Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Feb 1927, p. 1

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... . l WI 'L METTE ' LIFE A Weekly News-Magazine for Wilmette and Kenilworth VOL. XVI, NO. 20 WILMETTE, ILLIN OIS, FEBRUARY 11, 1927 PRICE FIVE: CEN1J.'S I PUSH WORK ON TRAFFIC WAY, MERC'HANTS' PLEA Chamber of Commerce Gives Unanimous En . dorsement to Through Highway Plan BIG BUY FOR DOLLAR! C. of C. to Check Merchants of Village Preparing Shelves for Semi-Annual Dollar Days, February 14 and 15 'fl on Cost of · r own Park Proposition w·1 FIND OPPOSITION TO TOWNSHIP PARK PLAN i l ~ j I ~ 1 mette Chamber of Commerce Petition le Circulated Opposing docs not propose to have its member$500,000 Bond Issue to Ac- ~ S<:mi-annual Dollar Days arc to 1· k · b · · sup ta en m Y any evastve campatgn quire "No Man's Land" ~ observed ~n · the Wilmette stores and talk in connection with the forthcom- 1 ;-,hops Uonday and Tuesday, February 1 The \Vilmctte Chamber of ComnH:rcc · it~~ bond issue .elec.~ion on t~e propo,~ Organized opp·o.sitio·n to the propo~e~l 14 in session »Ionday of this week voted and IS. sttton to a~q 1~trc No Mans Land $500,000 township park is developt;ng 1inanim o u ~ h· in fayor oi a r<:soluti.on ·As ·has been customary for several for Townshtp Par_k puposes t.hrough among the residents of the west side ·; O.f in t roclucccl -by Hoyt King, chairman of yca,rs, in conjunction \Vith these special the channel of a $,:,00,000 bond tssue. \Vinnetka. Robert H. \Vallace sta~d the civic committee of the· Chamber, event s, the merchants will offer countAt its meetmg Monday evening of that a petition, copy of which ; is lending the unqualified endorsement of le ss surpri sing bargains in exchange thi s \n:e k the Chamber authorized its printed below, was being circulated 1Jy the Chamber of Commerce to the pro- ior si ngle copies of the well known Civics committee, Hoyt King, chair- himself atid others to test out the pttbject of extending a direct highway monetary standard of the American man, to institute an inve stigation to lie feeling. 11any persons have alfrom :M cCormick boulevard in Evans- Commonwealth. determine the cost of such a procedure ready signed this petition and if · i't ton through Wilmette over Main street. i These special offers will compris(! to the taxpayers of the community. develops that the feeling of opposlt\PI1 1 The To\\·nship park bond issue pro- is general, a meejing will be called to · The Chamber of Commerce not only ' commodities in every line, including ~xpressed itself as endorsing this pro- the stoc~ on the shelves of dry goods, position when introduced bv Carl E. organize this opposition. Mr. \Vatlace ject, but offered its services to the vil- grocery, hardware, electrical appli- Sterner, evoked animated ~liscussion. said: !age in any way ""hich lllay be 1 ·ound ances, haberdashery, women's wear, \ ·' 1 'll age p re stdent · l·· . arl E ·.. Orner, who "I have ah\·ays been m fa vor o f IH'Cessar.Y to t:Xt>cditt· thi;-, unckrtakin 0 garage supplies and miscellaneous was a Yl::ittor · · · · · l ' 1· at the mectmg, gave ·tt as parks and protection of the rest'd ent1a The King was in substance as follows: wares too numerous to tabulate with- his opinion, when asked for an expres- character of .our community and, like "The \;vilmette Chamber of . Com- in this brief space. sioi1 on th(' Jllattcr. that the ultimate manv other people with these ideals, mer~e endorse~ the project for the ~xDollar Days are sponsored by the co:->t oi the acquisition of "\'o Man's mv -first reaction was in favor of a tensiOn of a htghway from McCormJck \Vilmette Chamber of Commerce, and Land" for park purposes ,,·ould he to.wnship park. However, the more I boulevard, north to the Cook county directed by the Retail committee of nearer $5,000,000 than $500.000. hav e looked into the particular p.ropline, through Wilmette · over 11ain that organization of which William · · f The committee charged with looking osition, the less I am for it. · It .street, b . y comI em natiOn. 