAPE l·'Uh ~ ..\LE - t '0.:\J J>'l'o~·s PH'Tt'REn Terminal A. (', .... 2 f'ongTt'gational ... .. 1 3 <·arved sofa and chairs, walnut, cherry, Elll',\·Jopl'dia, lt·t J Yolum es-nearl\· n ew- St. J ost·J)h 2 ...... 0 3 pine and malwg. chests all r eady to *40.00 cash. 'l't·l. \\.inn . G:lii- v-./. 1\Ifthoclist .......... 0 2 finish, curly maplt> winthrop d esk, spool 51LT~8-ltp day bed~. 4 J)OSh' r and ~vool bl"ds, quilts, rug·s, colored g-lass, p ewter, FOr!. S.\LE -l·TLL L,JO:X(~Tf[ C:B:XCBasket Ball League lustre , brasRvs. ·colort:d sporting· and \\·on Lost int· 1 Jud son st>a l <"Oat. t'X('t·llt·nt ('ondi- Team fashion prints, mirrorH. Grandfather n tion. Lining has lll· t> n n·mon·d. $40. Pn,sbyt rian . ...... ~ fath e r clo('k, foot~tnol:-;. SandwicT1 0 \\'inn. 4:l::. :i1LT.'\~-Jtc 1\·rminal A. C' . ·... :; lamps wirt·d and r eady for u s.e . 1\rrs. f'nngT(·g·a tiona 1 ·· J L. E. Diekt·, ROS \Vn.shingt on Rt., Ev- Jo'01~ ~ ..\ Ll ·~ - · THnEE .\TEX ' ~ \\'IXTI~H ~t . .lO!'Pph 1 ....... 2 1 anston, Ill. 48LTN8-l te 2 O\ l'n·nats, ~izt· :;s to 40. <; l· ·tH·n,. 1 ::~. Rt. Johns' 1 ....... 2 St . .Tost·ph 2 ...... ~ 2 51 LT::\'S-1tt· A:\JRRTC :\ X , ~\X'I'HJPE~ . 0 LD l 'TITX,\, :\fdlt()<list 2 ........ 1 ~ g!al:'swnrv: now \'t ·ry popular and Wl'i- .,, St. .r~,11n ' ~ 2 . . . . .... 1 ~ 1 comt· ctl:' Christmas ~d fts. T ha \'(' mn ny "T{ H l )ti~t ............ ] :~ chokt' J)it'lTS, ;tt l't ·HSilll:lbilo ])l'il'l'S, :11 ~-----------------· :.\Tt·lhntlist . . . ....... 0 " awaiting· ;."lllll' st·lt-dion. Sl'I~<'T.\L: \\'. \:\'TI~I> To Hl'Y- 1':\YTX<: JIT<~Il- ] { _ ()f ( . 0 ~ ~(·\·Pral ftnt· <'llillt·St' a11d Oril'lltal nnt·st prit ·t·s l'or :?nd h :t !Hl l'lothvs and tique rug·s and I'Uilll\'I'S. prkt·d to St']J. shot ·.·. T l' l. . <;rq· nlvaf ·l:ill. .\Jr . .\Jason Quoit League LOl'T~E H. 1'.\Xl; Slll\:.·\ :,:?L'I'.'\7-~!JI Tt·am \\'on r,c st 1 Fort·st ..\\·t·., S. \\·.Cor. 1::th St., \\. ilnwttv .\II'tllfl!list . . ... . . ... .. 11 Pho!ll · \\'ilml'tte Giti W.\XTI·~ l> 'I'U Hl 'Y FIHS'I' YOLl'.\11;: (I} T. (! , 0. 1·' ........ :~ n ·1 SLTX-H<" l: !lnl\ llous t· . .\lust l1t· ill goocl <'On<li- K. t)f r.. :? ........ :: 11 tion. Tht · \\.il111dlt· ~.i~ . G~LTXS-ltn T. 0. 0 . F. 4 ...... 1 n FOR KALE - II.\ X I l<'.\ RYF:D :.\1.\.HHLI ·~ r. 0 . 0. F. :1 ...... ~ 1 top ('t'l1tl·t· taJI],. IOO Yt·ars old $lflll. \\·.~.:\"1:1 ·;!>- 1;1101> :.\L\11 .J(I:\'1;(; SI·:T. 'l't ·rminal A. C. 1 . . 2 1 Tt>l. \\'inn. 1 Gfl:i . -1~1./I'XS -ltp Ln·cl s t',\'t· m:tplt- h, ·<l. n;t r·;.::t in. \Yil. K. (If' ('. 1 .......... 2 1 RH.t \VAXTED OLD trucks and e!E:·ctrics. A UTO:\TOBILB Univ. 1986. 