Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Feb 1927, p. 46

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WILMETTE LIFE Fe~ru'ary 11, 1927 Glencoe Home Bargain Owner luving town and must sell at once this· exceptionally attractive home, only two blocks from steam and electric stations, facing large parks on two sides. This home was built for the present owner three years ago. It is of brick on hollow tile construction, with slate roof; copper goners. dow,nspouts and weatherstrips throughout. Only the best in materials and workmanship were used. Steel construction runs clear up to the attic. The first floor has large living room, overlooking the park; dining room with Colonial cupboards; and kitchen equipped with electric refrigeration. On the second floor is a large master bedroom. with French doors opening to a large sun or sleeping porch. There are two other very good bedrooms on this floor, also large tiled and beautifuJly appointed bath. The winding staircase extends uninterruptedly from the first to the third floor. which has two very fine bedrooms and bath. The heat is hot water, with Hardinge Oil Burner and outside tank. A 1 -car garage is attached. This property is clear and owner will accept S 1 o. ooo cash and arrange terms to suit for the balance. He wants action, and has given us a price of S3s.ooo, much below replacement cost. to move it quickly. This is a real bargain for someone who will appreciate the finer points of construction and appointments. For appointment to inspect phone HOME BUILDING BOOM IN SOUTH WINNETKA Meadow Road Area Is Scene of Much Activity as Good Weather Prevails As one of the many evidences of the !'peed with which the few remaining vacant sections in ' \Vinn ctka arc heing converted into improved home sections. north shore residents, it is. said, wilt witness this spring and summer the building dc,·elopment of one side, at least of an entire block. This activit,· is to be on the south side of Meadow road, the sout hernmost street in the village, between Ridge road and the Chicago and North Western railroad tracks, where George F. Gonsah·es, the Winnetka contractor already has underway four residence properties at the cast end of the block at its intersection with Briar street, on vacant purcha's ed some time ago from Johansen & company. house, to cost around $14.000 and on which work will probably be started within the next week or ten days. It will be of stucco on concrete blocks, with copper-clad roof. Mr. Hillner, also, is building for a home. Plan Other · Homes Negotiations have practically been closed for another residence on the lot directly west of the Hillner si~e and on which it is expected work wtll be begun within thirty days. Directly west of this lot is the t~ew shingle house completed some tunc aO'o and west of it are three vacant lots on two of which, residences are to l;e erected this spring, through the ] ohansen and company's scryice. Sin~ilar development of the tlurd lot I S under negotiation, lV[r. Johansen reports. · k Next west. is a t "' 0 story hnc · house, just being complct.ed, an~ west of it is a new stucco restdcncc 111 ~he $15,000 class, now under constructton for Benson Landon. Jr.. for a home. Johansen and company service also was rendered on thts house. \ V.cst of that is one lot, the only one 111 the blo-ck on which buildings are not now under wav. or 011 \\'hich building ·operations arc arranged for, within the next few weeks. Kenilworth Building Active The building boom of this. scc~ion has also extended oyer the hnc mto the I<enilworth area, where, 011 Cum- 899 LINDEN AVE. PHONE WINNETKA 185 u Builder of Unique Homes" The Home Remodeling Guarantee is only as sure as the accomplishments of the man who undertakes the job. A builder of new homes knows best pow to treat an old house; how to best remodel it into something larger, or how simply to renovate it as it is. Get my estimate on whatever you might figure on having done. Previous work is my best guarantee. On the lot directly west of the Gonsalves houses, on Meadow road, Mrs. Margaret Donkel. of Chicago, it is said, expects to begin within a few days, the erection of a six-room brick residence, with two baths. and an at· tached two-car garage, the improvement to cost between $13,000 and f 1 $15,000. The lot, 50 hy 191 feet was ming-s avenue. directly south o w ter{' 3 the Hillner residence is to he erected, sold by J o 1 1ansen and company o f 50 · \vork is to he started \\·ithin the next \Vinnetka avenue, through whom the we<:k or ten days 011 a six-room Spanbuilding and financing service was At f also · rendered. ish style house for Car! B. tman, o On the lot direct~\" west of ~(r:'. Chicago. This house w11l he of stttcco. Donkel's tot. the 'same company. on concrete block and will have an atwhich also sold the lot some time ago tached fire-proof garage. Its cost also to E. F. Hiltner, is now financing and will be around $14,000 on which financrendering building sen·ice to Mr. ing and building service will he rcnHillner for a six-room Italian stvle 1 de r ed by Johanscn a!Hl compan_Y. ij§ii~iiiii~~ii§§~·~ I tion. It was only la st spnng that tlus seclving between Winnetka avenue and tl~e Kenilworth limi ~ ~. was taken into the \Vinnetka limit s. With its annexation was assured paving and .all other necessary improvement s, whtch at once started building activities. Last summer and fall witnessed a start and preliminary arrangements MAIN STREET AT ELMWOOD AVENUE which hav e led up to the great activities out lined in the foregoing and EVANSTON which is said to he only a portion of what is to be done throughout this sec tion this vear. One 3 Room The ] ohansen company has he en exapartment clusive agents for the owne r. Roland D. \Vhitman, whose agreement with is available! Charles Joy. the original owner. r egarding development and re str iction s. UNQUESTIONABLY the have been carefully guarded by Mr. prettiest 3-room apart\Vhitman and hi s associates, to the men t in Evanston. Big end that the buildings now going in Ji ~ing room, 17'6"~15'6" represent the type which corresponds w1th large bay. Attrac. tive dining alcove, snowy and feature s this entire !'cct ion of the white kitchen with iceless north shore. cabinets, r efrigeration, etc., to delight the most p a r t ic u I a r housewife. Mrs. Frank R. Greene of 776 ProsTiled bath with shower pect avenue, \Vinnetka, has returned and dressing closet, Veneform Monticcllo, Ill. , where she sp<:nt tian mirror, special shava few days. ing lights and ft.n est built· in fixtures. -0- g C)Jre ELMCATE . Optional by the Hour ~laid Senlce Just one of the special features of this 100 % quality building. Call at once or phon. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Allen, 258 Melrose av-.:nue, returned to Kenilworth on January 28 from a several weeks' trip to California. GREENLEAF 2100 FurnlshM Apartments, Too! ILOANS WITHOUT ~uMMISSION On neslrahle Hom .. ~ nnct Apartment Buildings John Hancock Mutual Life laaur· A. )). l..A SGWOR'f){Y, Loan Agent 11~ w. Adams St., Chicago ance CompiUlJ Harry Bengston 975 Oak Street General Contractor WINNETKA Phone Wino. 2103

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