Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Jan 1927, p. 32

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32 W I L M ET T E L ·1 F E January 28, 192i Society Now Enlivened by Activities of Local Clubs Clubs Plan Bridge, · Ice Carnival and a Chinese Dinner By JEAN TEN BROECK I Bride True Kindred Give Two Lectures Given at Club Within One Week Party for Crippled Glimpes of the old world, spots seldom visited by tourists, and the tales d unusual trips, mat1ners and customs. rldighted an audience of members of the Woman's club of Wilmette Vvednesday afternoon of last week, when vVinfred Ernest Garrison. dean of the Divinity school of the University of Chicago, spoke on "Saints, Sinners and Singers." A trio from New Trier consisting of. Estelle Swigart, Frances Anderson and George Swigart completed the progr(lm with their charming selections. Problems ancl situations of the da\· comprised the tnpic of thr first ria~t of Mrs. Anthon\· Frenrh ~ferrill's second lecture at tla· \\'om:1n\ rluh h . .-t Mondav aftern:)nn. Chin(! ;1 1HI her trouble ~. too in ,-oln d and !t·ng·t h~- ft.r rrvic,,·, \H'rt' discus:--cd h~· ~f r ... . \f n rill \\'110 fe(')s tklt China · 11ltb 1 lllt' t'1 international Ia\\' for it;-; t·xi..;kn ··,. ;· ., a pmnr in the \\·:)riel. \f t'xirn. :\ir;t raRua. Gennan~·. all \Hre hrnug-ht int·· the lecture. as \vas the prosprrit,· ni the United State . toda~· and conditio11 ' arising from it. The secon d part nf the talk \\·as gi\'en m·rr to 1110dl'rn Ii tera··ttt rc \\'it h ·s pr cia I em ph;-~ sis 0n Arnold Brnnett. his theories and hi . , works. thr hrst of which, ~1r s. 1f errill statc·d, is "Old \Vives Tales," one of hi s earlier hooks. She spoke of ~far!· Borden who has written to refute l1i s idea s of the disappointment 0ld ap-r icels in vouth lw sh0"·inl! that \'t\Utl1 i..; fn·qnt,-ntl.' - clis-~nll··;·n· · d i11 nlcl :t !!t'. Ht'r 1\PXI lt·c·· .urc· \\·ill hv ·r!,·t· n \f nn rl:t ,.. Fl'hru;Jn i . . ~-------------~ Children at Unit Under the di_ r ection of Mrs . M. Kuelzow. \V. C., assisted hy Mrs. D. C. Coxen, Mrs. E. Rand and Mrs. M . Heinrichs, representing the Lake Shore Conclave, True Kindred of \Vilmettc. entertained the sixty inmates of the Chicago unit of the Shrine h ospi tals i(.1r Crippled Children Thursday after noon, January 21 . .The children enjoyed to the utmo~l the entertainment provided and did justice to the bounti ful supply oi rdreshments pro\'iclrd and sern:d by the hostesses, who were amply re\\'arded ior their etTr1rts b~· 1he L·xprt'-;:--ion:-. of apprO\·al an(.l gratitude. ;tn d t h t' happy fan· s of t h c ch iIcl r en. Tilt' Chira~· o unit, onC' c,f ten in tlw l · 11 it(' rl ~ t a tt· s ;uH1 l' an ad a h u i It and -. uqporkd hy . lll('lllhns of the Shrine. i., l11 l' a 1t: d at 2211 X. 0 a k Park a ,.em1e , :·nrl ~·epn·sents an expc ncliture nf 0\'Cr .