Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Dec 1926, p. 12

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.. 12 WILMETTE LIFE December 24, 1926 North Shore SocietY Imbued with Holiday Festivity gen of \Vilm ettc, has chosen Saturday, The Young people's Christmas dan ce wings oi the Junior promenade at ] anuary ~~ as t~1e date of her marriage at t hr · Ouilmette Country club is o 1 w Society ha~ much on it s mind these 'Xorthwestern uniYersity were led la st to Alan C. C'olhn s, son of Mr. and M.rs. · ff · b · Philip S. ·Collin s of Philadelphia . . The of the attractive a a1rs cmg ~lanned days. fM Chri~tma:' is again at hand. Friday hy Robert Tannehill, class presmarriage service will be read at 4 f nr Chri . tma s day. The commtttec in Chri!'-tllla!'- o n the no rth ~ h o rc means ident. and ).[i;;s EHlyn Pea.rson, on the o'clock in St. Luk e's church, Evanston, cha rgc is c~pcc ting a large group oi many thin.~:-. Tt is a season ·w hen right. and the left \Ying hy Miss Jose- and a small rec ep tion \yill follow at th e junior. oi the club and of the ~-o ung penple h1'ld :-;,yay. Society's phine ).faclbe, soc ial chairman, and the lwme of the bride's parents., 710 Yillage. Th e hour that has l> ccn set mother :'. iathe·r:' . a un H. uncle s ancl Paul Callt)p~·. The clanCL' \\'a-; held in Greenleaf avenue. for Cope IIan·cy's orchestra to star friend~ a re o n the constant qui Yive Pat ten gymna~itllll. l\[rs. Alf.rccl II. ·Tavlor of Evanston th e party is 9 o'clock. The clubhou ~c arranging tht·ir hnliday plans , {or soThe <Ia ncing tl oc·r \Y :l. s L'specially will attend ~fi ss Schn;ccltgen as matron has been dccoratrcl in holicla v · drr ~.:: ciety\ girls and h,..,~ · ;-; arc an energetic a ttractin.' in it ;; dccora tin~ ::-cheme 1his nf honor. ami the bridesmaid;-; \Yilt he· for this dan ce and for the othe~ actiYigrnup ,rith host~ of en gage ments to ~·c ar, '"it h the rc\\\':' of cn·r,gTCL'Il trees. ).fi ss Ilekn Bruch and 2\[rs. Salllnel ~- tie~ of the Chr istma s season. crowd into a \'acati.o n peri od alwaY s The tr ees at thl' comcrs were li l!hte d Comlv, ;1lso of Evanston. 11is=- 1farv · ~I r. and ).f rs. Jnhn Prost, who an· to0 sll(lrt. \\.hcthcr thev return from with electric hullh. and abon: tl1e Loui se ScheidL·nhelm of \Vilm cttc and s chool~ or cnlkges or a~e just on re- heads oi the dancer:-; \\·as suspended a Mi ss Ka thari ne Bro\Yll of }Je\\' York at the !wad of the committee in chargl·, C'itY. will he assi:-;tecl in recci\'in g hv tlw cess from local halls of learning the s tar-:->pcd..:h·cl . ky. Sih·cr ornaments member s of th eir committcl' : ).f ~. and h()lida~·s :ne their s. . ' dl'coratl'cl the trees . Mr. Collin's father will act as be st C' man. The ushrrs " ·ill be Tame s S. ?