Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Jan 1927, p. 42

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42 WILMETTE L'IF E PAUL KNAPLUNDS ARRIVE Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Knaplund arrived yesterday to be the guests of Mrs. Knaplund's father and mother, Mr. and M·rs. W. J. King of 611 Forest avenue ·for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Knap lund, whose wedd:ing took place last June, have spent seven months 1.broad, and arrived in New York on Tuesday. From here_ they will go to :\fadison, where th e,~ will make their home. · January 28, 1927 Card Party to Swell Fund for Church at Champaign . Mrs. Bernard Patterson is chairman Ior Wilmette for the Columbus Foundation club which will sponsor a card party to be held in the hall room of the E dgewater Beach hotel, Chicago, Saturday, Fehruary 5, at 2. o'clock. The proceeds will go towards the Building fund of the Catholic ~:;hurch which is now in the process oi con-struction at the Univer ity of Illinois. and of " ·li ich Dr. ] ohn A. O'Brien is chaplain. Mrs. Helen Dawes Smith of 706 Elmwood ave~lUe, mother of Royal Dawes Smith and of the late George Bernard Smith, passed a\\"ay ~onday morning at the Evanston l~ospttal at the age of 80 years. Reqmem ma . s ,-~,·as held at the Cathedral Shelter, 117 N. Peoria street, Chicago, on W e.clIH'sda ,·, and burial ,,-as at Rosel11ll. ~frs. -Smith was the grandmother of S. N. Tideman of 1025 Linden a vc- Rohcrt D.. Stan-ley \ \' ... Roland B .. ·1ue returned Monday from a week's Ilane,- D .. and Florence ~mith, and business trip to Atlanta, Ga. ~~ rs. Helen 'fagucy. Former Local Man Mrs. Helen Dawes Smith Dies at Age of 80 Years Dies in Explosion; ·· Services Held Here More than Ss .4oo ,ooo was spent by the North Shore Line in I 926 for additions to its property. Since I 91 6, when the present management took hold, assets of the Company have increased from SI2 ,5o o,oo o to more than $44 ,o oo ,ooo. This indicates the constant building up of the property and service. Funeral seryices for Ralph E. J aegc-r 1 former resident of Wilmette, who wa~ killed in an explosion on Dec emb er 2R. \vcre held at St. Joseph's cemeten· <, 11 Sunday, January 16, following the ai-riva l of the body from Los Angele s. Mr. Jaeger was employed in f.r ,, Angeles by the General Petroleum CCir poration, and was at work welding .· pipe leading to the main gas line \\'hl· l a fire brok<' cmt in the plant. c·au..,in . . I a tremendous explosion. His hoclv wa , rc con~red twelve day s later frot;l tht \\'atrr along the pier, into which it wa , hurled, and was shipped to \Vilmctk. I I ~fr. Jaeger is survived by a \\·ii v. ~f rs. ~'[au de J aege·r, daught er oi .\1 r and ~lr.. John Fi:-.chcr of 1(,18 \\'i ~ I mdtc aYl'llUe, hi . father and mothn . ·l ~1 r. and .~frs . Carl J aegcr, <Jf Blll<JI11 I ington. thn:c siste.rs and thrc~.: hrotlJn , I 1'1! c\· arc 1f r :;,. Cia ra K n cch t ancl ~ 1i' I En11.11a Jatgcr of Bloom in gton. ~I r, I \\'illiam J agie of Linc)ln, Ill., \\';tl tl ·· i Jacgl'r ni Pructc,r, ~1 inn .. and l·:ln lt :· and I >tt() J acgcr of Blo(lmingtnn . ~I r:-;. \\'alter Hanna, ~I r'>. \\'ill ian 1 I 1 ! Ih· It a t1 d h ._. r d a ug l1 te r. ~ 1i :-. :-- \ · i r g i11 i .. II I .1i Kl·nih,·orth. and \1 r:-.. Fd\, i11 II oi t hl' CcurJ,,dan lwtc 1 <kp:trtl·,· j TttL'"d;ty evening- for Cali iornia \\ ht'i'l \I r~. IIan na \rill remain a nwnt 11 . .\1 :h·lt a n d h e r da tt q h t e r a r l' g' ·i 11 g 1 ·11 : . 1 I fonnlulu i :)r a month l>d,,rl· rt·turnil l' :() Caliiornia for a Yi:--it. ::.t l'\'L'll:i Every Hour I .\lr:-.. \\'alt . . r ~f. Uoo ..,t· (Ji 138 Pra irit a\·cntH' cnt<:rtain rd at 1 o'rluck lutll·l. l'Oil i:Jr eight on Tm·sday. Januar~· 2.; . i 11 h o 11 u r of It c r niece. ~ 1r :-.. E nll', · i llendcrson of \ Yhea t011. 11 r~. I ftndn 1 S~ln, \\'ho ha: been the gut:--t c,_i ~t · :· .., 1;-; t e r. ~ Jr:;. fo.< 1 \\'a r c1 A. Braun o 1 11 0, \\'ashinKtan an·nm·, i:-. thl' gu . . ..,t <tl ~I r~. Doose this \\·rek. -0- l . -0- ~.rr. and Ur s. ]. Benton Schaub oi 1040 bal>t:lla street returned Sunday from a twelve day visit in ~ft ..\iry . :\.C.. with ).Jr. Schauh': father. Jaml'\V. -Schaub. Correct Glasses Every hour t~ere's a fast North Shore·Line train to.Milwaukee. Seven Milwaukee . . bound trains each day operate via the Shore Line Route, stopping here for passengers. At other hours, Shore Line Limited trains operating to Wau~egan .make .direct con~e~tions at North Chicago Juncton wtth Mllwaukee Luntteds operating over the Skokie Valley Route. Use the North Line to Milwaukee. Enjoy clean travel and courtesy that's nationally famous. , For sc'lu!dules, fares and other in/onnation, inquire at ticket ofli.ce. modern eye-service 0 UR considers the utility - ,I , and the style of glasses. Our lenses are ground to br.ing perfect eyesight to you and they are attractively mounted. .I Phone foe an appointment Drs. Bersclt & Stone Optometrists 1 1 77 Chicago North Shore &. Milwaukee Railroad Co. The Road of Service I-105 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette Office Wilmette 2 7 6 6 Res. Wilmette 3881 WILMETTE PASSENGER STATION Telephone Wilmette 2 5 1 4 Baggage Checked Hrs. B:3o A.M. to 5 :3o P.M. Evenings by Appoiutment

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