~:7,i!l.OOO. It s dnors are open at all ·in! L"i to c:·ippl<·d children from 2 to 1~ ,.l'ars oi agt· regarclk:-;s nf racr, <'rt 't:d. color or rc:ligion, \\'ho='c parC'nh an· not able to pnwide prnpt' r treatlllcnt and care for thC"m. The rare i:: absolutely fret· from any r x: pens e " ·haten:r. · The hoard of goycrnor5 and Shrin crs ' i \\'ilmette gratefully acknmdedge t l it' --t·n·ice rendered 1)\· thf· mc·mher:-. <·i the True Kincln:cl. \\:h o han' estah1i-.1H·d a reputation for acts of thi s kind. This organization i .~ one within tilt . \fa sonic order for the pmpn:--e of t h~· prc,n1ot ion \'f cl1aritir . . The staccato rappings of a woodpecker in search of luncheon and . the pools of melted snow under a noon sun one day early in the week prognosticated the oncoming swan song of winter and the awakening social season now suffering its annual postholiday relapse. If it were not for the clubs stirring up a c t i vi t y, a news gatherer would find little of ...a purelv social nature to disclose at present. But there come s, an innovation. The Woman's ciuh of \Vilmette, which has a special niche for s0cial pleasure in its scheme of things, is 110\\' planning an eYening bridge in it s clubhouse. The time chosen i:-> Saturday eYening, Fehruary 19, and the purpose i~ twofold, to permit the hu sbands of its memhers to share in their diversion, and to add to the fund the club is accruing to enlarge it s present hui1ding, now inadequate for the demand s impo sed upon it. The committee is planning that a pi,·ot game he pla~·ed and that prize~ he proYicled for each table. Tickets for the , affair may he purchased from the following patronesses: U rs. R. 1'. Huff. chairman: Mrs. N. P. Colwr11, Mrs. Hayes McKinney, Mrs. C. A. Eldridge, Mrs. Frederick M. Bowes, ~[ r~. R. E. P. Kliue, 1frs. \V. D. Lawr ence . Mrs. Earle D. Lyon. ~f rs. Arthur .T. Dixon. Mrs . H. 0. \V eishaar, U rs. \Villiam A. Richardson, Mrs. J. M. Camelon. Mrs. 0. E. Thalcg, Mrs. D. ] . Davis. Mrs. A. E. Klunder. Mrs. Rohh Harper, Mr s. G. H. \Vehster, Mrs. C. R. Bixln·, Mrs. T. J. Moreau, Mrs. \Yilliam J~ohnes. Mrs. I. K. Stover. Mrs. C. Mile s McD on a I d. ~f rs. LYman Drake. 'Mrs. Geor~e Pattison, 1frs. R. \V. Tordan and Mrs . H. S. Griswold. ~frs . \Valtrr G. Mitchell will have charge of the tables and will take care of re serva tions. So successful and gleeful an occasion was tl1e costume icr carnival for children staged at Skokie Countrv club recently that the event calls fo.r repetition. On Fehruarv 5. costumes varying in typ e and l;ue will make vivid the scene anima ted 1)\· manv young skaters flashi'ng over tl;e ice i;1 the program comprising a grand "skatanade," races, a tug of \\'ar and fancv skating contests. Fred ('. \Veed ha,s the encored carniYal once more in charge. Indian Hill cluh is arranging a din ner dance for memh.ers and guesb Saturday night, Janna ry 20, unique in that Chinese food \\'ill he ser\'C'd rather than the customary menu, Clair 1\Iarcellt> Stu<li·· On New Year's eve the weuding of Miss Laura Crane Boak and Morris Hutchins Ruger took place in the church of St. Elisabeth, Glencoe. The bride and g-room have gone to Birmingham, Ala., to reside. Mrs. Rugl'r is thl' daughter of ~lrs. Robert Bun !" Boak of \Vilmette . Art League Enthusiastic Luncheons, Concert, for Over Talk and Exhibit