Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Jan 1927, p. 43

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January 14, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE 21 I'OR RENT-ROOMS 3!1 FOR SALE-liO USES CLASSIFIED .ADVERTISEMENTS advertisements will be cnarged General Notices- Classified residents of the district from Evanston to I I I I I R ates- only to Glencoe Inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK 01' GLENCOE NEWS. 15 cent~ a line In one paper. 25 cents a line in any two papers. 30 cents a liM in all three papers. ~IINBIU~I CHARGE, '0 eents. Avtrage o( Hve words to the line. No black face type used. 10 o/o discount on all cash with order advertisements ~hen brought to onr office at 1222 Central .Ave., Wilmette, or oM Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. METTE .LIFE C')r air three papers: Thursday 5 p. m. for the WINNETKA TALI<: and Friday 5 p. m. for the GLENCOE · NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. I I Deadline for Insertions- Classified advertisements ~ill be accP.pted up to Wednesday 5 p. m. for the W.JL- FOR RENT - COMFORTABLY FURNRa~inia-For ished room, private home. Close to village. Gentleman only. Tel. Wil. 796-W. I WILL SELL MY PRACTICALLY NE;W French Manor style, brick veneer house 21L16-tfc at a low figure. It has 4 bedrooms. 3 baths, 2 screened porches, breakfast CENTRAL HOTEL - LIGHT OUTSIDE room, Frigidaire, oil burner, 2-car heatrooms for transi ents and r esi dents. 629 ed garage, fireplaces in dining room ::\lain Street. Phone Wilmette 1080. and living room. The lot has a front21LT16-tfc age of 152 ft. Located in Deere Park, a community overlooking the lake, with ROOM . TO RENT GENTLEMAN private beach and park. You will like prderr<:d. Garage if desirod. Wil. this sunny cheerful home. 2403 Deere 662. 21L16-lcc Park Drive West, Ravinia. Phone Highland Park 1291. 31LTN15-4tc FOR RE~T ROO~I. NEAR TRA~S portation. Tel. \Yil. 3'566. 21LTN16-ltp FOR SALE - SUBSTANTIAL 9 ROOM -------------home, central east location ; 5 bedrm· s. ; R00)1 FOR O~E OR TWO GENTLlil3 baths; 2 porches ; hot water heat; men; nea r trans. 725 Prairie Ave. Ph. wooded lot, 60x215. Owner leaving. ·wilmette 442. · 21LT16-tfc Terms reasonable. Price $26,000. Sale ' JA)A.SS 11 . IIEI. l' WA 'XTEH-}LALE FL'ft.:'\JSHED R00)1S FOR RENT BY tht· week or month. Phone Wil. 2399 . 1st and 2nd :Mortgages Charles l-1. Brethold INSURANCE 545 l\lain St., Wilmette Tel 65 6L16-tfe 21L'L'~Hi-tfc AX .-\SS<K'f.-\Tf<).:'\ OF ~EARBY POUL340 Linden Ave. Phone Wil. 68 try farms is <lt-:-;irious of making con31Ll6-ltc Ft;H}:lSHED R00:\1 nt:<"t ions "·ith young m t· n who are hust- FOR REXT ncar transportation, r ('~tsonahlf'. 