Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Dec 1926, p. 34

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WILMETTE LIFE December 24, 1920 THOS. G. MOSES Prt~idrnt FRED R. MEGAN Sec. and Tteas. Kenilworth Happenings GIVE DANCE On December 28, the follo\\'ing girls "·ill be hostesses at a dance at the Ken i 1worth Assembly hall: Jane Young, Har.r iet Mons, Esther Sprenger, Margaret Ott, Ruth Kinne, Alice Janes, Virginia Bradford, Ruth Arnold Iand Frances Anderson. Theatrical Scenery for the Miss Charlotte Eckart, 206 Cumberland avenue, Kenilworth was hostess at a luncheon at the Blackstone hotel on December 15. Following the luncheon Mrs. Eckhart to.ok her guests to see "Young \Voodley" at the Blackstone theater. -o- VARSITY THEATRE .................. Designed and executed in our studios. Our wo.rk is the result of forty-eight years of uninterrupted service in the designing and building of scenery for theatres, schools and Masonic lodges throughout the country. .................. . SOSMAN & LANDIS CO. 416 South Kedzie Avenuet Chicago THEATRICAL SCENERY Established 18 i 8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 "'ortll. :~ + + ¥ + +¥ + + + + + + + + + + + + y Y Y Y Y Y Mr. and :Mrs. Charles King and their :\1 rs. Richard 'Volfe, 414 Essex road, small son are coming from Cleveland, i KenihYorth was hostess ·at a dinner Ohio, to spend the Christmas week-end party on Tuesday evening, December with Mrs. King's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 21. in honor of Mrs. Rober~ Danly, 336 vV. T. Gaskell, 224 Sheridan road, KenE55ex .road, Kenilworth. The Danly il\\'orth . home ha.., been sold to Cyru~ Barr, who -o1 i~ ,·ice -president of the Continental Mr. and 1\Irs. Samuel S. Ross, 256 · Connnercial hank of Chicago. \Yoodstock avenue, left Kenilworth on I -oThur:;day, December 23, for Asheville. I ~ \1 r."'. Albert \\'a llwick Dilling, 545 K. C.. where they will spend Christmas l j 1 ·:s~ex road. Kenilworth, her son, Kirk- with ~fr. Ross' family. The~· expect · .. ,latrick, and haby daughter. Elizabeth to he gone about t\\'O. weeks. 1 I a ne. and nurse are at the Billows -o! I hotel at Palm Beach, Fla., where the Phillip Burnham, 536 Roslyn road, is children arc enjoying the bathing and home for the holidavs from Canterburv recm·e.ring from colds. school, Ne\\· · ~fed. for d. Conn., and · -oJame s and . DaYid Burnham are hom e I }.[rs. George \\·. Maher. 42-l \Yar - from Princeton. I ,,·ick road. accompanied by her father, .-o\fr. Brooks and her niece :\fiss Violet :\fr. and :\frs. Cleon Lan en of Peoria \\'yld, left Kenii\\'orth for Clairmont, \\'rll be 1 1cre until aiter Xew Year's a:; Cal.. on December 19. where thev . will t 1 1e gtwst ot· 'f ·' r~. J ,ar~cn ' s parents, ~pend the winter. :\[rs. 1faher has 1\fr. and :\[rs .. Carl Keith, 310 'Yar\\'ick rented her house to Dr. Orhi~ " ·ho \\·ill road, KenihYorth. , take immc'cliat c pos. es5ion. -o-o:\fi ~ .-> Kathrrin e Stolp, 336 \Yarwick :\1 r. and :\f rs. Donald McLaughlin road. Kenih,·orth came home Thurscla~-,' ~,nd Sinal! ~on a.rriYed fr om th.c East December Hi. from Pin r \fanor ~c hool, l .hur~d~y ~nd '.\'Ill he here until af,tcr \Vellc ~·;Jc\·. :\f ass. \c"' '\ears wtth ~f.rs. McLaughltn's I · -0-c; parents. i\fr . and \f rs. Percy B. Eck :\fark Cre~ap. 239 Es..,L·x road, came , hart. 20() (. umh erland avenue, Kenil holllc from Ilill sc hool tn spen d Chri st1 ma s with hi -; parcnb. :\f r . ancl ~f rs. -oI' \f r . and :\f r~. Frank A. \Vind es of ~fark Crt:--ap oi . Kenilworth. () I , Ri3 Spruce street , " 'in nctka arc gi,·ing Pre ston FariL'y, Jack Rath bone ami : a 11 in iormal recL·ption X c\\· Year's day, Jlu,,·e \\'l'l'l' hu:; ts at a dan ce Charles 2 until (, o'clock. at their home, irom <1t the K l'n ilw ort h cluh \.f 0tHI<1 y eYe; :11 hnnt)r oi their !'