1 nece. ssary Taylor is chairman. They afford a bl seems into the cost to the · individual taxpayer. to me to he neither practtca e nor l to acqmrc property, an d b Y spec1a a s- splendid opportunitv for a strengthcn~ess ment, .for the improvement." . ing of the bond 0 ( friendship btt ween in the event the bond issue is approved fair. The principl~ benefit of the proThe actwn of the Chamber was m- merchant and customer. by the voters, is to report at the next posed park would be to protect neighfluenced largely through talks by Rob;neeting of the Chamber, early in boring property from business encrt Kingery, secretary of the Chicago :M arch. croachment, but this property specially Regional Planning association and \V. Similar check-up work is to be do.n e benefited ~:ould pay no more toward \V. DeBerard, chief engineer of the ashY the Winnetka Chamber of Com- the cost than other property in the sociation. Mr. Kingery, by usc of 0 n;erce and the Indian Hill (south \Vin- township many miles away. Only a maps, explained in detail the status ·o f ' netka) Improvement as o 'at' 't ,·ear or so ago the people of Winnetka the highway in question, showing_por00 S \\"Ci S learned this week. S Cl !On, I ~oted tO take care of a simi lar propotions completed and indicating steps Sanborn Hale. tax collector for New sition hv establishing parks in their necessary to bring other sections of the Trier t0'--\'11 hip, is now looking forward \\·e stern . 'No Man's Land' to be paid highway to completiou to finish the to the time when he will receive the 1 for mainly by special assessment on whole. tax book s that he may begin cpllectthe property specially benefited. The· Faciljtates Local Traffic . ing the taxes. The tax laws provide S other villages in the to\Ynship were He emphasized that this highway I that the collector shall receiv~. these 'a sked to contribute nothing. Aside \\'otlld he u:-cd primarily ior tnrough hooks after the first of January. There . from the methorl of spre;1 ding the cost, 1 traffic from Chicago to the various is always a lot of delay in getting the The cent.ral committee of the Home it seems clear that the whole expense points on the route in the distribution hooks, and this year is to he no ex- f' a~ty, whtc~ endorse~ . the . present oi $500.000 will he practically wast¢d by trucks of goods from Chicago firms ..:eption, Collector Hale says, but there \ \\ tlmettc Vlll?ge .aclmmtstr~twn, has as it will not accomplish the purpose ~?.local dealen a.nd homes. in New ~~ al. o the. encouraging ~1ews ~hat he 1 called a meetl.ng 111 . the .Ytllage . hall of eliminat ing business from the · local1 ner. The road, 1t was pomted out, ,._ to recen·c them earher · thts year 1 on We,dnesda) eve111_ ng, F ehrnar~ 16, it\· in question. Our present tax rate would not be used primarily for Jhe than he did last , so he is getting ready at 8 o clock. is- high enough-many people think long distance hauls terminating beyond ior the collection work. He will advise The purpose of the meeting is to too high . Five hundred thousand dol· the north shore towns. Instead ).fr. the taxpayers of the town ship throu;h make provision for nomination of can- Jars taken out of the taxpaye.rs' pockets Kingery emphasized traffic with \\·run:T'l'E Lrn:. \Vrxxr:TKA 'fAr.K and didates for elective office:; in the Vtl· for this purpose means just that mu~h through destinations, would be routed Cr.t-::--:cnE 1\£\\· ~. when he receives the · lage at the spring elections and to Jess for other purposes of greater pu,b· largely over \Vaukcgan road and the h<;oks and is ready for the collections. make any modifications or additions lie benefit. The same amount of money otner new we s t tnrough highways ' to the platform, according· to \Y. A. would buv a good sized park next ltq which it is proposed to build along the ~[elchior, secretary. even· one or the eleven schools in the Skokie Valley line. The new road is urc enS · U to "All citizens interested in the civic tow 1 ;ship and every one of these parJc~ to be forty f~et. it; \~idt.h and the .