Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Feb 1927, p. 15

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F ebruary 4, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE 15 New Equipment for $600,000 HIGH SCHOOL Fine Omaha, Sioux City Trains WILL BE BUlLT HERE & Begin Work This Spring on St. George's; to Accommodate 1,080 Boys \Vork on a $600,000 h igh school building for boys in south Evanston w ill be..: gin in a short tirne. ADplication for the build ing permit was fi led last wee k. It will be known as St. George's High school and will be conducted by the Brothers of the Christian Schools an d suppor.ted by the Catholic pa.r ishes of the north shore. It will be located at the southwest corner of Sherman avenue and Austin street on grounds with . a 498 foot frontage on Sherman and a 318 foot depth on Austin. The site is in the rear of St. Francis hospital. A footba ll and athletic field will be located to the south of the bui lding. ... I . Ready This Fall The school building is expected to be ready for occupancy by September of. this year. It will be one of the several high school s of the sort maintained by the Brothe.rs of the Christian School s. The school, to be owned by the Catholic Bishop of Chicago, will be a red brick building with Bedford stone trim, of Colonial plan. The building will have 230 feet fro'n tage and be 176 feet deep-a three-story and basement s tructure. Large Gymnasium A feature of the building will be a gymnasium 66xll4 feet, with a running track at the second . floor level and a swimming tank in the basetl'\ent flooL The building will contain 28 clas srooms, scicn~e lab?ratories, sho\\'er ba~]11S, cafet~na and hbrary. le archttect of the school is Joe \V. 1fcCarthy. The contractors are the \V. ]. Lynch company. Since February l, Chicago North Western Rai lway trains Nos. 11 and 22, newly equipped, have been known as "The Omaha"-operating on the same schedules as heretofore, leaving Chicago daily at 6 :05 p. m., arriving at Omaha 7 :25 a. m., returning leave Omaha 6 :00 p. m., arriving at Chicago 7 :20 a. m. The equipment consists of new, luxurious observation lounge cars, latest type of Pullmans and new high back scat coaches. The dining cars operate through behveen Chicago and Omaha, serving tab le d'hote dinner leaving Chicago and Omaha, and a Ia carte breakfast arriving in Omaha and Chicago. The new high back coach and sleeping car equipment operated through on these trains between Chicago and Sioux City is known as "The Sioux City," and these trains will also provide observation and lounge car and dining car service as at present between Carroll and Sioux Citv. Schedules will be as at present-le~ving Chicago 6 :05 p. m., arrivi11g Sioux City 8 :15 a. m ., leaving Sioux City 5 :25 p. m., arriving Chicago 7 :20 a. m. \Vith this new and improved service and the fact that the C. & N. \V. Ry. is the only double track railway between Chicago and Omaha, and is completely protected by automatic safety signals and a recently installed additional protection-the au.tomatic train .control, patrons arc furnished the very be st that can be provided in transportation between these cities. FEBRUARY· CLEARANCE ...-17...WRAPS including imports, some Fur Trimmed former values up to $135.00 FOR QUICK CLEARANCE $25 1 '$35 Wraps $45 Sportswear EVA KARON SCHUR 6os Chicago Ave., Evanston Gowns Arden Shore Board Meets . , I Asks for Boys' Clothing The \Vilmette Arden Shore board met on Thursday, February 10, at the hCJme of ~frs. D. L. Tavlor, 849 Michigan avenue, for its r~gular month ly meeting. The meeting was from 10:30 . o'clock to -t, anci the members devoted t the day t::> Se\\'ing. arriett unntngham Is I The board has se nt out an app.eal for Roycemore Prom Leader more clothing for the camp. There The Roycemor e Uppe r school h e ld \\·ere fifty - fi\'c boys there last mon t h, its prom last F r iday even ing, J a nuary a~HI the supply !1~s rm~ low. . Anyone 28, at the Roycemorc gymnasium. Miss "ho . has old :,\\Cater:,, h~a\y W?ol Harriett Cunningham, president of the stock111gs an~l other. clot lung whtch Roycemore Commonwealt h, led the they ."'ould lt ~c to ~tve ar.e asked to prom. Louise McCov was the chai r - send tt to the mcl u stnal chamnan, Mrs. I man of the program~ D orothy \Velch F uchs. was chairman o f t he decorat io n s a n d Ann B r adfor d was chai r man of r e~I r. vnd ~Irs. P. J. K lapperic h of 412 f resh m ents. Central avenue gaYe a dinner party Fou r Royce m or e students ente rtain- on T uesday n·ening. February 1, for ed at d inn er Friday eveni n g at th e the fami ly and relat ives, in hono r of Geor gian h ot el, la t er t aking their her nephew, Cyril L. P hiel, the for m er l. guests t o the Roycemo r e p r o m . Th e Am eric:an Consu l to Colombo, Ceylo n , hostesses we r e Miss D or ot hy We lsh British East Indies. 11r. Ph iel is 1'fiss E li zabe t h Cam pbell and M is ~ leaving for his new po_t at London, Mary Green. Cove r s were p laced fo r E ng land, o n S u nday. His mot her a nd fifty g uests. si>'tcr \\' ill accompany him. H . C . I ·xEilP'S THI: P'OOT WE LL· Clearance Sale:! Not all sizes in each sty)e, but you will find all sizes in the entire group at one low Price. HAIG 0. CARTOZIAN Importer of FINE ORIENtAL RUGS Expert Cleaning and Repairing- Hand Work Only We Give Long Life to ·Your Rugs If you want work done right, call University 5236 Open Evenings 20%011 20%011 all cut steel and Rhinestone Buckles. on all Comfy Slippers. TH8 COURTEOUS PROMPT SERVICE ··~6.30~C~h·u~r·c~h~S~t·~~~-~ ,. y y y y y y y .. f1 ARCH PRES INC. SHOE SHQP~~-~~~~~E~va~n··~to·D~~ I""Y y y y y y y y ·~

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