-011 and daughler -inning. Dec elllbt·r 20. la \\', :\f r. and :\[ r~ . Guiliord R. " rinrl L'->. I 1 1 1 1 DRAPERIES Automatic Control Style Equipment tn the VARSITY THEATRE by the MOHAWK STUDIOS 106 North LaSalle Street CHICAGO -----····· ---- \ I i~ . . 31 0 \ y a r wick l' a r l K c it h . 310 \\·a r wir k road . K L' 11 r()ad. \\·ill he hostL'"'" at a hriclgr 011 ihyorth rdmncd 1wnll' from thr L'ni Deccmher 2K. ior \fi ss :\fnlh· Rahr . Hr:--it:· nf lllin ni-, n11 \\ 'l'dnt·scla~· l1l!' \1 i..,..; 1\ahr and he r brother. \Villiam the ho lid <ly~. I\ a hr oi \f an it )\rnr, \\'i s.. will h r the -og·llc~h ()f :\1 r:;. Kt·i th inr ·a few clays \\ ' i 1 ~ c' 11 lkC' a111p. W3 :\h1H ltts fon1 ;titn Chri -.tma~ . I r()ad. K l'nil\\·(,:·th \ri11 bl' hn~t tr1 sixt~· , -o o i hi~ iri('nrl..; at a dinnrr dane at the. ll_e:·hnt J ar_rdt, ~~ )ll ~r~f ~r}·· and :\fr .- . l·~dl! l'\\· atn Bvarl: hot c.! this ('\'('lling. I l~ n~. Il. J~nt · tt ot :'1.)-l 1-.~~ex road. :\J r..,. \lark ( rl'sap :- n1other. :\fr<> . : k~,-~~~h~or!h, l_la:;.rL't ttr.nc'd irom the ."Cni- 1~'ope, rc11.mH'<l tn K;· ni~\\·~rth~ Suncia~· 'L.Islt~ _ot lll1n oh tn !'i JHll d the hniHlay s lrolll an c1gh t lll Onths tnp 111 Lurope. I mth 1n~ parent.;. Tfc arriH·cl in Kt·n-oii\\Ortll \\"L·dnesda.':. D l'Cl'lllhcr 22. l·: lh r idg-e Kl'ith. 310 \\"an\'i('k rQafl. :\1 . \f·· . ~:ts JT 11 · II . ~ 1 rdurnl' cl to T(t'lli l\\·nrth ior tht· lw licby s : r .. .!llc 1 · '"'· ~ · ~ · c en ()t J2 7 I 1111 Satnrda,· irnm Princet on. \\ annrk road. Kcntl\\'nrth arc plan · 1 1ing· a family dinner part,· for ninl'tecu . · -~- ~ . a · t h e .111 d i a n · H i 11 cJ u h ~a t u r c1 a". D c _ ly d t..' P . R (I~ " o t K_ t..' n t Iw n r t h h as Cl'111her 25. . Ihecn spe nd tl'll clay :> Ill n c.::;ton ancl - o!\c\\· York C'it-~·. ~fi "s Yirginia \\'oodland, 33() Leicc s-otcr road. rrturncd to Kenil\\' orth on ~fi ss BcrniCl' nu1le\·, 220 Sheridan Sunday from Smith co lle ge to spend rnad. Kenilwnr th is h.omc for C'hrist1hc holidays with her parents, ~f.r. ancl mas irmn \Vl'lleslry college. - 0~~ rs. Lero~· \ \' ooclland. -o" rillianl Littell, 322 \\'ooclstock ave:\t i~~ Katherine Klotz, daughter of nue, Kenilworth, is home frnm Hill ~I r. and ~f r:o;. Cha.rles A. Klotz of 722 school for the h o liday ~. Prospect aYcnue, will entertain about - 0thirty of her friends at a winter sports Mr . . John C. Ames of Streator. Ill., party, Tuesday, December 28 at the In - is the guest of her niece, Mrs. Mark dian Hill club. Crc . ap, 239 Essex road, Kenilworth. I J -0:\ f a q..~· a r l' ·t K r it h . -n- 1 ( -o- ···················· . Richat:d Shook of Har.rishurg, Pa., Henry Stein, son of Mr. and Mrs. 1 s spend111g the holiday s with his aunt, Lav,-rct,-ce M. Stein of 812 Lloyd place, ~f rs. Lorenzo C. Dilks, 227 Sheridan \Vinnetka. who has been attending road. Kenilworth . Dartmouth college in the East this past -·0-year, returned for the holidays Satur\V i 1 s n 11 DcCamn, 615 Ahbottsford day, December 18. He has distinguish.road. returned to Kenilworth last Fri- ed himself as member of the freshday from the University of Indiana for man class by being chosen as one of the Cltri5tmas holidays. the freshman football squad. a

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