\1r s. 0. G. orns. ~1 r. and M n. \ \" . I\ . Thrir plra sure is inclusin'. \Vintrr ] ack Barker. who ha=- been playing sports. lunclwons. matinees. teas, din- in "Cocoanuts," and a former student Collin . , brother of the brid egroom, J. ).fahan. ).fr. and ~fr s R ()btrt E. Rick ners and mo . t of all, dancing, are their at '!\'ortlm·estrrn,· . ang during the eve- Freeman Lincoln of Philad e lphia , Ed- son. ).fr . and ~i r-,. Fd,Yard .\ . 7.i nlhobhic~. :\nd each season. \H' arc more ning. Sophie Tucker's son, a !so promi- 'rin N. Chapman. Jr .. and \Vilfr ed B. merman. Hc:- e n· atit~lb ai'L' being lll<L(k iur t]Jt impr;ssed with the increasing populari- nent on the stage. entertained the Garwin of '!\ cw York Citv. Locl.;:,ynod Thomp so n of Cleveland· and Ali red iormal Xc\\· Y<:at\ n-e part~·. D cun lt~· ot the larg-e ba lis with their groups guests with dancing. The Cincinn<1ti H . T a y Ior o f Eva n s t 0 n. b e r J I. D i n n c r i . ; t o 1 Jl' s cr w d a t . of hosts or hostesses gi\'en as mediums Owls furnished the music. 1\fr. Collins and ~1is h r idt· \\ill makr ()'clock. ()n Xc\\· Year\ da~· then: will ·ior reunion and fun. ' A :-;upper was served in the men's h t· open holht at the c I ul>, and ;t tc· a Therf is no ne\YS in the :-;tatement lounge through the latter part of the I hci r hom r in Ph ilacle lphia . danrc . the hour~ being iro111 -l unt il that Chri~tmas is a festival that fea- t·,·e ning. 10 o'clock . tun·s the occasion for famih· gather- - - - - -- -A list of patrons and patroiH:S~L'!-- fnr Laura Boak to Marry ings. and hundred of these ~1re to hr the party follows: Presid. e nt and ).fr:-;. iound. hoth large and small. . on ~ ew ?"ear's Eve Kentucky Society Hears Somc!hing about Christmas on the \Yalt er Dill Scott, Dean ancl '\frs. :\ wedcl111g of ~ ew \ear' s e\·e '"ill · Charmrng Xmas Progran1 north shore , tand~ out as unique. \Vc Ralph Heilman, Dean and Mrs . Har.rv he that of !\fi ss Laura Crane Boak, are conYinccd one is fortunate to Harrington. Dean and Mr~. Pl'ler C. daught er of ~fr s. R obert Burns Boa k T hr telling of th e Christmas . t1 ·n· spend the Yuletide herr. Se,·e ral years Lutkin. Dean and 1frs. TninR S. Cut- nf 72-t Ele,·cnth street and M nrris " ·itlt the int<::r ~ per::;ion of ca rol s ;tn .rl ago. if \H' he permitted pcr.:'onal ·com- ter. Dean ~f~r~· Ross Potter, DL an and r-Intchin " Ruger. ~0 11 of 11rs. F. JI. dancing (li the minuet, wa;-; th r k eYIIOtl ment. \H' came to one of these north 1frs. John H. \Vigmore, :!\lr. and ~rr ~. Rug er o_f Xcw York City. The cere- oi the delightfu l <..'ltristrna-- party gin :, shore Yillages from :!\lilwaukee for our Robert \\' . C'<1mpbell, 1Ir. and 2\fn . mon~· \nll he read at R o'clock, in the 1>~· tilt· K ent ucky· ~ oc iet\· oi E,·an . tl·'l Christmas. From the time thr Christ- James \\'. Tannc-hill. Mr. and ).fr s. Church oi ~t. Elisal.)eth, Glencoe , " ·ith ancl the Xorth Shorl' i1; the ballrc .