4SLTN6-4ti) the Playground ana Recreation board, draws to a close the number of contestants are b-eing narrowed · to a WANTED TO BUY ·-- SECOND HAND mmmmm. The Monday night volley furni LUr e and othet· house hold, good~. Highe&t prices for same. Crost Fur· ball league still has three undefeated niLUI't: Store, 1004-6 Enu·t·son St., Ev- teams; the American Legion 1, the anston, Ill. Phone Univ. 189. Presbyterian and the Howard P. T. A. 50LTN8-tfc teams . Two new teams, the Baptists and American Legion 2, have b ee n enWINNETKA FURNITURE STORE Buy-Seli-Exchange-New-Usetf. tered to take the place of the St. J olm's Open daily. Tues., Thurs., Sat., 8 p. rn. and the Methodist teams, which wert 1500 Willow Rd. 'I'el. Wlnn. 1212 50LTX8-tfc \\·ithdrawn . This makes it possible to continue \Yith the schedule without a ;;1 revision. St. Joseph 1 and the Terminal A. C. F'OR SALE :.\1 I:\"XEAl'OLTS HEA 1' continue to l.ead the baseball league; rt ·g-ulatoi·, tht·rmo~l:ll, with -day <.:lock. Pt' rft·t't cond ition. Used only few St. Joseph having won four games and months. 1-2 original cost. Phone Winn. the Terminal A. C. having won three U:!. 51 L'l'N7-ltc games. Neither have been defeated. The Presbyterian cagers, with four FOR SAL!<: $f!OO cocoa. l'rmine, fox trimit ~C' d 0oat $1GO. Also, r ed ·velvet wms and the Terminal A. C. with three ('Oat, missl·s' ~iZl' ~25. Pt>rft'ct condition. wins, lead the way in the basketball (;lt'n('Ot' l 2G7 for nppointnwnt. league. St. Joseph 1 is next m line. 51LTN8-l tp Inasmuch as the Stolp school gymFOH S.\LE- liOT WAT.f~R FURNACE nasmm was m use Friday night for the for ti rooms, used 3 seasons, ~ood or- fireman's benefit play, ~here were no dt:·r. $60.110 if tnkt>n before ~oY. 30th. quoit pitching 'Contests and the standFur particulars phOllt:! ·wil. 71::-~r. 51LTXS-1tc ing remains the same as last week. Games will be resumed this week. FOH ~ALE LARGE ~TZE HA~E , The standing of the teams 1s as foihunwr in good condition $50.00. Kt'roSt·ll(' ,;.·i('klt ·ss rang-l· :jila.OO. Also blue l lows: ;,o ----------------------------- W1'D. TO DUY-IISEHD. GOODS n: R :\[i)lt::r RcferN' , G. \V. Galh ·renal R1 ptist Won by forfeit ('ongn·gat ional \\' o n b~· forfe it ~t ..John's K. of f'. Stolp Gymnasium Pr<·shytt·rian (H) R Johnson ...... r . f . . . . . . . . . E. Hill 0. Estt·s I. f. P. \ "an n. :Xc1rth F l\T0i 0rhoff .. . . 0 .......... :.\f. :\fundy H. Flint .. ... .... r . g-. ·.