Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Jan 1927, p. 48

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WILMETTE LIFE January 28, 1927 DID YOU KNOWTha't "Spell Land" by Sheila Kaye Smith, published recently was written ~n rgro? That Shaw and Arnold Bennett are among the authors whose letters were advertised for sale at u)hich they were very much incensed? That "The Memoirs of God," whic!1 was written by Papini several years before "The Life of Christ" is now being issued in this country? That another sympostum has been published of the religious be-· /iefs of outstanding men which i." called "Twelve Modern Disciples?" Wnllmm~ttft~ lnlbir~ry NEW BOOKS Fiction Douglas-South \Vind. Gibbs-Street of Ach·enturc. Kaye-Smith-Joanna Godden ~f arried. Miss Tiverton goes out. Parrish-TomorrO\v ~forning. Proust-Guermantes \\"a.'"Ta rkington-Piut8cra t. General Literature Kenul'd_r-Fret'-lanct \ \" riter\ 1I andhook. Tracy-Psychology oi Adolescence. Antholog~\· of American ~ong. Olds-P8tHllar Drawing Room· and Concert Songs. }.fantk -Bc~t Pia,· ~ oi FJ25-192(). Franck-\.agahon.d .f c ·urnc~· · Around the \Vorld. ~1 augham-Andalusia. Howard-(~lamour oi British Columhi a. Tre\;~l?·an-l~ngland ~ ndcr t l~e Stuart~. \an I \'JH'-( a use~ ot the \\ ar of Indepe;Hience. 1 I~(Jhcrtson-Histor~· r1i 1.:-ttin :\mcriran Xations. FOUNTAIN SQUARE EVANSTON Telephones University 1024 Wilmette 3 700 Rogers Park 1 12 2 "THE St·x IX ~PLEXDOT.'R"-Thomas Burke. Thomas Burke, writer of short Rut stories, has turned to novels. in '·'The Sun in Splendour" he ha" arhie,·ed a novel which is rather like a collection of short stories. Contrary to th<' usual modern novel he makr~ u~ carry along with us a number of characters quite largely separate from each other, one of whom we take a certain distance, drop. and run hack for one of the 0 th ers. It is like the progress of a single man pushing- six or seven wheelbarrows up the road. taking onr a short \Yay, stopping and running hack to bring- up another. Thi~ used to he a common mcthocl of non 1 \\'riting, this broad diffuse method, and would have recci\'C'cl less comment than from us for "·hom the no,·cl run" a simde ~traight course'. Rut the older noyl'l writers, whik they carried alon~ mam· characters often won· them yen· strO;lg-ly 1oget htr. . This ~f r. nurk.r ha:-; failed ~ufti ·cicnth· to do. Connie Giltspur is. f1rst seen standing· in the pouring rain outside thL portal=- of "The Sun in Splendour" puh. 1 :o.;tening to the strains of 1\f ozart and Bcethm·en which are drifting dowr: irom the little unstairs room. \Yatch in~ her is th<: ho·r-rihlc old \\·oman with " :hom· "he li\'(: " and \\-hCtsc crueltv \ f r. B ur k e r c Iat r s w i t h a t r u <: D i c k.('tbian fla,·om. Tt is nm· of the unlini~lwd threads of the hook tha : nt·itiH'r Conni': nnr "Anntil·" i:; ftni-.h · l'd ()ff to our :;atisfaction. But upstairs in the p11h i:; Chri:-t ophcr ~collard. playn oi thl' crnncl ,-inlin in the nuartctte \\'hich h i' iathcr gather..; together twice a \reck - and ,,·hirh is the nire~t part (lf tlw hook-Cllri:-;tnpher in \\·ho~e ~oul th( -,trttgg·lc of Art versus ~famn1on i:-. t<· l>t \\·aged. A number oi pe()ple~kak ;tt lc11 .