(J:L :\!bert ).facRac, Dean and ).{ r:-; . . \r Ilia~ L'\'t' train reach d Lake Forest the the RcY. George H. Thomas oi St. IIi the Orrington hotd Tm· -. da,· aitc ··thur D . Black a nd Dean and '\fr .... ~nt1re atmo:-;piH'I'L' changed inddinahh· Paul,'s church. Ken\\·ood. rer~cl in g the no o n nl la :--t week. llltl) an air tingling " ·ith ho~pit<llih· an~l \\" illiam C. Ba ucr. sernce. A sma ll reception will be hvlcl ).[ore than :230 mc111hl'r~ ol til(' ~r\ ).fL'IllhL·rs ni ~fi s..; ~f acR;t~..· < l'llllllllit - at the X orth Shore hotel immecli ;ttch· cict~· and thvir gut·-.t:-; fdkd tlw hitL (' XJlcrtanc~· which i:' rt·ncwc<l cacl; srasc,n. In nur mming, the anal~·sis. to us kc. \\'ho l!a,·e a:--sistL·<l \\'ith tlw ar - afte rmud s. - r om n and lH'ilrcl " it h dvligh t the pn at ka:-t. lit's in tht' <ll'nlnpm cnt of our ran g t' 11 w 11 Is. i n d nr k H u t l1 F i n n . ).I a r).fiss Frann'.~ T, nnisc Tcwl'tt nf Ra - l!r;un g i\·L·n b,· D l'all l\·t1·r Lutk ili·ronlnJnnity :-;pirit. C'hri:-.tmas on the jori~,.' Ht· ~· Jwlcl.-, Junl' 1<\·l]ll\\' .... 1·\ L'lnl ,·inia "ill hl' maid of h~nor, and ).fi..,~ c 1 · t1 · tl\·~._· · · 1,. ),· 1n1r. lt· n;t rra t1' 11 < r 11;1 r!JI IIll!' ' :wr.tl: s]H,n· is 1~0 l1'11gcr an t'ntirch· (~ihhs. Carl Frt·nch. Ckl !·k-. ~ ~~tHk~· s . 1~ ; Onna Carrl't-.c·n ett!(l ~ri ~" ~fartha ·\1 . ! ~'· . r-. 1) ;111 11, r 1\lllllll· t. ;111 ' 1 \\'at r l11' <1 llllhnclual occ<bi!'ll. !--inct' tl1is int;lng{ - \Yill iam l h(lt'.l!·!nuvllcr :11HI 'l'n111 ,'in~ <.. ro.--sle)' ()J \\'i lm et tl' will hv hridc--- L!,r;tcdu l rbill' ill~ 11i a l!r<ll! Jl 11l .L'·:·hk thing· j..; grn\ring in nur mitlst , as lc !"'ll. mairk i r1·lll I\ o\ t'··!Jli·I' L ' --rhonl. r r; llllllllll it ·' · -.pi r it . or t h l' h rot h c r Ii11 r s s l'harln lJ ,,a k ni Ctlcncne ,,·ill al't a ... T lll' 111- tl· ~ - t· " i' ,r t 11 t 1 , , · 1·, 1:- i, q 1 ·: , or n1:t:1. Ou:· YillagL'S :1.nd ·me rchants hc:'l m;111. anrl J( obt·rt C:trn· t~oJ1 <t11<l rvt· ,·i ·t·d t il l' ~ut· ~ t-- a11d p o11rvd :t'. Wedding Reception Will l·~ ·ll '·n h nil' t n it t h r uu g h me an s 0 f Cortll·l iu -- P1 ·kr \ -a n Schaack. Tr .. .,j <.. hn:-ttlla" . Qarh. !ll()rc prnnuunud carh Be Given in W iln1e.tte \\'iln 1vttv \\i ll u-.ltl r. 'llll' hrirk ~Yi ll ll!· tt·a tahk \\l'rl· : .\f :· -. l.t · r~~y l:iddiill!. \fr-- . j,,;J. \ ~·.c ar. OllC' oi nm towns this hnlidaY 1 ( r, TnriLttinn~ h:t,·e heC'n is--llL'd inr the gin' n i 11 111 a r r i;1g c h ~ · lt n 1 r c, t 1 Lt·t· . .\ l r--. _1. n. Jl Ltl· . .\Jr . . .·\\ . . ttdc. ltnng ( hristmas trt'l'" fL1nk th.c \Welding 11i ~fj..; .;; '\fa n~are t D nh~dcl Rnhert f~ llak 0f Glrnc nc. \\ .r i~ ht . .