Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Feb 1927, p. 6

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6 WILMETTE LIFE February 11, 1927 A. S. VaD Deusen Seller of Good Fo, od Central Ave. and 12th Street Phone Grocery 510-511-512-513 Meat 514 . $1.00 SALE FEB. 14th·15th SUGAR. T he finest quality of Can e FLORIDA ORANGES. \Yhile our present stock r~a~~~-~a.t~~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SI.00 80 s.ize. 1-Ieavy, S I.OO FLORIDA GRAPE FRUIT. pcr~~;.fr~~~-........................... SI.OO A~~tb~~: -~~~~e·c·t. f.~r. ~~~~~~:~ ~)~t~it.t~·. s I.oo AMERICAN FAMILY SOAP CHIPS. 'l'wo 3 1\yq .cakes of Cocoa Hard- d.' I oo cJ · la~~~~~~l·y· ........................... .l:r. . lb. p~gs._ 1'-irk'~ \\·ate t Castt1e Free. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALUMINUM DEEP FAT FRIERS and 1 lb. can · Other Communities A practice demonstration of the vanous phases of Scout activity wi!l .be given at the Kenilwort~l Commumty VJhile the epidemic of measles in gymnasium Friday evenmg, February manv other communities is increasing. 11, for the purpose of giving the the favorable condition which has exScouts an opportunity to prepare for istcd in Kenilworth and \Vinnctka the big North Shore Area Scout rail:· ~ till continues, according to Dr. H. which will be . held on February 2.1. A. Orvis, health officer for these twn Preparations have been made accord- villages. He says, at pre.sent th~rc arc ing to Scoutmaster Robert \V. Town- no c;1ses of measles 111 Kcmlworth ley, to take care of seating the g~nerv.l and tl1ere arc only three in. \Vinnetka. public, who arc urged to tak~ thts .opDr. Orvis called attent10n to the portunity of seeing the boys 111 actwn. increa se in the number. of c<~se s of As a special feature of the progrant, whooping cough. espcnally 111 thr Ken Min·nard's latest \\"es tern picture Hubbard \Voods school zone. At pres\Yill be s-hown throug~1 .the ~ourte . y_ .of Ie.nt, h~ sa id thcr~· is ht~t .one case ~f Roy C. Seery, an oA1ctal ot the . Ftt st whoopmg cough 111 Kemh\ <:>rth. Th~t e National Pictures·' corporation, pro- · ha\'e hce n a fc\\' case:' ol whooptng ducers of the film . rono·h there in the recent past. hu t The program ha:' hl'l'll arranged ;t:- the):- ha\"C been released, ·he said. . foiiO\vs: \fathers are warned by Dr. Or\'1-.. Event 1, Scout drill team . , composed to take due not<.' o f _any <;p;~smn<~ic or oi eight boys and a sco ut leader. Ipersistent cough whtch the1r chtl.<lt:en Event 2. Kn ot tying ht'hH·cn teams ! might dcn·lot), and haYe a phystc1an composed of five Scouts each. :-;ec thrm . There ha,·e hce_n a great Event 3, Semaphore he tween teanJ . ; j man)· . exposu~cs. o! whonpmg rough. of four boys each. , he :<lld , and 1t ts unportant to watch EYcnt 4, ~faking fire by friction: the deYclopment of such cases tha t teams to he composed oi three boy '. still greater exposures may not rr ~~tlt. each of whom mu st make fir e. Dr. Orvis Si\YS most o~ th~ whoopmg EYcnt 5. O'Grach· drill with all troop, cough cas<·. arc of a · nuld _torm, ?ftcr: participating. making cliffict~lt proper dJagJH~'>l~ n1 the case in ttmc to prt·\-cnt iurthcr 1 J "E S C A P E" . MEASLES Invite Public to 'First Rally Kenilworth Devoid of Cases at Presof Scout A rea ent in Face of Epidemics in Many SI~OO Lycoming Engine Used 1 contagion. The Lycomin·g ~[anufacturing com- I p b t · Ch h pany. \\"illiamsport, Pa., has brought at res Y ertan urc out it s new series G eight-in-line enThe Boy Scout troop of the Fir st ginc, deYeloping o2 horse-pmn·r at Presbyterian church will he gi,·cn 3;3000 R. P. ~f. "It i.. ; a long strokl', spec ial attention at th e mornin g ~c rv L-hcad type, \Yith block and crankcase ices there Sunday, February 13. cast as a unit These features are in- Since thi s Sunday falls within Sco1;t corporatecl in the Elcar 8-82 serie s. ac- AnniYcr~ary \\'cck Dr. George P . cording to C. A. Fridman, of \\'ilmettc, Magill, the minister. will talk on thr north shore Elcar dC:·alcr. subject, "The Boy Scout and Futur(' Citizenship." . ~f r. and ~[ rs. Herbert A. Could, Jr .. The Scouts will be guests at the anof E\·an ston. formerly oi \\' ilmcttc, \Yilt nual dinner given them by the men of go to Delafield. \Vi s., tonwrrO\\. 1o the Presbyterian church. Friday eH·attend the mid-winter prom at St. ning, February 18. The dinner \\·ill ht: John's Military academ)·, as the guests in the Presbyterian church ~oc ial of Thomas Riley of 730 Lake a\"Cnue. rooms. in Elcar 8-82 Series I Scouts to Hear Sermon At the PATTY SHOPPE for DOLLAR DAYS Monday ~ Tuesday, Feb. 14- 15th De\·i l's Food or \ rh 1te Cake ... SOc :\ pplc or Cherry Pie .......... 35c 1 doz. Spice Cookies .....· ..... 30c Loaf of \ \ T hite or \\T hole \ \ Theat Bread ........ 1Oc $1.25 All for One Dollar 115 3 Wilmette Ave. Phone 575

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