~th on the mer it:; (lithe con te~tants n·t ' thn· rotl\·inn· u...; a..; littk a-, the~· ~lo l'hr~~. Then rnmt·-; alon~ n111cthing \\'hich speaks mnrc loud}·, . than words and whirh has won r,,.t::to ).fammon many who IJa\·c thC' spark - an almost unsought comnh:rri;tl 'Ill 'cess. The lHHtk has at1111>spherv. \lr . B11rkt pr{)Hd ht ktH'\\. thv "t'lTtt 0 1 . that in "Lim<:hCiuse :\i~hh," ]Jut lacks cohesion. A LIST FOR BOOKLOVERS The Copeland Reader -an anthology of English poetry and prose by ·-----------------.1 Jack Black I Charles Townsend Copeland Scribner's $10.00 Wine, Women and War J. H. Sears · Anonymous ~ Co., Inc. Napoleon Emil Ludwig Boni ~ Liveright $J.OO Islands of the Mediterranean Paul W ilstach Bobbs-Merrill New York, Not So Little and Not So Old Sarah M . Lockwood Illustrated by llonka Karasz Doubleday Page ~ Co. $J . OO · ' was u~c<l a~ a lead by ] ulia Collier Harris wife oi the editor of the Enquirer Sun, of Columbus, Georgia, in a stirring article in that paper recently Book-. ior the Childn·n':- collection in which she urged that the J uyenile at the Laurt'l branch in tht.· Laurel court oi Columbus should not be crip- school. pled hy the withdrawal of the city's Andress-Bm·:-. and (~iris (li .\YakL'-UP usual appropriation. Town. · Brill- \\'hcn l.ighthott:-.c:-. Arc Dark. Brown - \\.hist ling Rock. Charskaya-Littlc Prince:.:-. :\ina. I . Drysdale-Young Supercargo. i Forrc~tn - Gn: t·narrc Girls. Crenieli-Adriit on an Ice-Pan. ' Jlarris-Little ~Ir. Thumblefinger. ; If erhtn-Jack ()'Health and Peg O'J O\'. J ()rdan - 'l'ncka way IJ ottSl'. · 1 ~f ;1 rs l1al1-A udacious Ann. ~lt111roe-\Vhite Conquerors . I l'ear:-.on - \·c,~-a_~c oi thc Hopp<:rgrass. 1 Potter-Pic and the Patty-pan. P8tter-Tall' · nf \frs. Tigg~ · - \Vinkle. I PubfClrci - Oid Brig's Cargo. I l~ ankin-Cipsy !\an. 1 l~ olt.- \\'hc.:eh-r - ~ahara Iluntcrs. i ~ahtn -On the Onr!and Stage. : ~ L' a 111 a 11 - J a c q m·l i 11 c (I i t IJ c l · a r r i e r ~ton·. "You Can't \Vin " i 1 1 1 Pigeons. ~i ng111 a~ tt r- ·- Be ·.\. at Edgar Allan Poe, the Man By Mary E. Phillips 2 CL ' l t , .., IHl rg. - TIJeras and Tl i~ 'l' cm:n. Th<~tllp~otJ-Coldseeking on t hl' Dalton I Trail. Tho1npson-Calico Cat. \\'hit 11cy-Tykc-y. i ! ~tledd:n volumes S1o.oo Winston GARRICK THEATRE CHICAGO Uanclolph St. near Vlark Th<' ' lotion }Jfeture 1'rfumJ·h thl' Age. Two Vagabonds in Sweden and Lapland Jan and Cora Gordon Dodd Mead ~ Co. Ss .oo or WJI. FOX presents WHAT PRICE GLORY TH~llUNE Twice Daily, 2: IS and 8: IS "One of the Funniest Best War The Heart of Emerson ' s Journals Houghton, Mifflin ~ Co. P1_cturcs ever Filmed. P1rture ever l\lade. A 'I F.RICAN "Roclis Garrick wlth Laug-hR and Cheers. Greater thnn the Play. JOT RN AL "Magnificent." In Barbary . E. Alexander Powell Century Co. ~====-====-: rn-r! II II I Touraine and Its Chateaux Rome. Henry de Braye Gabriel Faure Two Volume~ from the Picture I' II BALLARD'S BOOK SHOP and Rental Library \\'h ct hcr or tnt \\"1.' arc drrlining the \\'hit<: Haec. that i .s, -~eenJs to he at pn'S<'nt the most agitating qnt~tion to the literary and philosoph ira! IIH· ll oi our time. The.v seem unable to rlo rb \H' would he willing to, wait and see. hut must continue to guess about it. The latrst of the guessers 1s a Frenchman. ~.taurice ~furet. \rh o thotwh he says yes to th e decline in his "Twilight of thr \Vhite Ihce s" tell~ us that he thinks it will he a )c,ng process. that we won't he snuffed out m·er night. Guides Series Tbt Medici Society, each " il II II I VILLAGE THEATRE BLDG. 1150 Wilmette Avenue Phone Wilmette 2566 .... , ... 'i--·======- Best selling fiction a week ago in New York was reported as follow:; "Galahad." hy Erskine.- "Rcvelrv" l)\~ Adams. "Cherry Square" by Rich~·nond ;;cnder the Tonto Rim" Zane Grey: Sorrell and Son," Deet)inCY anct - I "Sh ow B oat "I )y Edna Ferber. ~">· by

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