A t r:' h"b't PI d f "lf' 'f R 't r · r:x . t l anne or Members of Music Guild n 1ss ,\ argarct \..O >ertson gave an · :\ sprcial lun cheon for nmth shore inspirational talk he fore the :!'Jorth M eetrnq of W tnnetka Club Shore Art league Friday, Januan· 21. at the \Vilmette ' \Voman's clul;, on "Art Beginnings." Shr illustrat ed her work by mea ns nf clra \\'ings in her quick. hroacl and interesting ,,·ay, and hy talentrcl children \\'hDm she bro ught with her for the purpose. An inter<" sting and exceptional ex hihition was shown hY \Vi 11 i am Srlmw<ltgen of 710 Cre~nleaf avenue \Vilmette. of the paintings clone whil~ ~fr. Schmedtgen and l1i s familY "·err traveling abroad. The fine c~mpo . ithn. atm0sphere and color of the ran,·asrs depicted thr henut\· . pots of l·:uropr, for \fr. Scl11necltgen paintrcl in Bdgium. Holl an d. England. Franrr. Spain and Africa. \.frs. Alonzn C'ohurn 0f 915 Linden an ·nue. \Yilm r· ttr, had 0n exhibit her clclightftll "r ttlpture and Charll's ~for gan. 1-lOl Hill street. \Vilmette. ga,·e a sp lt'ndir! l'xhihition oi \n!rk cbne 011 a recent trip abroad. .\t th e next mectin!.! ni the \\'innd ka \\'oman's club 011 .Fehruarv 1 tlH: rt· will he an exhibiti o n oi se ven ·pain tinlYs done hy \Villiam Schmcdtgen · oi \\'i lmettr. in additi~n to the musical program to he gi\'Cn by 1frs. \Varnc·r TT . ' Robin . 0n and Jo se ph Brinkman. The paintings " ·ere done while \fr . Srhmcdtgen. \\'ll0 is a member of the Xorth Shorr Art league. was travclin t; ahrnad last year in Belgium, H olland. England. France. Spain and Africa. Charlc·s \.forgan's fine picturec; anrl etchings and \.fr s . .-'\.lnnzo Coburn's pirce-; of sc ttlptttn' \\'ill also bl..' nn cxl1ihition. ·The musir committee has hL·rn in rharge of tl1is meetin g. und er the di- ' recti::>n of \frs. \\'illiam Sherman TTa,·. thr chairman of the committee. · \f1.-s . Hohinsnn, sopra no. \\'ill gin a group 0i yocal se lections :tn cl \.fr. Brink1nan. \Yho ha.; pla.'·ed \\'ith the C'hirago CiYic Opera company, "·ill play piano mm 1hers. A cla:-> s \yill he organizerl und er thr auspices of thr nrt and literature dl partm ent of the \Vinnrtka \Voman's club to mrct Friday morning, Fehruan· -l, at 10 o'rlock at thr club. There " ·ill he nD charge for this class, which \\'ill stuck the histor~· of art. It is the de sire of the committl'c that a larg-e numher of members take advantage of this opportunity by telephoning· Mrs. John Vennema at \Vinnetka 55-t. to make resen·ations. Entertain for Guest Mrs. Maurice Spitzer oi 40h \\'ashington avenue has as her guest Mrs . Sophia \Volff nf Dayton, Ohio. who has heen entertained at a number of affairs. ~frs. \Volff arriYed on Jannuary 9. Mrs. Spitzrr and Mrs. Ech·the Grossman \\'ere hostesses at a 1 o'c-lock 1 u n c he on on Tuesday, January l.S, given in honor of 1frs. \Volff. Luncheon was followed by hriclge and mah jongg. Mr. and Mrs. Spitzer entertained at a formal dinner party for twenty guests on last Sunday evening. January 23. Fete Wellesley Alumna lllclllhc:rs of the ~fusi ca l Guild of Chi rago, was gi\'Cn on \Veclnc srlay, Jantt an· 10·. at Guild Hous e, ilo Ru sh strL·l't. T(Je north shore committe(· of tlw guild. of " ·hich Adrlaiclr Jones of \\'i lnH·tte i:-> cl1airman and ~fr s. Jlar ~.Jcl ~herman, also of \Vilmette. i..; secn· tary, is happ~· tD announce that the t h i r <I .