62~1 !1·rs to s<·ll thl'il' farm products direct : ~'Olt SALE-VACA~'r Park An. Phone Wil. 2345. 21L16-ltc ' 2 to consunwr. 8x<'t:-lil·nt opportunity for young m en tn build up a business of t1H·ir I!Wn that will JWY w e ll. \\"ilmette 14LTN16-ltp Lif~· H- 1 7:-l. --------------------------Greatest Opportunity in \i\Tihnette S.·\LES :\fAX \\'.-\~TEn F'OR LrnRTWE OFFER EXCLUSIVELY A VERY eating- oils, greast·s and paints. Ex- 2:! .F OR UK~'l'-AJ·AU'l'Jl.EVJ' S choi ce corne r property 210xl85, 3 blks. Salary opportunity. Ol' comc<·llent to Lake, surrounded by beautiful trees l' AL\ 'I' I:\ G & U El'O.H. :\Tl~ (~ j mis~;ion. Tlw .J <· d Oil and Paint Co., FOil REXT - 3 ROO~T FLAT. LAHGE and homes. Corn er can be divided into 14LTN16-ltp uor<"h and g·:uagc If wanted . ::\Irs C'l<·n land, Ohio. 4 lots, on lot have 10 room home 6 PAIXTIX<; AT A REASO~ABLE RATE. \Yolsicfft:r, !.128 Elm St. T el. Winn . 1:.!·10 ~e~rooms, hot ~ater ~eat, 2 car gardge. - 7LT~16-2tc ;._. Phonl' \Yil. 2f;2~:. 22LTlti-lLC Thts property ts selltng a.t practically STTl"ATIO:\' WTU.-F .E:\1 A f ,}; 16 ground value price. The price an4 PET:-! 8 great opportunity will wa:rraut your inEXPI·:HTI~XCED cnRL FOR f;EXERAL vestigation. houst·work, gO(!d cook, clean. 24ri2 FOR SALE - BEAUTJFL'J, STLVER C'ht·stnut ~t. PhonE" \YPst 28R:i. )frs. grl'Y polk~ puppy, fourt ee n months old. E. Fangt' r, :\Iilwauk N.· , \Yis. ( ;~ntiE>, affectionate, houseiJt'olu·n. DiUniv. 80~0 1GLTXlfi-1tp ROO:\! COTTA GE IX COU~TRY 2608 W. Railroad Ave. ' n ·et <.h'Sl"endant of Xores and .Tung \'011 partly furnished, 32L16-ltc Tell. T!.<·gistt-r<·d in ~\m erican 1\:l·nnd !-'ITUA'l'JOX \Y.A::\"TEI> - PART TL\1 F: $:30.00 Club. Will sell only to prinll(· ownt:r, \Vater by rdl!H·d ~' (oUJ1)!' marril'd woman , as 5 Room Brick Bungalow, Hot not to a kenn p\ c.:luh. Apply anytime Heat, \\' ~::-;t of Ridg·e An:., book kl·f·J)(·r , g-t·nt·ra 1 offit·f·, ~i(t, dr e l;~ ()r Sunday or any morning hefon· ~~ :au millinery ShC1J! h "t~ l}l(' r. \11/innctl{a Talk ; R $60.00 \'\'E OFFER A FEW 50 FT. LOTS 5 A. l\1. at 1216 Chestnut Ave., \\'ilnwtte. blocks to ~ran~portation in a well b~ilt 1GL16-ltp oom Bungalo"·· I rot \Vatf'r HP::tt, AI I B-16(1. SI...T.:'\1 (j-ltp home s~ctwn of ·wilmette, all improve)lodern <'<ln\·t·ni l'·n(' ·s, Atta ·hcd Garag ', In Cll·n Oak Acres, ments m, a r eal c hance for a future S!Tl .. \TTOX \\'Til . - BY ('OLOD.ED S('HOOl.S A.:\U 'JTT OHl \(; lOA home buildt=r, se lling at $75.00 per ft. dn·ssmak··r (t~ n ·~i d tc· nt sf·amst t·t·ss and $75.00 Exp. Tel. .. rni\'t:I'Sity houseket· th"r . Tl.TOHI);t i- EXP. TEAC'HER HlliH 1GLT1fi-ltp 1 02::i 7. !;ChqoJ and gradt· subjl'Ct~. Td. trlf·n2608 \\'. Railroad AYe. " Univ. 80SO lOa LTNlli-2t c COt· :! :~;:;. 