Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Jan 1927, p. 10

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II WILMETTE LIFE January 28, 1927 .. GIV .E THE -FAMILYA TREAT! Bring them to the Wilmette Cafe and treat them to a fivecourse table d'hote dinner. · This fine table d'hote meal. costing only 75 cents, is unsurpassed on the North Shore. The family will thoroughly enjoy it. The Wilmette Cafe Opposite Village Hall Helen Berndt of Wilmette, pianist The younger generation, the youn~· and pupil of Howard Wells, will play tlaprJers and cake-eaters of toda~· who . Sunday, January 30, from 7 to 9 o'clock ha ve ·hecn spanked so regularly 111 the Included 111 the group_ of .more. than in the evening over station ~'EBH, the 1 10 toplays and novels and in such 1.500 friends and enthustasttc supportEdgewater Beach hotel. nJa,·s as "Scandal" and "Nice People," l'ers of Miss Jane .Addams who attended The program is to include these ~"·iii find they have a ,·iolent defen?er ~ ·he dinner given in her honor at !~e numbers: in Lewis Beach, "·hose resound111g Furniture Mart, 666 Lake Shore dnve, Etude D Flat . Major Liszt cpmedy hit, "The Goose Hangs J.:fig-h," 1 Thnrsda.y night, January 20,. were repWaltz. B Minor Cl · will he pre~cnted by the ~[mtum 1 ,.l.... entattvc north shore restdents. Waltz. G Flat Major Cl~~~;:~ Players all n~xt week at the Xew Ev- I ~I r. and Mrs. Morri? Greeley of ~·o \ V. f S .. anston theater. i '1).i ~fanlc avenue, Wmnetka, Mrs. -n mgs o ong f H 1 I d vV d Mendelssolm-Liszt Tn this _1~lay. \\'hich rat~ for ~00 nivhb 1ames F. Porter o u) >ar oo s. "Pinwheel" Palmrrrcn .,, the BtJOtt theater. ~ew \ ork, Mr. ·tnd ~frs. John Fletcher, 948 Hubbard Etude ·Mclodique 1IacFadye'l Beach shows tha~ ~he pleasure-loving-, I ..;treet . \Vinnctka. were present. ~frs. \'Valtz-Prclude Leschetizk\·1 tho_ug-htlcss. sopl11sttcatcd. t·xtraYagant. l Harold L. Ickes of 9~0 ~outh Pnvatc · selt-centercd sons and daughters arc I rnad. and ).frs. RenJamtn F. Lang·. ·rue as steel " ·hen mi.s fortune comes i· " ·(·rthy of 832 Bryant avenue. both o~ Mrs. ]. Busscher of 1421 Wilmette to the family, and their indifference to i \Vinnctka we're seated at the speakers ave_nuc, who . recently underw~nt _a parental loY.e, affection and sacrifice is tahk in places of honor. Mrs. Ickes. seno_us operatton . at the St . . I· rancts ali 011 the surfa·cc. I president of the Chicago \\'oman'-. hosptta.l, ts returntng home tomor:o"· "The Gnnse Hangs Hi!!h." \Hites a 1 cluh. rl·prescnted that organization . after four weeks spent at the hospttal. r ritic. '·'is a play that '"ill appeal to .! and ~rr~. Langworthy, president of the evrn member of even· famih-. \Yoman'..; Cit,· club, represented that I \\"hether ~· nu arc a flapper, · or a Aa)~- group. . President Coolidge sent a letter to . ·1er's parent. a flapper's brother, a flapper's father or mot her or a flapper's , ~I i :--~ Addams praising her work. and · ~Tanclmother. ~· ou will laugh a lot and : honoring her for the great good she cry a littlr anrl he supremely enter- i has stood for ~nd accomplished. The taitll'd at thi:; sma~hing comedy sue - g:athtring was considered one of the cess." i 1110~t cosmopolitan ever assembled to The ::\orth Encl ~fothers' cluh of EY - ! pa\· homage · to one person, for many anston will attend the opening of "The 1 nationaliti~s. politicians, professional now under management of Goose Hangs High" next :\londay C\'l'- men, ancl J>eople ·representing all religions were present for one fine purning. Earl Hinshaw- 3 years on pose, that of honoring Miss Addam,, the North Shore. The birthday lunchcc1n ni The Xeigh- the founder of Hull House. hors \rtll take place Fehruan· 15, at 1 0'clock. in the K~nilworth Assembly Hugo T. Fischer of 738 Tenth street . Ladies' and Children's hall. Rcsen-ations .must he sent to trcompanied hy Dr. A. H. Hollander of Haircutting ~I r:-. . John \Yilcb. 244 Oxford road, 1Rogers Park, has returned frotn a Kcnil\\'orth. no t latt·r than F't:hruary 11. 1\\·eck's trip to ~fcmphi" and \Yaco. 1 a Specialty t hl' c() 111 111 itt l'L' at 111 n ttn r l' :-. ! Texas. 1 I 1 . h" Jane Addams .Guest "The Goose Hangs H1g , Radio Fans to Hear Local Next Minturn Offering of Local Friends Pianist Play Over WEBH at Honor Banquet Terminal 1 Barber Shop 1 Meals that satisfy 505 Fourth Street I 1li. s ~I arcia Didam on oi 23R Du,·k ~f r. and 1l rs. Edwin J. Clampitt a;1d court. will go to the EYanston bo~p(ta! J tl:ei.r son, Kendall, Yisited Mr. <:Jam: on l·ebruary I. to take the tratntng- l pttt" mother, :\Irs. ~l: :\ . Clampttt ot 1121 ( ·entral avenue, la~t "·cck-end . course for nur~e:--. 1 -o- ~ A Special Radio Offering This Console Oriole Receiver Completely equipped to operate electrically direct from light socket Here is over .$350 .00 worth of radio. including the entire arrangement to operate from the electric light socket, and the tubes ... This console is the No. 78 Mayfair Model. having two speakers; and six tubes. This Week Only .................. $298.00 OTHER ORIOLE MODELS Oriole models .come as low as $12?.00. Whether for the large or for the less expenstve outfits, our expenence with the hundred Orioles that we have installed while we've been the North Shore representative has nude us one hundred friends. H AR D"W AR,B Opposite ~~L" Terminal WHERE YOU'LL LIKE TO TRADE 415 Fourth St. Phone Wilmette 2843

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