·... L . Knt ·nan B. Flint . . . . . . . . I. g ......... H. \Yeld B. Sturgeon ... (c.) ( rf.) . . . . P. Crt·:-;~y fil'f(' J'('(', R. Hitty 'r<'rminnl A. (', 1 St. .John's 2 \\'on by forft·it 1 (24) rt·<·d hal.Jy t'aniagt·. nx. ~R . OO. Phmw Wi! ii!LS-H<.: Indoor Ball Tt>rminal .:\ . \'. St. John's \\·on by forfeit ~t. .T osq,ph 1 ( 1 ) :\ft·thodi:-;t ( 0) J. SchRefgc·n . . ~rd 1st . . H. LundbHg .T. Hoffman p . 2nd . : .. n. Eaton .T. Born' ........ 1st 3rd .... F . \\"a It on N. Tio n·C' ...... 1st o. f. . . . . Osborm· ~. Spic·s . . . . . . R. s. p. . . . . \' . YH nu ·y F.. Hartman e. 0. f. . ... L . Sk<·Wf'S P. RI('Rf'r .. .... 2nd ~ P. Sfok('r n. 1'hrtlman .. 0. f. o. f . . . . . . . R. ('ox o. f. ' Pet. J. TII<'Sf'r 1·mpin·, P . f'alclwt'll ] ,000 Ho\\'<1 rcl P. T . A . won b y forft·it from ] ,000 ] ,000 K . nf C'. ~1 · .Jnst ·ph 2, w on by ft,rl't ·it from ron1,000 500 ~rt·g·, Ltional. ;;oo 000 2ii0 000 Girls' Volley Ball Ho\\'anl S0hool Finals for f.th c:raclt · (;Ji (11-11 ) -Kath arinr· \\·t·lt··n. :\Tar l-!i~ 1\tl!l'l'~on. :.\larg-it · ]\·t·rsnn, J\li C'I' :Xnnl. 1T(·J, ·n l\Till ·' r, Yirg-inia nnuly, El s i(· ( 'arli-n. \\·inifr" !l 1 :any; 11.\. ( ~-S ) - B.-tty P;~cl<lnc·k , Tllt·olirw Luntl· ·, I lt1!'!1th~· Ydt ·r, Hut h 11tr:-:ch, Hulh .Zdz· ·r, -:\Tu1· id :.\ft ·\ 1'l'S, l·:. ·ft ·l'l ···- - -:\1 iss 1 ,w·~· I ~ ~ ·t·:-:t· r; asst., :\lary l·: llt·n l~III ·Z t'l' ; ~( 'tl !'l ' k· ···Jwl' , \\' il llla r; l!· ·Jt t lr· ·r . Fin ;tls fo r 7th f:ra<ll' 7H ( ::-1 ) - Flt~l'; l lf ·dtnll:lllSt ·n. l·:l;ti nr· . \ lhr ·r g ;t, 1 ltl rr·t hy 1\:unz ·r, I lrq·, 1( lty :Xohl··. Tl11ri s 1 ;t 1 11d , "\T:t r~· l ·:ltl··rid~· t·, Flllt't ·ltt't· 1Tt 1 fflll;\ 11. ('harlot t ,. lT:t ny, Lona intH :tip;h; i .\ (11-11)-l~utlt Stnitl l. ndt~· Ha i~·l1. Is:\ht·l IT :t skin , l ~··t t ~ · Ftl\\.lt ·l' , r;J:t il~·s llt ·l;ing-, T,on..tta .\J:cl, ·rs <l !l , .T:1nc·t ::\fd'onn·lltg-h~· . ..\lir·t · J·:tlmtttHl s, C'lariet · Xt ·wh:tg"t ·n . I :, ·f·· l't ·t·, 1! i ~s 1,111' .\' f!1 ·t·-.:o·]' ; :r:-::-:1.. \\'illll a ( :unt 11,.,. : St'll!'l ' l<· · t · pt · l' ~ . Ts yl e .lulln s tlll :tnd (~lara \\' c.Jfr. Pet . ] ,01}(1 J, (I (J () 7:iO fif.7 GOO f1(10 2:-iO 2 :-~n 0()0 (It)() 0 ··· ·· 0 · ··· Pd . 1,0110 1,0011 1 ,(111 () ] , (1()(1 f~ t: 7 f:fil f! li 7 ··'··> ·'· .i:?l /I' X , -1 tr St .·1OSt·ph ~ ....... 2 . \.mt ·r·il'an Lt 'g" itiJl .. ~ T. 0. 0. P. ~ . ..... 1 1 B:\HJ~ ~ \I.BOT'<; IIT ~ F()R CC)CPLE .HIS( ' ETJT, \ X EOrs J.'<II~TY \TO:\'TIIS .\1;(): \\.C>RTII ,i:lL'I'X'\-ltp $:~,000 . \\'ill Ld\t· :;;;i:-,(1 fo1· all or will S('(IHJ':tl\' lwautil'uJ furnishing·s fur 4rm. :: pt.: :l-pi<-vt· silk mohair l>:trlor suitt>; R-pivn· " ·a lout dining Sl·t: 4Tr/? · pi l'('t· walnut ht ·clJ'O(JJll :-;d; two !lxl2 YY OW \Yiltu :1 t't! .