\VauObserve progress of \Vilrnette are invited to \\·ould he worth more to the commun~t~ kegan road, tt. 1s satd, ts to be wtdened Those attending the Men's club come and take part in the meeting. than the proposed pa.r k." · to fo~ty fee~ Ill ord_er to take care of meeting at the First Congregational ! The d~te wa_?. chan~ed to \Vednesd~y oppose BoDCI Issue <·ver-mcreasmg traffic: . church \Vedne sday evening, February to avot~ confl~ct wtt~ the concert .m The petition being circulated IS \aS . In r~gard to the b~tldmg o.f the new 16, will be entertained by their fel- th~ Arttst-R~,cttal sertes at New Tner follows: 1 : htg~nvay through Wtlmette, 1t was ex- low members. It is the occasion of a Htgh school, reads an announcement. "'rht> undersig-ned residents of N~w ~lamed that the s~ate would pay for. special "stunt night" and an interesting Trier township a.re opposed to the pro· ~ twenty foot stnp of the P,roposed program is guaranteed. Dinner will e~~~ ~c;;· ~~oeo,~~m~~ndA~~~feel!~~~o~) torty foot pa':'ement, the states share be served at 7 o'clock. The program LEGION SEEKS MORE fo1· the purpose of acquiring as a town· of the expendtture to be made throu~h starts immediately after dinner -and MEMBERS ship park a portion of the eighteen acretJ t~e county. The Cook coun.ty commts- J. C. Crossley, chairmatl, JJronlt'ses of so-called "No Man's Land" betweeA h I d d $100000 W'1 p ost, No. 46 ' o f Wilmt>tte and Kenilworth, for the follow:wner? av~ a re.a y set ast ~ ' there ·,\·ill not be a dull moment. 1 mette ing rt>asons: , : tor thts pr?Ject, tt was e~plamed. Speakers are to be Fred J. Ne·w ey, · the Atnerican Legion is JOin"1. From the standpoint of utility as ~ . Catea Other ProJects. whose sut-J'ect \Vt'll be, "Law and the . h h . park, the undersigned are of the opinto~ M K 1 k f th l u ing With a 11 t e ot er posts 111 that the property is not favorably loca~e~ J: r. mgery a so spo e 0 e P an Profits," · and F. A. Cushing-Smith, who , · k · for genera.l township use, is too hig~ to extend Cra~ford avenue, alo.n~ As- will discuss "City Planning." . · IllinoiS next wee 111 a .statepl'iced to be acquired for . such purpos~ bury avenue, m Evanston, to J0111 .uP wide campaign to secure every a.nd that the expenditure of so large all with Ridge avenue in Wilmette, which amount of money for a township park in tur 11 , would connect wt'th the '-rc. BOARD OF APPEALS MEETS eligible person as a member of at any place is not justified, considerl.ng .1VI. 1 · ' the large number of existing parks owrted Cormick boulevard extension in WinThe Board of Appeals on Zoning of t le great ex-service men s or- by the local Park boards and villages, netka. the Village of Wilmette will hold a 1 ganization. Information re- tht> high tax rates throughout the town· ship and the more pressing need for ~n. h M r. K mgery. in the discusson of t e meeting in the Village hall Tuesday 1 :garding the Legion, its standcreased taxes by other public bodies, p .. r~ general scheme of road building, said evening, February 15, at 8 o'clock, to ards and mission are to be ticularly the need of the various scht>ol it is the plan of the association~ wher- consider the application of A. W. boa.rds for buildings and playgrounds. : . 'bl d 1 · 1· f oun d. on page 53 O f th'IS 1 'ssue tion "2. Froln the standpoint of elimh~a;. ever posst e, to eve op sectiOn me ] ens en for permission to construct a of a moving-picture theater and otler traffic arteries, and gave inte.resting gasoline station on premises designated 1 of WILMETTE LIFE. developments considered by som~ to ·be (Continued on page 4) s 740 Twelfth street, Wilmette. · . C<:;ol)tinued on · page 54) oc 1 Tax collector Hale A . R . WattS ecetpt A l T B nnua ax f I k H o1ne Party c ails Jt A dh t eren S to Meet Jt. . ebruary 16 1 l I Ch h M , Cl b "Stunt Night" I :t

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