32L16-1tc DRESS:\L\. KT ~C !-'l'l'L\TIO.:'\ \\'TD . .s:n hidr;c· A Yt·. Witnwtu. · Ill Cood and plain st-ow in~ by tiH' rta~·. \Yilm t' tte :164 ' . . UEAL .t:~'l'A'l'E J. OST A'5U ~'OU~U 12 n· ft·n·n<···s. C'all 1 ;r··enll'a f 114 2. 24LTX1G-ltc 16LTXUi-1tC' FOl . .:'\11 1\:EXIL\\.ORTH YEHI C LE Licl·l1St·, .:'\o. :~ ,; for 1 !1~7. Ownt·r may SITLWTTl. - EXP. \.TfOX ":J-TITJ;: \\' I L~.JETTE han· s;unt· by paying for this ad. 1222 ~irl to tak·· f·a r,. of 1 or 2 rhil. an(l HOMES AND VACANT II R00:\1 STt'('('O, EA!-'T SIDE XEAIl Central An:·. \\' i I nH:tte 1!120. 1-'t·t·ond work in :-;mall family. H.l'fS. Tt·l. KE~IL WORTH WINNETKA GLENCOE stL·am station, glazt·ll porch, $i5.UO pe 1' 12LlG-ltp 16LTXIG-ltp \\'inn . 1:{ f: 4. and north. month. LOA~S AND INSURANCE LOST -~ .-\Tl'f{D.-\Y Xr<;HT, JAXL.ARY EXPEIUt·:.:'\('1:1' \\"t 1:\1:\ .:'\ \Y.-\XT S DAY I room houst·, January 15th to :\fny 1st 8th, ont· brown )(·atht·r glon·, fur lined, work. la un<lry r·r clo- anin~ . Rt'fS . rniidt·al !'or party l!Uilding· house 10 'n.>ar s' \\.ilnwttL· .·\ \ "\' ., or 1 Gth ~t. on lith St., 1!1LT1 ti-l tP n·rsity il :n. 460 Winnetka Ave. Winnetka lMOO o ld , $7i5.00 JWr month. ' · 12L16-ltc Tel. Wil. ~!114. 34LTN16-tfc ()F C'HILDREX, \\"ILL TAKI·: ( ·-~ 1!1·: ~\lien. :'110::\"DAY ,; ; (1(1 YILLA<;E, IX TilE LOST .J6 only, aft..r p. 111 . Phonf' niP.· ht~ Jo' (/lt S,\LE-USED CARS 410 Lintlt·n AH·. l'h on. \'\.i l. -!Oi-40 ~ aftt·rnoon, ~(dd w ri :-;t watch. Return 1 GL16-1tp ""il. :! f\ fj 1. 2·1L 1 G-ltc .. to Suidt·r &. t 'azt>l Dr·ug Co. and n·cl:h·e FOR SALE - $600 CREDIT ON A I~), I !i- it( " SfTt.ATf(,:'\ n.·ward. \\.T1 l. - EXPERTEXC:ED Willys Knight Great · "6" 5 passenger nurst· . $ ~~ ;. }wr \\'( ·t· \{. PhOIW Albany sE>dan. Will sacrifice for $300 and will HELP W A:\ 'l'EU-~'E::\IALE j()fi7. 16LTX11lltp .) rm l11·k., 1·:! acn· of ~round ...... $i5.00 take sma ll car in trade. See A. Alexander, at 829 She1man Ave., Evanston . \\'AXTEJ) - nn·xu <;IRL WHITE, COLO TIED :\IATJI WA.:'\T!-' l'OSf'I'IOX; .) 1'111. lowt·r tht . . ..... ..... ... . .. $Gfi.O 0 Phone U ni\·. 7506. 46LN16-ltp j rnL n·sid t·twt· .. .. .... . .. .... ..... $~1"0.0 0 gl'nt·ral h OUSl'Work, 2 in family, ellex pf'riencC'<l, good (.'{10k. Ko ·nwnncl '\:·S7. LET l 'S WRITE YOL'R IXSURA~CE }Wrienct· nut nec(':-;snry, n ewC'omer prel{iT!I'XIf;-ltp 1!126 SPECIAL DODGE TOUR. $100 fl'rn·d. Own bedroom ancl bath; easy . down, bal. $35 monthly. Other models )lOUI'S, g·uod honw. Ph. Lrni\·. 3507-\V. \'L\XTED PL.