~s ; lit lr;tr~· tHlllt·; 11 oor and t:.lhh· · lamps: !'i:~litTt· hrt·a~<J'ast st: t , and 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SJ!n·rwarc·. \\ tll tal\t' $;>;)0 .00 tor all. F-~!2 Lt ·land ..\ \ t·., Ikar ~ht · rid:ln Hoad, Standing of T earns to Date f'hieago. Tl'! . Sunny:-;idt· G!!IO. \Vii! a rra ng-t· for dt ·J i n·r~· . -t!IT /I' X fi-!)t p \Yilml'tt<' nusinP!'S :.\rt~n·:;; L C'agu e \Yo n Lost ~l FOR S.·\LE- XJ:"· IHXf.:\'(; P..OO"\T A~J> :\fc~am c·t·'s stnrC' .......... 18 HEDROO~\T Fl'R!'\TTUTIB. Srhultz anrl Xot·cl ........ 1·1 7 Tt·n pit·l'(· dining 1·oom f;l'( ;~nd 7 l>iere HPrbon taxi ... ..... ...... 14 7 ht-d!'(HIIll sl'l. Twin lwds. Pacton· SnidPr and C"azc'l .......... 13 8 sampl t ·~ usl·d in Kt·nilworth cxhihi.t l\fnc'a lunch .............. !I 12 hous(·R. For f';H lP hdo\\' fa e tor)· pric e. Ridg<' A \'t-nll<' Pharmacy .. !I 12 Phon(' Crto(·nlt ·a f 11:11. 4!lLT~R-ltc LU(']<t' J)]UmbC' rS ........... 4 ]7 \Yilmd; " Rla ll' bank ..... . 3 1 FOR S.·\ LE- nl.LL-J.'I::\'TRH OAK DJX. ing tahlt·, 4 lto::t\'t:'S, good dl'Sig-n, $20 Goodwin's Ladies League A !so lH·n \· ~· hrown chinC'illa sport modt>l Lost \Ynn coat. Pt·rft· <· t ('Ondition. Bargain, $25. Supt·rior Fur !'~hop ........ 0 ·winn. !172. 4flLN8-1 tc C:oodwin'R HPn uty shop .... 24 21 3 1\Tillt>n's hardware ........ J 0 14 FOR S.\LE- \\.AL~U1' DAVENPORT \Vilnwttt~ Cafe............ 11 JR tab!(· 1S in . by ii4 in. A lnwst nf\\' pch. Taylor's RtorC's ............ 6 B rug, 8xl0 in. Photw \Vilml'ttf' 1!112. :Xew TriPr conft·rrtionPry .. iJ ]!) 49LT~8-ltp '\·.t 11 t·xr·ha ngv for hi »·h 1 '"' g- ass . T>T.\:\fETJ·:J~ TI·: I J I ·:~I'(l J·. J ·~ · 1 ~t . · p ~t. Jl0\\'\'1' "1<··](1 11 I I I zt h t h e B /ers l·:ng-Jisll Lutht·r:lll .. 1 .Tr1!1n's ......... 1 .Tro s t·ph 1 .... , . 1 rt ·shrt f' rinn . . . .... 1 St. .Trlst ·ph :: ........ 1 Tt ·rminnl ~\ . (' . ~ .... 0 Tt·rminal .\. C' . ~: .. n C'ongTt ·g-ntiunnl ..... o 1 2 ·) r.t:j' (;f;j :J:l:1 ~ ·> ·) 1 1 ~ ~ Stolph School Sto lp 1.\ (ti) ·~ .\l:~l ·.t:; ;tr· ·t II :tni:-:, :\l:1r ·~· .l:tnt· I·:JrJ, ·r, J.·; tlwiJ, . Zilltll l<' l'ltl ·t 11, <'ar··T L;t \\T· ·rrr·t·. .fn !!· ·t :\lt·l Ira it h . lT· ·lt ·ll 'l';rlf, l~ os· · ~l : tr i·· c: :tslt. ~!an· Tlr :Jlc ·g·: .'t. l·'r ;tJwi~ <~:!) - :\l :tn · .l <~ llt· Jt ir·lt, :.\Tat·:.:ar, ·t Ttl\\'lt ·s, f(athl"t·n llan ·~· ~· . Pri~r ' illa .Ton· ·s. 1\ttsv Kraftlwr, :.\fary F. K(l(llli ing, <'l:tu<lil;t. :\fac·Kinnon. .!an t· Pt·r·ko\\'itz. Stolp 71~ (20) --l:t"tt'.· \\.ilsn n. Elt·anni· uh t·r, Yin.:·inia Ha\\'lt ·y, :\Tan· .Tun c. :\Tillc·J', ~hirl1·y Popp. :.