\l r-.. ]). L. h . . n . .\l r--. lr ·,·i" walk: througlwut the shopping CL' ntcr Kreidler nf \Ye .::.t Chic:1g·o and Cunn~fr. Hti!.!l'r. \\'hn i..; a ur:tduall· ()i C'utn f1111g .0nt their lllL':-. . ' agc oi cheer. :-L'~ · (' 1 ar k e. :-;on (oi ).[ r. and \f rs. lun lhia uniHrsit,· ;tnd it llll'nlhl·r 11f Kclkr . ).lh l\ ldH·rt 1\ L't'<l. \l 1< \\. Commtmlt~· trees and Yilla .Qcr~ carnling l harks Saninnl (. larkL' nt 5~() \\·a,lJ- tl~c .\l.pl!:t Cl1i Ww iratcr11it_\. \\ill Ltke 11 . 1\ryant. '\lr:-. ln llll \\·. l. ~·.tt:ll:' 1 are .nm\· a \H'll rstahli--hed part of th'c ington an'nue. \Yihnett r , o n \\\·dm·..;- Jn..;· hruiv tn l~irmi nL:!I;t!l l .. \Lt .. 11, li\'L'. '\1 r:- . 1 rv . . tn n II. \\:illi ;tnJ-. . ~ r., \ 1r-. I ! \\ ·. Talbot. ~I r-.. lll·nn· \\'l·h-.tt·r. \T ·· Chn . "t.mas cclchratinn. C0mmunit~· Fel- day . .1 anua ry 5. The crrt·mom· will he <..'r;tiil, ~I r .... \lu:-irk. ~I r-- . I. ~ ~Jl'l'll·; lowship dol'S not rnd here. pcriornwd at non n at the \VL'~ t l'hir.t 7 Wellesley Girl Engaged I>url k _ ,.. ).lr . llarri "tlll <111itl1. \!r At the C'hrist111:1s tick. jm·::; arc keen- g(; ).fl'tlwclist church, and :1 H'L't'ptiun \\' .· Cul'"t. .\fi !---- B 1· . . :-il· ])·! ' · J ;tllll'"' . \l r. :tn d '\lr:. \\' illianl ]\. Da\\T.., 11i cr. and sorrow i..; a lit t 1e m;)rt' pni~n a 11 t wtll he held at · the Clarke rc:-idt' lll'L' ;1t ( rklll'l 1l'. h;tn·. ;tlllllllll lt't'cl th1 · t'll,l.!·agv - J( iillll' _\ and .\I i. . -- 1,tlL'Y Hb kt·111· ·rl. for to many it hrin .g·s '"i~t iulnc~ . . ' The ~ o'd0rk that n·ening. n,ll' ll ! ll l t hl' I r cl a ll, l,d l ( t'l'. ). fa r i;t 11 , t 0 north :-.horc ha~ not forgottrn in its ~ [iss K reidkr " ·ill l1 a" c as her m a ( .nrclo!J Hut In Bilclnhark. ~(ln ni ).! r. o\\·n plca:::urr thosl· in our midst n 0 "· tr<'tn o i lwnor. ).fr..: . D. E. IT ollistl'r oi 11 honwl(;.;;s. ~l'Y~'r al large groups of \\'est Chicago. and SaniMd Cl:trkt· will a ~I \1 r "· I. \I . Bi Icln h; tL· k () i (' h a 111 _ Week-end Gala Sorority patg11. Ill. north :-h~re women haYr hrought glad- at t c 11 d his h n 1tlH' r as h c :' t 111 a 11. and Fraternity Season .\ 1i :-" 1); t " l' ' ' ' :t... g r" d u all' d i rom ne ss to <h. ahlccl " ·orld war sufferers at \\ elll'..;ll'~ · rolll'gL·. '\1 r. BiJ·dnback at. Among the pre-Christmas part i t · Gr.ea t Lake'. X earl _ ,. nne hundred t :·n rk d t h l' L. tl i n· r . . i t ." n i T ll in o i" an cl g1vcn la ~t wcl·k -c nd \\·ere sc\·cral sun ··. chtld rc·~1 f roll\ the L.a kc B Iu ff orphan- Party for Childr· en \ ;lie . ity and fraternit,· dance:-. held Sat111 age wJll :-pend Chnstmas with north ).fr s. Axel Ahls'trand i:; g1nng a day evening by ci1aptcr:-; at Xortlnn -·shore families. and "·ill take back with nce at Club trn nnivcr!--itY. The :\lpha Phi s t·': them to la:-t ior the ensuing year. the party for her daughters, Jane and Da. tertaincd at a iormal dinner dance .. : memory of a red letter day. \\·c han' Fern. on Tuesday afternoon. Decem.\ .R'YHP of \\'ilml'ttc girl~ are en often "·anted to look into the heart of her 28. from 2 until 5 o'clock. at her tcrta~nlllg ;"tt a iortnal dance 'I'IJursdaY the Belmont hotel. The Delta Cpsi! P:I home at 1500 \Vilmdte a,·enue. Abottt and Sigm;1 T u fraternities cntcrtain t d a~ orp~1an . t lw da~·. ~ fter \hristmas, en' lllll.Q. DercmhtT 30. <lt tl1e Kcniiat formal dinner dances at the chapt r~" \\Ondenng 1f thrrc 1sn t a \Yishfulnrss twent~·-two young- guests haYc been '"~.rt.l: .clul,). Till' hostesses " ·ill hr there for that \\'hich no orphanage cr.n in\'itecl. A Christmas tree. the cleet)ra- \\ lllllrL·d Svng, ).laril':--tht:r Kraftilcfer hous es. The latter .partY was gi,· n i~ · ·· tions and fayors. " ·ill carrY out the supply. the active chapter. · · Christmas spirit. Games ,~·ith prizes l~osamond ~ Darton. ;\ gnes Biehl. an(l Phi Kappa Psi ~a\·e its senH'Stt r T"atln·~·n I\.elky. arc a part of the entertainment for formal, '\Yith dinner preceding, at t 1ll the afternoon. Give Christmas Dance chapter house. An informal Christn ln" Win Bridge Tourney The Kenilworth club ,,·ill be the party \Yas held bv' the Scribblers ;.: '}.fr. and ~Irs. Charles Augustus BarThe _.Ouillllet te Conn try club brought their house. Their formal party i· ·r scene of a Christp1as part~· next Tuesday evening when Frances Anderson, ton of \Vilmette announce the engage- the hi tdgc torunanwn t fnr its women the " ·inter season was given on <;at ur Ruth Arnold, Virginia Bradford, Alice ment of their daughter Rosamond to members tn a. close last ).fonday, with clay. · December 11. The member ' ,,f James, Ruth Kinne, Harriet ~Ions. Thomas James Kullman. son of 'ur. the . awa/d~ gln·n ).f rs. Arthur Allen, · Delta Tau Delta fraternitv and t h~ ·i r Margaret Ott, Esthe.r Sprenger and and :\Irs. Frank H. Kullman of Chi- :\f rs. \~ llham 11. Holmes. and Mrs. guests cam<.: in Dutch cost~unes. T ! L' ~· Jane Young will be hoste sses at a cago. Ko date has been chosen for John J-:IIgbe~. for \Yinnin~ first, second wc.rc· entertained during the eH't li ll~ the wedding. and thtrd pnze. respcctin~ly. large dance. by a hlack bottom dancer. Choose Attendant~ for . Country Club Opens Junior Prom at N. U. Plans Complete, Early January Weddtng for Xmas Dance for Has Starlit Setting Society Settles Miss Dorothea Schmedtgen, daughy OUth 0 f V l"ll age :\rouncl the large room lined with Into Holiday Gait hundred::. of Christma . trees the two ter of Mr. and Mrs. \Villiam SchmcdtBy JEAN TEN BROECK J:.' >

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