-\ 1~ :\TEX1H XG .:\XI> or~ easy ,erms. W e rsted Motor Co. 562 .. ., r . ' (. J. ( ' J,llk, L.o04 \\ eslcy. A\<:., Evans S(· \\111~ . L. ( ny , !t].{ ].lth St. ., It· !. \\1!. Lmcoln Ave., Winn. 46LTN16-tfc ston, Ill. Tt>l. Wil. 22 5 ~~:{-_, :>_n .~.~----~~----1_6;..I_,1_6_-_l.;.:.,tp 121:1 \Vi lmette .-\ n ·. 13LTN1G-ltc ANTIQUES 24 LHi-1lc -It! FOR REKT _ E. E. Stults Realty Co. Cheap Builders Vacant u - JJ oIHio §celhl~®~®If c& {C©o E. E. Stults Realtv Co. FOR SALE E. E. Stults Realty Co. · Eddington & Inc. ·~ FOR RE:\'1' . . - .1i SITI '. \'1'10~ WTH.-:\1,\LE RE.-\LTOH' S PFFfCE CO.:\IPETE:'n' :FOR lU~XT- .Fl'U~. IIOt'Sl: S stt-nogTaph l'r 'and typi!;t, with knowl- SITL-\TIOX \YTD. noon DRT\.ER 2;, f>dg-t· · of gl·m·ral offic(· work. Xo bookor hotl~f:'man wantF: position for })art - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · I · · · FOR' RE::"\T- I~ CALTFOH.~fA. HOL.SI ·~ k (·t.·pmg·. ..... pp Y Ill \\'l'Jting t o \\'mnetka tinw . C'al\ Hlc·:1COf:' 1 ~OR. 17LTNlfi-ltp Talk B-172. 13LTN1 G-ltc in pine fort>~t owrlooking Pac-ifk. Fi\" (' lwdrooms, 4 baths. Al~o sma ll l.ounga lS l'll 'IT ATIO~ "-A X 'I"E 11low. Both comp lct c· ly furnish(·d. Tf'l HELP \L\)\TED - RI~LL\ BLl·~ WHITE :\J..\LE A:'\ n l 'E JL\T.JE 25LT~15-2t (' \\Tinnetka 818. girl to C'arc for 2 small (·hildn·n P \ "t i"Y Wcdnt·sday aftl'rnoon, and otill·r LiJllt ·s WTIITE :\L.l.RRlED COPPLE, E:'lfby thL· hour. <'a II Wi1111. ~(H~ . fir,:; ]do:·t~ d until February 15, 'vant~ poRi- :!;' .F OR UKX'l'-S'J'OltES & . 01-' .FH' ES tion Ft·hruar~· Hi. as c·ook. <"11ftttff(·ur - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Garland Aw., Winn. J:lLTXHi-lt<..: and htiUSt·Jnan . Call or writ P. :\It·. or FOR l1EK'l' STORF:S AND SHOPS :\Trs. \"Prnf'r SWrC'h, 655 Slwridan l1d. 'l'ele])hone V\·innetlm 62. 27LT~16-tf c HELP WA~TED \YHITE UIRL, getH: ral houst·work. No laundrY. PriPhonE> G lt> n<'nL· 1271. 1 ~52-ltc Jo'OU ~Al,E-HOt'SF~S 31 vate room and bath. 30:! F;lir\'iew An' . \\'inn. SG2. 13LTN1G-ltc SI'rl.AT£0~ WTD. ( ; 1·; R l\[ A N <"nuplt>, man t:-X Pl·ri <· twf' d ga rd··nt·r. SA.L~ \\'oman good <'(IO I<. Addrt·ss \Vm . \\"e iHELP WANTED WHITE, PROTESIPnblim, ~~~r; Linden AvP.. Hubbard :5 H.OO)l BRICK BUNG.<XLO\V, OX ] tant, maid. General housework . 2 acre, Hot \Vatl'r Heat, 2 car attached \Voods. , 18LTN1fl-2tp adults. Child 11. Extra evenings. $15. g<trage. ~lodcrn, ~ew, Tel. Winn. 6!13-)I. 13LT1G-ltp SI'LTATIO~ \VTD.- YOUNG COUPLE, $17,00 0 white cook rlnd hou~f>man, <'xperi e nl"<'d, 5 Room Bungalow, Hot \Vater Heat, Lo t Hf~LP WTD. ~URSEGIRL, WHITE referen · s. Dougl<v sr;Gg, Campo~·. 73x265, On State Highway, to take care of 2 children and assist 1RL16-1tp $15,00 0 with upstairs work in country house. \\' ilmette 207. 