\Tnri t' r~"rgPr, -:'If art IH1 l·;ri<· sr,n, F:lsi1 · \Yael!' , HPlc·n .ToneR, LUt' ia Hollistt ·r: Stolp 7\" ( :~1 ) - Palma Lc·t· I :nrp··t· , C111'innP Sanclt·rson, ~\1 a ry l.aut ·r . . lnnl't r1· ·nson , .lunt> Orwig·, ('h:-!.rlottc· :Xl'!~on , Oli\'t' Hro\\'t·r, :\Tazit- ::\fnuat, .f <t lw Spinn<'Y, .Jane Rog'r~. 1 - --- ------- ------ Athletic Events Te>am Team Team FOR SALE :!\JAHOOA~Y RTJFFE1', 1'<'am table, chair. lamp. 292 Sheridan Rd. T(>a m WinnPtka 626. 49L'I'1\'8-1 w Team ' FOR SALF. - DIXJX(; ROO~I FUH~J tur£-. C'Ot, stand, gas O\'t>n. Kitclwnwarf', child's tea chair. Tt-l. \\7 inn. 1236. 49LT8-ltc Odd Fellows ·won No. 5 .............. 12 No. .............. 10 No. G ·············· !l No. 3 .............. 9 No. 2 .............. 8 No. 4 ··.··········· 6 Voliey Ball Baptist :.\Tct hodist \\·o n bv forft ·it f'ong:rt·ga tiona 1 : Scort' - 1st g·:unP, 4 : ~nd g ·: lllll ·, 1 ; ...\ KlmHlt ·r . .T. CrosslC'Y, A. Ho:-;sman, (L Iliff, .·\ . .'wt·c·t, .T. f:apt ·n, '\\·. Hi<'hardson, E. Lycms; Howard P. T . A: ~cort ·-:- 1 st ga!'ll<", 1:; ; 2nd ga ml', 1;, ; C. C't·ntral I.(" (1R) - .1unc· Kt·hl. Lury C'oty, Baughman, F:. ::\TcDow 11, l\f. C'lag-g-t·tt . .Tan<' Engt>l , H0th l\fC'llmith, Lyneh. L. ::\fa tson, <l . Yomlt·rhoff. RH- I )orot hy Orr, Elt>anor ~fnulcling-, F'ranC't'S l'I't't·, n. C'. Stont·. Ellis, . Eii N·n Burke', Priscill<t \VIH·f'lnck, Paulint· H(·hling· ; C'<'ntral fiB (lfi) - Jt>an St . .TosPJ)h, 1 : Sron'-1 st ganw, 9 ,;· 2nd :.\funrt~(', <'harlottP \Ya0hs, 1Targ-arl't 1\Tcg·n nw, 1 0 ; .T. Sf' ;Htefgf'n, .T. RnrrC', .T. Tntosh, 1Tary Finlayson, Ekanor Potte r, ~c'hni<'Cl e r, .1. Hoffman, E. l\tilll'r, A. Phil- Katlwrint.· ThOI11J18·>n. lips: Prt> ~bYtt·rian: ScorC' - lst gamP, l!'i; 2nfl g-anw, 1;;; C'. Cn·ssey, C. Burlingham C't·n1ra1 IIA (1 0 )-Florf'nN' S<'llf'ry, :\". B!akP, E. Youngberg, B. f'olvin, Jam' :\Toon' , n<'rtruaf' Hl'rhon, E~ther HPnclt·rson. fh·f, ·n·t·, n. ('. Stone. 1TcKPigllan, nosy Hus::;o, Yirginia :\Ioyf'l', Selma. \Vax; St. France·::; ( 14 ) - Virg-inia J .. ost Amf'riC'a n LPp:ion: Scon'-lst g-ame, 15; Hayt>R, Louisp f"og·Jiane!'e, Mary Jane G 2nd gnmc, 15; J. Andt:>rson, L. Orr, H. C"urtis, )Iarie Hanlt"y, Marion Weber, Ce8 Tulchow, E. Rirhmond, S. Vaninwagen cilia 1\Teyer, Margaret Ben.z, Frances 9 S. Pett>rson; Tt>rmina1 A: C.: Score ~ l\[j llR, 9 1st g-ame, 3; 2nd game, 9; R. Blasdell, Refe-rees- Miss Ohm Stopka, Margaret 10 E. Brammer, B. \Vellman, M. Powers, L. Stackhouse, Jane Springer, Margaret 12 Ooss, III. Referee, G. \V. Gathercoal. Bickham. ' T· I c: