Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Feb 1927, p. 16

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· 16 WILMETTE LIFE February 11. 1927 MONTHLY LUNCHEON ~ ' The north shore alumnae of Delta Ga mma will hold their monthly lunch~'alesroom con and meeting Monday, February 14, at 12:30 at t,he home of Mrs. BenThe .Ridge Motor Sales Co., man1 H B 11 10 jamin Bills, 700 Greenwood avenue, EDDING PARTY · Mr. and :Mr:>. Do~tg as . c , 19 W aged by Morris S. Reichelt and Willys . IN Cl , . 422 Abbott.-- ~ixth street, entcrtamed Mr. and Mr s. \ Vilmette. E. Gamron, is one · of the newest of ?\!I ss J rannette . 1 err~ · T d · I UcCiurc ~Ir. and Mr s. J. R. Mac Evanston's automobile concerns. The ford road, left Kent! worth 011 ue_ s ay I I· 1 a 1~(! M r and l\1 rs C 0 for Memphis · . 'd Tenn .. where. she ofIS her to l ;"'tImpson, (: .t_r an.< c o f \ ., xrt'l. t1lctt e , at ~ di.nne~ b 'd . t the company which is to handle the Hup- 1 weddmg mobile car, is located at 1823 Ridge )C a n esmai ,t '(. . 1 1 · 1{1c party la st Friclav ewning. · brother ] ames Cherry. to 1' 1 s .l!lc >n< eo. · · · · · annue. Evanston, in the new building F ' D k f , 1 111 )] 11 which . ~Irs. Bell ts entertamtn g at a 0 Inner , ranees oc ·en· o ·' et ~. ~r d · erl'Ctl'd In· l'om Ha,· and Son. Inc. will take place February 14. :\fr. and lmdj.!'C lH.~Xt -oues ay evelllllg. Both Mr. Reichelt and Mr. Gamron d M -k Cllerr\· ,,·ill lean· 1·ran h ave b een m · t h e automo b'l · an 1 e b usmess I< .1 rs.1 , t cla . for - !o.Iemphi.:; GeMge H . B eau d'111, J r., 726 El ·· mfor some time and are well fitted to cnt wort 1 ,,a ur ') · ·· \\·ood an:- nuc, who ha s been confined serve as agents for the Hupmobile in l M d 11 . Al~xander Reichmann to his home with a broken ankle for 1 the north shore territory. I of B~r:i ~gton~:--form~rly of Kenilworth, : some time. is reported to have re The n~w firm. has a .large sales;oom left Monday for l\ ew York where they ro\·cred. and .servtce statiOn, whtch. are eqUipped sai led Wednesday on a Mediterranean . -o.. . to g1ve the ~est of attent10n to owners cruise 011 the same boa t with ~~r. and ).[i :, Grace Pats!~~· . ot L111_c olu, of Hupmobtles. The salesroom and ~fr s p B Eckhart and thvtr t\\"O ~chras ka, ha been vtsttmg her stster, AINT isn't expensiveservice station combined have a total ;lat;~·hte~s. · ' ~frs . \\'alter \V. ~aldwit.l, 1015 ~Vii if s the lack of it that floor space of 7,200 square feet. -ollll'tte avenue. M1ss Patslcy arnved costs money. Every drop of Mr. and Mrs. F . F. \I . l·, de. .1l.=i 1 1a -.. t \\'Cek Saturday. paint used means more beauEssex road, left ~c.n ih\·~~ rt II T ur,day . . -o) . for South Ha\'l'Il, \ftdL, tc· attlllci the . bl\\'ard Rtcldle. 127 Lcrthng- lane, ty in the world · and more iuncral of :\1 r.- . t'nJt:', aunt. \ln . \\'innetka . was home for a few clay' money saved. Here you will joshua Smitl1. la st \\'CI..'k aft_er .finishing . hi" ~nid find the right paint for your -o,eme . ter exatmnatl(lllS at the Untver every purpose . . :\Irs. Gcorg·c H. Beaudin. i2tj Elm- -..i ty of lllin o i. . wood an'Illlt', entertained a il'\\ ' frirnrl'> -oOur paint sticketh closer at lun cheon and brirl~c nn \\'ednt·. . ~Ir s. :\rthur B. Adair, .320 '\lelro;-,c <t'ay, February 9. a Hlllle. Krn ih,·orth, is expected home than a brother -oon Fcbntan· 13, after spending ft \"t· }drs. Ho,· C. Osgood, 42.) 