13LTN16-ltc :!l Jo'OR RE\'1'-UOO:\IS \V'HITE GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEwork a.nd assist with cooking, no wash- FOR H.E~T - LAR(;E, SP~NY ROO:'IT. C'ouple or 2 womt>n. Breakfast if de- g:n Ridge AvE>. Phone Wil. 36 4 ing·. Tel. Glencoe 261. 13LTN16-ltc si.·t·tl. Also h('att·d garag<·. X ear WilmE-tte, Illinois traus. Tt:l. Winn . 1049. 31LTN16-lt c HELP WANTJ<.;D - WHITE GIRL FOR 21LTN16-ltp general housework. Call Winn. 2657. 13LTN16-1 tc FOR RENT- COSY ROOM, PRIYATE family, n ear station, for lady employed. AND IS AN:XIOUS TO SELL HIS 6 RM UEJ,p WAN'l'ED-llALE brick home with water ht. ; tile bath Call evenings or Sunday. Winn. 1404. lge liv. rm. with fireplace ; master be d 21LTN16-ltc WANTED- MAN WITH CAR TO SELL rm. with 2 closets; 2-car gar. $11,500 complete line quality Auto Tires and NICELY FURNISHED Tubes. Exclusi\"C territory. Experience FOR RENT room, east location. Two and one-half not necessary. Salary $300.00 per 0 hone Wil. 64 0 blocks from statieon. Phone. Wil. 1417. ll57 Wilmette Ave. month. Milestone Rubber Co., East 31LTN16-ltc 21Ll6-ltc Liverpool, Ohio. 14LIG-ltp -- - ANTIQUE SALE XO\V IS YOUR CHANCE TO GET A choi ce piece of antique furniture at cost. .As I'm clearing my house to deco rate. Small wal. c hests, $7.00 to $15.00; tables, desks, stools, day beds, mirrors, pine dres~er, rose wood melodian, books, rugs, etc. I want to clear the house. l\lrs. Dicke, oOS Washington St. Open 9 :00 a. m. to 10 :00 p. m. and Sunday. Evanston. 48LTN16-ltc ~'OU SALE-HSEHD. Goolts FOR Bargain for Young· Couple FURNITURE OF . 36 APT. BUILDING. 4 room suites each, worth $3,000, wlll t~ke $5~0 complete or will separate ; aprece srlk mohair parlor suite; 8-plece walnut dining set; 4-piece walnut bedroom sd; two 9x12 Wilton rugs; library table ; floor and table lamps ; 5-piece breakfast set, and silverware. Will take $550.00 for all. 832 Leland Ave., near Sheridan Read, Chicago. 'l.'el. Sunnyside 6190. Will arrange for delivery. 49LTN12-7tp FOR SALE - SMALL GAS WA'rER heater, $4 ; 1 year old 30 gal. hot water tank, $4 ; small oil stove, $3.50 ; threequarter iron bed and springs, $4.50; gent's show skates size 10, $3.50 ; kitchen cabinet table, porcelain top, $7 ; Hartford-Saxony grey taupe rug, 4lflX 7%, $16. Wil. 728-R. 49L16-ltc FOR SALE - RELIABLE GAS STOVE, good condition, $25.00. Singer electric sewing machine, with attachments, $35. Phone Wil. 1277. 49L16-ltc JJ oIHio §~liDcaJ.®~®If & C©o 0\vner Has Left Wilmette ------------------------------ · F. Cqlen1an Burroughs & Co

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