February 11, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE 3'J · S k Loyola gymnasium. C amp F tre par S I Miss Miriam Lewis' Camp Fire group. Chickagomi, 9f Evanston, spent I !------------------ an unusual afternoon Thursday, Jan - · ·· Word comes from the Paris office of the Chicago Daily Tribune, that Mr. and Mrs. John O'Connor of 149 Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth, are at present in Paris. They are planning to have your Camp Fire girls everywhere are look- uary 20, on an inspection tour of the to extend their trip un.til about the ing forward to the seventeenth of Grosse Point light house at Sheridan first of April. March. for on that day the organiza-~ and Central, Evanston. The lighthou se tion wi ll ce lebrate it s fifteenth hir th- ~ceper showed them the whole build day. Camp Fire was begun by a group 1mg, even to the foghorn. This same of people, but Dr. and Mr:-;. L. H.\ group has been active along other taken care of NOW Gulick figured as . most important. At- 'les. They won. second place in an tllCl tgh they had the idea ::->i a girls' , Evanston harmomca quartet contest. I I' ~ · cou ha \'t· a llroad acquaintance, good org-anization in mind for P1atl y years i Any ~iris .interested in becoming socia l standing· and r eputation in Wilbefore Camp Fire was e.;;tal>li ~ l~ed, it Camp Ftre gtrls, please cail Este ll e mdtf· , and know how to approa<:h and intt ·rt ·st inv~<stors.-rf· J)re senting a conwas not until ~larch 17, 1912. that Farley, Kenilworth 1392. servative investme nt hous offering sound Camp Fire was incorporated. And it rt ·nl 1·sta t l' St'l'UI'tties, und e r a plan enBuilding~ Remodeling has been growing ever ~int..c . The last W AL TONIANS MEET MONDAy tin·ly n1·w in Chicago, you can ('arn a · in co m 0 and qui<:kly build up a satiscount of the g~eater Ch!cag(~ di st.ri-ct \Vilmettc chapter of the lzaak \Val - Ian~·~ Contracto.r fkd f · li ~::ntl· l <'. \Vt· n e('d such a man or alone showed .1,750 Camp F l:c ~trl s, I ton Leagm' oi America \\'ill hold its \\'oman at \\'ilmNt P. If you ca n qualify, and ?ver three hundr~cl gt;.:"!l cl ::: ns. regular meeting ~fonday eve nin g, F eh- this is a n·al .opportunity. Phone Wilmette I 913 Tht s yea r Camp Ftrc w;ll ccltLratc ruary 14, in St. Augustine's Parish .-\ddn ·ss ot· call on 910 13th St. Wilmette its birthday a clay latr, ~brl:h 1~. \\'ith H ouse, one door nJrth of the post oi ~rn. LEWIS a ra l1y and grand Cercnw!ltal at Or- lice. The hour i.;; 8 o'clock. <;r()Ulld Flocor G:'i F.. Randolph St., Chicago chestra hall. This program will in-1 ---" ·- - - -- - elude repre scntati\'CS from C\'Cr ~r Camp · · , I 'fr ·' . 'atlcl 'f ·' r:- . r. p re~ t on B ur I'mg}.... ~~~r: ~:.o~tp 111 } 1 le Cit~·, an~1. ~.11 ·: 1 'r 1 .>.s. ham of 927 Forc:---t awnue, EYansto.n . l ht. tx,tct plan . for th 1 C\ c. :! til;.., '·' 111 1 ·arc being congratulated up on the birth ,.\ udits - ~;rste ms - lnYPsti gatinn s he B"v~·n ou t lat er. Everyo~ll' 1 ~ rnrdtal- I of their second . on. who was born 1~·. tllvtt.cd tr~ come and help t .w. Camp Sunday, January 23, · at the E,·an. ton ~ Ftre g1rls h an~ a wonder! ul btrthday hospital. Mrs. Bur.lingham \vas Kath( 'onsulting Aerountants & Auditors party. erinc Green oi 776 Prospect av·cnuc, 1!1 so l.aS:tll(· S1. ('IIIL\(.;0 Phone Ce ntral 9~61 Three Kenilworth Camp Fire-... Fri- \\'innctka, lcf'ore her marriage . \ halo, Tatapochon and Lntrulo gr<Jun~: arc planning a bakery and fond sa le for Saturdav. February 19 at th<.· Kenilworth . ommunity ·Center, from 1 1 to S p. 111. The proceeds will he I' divided according to the number of ~rirls in each group, and will he spe nt for various S(' n ·ice projects f(,r the month of Fel>ruary. Tatapocl10n Camp Fire oi ~cnil worth ha s elected it:-; offin·rs for the second se me st er of the Har. These girls will go in'to office tlll.til JUIH'. Th~ new officers arc ] ane Dement. president; Verna Timmins, vice-president; Gertrude U atthews, second vice-president; Jane Darling, sec retary; Jean Keith, treas urer: Hden Rathbone. social chairman; \farga ret Yanclevelte, program chairman. Three groups of \\'ilm ette Camp Fire C i r b \\' iII !1 n Icl a j i 11 t l' n t · 11 H 111 i;tl F r i(by ni ght. February 11. at the Baptist churc h. The gro up s participating· are Tvv'icc a year clear stocks of all rugs that have be~n here· for more than Tosholoki. ~Ir s. Hazel 1\eid a:-; leader; 1 Lrwa, ~I iss Flizahl'th Bul'llw. guard- 1 a certain number of months. Particularly fine bargains in this one! It inian; and :\ihi with ~[ artha Springer, I assistant guardian to ~[ rs. 1\e id, a:-; leader. Miss Catherine ~Ioorc will cludes hundreds of rugs already lo\v -priced in our great $6o,ooo purchase conduct and lead the C c rcmnn ia 1. ).'[i ss 1Ioore will soon take O\'er ~Ir s. Reid's -and these are still further reduced for this cleanup! group as active guardian. ~ Ir s. · Hazel Reid's Camp Fire group, Tnsholoki, md la st Friday night, F(·hruary 4, at the Baptist church. The girls pa sse d the .tests for \Yooclgath erer ;-~nd Firemaker ranks, th e first and second . degree s of Camp Fire. Litahni Camp Fire of E\'anston. un .. $35 Values dcr the directi on of ~fi :-;!) Dorothy ~lay, a · former Kenilw ort h guardian, Marvelously intricate patterns, with the rich wine has invited Troop 2 of the Evanston Girl Scouts to go S\Yimming each Sat· red predominating. Average size 3 x 4 feet. ~ urday morning in the pool of the Your Advantage I 1 Exceptional Opportunity for a Live Wire at Wilmette SCREENS Einar Holm-Hansen 0 INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED SAUNDERS SAUNDERS I Semi..Annual Cleanup of Oriental Rugs (I we FINE ANTIQUE PERSIAN MATS ~---------------------------· 68th Anniversary · $65 Persian lrans, $34.50 Average size 3 0 x 6 feet. Many superb patterns. SALE Week of Feb. 14th Several Numbers of Lugrage to be on Sale at Wholesale Pricea $395 Chinese, 9x 12, $24 3. $350 Antique Feraghan, 5xl2, $175. $3000 Kashan Saruk, 12x2l, $1650. $675 Lilihan, 11x14, $395. Lord's-Second Floor Fountain Square Evanston H£W '(OAK · E5T. 1850 (HICA(iQ · ·