18 WILMETTE LIF~ February 4, 19~ E. Seymour Burge Wins - New Trier Essay Award E. Seymour Burge has won first prize in the annual Otto R. Barnett Prize Essay contes! at New Trier High school. Burge's essay bears the title, "The Problem of Chicago's Sewage Disposal." Florence Burnham won second place with "Immigratiou Since the \Vorld \Var," and third place was won by an essay on this subject, "The Other Side of the Immigration Question" by Ruth Hinchliff. All these essays were exceptionally good, it was stated, anrl as a result the judges' decision was not una11imous upon the eight essays submitted. The resident of Evanston, and alumnus of judges were C. Lisle Smith, lawyer, Xew Trier; Mr. Metzel, banker, and resident of Elgin: and Mr s. \Vinthrop Girting of Glencoe. West Shore Suburbs in Path of Harlem 100-Foot Highway Which would you buy if you had five or six hundred dollars to invest in transportation-a small new car, or a larger and higher ·grade used car? The answer is obvious to anyone who looks over our selection and k·n ows our reputation for . honest values. C. M. McDONALD 1 o 1 9 Davis Srrttt Phones: Univ_,ersiry 114, Wilmette 124 A USE-D CAR IS ONLY AS DE-PE-NDABLEAS THE- DE-ALE-R. WHO SE-LLS IT Whatever's Newest Is Here. At this time, you naturally prefer invest·· ing in DRESSES of latest shades and materials, with . smartest style features for spring. You will find us completely stocked for present and future needs-better values as low as $25.00, rock bottom throughout the se9:son. To be a "few jumps ahead" of every expectation is our constant stride. The promotion and extension of the new through highway up through the north shore vi_ llages, has an important counterpart in similar line of road improvemcnt through the north shore's sister villages to the "rest, in the pro- . posed Harlem avenue, a 100-foot road ·from the south line of Cook county to the north line of the county. Glenview's Village council met last week to consider the postponed hearing of the opening of Harlem avenue through that village. The hearing at that time was ag_ ain postponed until March 15, when additional progress is anticipated toward furtherance of the plans. The Glenview News last week. comments: '·' P~obably the main rea son for the postponement of the hearing is the fact Miss Elizabeth Fitch arrived Tues- that at the present time the county, day to visit Mr. and Mrs. Claude E. in conjunction with the Harlem AveFitch of 1033 Elmwood avenue, f.rom nue Improvement association, is work \\"ashington, D. C., where she has ing on the dedication of a 100-foot completed a course in the Walter Reed street from the south line of Cook hospital. Miss Fitch will leave on co,~mty to the nor~h line of t hr county. ~[onday for East Orange, K. ]., to take . T~e la!ld, as tar a!'! .Touhy a\·cm!t' up her work in a hospital there . . tn Ntles, ts aJr~ad.r dcdt~ated fo~ tht-p.urpose, accord mg to \\'. \ V. H tc kry. ~ of the Lonnquist Realty company. who ~f r. and Mrs. I. K. Sto ~r of 10~4 is the head · of the commit tn· \\·or king A.:-.hland avenue . entertain . at dinner on the matter for the Harlrm :\ n ·ior sixteen guests on Satt11 · ty nenin!f. nue Improvement a5sociatiotL January 29. On Saturday, J anuary 22, '·Between Gletl\·ic\\' and ~ik~. acI they also ga\'e a dinn er, at \\'hich th ey cording· to i\f r. H ickC'\·, t hrre are but entertained th e !'lame numbe r of g uc -h. 5ix land owner-., \\'hP r~·itl'i~' to dcdiratt· -- - - - ·--'- - - - - - - - - - their land ic1r t lw projl'ct. ·I l o \\'C \·er. he expect:-: -.,at i:-- iacton- arram.!,'t'llh.'n t' 'can he m;11lt- for tlH: rompkt ion r·i the ri ght -of -way. "\Yhen the rc·acl ha:-- hn·n dcdirat'rd the County ho;trd "ill r·pl'n a 100-font rnncrl'tt· road thro ugh the county. and . .,.., Clcn,·i t,.,- is in the litH' oi the nc\\' "Ired. it i..; cxpC'ctecl that a :-- imil ar road \\'ill IH' put tltrl·ugh that Yillagr hy the cnnnt'; nigll\\·ay rkparttnt·n . ... · Alpha Phi Alumnae to Give Benefit Party February 5 T 11 e Alpha Phi alumnar. a ~,i, t t·d !)\' tlll'mhcrs oi thr act in chapt rr oi t he Cni,·crsit~· oi lllin 8 i ~ . arr to g iY c a hl' n('ht card party at the 'Illin ois \Votnan\ Athletic cluh on Sat urda\· after' l i ·O n. F('hruan· 5. nt 2 n'rl oc k . · The narty is for ti1c benefit n i · the hou se ittnd. Ahont sixty tables arc exp ec ted ·o he filled. ~I iss H elen E\'atJS of \Yilmrtte i:; 11 11 e of the committee of thrre in t'harl;e. the others being Mis s \farga·-et Gardiner anrl Miss Mildred Thaver both of Chicago. The members of -th~ '~ctive chapter who are assisting are: ~ranees Howard of \Vilmette, Dorothy ~teele of Glencoe, Hazel Starr and \f ary ] ane Cox of Chicago, Virginia r.~~mh of Oak Park and Nan Gilpin of Riverside. · Final Clearance, seasonable cloth and silk FROCKS as low as $7.75. Hart Schaffner & Marx stunning Spring COATS, $37.50 up. TO HEAR OF ENCLAND The art and lit erature department of the Neighbors witt have a meeting on Tuesday morning, February 8, at 10:15 n'clock, at the home of Mrs. Charles Howe, 240 Kenilworth avenue. Miss S~anwood of New Trier High school will speak on "Some English Cathedrals" and Mrs. Lewis B. Walton will 'Peak on "The · Medieval Town and Ca~tle." On Tuesday, February 1. the Netghbors held their regular meeting. Emoygene Grinnell, an interior decorator, spoke to the members of the cluh. Mr. anrl Mrs. Thos. E. Thompsot1, · I C. S. Breckenridge, Pres. 1606 Chicago Ave., at Davis St., Evanston 11311 Ashland avenue, left on Monday. T;nuary. 24, f0r a week's .visit in New York ctty. On Saturday tl1ry journe~·ed to Jacksonville ln· hoat and latrr ".'ent to S::trasota, · Fl~.. ~·here they \\'til spend the month of Fehrnary