Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Jan 1927, p. 40

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WILMETTE LIFE January 28, 1927 Showing New Spring Models Coats -Hats- Dresses The mothers of Pi Beta Phi are having a social afternoon on Thursday afternoon, February 3, at the Georgian hotel as the guests of Mrs. ]. R. Hakes. A program has been planned Tor the afternoon, with a social hour and tea following. · -o.-- Prom Chairman · Hoosier Salon to Have North Shore Day on February 4 The third ahnual Hoosier Salon. in "'hich many north shore residents are interested, will open Monday, Janua ry 11 in the Marshall Field Picture (~~~lleries. Chicago. The salon is con rlu cted under the auspices of the Hoo -.itr Salon Patrons association and "·ill continue until February 12. All the exhibits will he hy artists of Indiana. Frida\·, February 4, ha . been desig nated a~ North Shore Day at the salon '"hen thl're ,,.ill he a tour of the gall<'ri t.·:-, at 11 o'cJock in the mornit~g conducted 1)\· Lucie IIartratlt. who wtlt talk about . the I loo sier artists.· who ha\·c hrconH' quite a:-, famous as th e ll oosicr author:'. The hostess~~ _for ·;\orth Shore Day wilt he ~~ rs. Vv tlham :\ . Kendrick and ~f r:-;. L. H. Freeman ni \\'ilnH'tte. assisted by oth~r memlll'r . ; oi the Dau~htrrs of Indtana and patron :-, of the Hoosier salon. :\ mon g the paintings t.o he ~·x hi hit t' cl this \'tar are sen·ral whtch \~-ere made in tl;e -..an<l <lune-.. country ot northtrn Indiana. \ 'arious colh:ge:-; oi ltHliana a:·L· t o have their day:' at tht.· -..;d(ln. :\m on,_; thl'SL' art.' Butler. Farlhaut and l·rank lin col lege:-;. The lloo:-,ier Salon is an outgrnwth nf a de:-,irc t.·xpressccl three ytars ago h\· 1ncn1htr' ni the Daughters of Tt.ldiana. '"hirh has many meml>ns tn ll ()r th =-hnrl' towns, to di=-play the \\~.(~rk of the arti-..h oi their native . . tat.l'. 1 hl: meinher s oi the Indiana :-,OCtdy (~ t Chicago ha,·t· ahly a-.. ... i . . tt·d in tin~ \\'Ork . UNIQUE 1126 STYLE SHOP B. Coplan, Prop . Central Avenue Phone Wil. 240 3 I The auxiliary oi the ~orth Shore Sanitary Engineers' association is entertaining at a dinner and dance for over one hundred guests on Saturday evening, February 12, at 7 o'clock, at the Georgian hotel. The dinner will be given in the main dining room, and dancing will follow the dinner. I.a" renee ~r en?ring. :-<Ott of ~[r. and ~I r:-, . Harry ~le.ycring of Glencoe, ha ~l'lcctecl as gcnt.'ral chairman of tlw L'niversit\· of \\'i:;consin Junior prom to he iteld F chruary 4, in the :-,:a tt.· ·Capitol. !-.I usic ,,·ill be furnished lJ\ thl' Coon Sanders :\ighthawk orrile ' t ra of Kan . a=- City . ~I r. ~f cycring i~ taking a . ' his danc illg partner. ~[iss Dorothy l'amphell of \\' ilmctte, a Illemhcr of the Kappa 1-.:appa Gamma ~ororit~· oi Xortlnn:-stern university . Besides hi:-; i>runt acttnty, ~f r. ~lcycring \Hls a member of the 1926 I [ares foot cast and wa s chairman of the reception committct· on \[other's da.\·. He is a memhn or he Phi Delta The t a f r ;~ t c rn it y. hl'tll Wear A S·hirt That Is Professionally Ironed something different. fi-ner abou£ .. the smooth. firm feel of a professionally laundered shirt- it sets more snugly about the neck and shoulders. and you know it will re main clean longer. That's the advantage of professional launder ing. Our modern presses and improved methods of washing give your shirts a lasting body which resists soil and insures better wear. You'll feel ever so much better dressed in shirts washed and ironed our way. ·· Kindergarten College Aids in Hygiene Study ~fore than 5.500 girls in 242 rla . s scs in the schoob (lt Chicago are 110\\' -,tu<h·ing ·the Red Cross course in h;)me hn!:itne and care of the sick. accnrdin~ ·to ~f iss E-.tclll' \\. eltmann. dirtctor ' oi thi:- " ork in the Chicag-o chaptt.:r. :\merican Rtd Cros.s. Duri~1g the current month 4.000 ccrtt f1 cates. tssued on a basi:; of examination, wilt be giyen to those students who have pa~~ccl the course in a satisfactory manner. During the school semester ju st about to start. 5.000 additional p~ pils arc expectefl to enro ll for thts course. "Home Hygiene and Care of the Sick" is taught by Red Cross nurses who arc accredited as in structors; and is given ,,·ith the co-operation of the Chicago Department of Health, whose nurse:-; arc all Red Cro s nurses. and \\'ho teach the hom e nursi ng course in the parochial schoo l . Other Red Cro:-;s nurses are instructing groups in high schools, colleges, normal schoo ls, \\'omen' s cluhs. Bible In . titute classes. (~irl Scouts, and a larg ntttnher of industrial concerns. At the ~ational Kindergarten college. where they have· three classes in home hygiene. consisting of ninetythree girls, thirty-five of them live in different states, \\'hile five of their number have homes in foreign countries and the\' will he able in their . wort; with chiidrcn in all pa~ts of the ·world. to render emergency care in case of any illne ss or accident. Classes in home hygiene and care of the sick are being organized at all times at the Red Cross office at (Jl() South ~fichigan avenue, Chicago. T HERE'S IN FASHION REVUE :\t tht.: first assembly oi the :-econd ~emester of the !\ational Kindl'rgart en and Elementary college freshmen studtnts will p.resent the delightful fashion revue which they ga,·e before the T<,\\·n Girl's association recently. Costumes follo\Ying the i a , hi on s irom 1800 to the pre:~ent time have hn·n secured. and the modern girl's cln·e r mimicry of the walk and maneri:-m. of other periods adds an amusing touch to the rente. · Give the Weekly Wash to BILL The Washington Laundry Man · Valleyw M OUDt 8Ul ater C o. '6 o 9 Broadway · If you wish to live to a happy old age it is important that you take proper care of your kidneys-thousands of people die ~very year from preventable diseases of the kidneys. Physicians for over 50 years have prescribed Mountain Valley Water as an aid in the treatment and prevention of kidney disorders-this famous mineral water assists in driving out poisonous substances that accumulate in blood and tissues; it induces healthy action of the kidneys and tends to ward off Bright's Dise~se. Diabttes, Hi.gh Blood Pressure. £?on t let neglected ktdneys shorten your ,de-order a case today. -We Deliver- W hY N 0 t Li V e L0 n ge r ? I North Shore Branch Mrs. George H. B. Burke of 611 Greenleaf 4 7 7 7 Ninth street, who has been occupying Evanston. Ill. the residence of Mrs. George Barry at The·se Dealers carry stock and will deliver 92 Greenleaf avenue since her own direct: home was burned s h o r t 1 v before The Kenilworth Store. Kenilworth Ill. Christmas, is again at home. Mrs. Woodland Grocer, iiubbard Woods: Ill. Barry has been · s taying at the Orring· Rapp Brothers. Winnetka, Ill. ton hotel.

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