1·: . . -..c, rt~ad, \\'l'l'ks in ( ·:difornia .. · ~ Draperies Made to Order returned,;, Kcnil\\'orth on Jannary 29. -oand Estimates Furnished. after a fl'\V mottth~· . . t :t .,. in ( "al iit~rnia. '\!r:-.. . \\":dh·r \\" . Baldwin . 101) \\'il -omctte avcnut·, ~eturne<l Saturday from 'l'his is the policy that guides TIH· Kt·nilwot L h llntlH' and Carden ' a week'._ \· i-..it with hl'r aunt in Cham this establishment. V\"e hav e club met at the home of ~[r .... Rufus paign . learned from experience that we K. Portn, -l28 Cttmnor road. 1-: enil- ' -o~ must render unto th e public worth. ~[onclay. :\1 r .... 111 !111 P. Booth, 50-t Fifth :-; trcet. supreme dining satisfal'tion to -o-entcrtai.nl·d at hridgl' on Satunla~· t·n·sucreed. Miss Helen Grant o[ ~linneapoli s is ninf!. 1·\·hrua ry ~ . the guest of the ~Iisses Emily and I , -oTempting Ser&Jict Dorotln· Fore.;;man. ~]) E'> . rx rnacl. ~Jr . . . 1.. \1 . :\lil'n. 2.i8 ~ll'lrosc avc Kenilworth. ' nuc, Kenilworth, enkrta ined her bridg e ALFRED EVERS, Prop. -oclub on Ttu:..,day. 1 Mi:-:..-. Patty Foresman, 513 Essex , -oGlass, Picture Framing, Mirror road , returned to Kenilw orth :\[onday 1 ~lr:-.. . 1I. U. Edmond~. 37 Kenilworth after attending the prom at Cornell aYeHue, cxprrh to ~ail February 12, on Resilvering. Wallpaper, Draperies university. a cru ise nf the ).fediterranean. and Art Materials. 1151 Wilmette AYeDue I Ridge Motor Sales to Opens Handle Hupmobiles Kenilworth Happenings t on 1 ... . P 1 c:lo' " ' 0 PlfAS£ 81 PUBL~'c::l' ·u 0 1 Q&r 0 0 D 0 Wilmette Window Shade and Paint Works I 0 MAC'S Bowling Lunch 0 11 A. M. to Miclni1bt 0 lb~c::::IO' 'Oa :IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIWII!! Ill!! 11!!111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 II II IIIII Ill iIII II Ill 1111111111 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1U 1133 Cent~al Ave. Ph. Wil. 3493 n D 1 Mrs. Gilbert \V. Kelly, 412 Cumnor ~· }.Irs. \\"illi;ml F. Frl'u<knreidl. 314 ro~d, K.enilwort!1, entertained her Abhotbi<~rd road. "'l'nih,·orth, entcr bndge club on \\ ednesday. tairred her bridge club la st week. ~ 1 -o- Formal Affairs make close scrutiny of your clothes. inevitable. That is, it's only natural for others to be keenly in terested in what you·re wearing. So let's have that .15% Reduction on ~· · Suits and Overcoats during the month of February dainty evening gown or that fine full dress suit of yours for any Cleaning, Pressing or Repairing it may need. Choose Any Material of Our Entire Stock -----~-· 5 00 Different Patterns ,Schultz & Nord The North Shore's Leading Tailors Wilmette 1152 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wilmette 320 -IIIIIWIIIIIIIIIIIIRUUIImiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiUIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIffiiUIIIIImiiiiiiiiiiiiUIIIIIIIIHIImiUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIImllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIUIIIIUIUIIIIII

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