\\' c cl n c. d a,. of c a c h month 'r iII find a lu1H.' heo1; at th l' r.uild H ou -.t' :-; pl'cialh· for no rth shore mrmhrr . . . 'l'l1i s affords one a chance to grel't nlrl irienrls a11Cl meet Ill'\\" one . . :\ ..;nil's of ~unrlay aftern<·Oil ron l'l'rt" undl'r the s ttpen·i:; ion of thl' twrth shme committer is being plan lll'rl. the f1r -;t nnr to he gi\'l'n S und a,·. Fl'hruan· 13. \.fr s. .'\rthm B. \Vetfs. the prt's.ident of the guild. is c·nthu-;ia -;tic 0\('r thr \\·ork nf the 1~orth . hore llH'lllhcrs and hop e.; that the r0nr ert ,,·ill se n ·c as a tnl'ans to dra\\· t1H'111 rlo:-.cr tn their guild and its m·rk. The rh;m11ing Cuil;l Thtbt' "ith its ;tir 0i genia l " ·annth is inrk ed a real 11on1e Iii the musiria n and lllll:-.ic lo\'C'r. ~fis . Ruth Hypes of Evanston was h:)strss at a tea from 3 to () \Vrdnesda~· afternoon in l10nor of her house guest. M r". H. S. Gilhrrt so n. who is no"· residing in Lansfor d, Pa. Mrs. Earl \Vhite nf Evanston is giving a hriclge this afternoon in her ho~or. \frs. A. C'. r.ooclno\\' a1Hl her sister. ~Irs. Samuel \Vhite, are entertaining a small group of E \'a n s ton friends who are \V t:>tles)ey alumnae at a luncheon ntxt \Vednrs.rlaY f~r Mrs. GilbertGive Tea for Actor son at the- Goodno;,. home, 439 Hazel a ,·enue. Glencoe. Mrs. Gilbertson will , Mr. and Mrs. Laird Bell of 1352 ro\\',Cr road. Hubbard \Voods gave a The North End circle of the First he in F:vanston about ten days. tea . ruesday from 4 to 0, in honor of Congregational church will meet on ~astl Sydney. who has heen appearing Monday, January 31, at the home of The regular meeting of the Order 111 the North Shore Theatre guild's Mrs. 0. C. Eastman. 1027 Elmwood. of Martha will b~ held at the home of perform;1hce of "Henry IV:' The guests Luncheon is to .be. served at 12 :~0 Mrs. R:l,·mond C. Pearson. 117 Duprr o'clock. The asststmg hostesses wttl p);.~rp ~fonclay, Janu'ln· 31. at 1 :30 o~ tl~e host and hostess \\'ere the hoard ot. cl!rectors and members of the colllbe Mrs. W. H. Hutson, Mts. P. A. _o'clock. · llllttees of the guilct. Coalsen and Mrs. C. E. Tucker. Marriage Announced riage of ~rr. Tador's si-.tcr, \fiss Mamlc Ta~· lor. to . \\'. F. Daggc-tt · of Chicago, on ~f on day, January 2-l, at Orlando. Fla. ~f r. and ~r rs. Dag,gctt \\'ill he 111 Florida for the re st of the \\'inter. ~f r. and ~~ rs. Arthur T. 'Lt \'lor of 835 Central ayenue annou;H:e tl~c mar -,'I \. CIRCLE MEETS TUESDAY The Crescent circle nf th'e First Congregational church \\'ill meet at the home of Mrs. H. E. Cutler, 407 Central avenue, on Tuesday morning, February l. at 11 o'clock. M em hers of the luncheon committee for thfs meeting are: 1f rs. L. S. Bcck~'r, chairman, Mrs. Francis McCullin. ~1 rs. A. \\·. Maynard and Mrs. ].' B. Dt'nman.

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