Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Jan 1927, p. 44

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WILMETTE LIFE January 28, 1927 OIL TO BURN A Grade for Every Burner ' New Trier Drama Club . to Give Mennonite .Play The new Trier High school Dramatic ' club has something · novel in the line of plays for the near future. "Erstwhile Sus. a n" is the name of this farce of life in a small Mennonite communit,·. Seven girls and ten boys chosen ah-nost entirely from the senior and junior classes make up the cast. The characters are strange and pathetic. ridiculous, · and unu sual, and the nant es! Barnahetta Dreary and Rimak Schwenkfeldcrs arc good example of the cognomens that the ca t have to labor und er. There is a love story too. In fact there is everything to make up a good play, and everyone will want to sec it, it is said. The date of the play is ~atttrday. F~bruary 19. . North Shore Line Aids Employes in Educa!ional Work Offering the -combined advantages of university and company training to employes. the educational program started six years ago by the Chicago Korth Shore and Milwaukee railroad - the North Shore Line-now embraces more than 100 employes studyirw in universities and colleges of I IIi and \Vi sco nsin and in vocational classes within the company. I Among the institutions in which emI ployes have regi stered through an arI rangcment whereby the North Shor~· line assumes half of the tuition cost, arc the lniversity of \Viscon si n. Korthwestcrn university. Marquette ; uni\'Cr sity. Kent Co lle~e of La\\' and 1 the Armour l1.t s titutc. Oth.cr employes 1 arc r nrolled 111 regular n1ght schoob l at Racine. Kcnos!ta and \\'aukc ga u, as well as pa!t-t1me courses at th~ I ~1 il\\'aukcc City Continuation sc hoo l. Thr educa ti ona l wo rk of the rail ' road began with th e estahlisl11ncnt of 1 Fnrli=-h and American ization course" 1 ·n 1921. .\t the J1rC:'('11t· time Amrri ranizati(ltl \\'Ork is ronftned to the in ; ·li,·idual. thually in aiding applicant.: i1lr citizen:;hip. The :-.I'O JH' of actiYi : tit'S has steadily grown frnm thi s orig' :n a I h a" is o i t ll <· '\'or t h Shore 1i ne r d u' rationa l sy..;tem and the co-operatiYe nlan no,,· make!> it nn;-;sihlc for cm1 plnyr:; to prepare for the future thrntt!..!h arttial unin-r..;it,· training. Cn1;1pany course:-. off e'retl in~· lucie 1 nuhlir spea kin g. electricitY. ntcchaniral d !' a\\. i 11 ~. blttl' print IT:tding. :-lt()p arithmetic. automoti\'r engineering and ; air brake operation and theory. An ! exte nsi,·c program with additiona l IC<Jurses ha s been 'planned for cxccutil·ll during the prrsent year. BVGBBS A CONP ANY General Offices, 844 Rush St. North Shore plant, Howard at McCormick Blvd. Superior 6481-2-3-4 Telephones: Niles Center 217 Greenleaf 3456 Rogers Park 0982 !:....* · _!.. · · · · · · * _ !:_ · · * _ '!.__.!..__!_:!..__*_* · *__:!_._!>_ + · nJs + ···· ~~· · · · · · · "-.:!!_* · · · · · · · · The Little Marn1on Is Here May we send you a catalogue? Mrs. \Y. Frank :McClure ancl ~[h .-; Katherine :\[cClure left on ~ucsday. January 18, to return to Colorado Springs. They were at the Orring-ton hot el during their stay. MARMON NORTH SHORE 6015 Broadway Longbeach 6428 ,, c: 4J!!!~~~~~~~g~§~~~~ · Beauty 'Lies in Healthy EYES It's not so much ::he size or color I 1 1 McNamee Bowlers to Meet I Stanley Pin Men Saturday : The Paul ~ f r X a lltt·t· ~ f l' n ' :-.tor c ~ bo,ding tL'atll. Jlill'L'lll<tkl'rs in tht.' \\ril ' mcttc Bu :-. incs:-. ~len\ B :-H rling kagul'. arc to engage the strong ~tank, · and compan,· aggn·g;ttic1n in thn.:e ;natrh gante:-i ~Lt the troodwin alleYS in. tht· Brm\'11 building Saturday 11~ght, Jan uary 29. at 8 o' c Inc k The :-am c tra 111 \rill meet again ~aturday night. Feh r tt a IT 3. at t hc ~ 1a i n 1\ l' r IT at in 11 P a r lors .in Franston. Tlw ~1 c~amec team is l'(llllp~· i-;t·d ol the iollo"·ing: Bn· Field. ~f art in li enberger, Clare L"d~ll. E. :\. \\·c --t (cap tain). and Buss l'dtll. The Georgian hot.cl is g i\'J ng· a special lunche on and bridge on ~I nn day, February 7. The weekly dinner dances, which have hel'n popular si nce their inauguration, continue to llt' held C\'cry friday evening. t>f the EYES that makes them bt:autiful. Rather, it's the glow which radiat~s from them. Uno lessiceptalwayscleana!ld healthy, EYES lack1this alluring lustrt. Miilions of women throughout the world promot~ EYE health and beauty with Murine. It cleanses EYES of irritating par.. ticlt!s nnd keeps them clear and bright. Contains no belladonna. Ou" iUustf'ated books on "£~ Caw' or "E:-·e Beaucy" are fR££ on reqwac. Start the Day with Bowman's Milk ~OR zest, for vim, for all day .11 vigor drink Bowman's Milk. Use it with cereals, on fruit, and as a refreshing, energizing drink. Rich in all of the precious vitamines it is a health-food beyond compare. fhere is a flav Jry deliciousness in Bowman's Milk that wins instant favor. It has always been the standard of quality. Fifty-one years of dairying experience as· sures Bowman's Milk reaching you as fresh, rich and pure as when taken from the cow. If you have never· tasted Bowman's Milk, do so today. Telephone our nearest distributing statiOJ.& or order from one of our courteous milkmen. The Murine Company })cpt.. 33, Chicago · WILMETTE 55 IN EVANSTON llllllllllllllllllllllll~:t:~r::==:!::=:;;;;~;;;;;;::~:i::=oc;;;;:;~ IIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII !I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllllllllllllllllll -------------- A ·edueed sale in Lamps, Pillows, Shades. Furniture and Linen during t~e month of January at Miii\i · ·. Catherine Reckitt' s HOVSE·u GARDEN-5HOP. House and Garden Shop, Inc. 1720 - · . · ~ . '.·AL~lY Orrington Ave. Orriagton Hotel

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