Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Jan 1927, p. 5

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January 28, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE Authority on China to New Trier Students -------------------------------------------------------------------~-------------------------------···· I Talk to · Baptist Men Sub1nit Stories in As the guests of one of the memLive Stock Contest bers, the entire body of men in the The fourth annual high school meat 1 c::mgreg~ti~n ?f the Wiln~ette Baptist · · · i 1 church Is mv1ted to a dmner at the story cont.est wh1ch 1s he1!1g. he d un~ler church Tuesday evening, Feb.ruary 1, the ausp1ces of the ~at10nal L1ve at 6:30 o'clock. The gathering is primStock and Meat board. ls now under l·trily a social get-together. There will way a.nd a number. of home economic~ I he a brief business sess ion of the· Men'ts students of the New Trier High school class. and the principal event of the hav~ en~er.ed. Preparation of the t'vening will be an address by Dr. 1 stones wtll soon begm and upon com- Charles L. Bromlev of Vvheaton Ill. pletion they. witt he forwarded to ChiMr. Bromlev ha~ been in Chi~a for cago to he JU?ged by a. ~ommitte.e of the past fiftee; 1 years. He has had an h.ome econom.1cs authont1es. .Un1ver- opportunity to study intimately the s1ty scholarships and cash pnzes are rapid deYelopment of that nation's h~ awarded. to successful contest- progress since the great revolution of .tnts.m ali sed10ns of th~ country, ac- 1911. He has been a student of China's cordmg to ~h: contest rules. international rela-tionships and his adN.o restnct10ns arc placed on the dress i~ regarded as most timely just :'.ttbJect. matter cxcel!t that th~y must now when China is vying with murdeal wtth ~11cat or lty~ stock. 111 s_?m.e ders, Hollywood scandals and the ph.as.c. Th1s plan of mstructJOn, tt IS \\·eather reports for front page posisatd, has been found most successful tion in the daily papers. h.y .teachers atl ov~r the c~untry, asCharles v. Clark is the teacher of the . tstlng not on~y 111 tea~hmg ab<?ut ~fen's class and George B. Williams meats lyut also 111 developm~ more 111- its president. Reseryations arc to b~ tercst 111 the home economtcs classe.~ t t Vl'll' themselves. sen o 11 · r. 1 tams. 1 :o These classes, it is reported. are considered of greater importance today than ever before as the ·trend is toward education to solve the many problem '"hich con front the h.1usc · wife. Home economics classes arc under the direction of Mrs. Tane \\'inter Lighter at Xew Trier. · The North Shore ~1 usical socict,· witt meet on ~londay afternoon, Jamiarv 31. at 2 :15 o'clock. at the home of ~f~s. N. S. Akel~·. ri15 Lake ayenue. \ Vilmettr. -0- SEARS TEACHER ILL . I street. \\'inndka. will ka\'e next week ~frs. ~follic K. Foreman, teacher at j 011 a month\ tour in California . I ] I ~ I I -ot H.~ osep 1 · ~ars sc 100. was confined I · , \\' H Sic el of 303 Senn1n her home over the week end hut ·' 1r:- . · · · g · 1 ·1 · 1 k tl 1e JO · 1> t 1 · \\·ee k teenth street entertamed at '1'1 a )rtt t-. >ar · on 11s ·. 1 · 1g-e party at her home nn a~;t lllr:.c a:. }.[ r . and '}.f r:- . 1. C. \\'illiam::- and their daughter Fln.renc~..·. of 850 Cherrj· Th ey Cost Yet- No More Betty and Bub Henncckar oi 101~ c~_rernl~ai avenu:. who arc i_ll \vith dJpthena at the l'.\'anston ho:-pltal, arc getting along nicely. Ie ve n i n g. J a n u a r y 20. · I -oI }.lrs .. Fr~nk Kun:- oi 17~- Pr~irie ave, nue ll·tt tht::; week tor Calttor111a. where I she expects to bl! for a month. Hundred~ of North Shore women will tell you from actual experience they give wear! The finest of silk yarns are knit with extreme care. to give these hose their fine fit and appearance. ' ' I "Apple Sauce" I . : I 1 r·-·--·-------·-~~-·--··-·-··-·-··-·-·-··-·-··-·-, · · I --------------------------------------------At $1.00 At $1.50 Either Chiffon or service weight may be had. They are made from pure silk. No fibre is used. With four inch lisle hem. heel and toe. A service weight pure silk hose, full fashioned, that is fully guaranteed by the maker and by I 1 . I ~ : Slang meaning flattery, Webster 1 : ' 1 f t I t Everyone likes "Apple Sauce." We like to be told nice things about ourselves and really want more. The Apple Sauce Cakes we are selling are not flattery but you will want more just the same. They have fresh apples and nuts and raisins and lots of butter in them and you will surely like them. Friday and Saturday we are featuring APPLE SAUCE CAKES in an introductory sale at 40 cents each. Be sure to drop in for one. Have you tried our Streissel Filled Coffee Cakes? They have a delicious buttery filling that gets right down to the root of things. ' I . 'Ii ~ I ·····----------------· ·--------------------At $1.85 At $1.50 I 1 1 i i A pure silk Chiffon weight with extra long silk foot. Full fashioned and perfect fining. Reenforced silk sole. A beautiful, long wearing service-chiffon weight. Finest Japan silk, full fashioned, and silk over knee to a 4 inch lisle ·hem. i = ·,! ! . I I I I I I . I I I I I j ---········--·------·· ········-------------At $2.00 At $2.50 Finest quality chiffon weight, pure silk from top to toe. For appearance and durability this hose has few equals. A Service Weight, silk from top to toe, full fashioned and expertly knit from selected yarns. ~ully guaranteed. 'I I I I I ···-----------------------------------------We constantly revise colors carried in stock, so the season's ·most popular shades are always here. Every price has a complete color range. I I The Wilson Bakery ' I 1· 1162 Wilmette Avenue '·-~------·-----------·---_... . . I .:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. : ' Phone 414 I I 1 Wortben·Carrieo Co. : 1146-48 Wilmette Avenue WILMETTE : : :

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